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Practicum Resources Wiki - 1 views

    The Practicum Resources Wiki is a collection or database of online information resources you can use while you are on practicum in the school environment. Generally, all these resources are freely available. Material is selected from world-wide resources with an emphasis on Australian resources where available.
Karen Thompson

Teaching Resources, Classroom Resources & Lesson Plans - TES Resources - 2 views

    TES Teaching Resources is where teachers share and download free lesson plans, classroom resources, revision guides and curriculum worksheets. Whether you are looking for SEN teaching strategies and approaches, VCOP activities, or secondary classroom activities, you can choose from 1000s of teacher resources, download them for free and adapt them to suit your classroom activities.

How are they going? | The Weblog of (a) David Jones - 6 views

  • from here
    • djplaner
      Here's the first of the "links to online resources". It links to an earlier blog post of mine.  But this is still an online resource. This is likely to be the most common example of "link to online resource"
  • through Tagxedo.
    • djplaner
      Here's another link, to another resource, but still the same type of link.
  • How are you feeling? Was happy and a little surprised to see some of the more positive
    • djplaner
      The image below (sorry had to highlight more than the image) is an example of a link to an online resource. It's actually an example of two types. First, click on the image and you get taken to a larger version of the image on another site.  i.e. it's linked to another resource. But the image itself as embedded in this page is actually coming from somewhere else online.  Another example of a link to an online resource.
    • sarahbenvenuti
      Hi djplaner This image has many words that resinate with how I am feeling at the moment including; clever, excited, interested and successful! I am very excited to extend my knowledge of what the wonderful world of ICT has yet to teach me. I just learnt about ICloud and Drop Box today from one of the teachers on the campus. Just loving how everything on the world wide web is connected and through accidental networking I can learn so much! Just clicking on this resource has linked me to another page with information regarding scootle and campus information. How beneficial! Who knew that pictures could be hyperlinked as well as words and URLs.
    Using this post of mine to explain what the phrase "links to online resources" from the learning journal component of assignment 1 might include.  Look at the annotations on this page for more explanation
Holly Hawkings

