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Home/ educators/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Suzie Nestico

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Suzie Nestico

Suzie Nestico

In Education, Small Is Sensible « Deborah Meier on Education - 3 views

    Why small, organic, agency-driven schools are important.  Addresses the extraneous factors important to school reform such as poverty, drugs, violence, etc.
Suzie Nestico

CELT - Effective Educational Practice - 13 views

    Iowa State University Resources - extensive resources on assessment, Bloom's Taxonomy, critical thinking, student engagement, national benchmarks of educational practice, UDL.  Includes student resources, as well.  
Suzie Nestico

Walk on #iste12 - 17 views

    Coolcatteacher's conference advice on giving it your all and then "walking on".  
Suzie Nestico

Diigo Education Offerings - SlideShare - 12 views

    Created by Maggie Tsai.  Thorough explanation of the differences between Diigo Educator Accounts and Education domain.  Extensive how-to regarding how to obtain and facilitate either.
Suzie Nestico

Using Diigo for intentional learning and sharing | Instructional Design Fusions - 4 views

    Covers interactive reading, collaboration and problem-based learning with Diigo to help students become better international learners
Suzie Nestico

Save, Share, and Teach with Diigo by Al Rowell on Prezi - 7 views

    Great instructional Prezi on how to use Diigo for bookmarking, svaing highlighted pages, etc.  
Suzie Nestico

Student Learning with Diigo - 9 views

    A multitude of examples of how students use Diigo in the classroom. Also includes a good explanation of a Diigo educator account.
Suzie Nestico

COnceptual Framework of How Evaluators Make Everyday Practice Decisions - 6 views

    • Suzie Nestico
      Overall, the field of evaluation lacks evidence about how evaluators actually use their knowledge, experience, and judgment when deciding how to approach evaluations in their daily practice. The purpose of this article is to introduce a conceptual framework for studying evaluators' practice decisions in everyday environments.
Suzie Nestico

Cool Tools for School - 19 views

    Exhaustive list of online creation tools for all categories
Suzie Nestico

Teaching and Assessing Creativity - WeAreTeachers - 1 views

    Useful rubrics for assessing creativity & innovation Catalina rubric on critical and creative thinking (as well as several other fantastic rubrics):   Metiri's creativity rubric   A great blog post on the subject by The Science Goddess, one of my favorite Twitter people to follow:   Good perspective from a career cluster perspective:  
Suzie Nestico

Everything you know about curriculum may be wrong. Really. « Granted, but… - 7 views

    If curriculum is a tour through what is known, how is knowledge ever advanced?
Suzie Nestico

Twitter Book Club Index - 10 views

    Fantastic list of edreform books all educators should read.
Suzie Nestico

446 Places for Free Books Online - 25 views

    Free, downloadable, eBooks - great source to use to allow students to choose their own reading.
Suzie Nestico

Flunking Arne Duncan | Common Dreams - 7 views

    Ravitch evaluates Arne Duncan on the progress made in education during his tenure, or lack thereof it.  Provides a clear chronology of the shifts in education since the inception of NCLB and public education being taken apart, piece by piece.
Suzie Nestico

Using Twitter to Bring About Educational Change | Online Universities - 4 views

    Great guding post, especially for teachers just starting out in Twitter
Suzie Nestico

Rubrics for Assessment - 13 views

    A collection of rubrics from the University of Wisconsin for assessing portfolios, cooperative learning, etc.
Suzie Nestico

Organizational Climate Index Tool - 6 views

    Survey tool and formula to analyze school climate amongst faculty
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