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Megan Black

Engineer Your Life - Why Engineering? - 4 views

    This is a guide for high school girls to inspire a career in engineering.
John Marr

Recovering from the Need to Achieve - HBS Working Knowledge - 2 views

  • e is an HNAP, or a high-need-for-achievement professional, according to Harvard Business
  • DeLong believes the tendency to be a high-need-for-achievement type is embedded in the DNA, an addiction that spans across socioeconomic groups. Instead of experiencing happiness or well-being, HNAPs seek "relief in the accomplishment of tasks." Moving immediately to the next task on the list, they never savor accomplishments for long, he says. This creates a vicious cycle marked by a feeling of little or no real sense of purpose and a "flatness"—in career and in life. They often go through patches of life without creating or enhancing meaningful relationships, and even lack strength to deal with life's failures.
  • So is there relief for HNAPs from all this obsessive comparing and competing?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Letting go—or flying without a net—is a big part of DeLong's prescription. He calls for the reader to stop and reflect with self-awareness; let go of the past; create a vision or specific goal with an agenda; seek support through mentors and a network; don't blink (or fall back on old behaviors); and take action that makes you vulnerable.
  • I realize that most hard-driving managers and executives have been socialized to believe they cannot admit vulnerability to themselves or others. I would urge you to get past this misconception and realize that such admissions will enhance your productivity and career. So, consider: Do you regret any significant decisions you've made about your career? If you had to do it over again, would you do it differently? Have there been times when you treated your people unfairly? When you failed to listen and learn and instead directed and dictated? Do you feel you've been working at peak capacity in recent years? If not, why not? Are you unwilling to admit your mistakes to your direct reports? To your bosses? To your colleagues? Have you asked anyone for help recently? Have you admitted you didn't know something and needed to learn it? Have you asked for coaching? If you were to be completely honest with your boss and knew that there would be no negative repercussions, what secret fear or anxiety would you admit to him? Do you believe that you're in the right job, in the right group, and in the right organization? Or do you feel there's a mismatch between where you are now and what you want to accomplish
  • Copyright © 2011 President and Fellows of Harvard College
    • John Marr
      Do you know any students that are high-need-for-achievement?
    Harvard Business School Blog about high need for achievement professionals. Can this be applied to some of our students?

Reasons why teachers leave the profession & what they do next - - 4 views

    Workload and Bullying Main Reasons for Teachers Leaving the Profession A survey and interviews commissioned by UKEdChat.Com has revealed the main reasons why teachers are leaving the profession, and the careers they move onto once they have made th…
Martin Burrett

My Favourite Scientist - 10 views

    This is a great video site showing the life and careers of famous scientists. Find out about Richard Feynman, Rosalind Franklin, Gregor Mendel and even Mister Spock in interviews with scientists in their field today.
Vicki Davis

The Apple-Microsoft spat over App Store fees could shape the future of both Office and ... - 2 views

    In a huge turn of irony, at least if one considers how Bill Gates began his programming career, a spat over Office 365 coming to the ipad and Apple's desire to get 30% commissions for anyone signing up for the service if it originates on the ipad, may mean that office 365 won't come to the ipad at all. The evolution of the platform to tablet devices is critical to software companies and yet, many balk at the steep cut some like Apple take. It is interesting to watch, but there is a bigger issue here. Microsoft continues to have the best Office suite, but, as with Google Drive, many move because of a lack of ubiquity and collaborative ability driven by the walls erected by Microsoft in their traditional, but understandable proprietary system. I have to think that there are bigger issues at stake for Microsoft here. These are interesting times, to say the least, as I sit here watching Batman on my Apple TV streaming via the wifi and read this article on my ipad as I blog in the den using a bluetooth logitech keyboard.
Patti Porto

Why Mish-Mash is Better Than 1:1 | The Spicy Learning Blog - 7 views

    "In my whole teaching career, I've only had a mish mash of tech. Currently, we don't have a class set of anything, but we do have small sets of different tools. Nevertheless, at any given time, it's possible to be 1:1 on the internet in our room. I prefer teaching with the limitations of no class sets, because it means we're constantly reflecting on the merits of each tool for the given purpose"

How is the online psychology programs standing out among regular campus courses? - 4 views

    The online psychology program is provided by some of the best institutions in UK via online. Here you can know how you build a successful career in psychology field.
Martin Burrett

UKEdMag: Classroom Leadership vs Classroom Management by @RTBCoaching - - 2 views

    Few people enter the teaching profession because they are passionate about controlling behaviour or disciplining prospective pupils. Most become educators because they want to make a positive difference in students' lives. However, countless well-intentioned yet potentially ill-prepared teachers find themselves in situations during the school year where they feel compelled to use forms of intimidation, manipulation, bribery, yelling, scolding, or even false praise to make students behave. These archaic classroom management techniques often backfire- as they did for me early in my teaching career-and result in students losing respect for and disliking the teacher.
Martin Burrett

Why avoiding in-school politics isn't always the best policy - - 0 views

    "Schools are inherently full of different characters. With a mix of personalities, students and staff can often clash with each other, using different strategies to gain the upper hand, or simply to avoid conflict and live a quiet life. Yet, there are those characters who can be sneaky, back-stabbing, manipulative or darn right confrontational. It's these people who know how to play politics to win friends, influence and possibly to gain the upper hand in climbing the next step on the career ladder."
Walter Antoniotti

Career Optopns for Graduates - 0 views

Help for a difficult decision.

administrator all_teachers edublogger edublog

started by Walter Antoniotti on 07 Aug 16 no follow-up yet
Maggie Verster

Fundamentals of Childhood and Youth Studies (new free course from Alison) - 3 views