Assessment: Assignment 1 - 29 views

  • Average length of blog posts at least 100 words.
    • djplaner
      Average length = total length of all your blog posts for the 3 weeks / by the number of blog posts e.g. if you made 9 blog posts with a total word length of 1800 words. Then your average word length is     Avge = 1800 / 9     Avge = 200 200 is greater than 100, so this criteria is met.
    • djplaner
      There is no maximum word limit for your posts.  The length stated here is the minimum expected. Feel free to reflect and share as much as you like via your blog.
  • 60% or more of the blog posts contain links to online resources
    • djplaner
      If you've made 12 posts for weeks 1, 2 and 3.  Then 60% of 12 is            12 * .6 = 7.2 This means at least 7 of the 12 posts you made would be expected to include links to online resources. NOTE: we'll always round down (i.e. if 60% == 7.2, we'll round that down to 7, not up to 8 posts)
  • More than two posts contain links to posts from other EDC3100 students.
    • djplaner
      Let's assume you've posted 10 posts for weeks 1, 2 and 3. At least 2 of those posts should contain a link to a post of another EDC3100 student blog. The assumption is that you will also use that link as a basis for commenting on the other student's ideas.
    • Nicole Hargreaves
      So I did post on my blog last week and linked to some resources but didn't link to any other students. That is fine as long as I make it up in week 2 and 3, right?
    • djplaner
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Spelling, grammar and vocabulary of a satisfactory standard with few errors.
    • djplaner
      If your artefact doesn't use any text, then spelling probably won't be an issue. But the pronunciation, grammar etc may be.
  • he artefact is either too large or too small.
    • djplaner
      Maximum size is defined above. The minimum might be as short as 2 minutes, but you still have to provide sufficient information to meet the requirements of the Argument criterion below.
  • All resources appropriately attributed.
    • djplaner
      If you are using someone else's videos, audio etc. you must make sure that you are legally allowed to use the resource and you must attribute it appropriately.
  • All three components are present and effectively integrated and aligned
    • djplaner
      Your artefact should include - context, reasons and examples (see above for more detail) - there is no constraint on structure or location, but these should be readily recognisable.
  • There is significant misalignment between the three components.
    • djplaner
      e.g. your teaching context is a Year 1 class, but an example you use is from Year 5.
  • The reasons are supported through effective use of models, theories and literature (both academic and professional).
    • djplaner
      Professional literature includes the Australian Curriculum (and similar). You can draw on any literature that is relevant.
  • Examples of ICT integration are used to illustrate the reasons, but with some limitations
    • djplaner
      e.g. the example only illustrates one aspect of a reason, or it isn't entirely clear what support the example provides for the reason.
  • 30-60% of the blog posts contain links to online resources.
    • djplaner
      The links also have to be within the blog posts and not in your blog roll. The automated system only sees your blog posts, not your blog roll. As a rule of them, the reader of your post has to be able to access/use the resource from your post. i.e. a reference isn't enough.  It has to be a link that they can click on. The standard expectation is that the content of your blog post will contain links to other resources. This following blog post
  • Exceptional standard
    • djplaner
      An exceptional artefact will be an online resource that has been implemented without any errors, makes effective - even innovative - use of the online environment to capture the attention of the viewer/reader and show them a logically structured, well supported and illustrated set of reasons for using ICTs in **your** teaching. Emphasis on **your** teaching, not mine, not some textbooks, but yours.
  • At least 2 blog posts each week.
    • djplaner
      If you got off to a slow start (i.e. didn't post much to your blog in week 1 of semester), don't worry.  As long as you start posting regularly by the end of week 2 (or so) and reach an appropriate total (e.g. 3 weeks by 3 posts = 9 posts). Then you will get the appropriate mark. As semester progresses, however, there will be an expectation that posts will come more regularly. Also, if you write 9 posts 5 minutes before the end of week 3, some questions may be asked.
  • Use contextually appropriate example(s) to illustrate those reasons.
    • djplaner
      This thread on the discussion forum provides some more explanation of where/how you might find examples of ICT use that are linked to your context.
    • djplaner
      You should not be creating these examples. The examples should be existing examples you have found during this course or in previous courses. The examples should be as close to the context you are talking about and they should illustrate how the reasons you've provided can be fulfilled.
  • Clearly describe your teaching context.
    • djplaner
      If you don't know what your context is going to be. Make it up. Try to make it as realistic as possible, as close as possible to your likely Professional Experience placement for this course as possible. You may want to use a prior Professional Experience context, that's fine.
    • Holly Hawkings
      Hi, I was just wondering where we find this or when it will become available? Thanks, Holly 
    Thnaks for clarifying David. Is it expected that we end up with some comments on our own blogs? I have posted the link to my blog in the forum but havent had any comments yet :(

Products | - 3 views

    I use this resource alot during my planning, most of the resources are free, however, some resources like books you have to pay for. The website has pre-test quizzes, worksheets, online activities and games and printable flashcards
    I also found this website great last year when I was on Prac. I spent the whole two weeks taking the maths lessons and students responded well whenever I used it.

Curriki - Free learning resources for the world - 6 views

    An online site where teachers share a range of different resources including multimedia resources, lesson plans and up to entire courses. These are increasingly called Open Education Resources (OERs).
Susan McInnes

Down Under Teacher - 12 views

    First grade teacher from Queensland who loves to share some amazing and inspirational ideas, strategies and resources. This teacher loves to share and feels that she is becoming a better teacher by learning from everyone she connects with.
  • ...7 more comments...
    1. Interesting to me in a sense that this teacher uses a lot of creative resources in her classroom, incorporates ICT's (the wide web) to share with other teachers - which is helpful in a sense of gathering knowledgable and creative resources. Gives lots of insights into the classroom, and shares life as a teacher - and the resources she uses for her students in the classroom.
    Down under teacher is an Australian teacher's blog if the title has not gave it away for you. It appears to be particularly focused towards the Early Primary setting. She also experienced great difficulty getting in touch with other Australian teachers so you will find she has created a tab and encouraged other Australian teacher's to come forward with the names of their blogs.
    The blog of a teacher
    Very enjoyable Blog - loads of tips.
    Australian Primary School teaching blog
    I'm joining in with a fun linky hosted by Oz Curriculum HQ to share some tips for a fantastic first day of school. Be sure to head on over so you can see lots of other great ideas.
    Connecting Australian Teachers together, with resources teachers can use.
    Down Under Teacher is an Australian Teacher with some great ideas. Numerous amounts of details are put into the posts some really great ideas are shared.
    Stumbled across this Blog gives real teacher insight and also has great classroom ideas and resources.

