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Vicki Davis

Tactile Defensiveness - The Facts About the Wilbarger Brushing Protocol - 1 views

  • The Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique (DPPT) & Oral Tactile Technique (OTT)
  • many parents are a bit skeptical
  • The chest and stomach area are always avoided
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • most children find it pleasurable after a few sessions and may even ask for it when they are feeling "off"
  • Oral Tactile Technique, or OTT
  • If you think that your child would benefit from this form of therapy, it is important to seek guidance from an Occupational Therapist.
    Nice article about Wilbarger brushing and ADHD. See your occupational therapist.
David Wetzel

2 Year Programs Offer Opportunity for Quicker Career Advancement - 1 views

    Two-year programs offered by junior and community colleges are quicker and less expensive than four-year programs. Contrary to popular belief, the path to advancement does not always travel through a bachelor or master's degree program. Two-year associate degrees are more convenient because most offer part-time, evening, weekend, and online classes. This convenience provides advantages for those who have full-time jobs, especially adults with families.
Vicki Davis

Social networks and kids: How young is too young? - - 13 views

  • a growing number of children are flouting age requirements on sites such as Facebook and MySpace, or using social-networking sites designed just for them.
  • which some therapists have linked to Internet addiction among adults
  • In two surveys reported this year by Pew Internet Research -- of 700 and 935 teens, respectively -- 38 percent of respondents ages 12 to 14 said they had an online profile of some sort.
    Important article to read about children of all ages creating profiles. I believe this supports our driving need to incorporate instruction and discussion on this topic in schools.
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