    This free online course was developed in response to the emerging importance of children and youth in international development policy. The course will give the learner a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of development from the early years right through to adolescence. The course will deal with questions such as: What makes young people tick? What shapes and influences a child's development? How can the adults who work with children support them more effectively? After completion of the course, learners will be familiar with the major theories on the development of children. This course will be of great interest to professionals already in health, care or development professions, to learners who are planning a career that centres on youth, and will also be beneficial to parents, carers, and learners who are interested in studying issues related to children and adolescents.
Suzie Nestico

Teaching and Assessing Creativity - WeAreTeachers - 1 views

    Useful rubrics for assessing creativity & innovation Catalina rubric on critical and creative thinking (as well as several other fantastic rubrics):   Metiri's creativity rubric   A great blog post on the subject by The Science Goddess, one of my favorite Twitter people to follow:   Good perspective from a career cluster perspective:  
Vicki Davis

How is extending computer science beyond 'the lucky few' | VentureBeat - 6 views

    Great article about the importance of Computer Science. This is one of those that superintendents and principals should email their curriculum directors, school board members and PTO's to support and encourage this kind of education. "This is not about helping the tech industry. It's about the tech industry helping the rest of America. Today, 67 percent of software jobs are outside the tech industry. If hiring computer programmers is challenging for Silicon Valley, it's an even greater challenge for every other industry in America. Tech jobs aside, teaching kids basic computer science is valuable no matter what career path they might choose. Every child can benefit from a strong foundation in problem-solving. As software is taking over the world, a rudimentary grasp of how it works is critical for every future lawyer, doctor, journalist, politician and more. American schools are struggling to teach basic math and English, and skeptics may worry that we can't afford to teach anything else. We'd argue that computer science is part of the solution: it motivates kids to learn other subjects. If a school can afford to teach biology, history, chemistry and foreign languages, it should teach computer science too."
Vicki Davis

Taboo - 1 views

    The Taboo show talks about things that are hard to discuss. The most recent show talks about how to teach with a broken heart. I know I've been broken hearted enough to quit at least twice in my short 12 year career and most teachers I know have been there. This is an important topic with lots of great discussion from one teacher who is there and some who've been there. If this is you, take a listen and I hope this helps. "Even the best teachers feel disillusioned about teaching at times. However, some are brokenhearted and dispirited about what teaching has become, yet continue teaching because they have limited alternatives. Is there a solution? Follow:@blairteach, @JessedHagopian @coolcatteacher, @bamradionetwork"

Adult Education Masters Online - 1 views

    An online adult education masters degree offers plenty of career options in teaching and training. This page provides information on what is studied and where you can study it.
David Wetzel

2 Year Programs Offer Opportunity for Quicker Career Advancement - 1 views

    Two-year programs offered by junior and community colleges are quicker and less expensive than four-year programs. Contrary to popular belief, the path to advancement does not always travel through a bachelor or master's degree program. Two-year associate degrees are more convenient because most offer part-time, evening, weekend, and online classes. This convenience provides advantages for those who have full-time jobs, especially adults with families.
David Wetzel

Top 10 Online Tools for Teaching Science and Math - 18 views

    Why use Web 2.0 tools in science and math classes? The primary reason is they facilitate access to input and interaction with content through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. These tools offer enormous advantages for science and math teachers, in terms of helping their students learn using Web 2.0 tools. For example: * Most of these tools can be edited from any computer connected to the Internet. Teachers can add, edit and delete information even during class time. * Students learn how to use these tools for academic purposes and, at the same time, can transfer their use to their personal lives and future professional careers. * RSS feeds allow students to access all the desired research information on one page. * Students learn to be autonomous in their learning process.
Dave Truss

Career Corner: Your Online Profile - Does It Matter? - 0 views

  • “There are photos of me doing things when I was a college student that I do not want my employer to see. But my photos are stashed in a box in my basement and not posted online for the world to see.” You’re smart enough to be a teacher; be smart about your online profile, too.
    Social networking sites are not inherently bad. In fact, they can be quite useful for you to stay in touch with friends and to make new ones. Used wisely, social networking sites do exactly what the name implies - allow you to network with colleagues both personally and professionally. Too many college students and young professionals, however, allow their online profiles to get out of control.
Vicki Davis

Better education through innovation - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

    Op Ed Piece in LA times on change.
    Op Ed Piece in LA times is representative of the call for innovation in schools. As with all change - you can be part of it or it can be imparted to you. Which would you rather have? The imperative to innovate is here -- and those who don't act will ultimately be the ones who lose. Unfortunately, kids aren't getting any younger -- older people will just hurt their career in a life that is already one of educational excellence -- children will never reach their potential. It is important - we cannot waste time where children are at stake. We don't waste time when it comes to our own and the travesty is that many don't see anything wrong with wasting the time of another parent's child.
Vicki Davis

Knowles Science Teaching Foundation - 0 views

shared by Vicki Davis on 02 Oct 08 - Cached
    Math and Science fellowships for beginning math and science teachers.
    Math and Science teachers -- beginning teachers should consider applying for these fellowships. These are in the United States. Here is what the ocmpany says about the fellowships (applications due Jan 15): "The prestigious KSTF Teaching Fellowship is valued at nearly $150,000 over the course of five-years and supports aspiring teachers of promise as they embark on careers teaching high school science and mathematics. Designed to meet the financial and professional needs of beginning teachers, the Fellowship exposes educators to a variety of teaching resources, new curriculum materials, and research and experts in the field. Most importantly, the program fosters professional development within a community of high school science and mathematics teachers and prepares Fellows to become leaders in their field."
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