Search - Scootle - 1 views

    • debgran
      possibility for A2 - content descriptor and scootle resource
  • A resource with information and resources on responding and creating digital and multimodal texts to support the Australian Curriculum in English. It provides teaching resources, advice and strategies for students.
    Yr 4 English content descriptor and scootle resource for A2

geddit - 2 views

    • alicefoddy
      This resource is excellent as a method of formative assessment or as a teaching strategy in the classroom to track students progress. Students are able to answer various questions, and through this identify and reflect on how well their learning is going within a topic. I will probably blog about this in my assignment as it is an excellent resource that I've used before. 
    This resource is excellent as a method of formative assessment or as a teaching strategy in the classroom to track students progress. Students are able to answer various questions, and through this identify and reflect on how well their learning is going within a topic. I will probably blog about this in my assignment as it is an excellent resource that I've used before. 

Primary Teaching Resources | Educational Resources - Teach Starter - 1 views

    TeacherStarter a free online resource, FILLED with online resources
Kate Petty

Crickweb | Early Years - 4 views

    Another good online resource.  This one is free and while it is British Based it covers most year levels; Early Years, Key Stage 1 (yr1-2), Key Stage 2 (yr3-6).  I have used a few of the early years resources and found the very useful.
    Hi I accidently stumbled across Educreators (similiar to Edublogs on a goggle search late at night). It is amazing I even watched a lesson about fractions. It is resources like these which makes me determine to provide my students with fun and engaging lessons - just which this type of teaching was around when I was in primary school. Bec.
K Lobegeiger

Australian Curriculum Resources | ictinearlyprimaryeducation - 1 views

    After blogging each week and linking resources, I wondered if their were any resources online especially created to assist teachers or preservice teachers based on the Australian curriculum. Amazingly, I googled 'Australian curriculum resources' and found this amazing website that includes books that are created for different subjects and based on the Australian curriculum.
Michelle Thompson

Teachers Pay Teachers - 1 views

    An online market place of resources created by teachers. Interesting approach given the availability of free online resources
    This site was developed for teachers who make resources and sell direct to other teachers. You can download 1000s of free resources, but also buy at reasonable prices. Great for your toolbelt.
    Amazing, my mum just emailed this link to me and I was about to put it on diigo. Glad to see it already made it here :) Lots of free resources and ideas.
Michelle Thompson

Sparklebox - 1 views

    1000s of free resources that most of the teachers at my work use. It is great as based in UK so has similar spelling to us. Some interactive but mostly printed resources. Invaluable.
    I have used this site for years within my daycare class. I love it to bits, awesome resources. I have also seen my son's current teacher use resources from this site too. Great free printable resources. Every teachers dream.

Resources - 4 views

    QLD Handwriting and spelling activity resources. You can download the QLD Beginners & QLD Cursive fonts.

Science Resources - Free Online Science Resources for Kids - JumpStart - 0 views

    Science Context, Science Resources for teachers
sharon Carrafa

Primary Teaching Resources | Educational Resources - Teach Starter - 9 views

    Free teaching Resources for teaching all learning areas of the Australian Curriculum

NFSA Digital Learning - Digital Resource Finder - 3 views

    In my search for resources I found this digital resource finder, for secondary students. Hope this may help some of you.

Lessons & Instructional Materials | Place Value Resources - 1 views

    I think this resource would be valuable for any grade between 1-4, learning place values. I like that it isn't overly complicated, and it is simplified enough for students to be able to work it themselves. There may be some issues with some of the students remembering the place values when the different columns are not marked properly.
Amanda Macey

Printable online resources - 0 views

    Here is a great online resource where you can buy printable online resources, that will be sent to you via email that you can then print and utilise within the classroom. There are valuable resources, covering all KLA's.
    Pity they aren't free.
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