A Grand Bargain Over Evolution | America Magazine - 0 views
Throughline-When Things Fall Apart - 0 views
The Perils of Lecture Class - 0 views
The crisis of student mental health is much vaster than we realize - The Washington Post - 1 views
the CDC found nearly 45 percent of high school students were so persistently sad or hopeless in 2021 they were unable to engage in regular activities. Almost 1 in 5 seriously considered suicide, and 9 percent of the teenagers surveyed by the CDC tried to take their lives during the previous 12 months. A substantially larger percentage of gay, lesbian, bisexual, other and questioning students reported a suicide attempt
More than 230,000 U.S. students under 18 are believed to be mourning the ultimate loss: the death of a parent or primary caregiver in a pandemic-related loss, according to research by the CDC, Imperial College London, Harvard University, Oxford University and the University of Cape Town. In the United States, children of color were hit the hardest, another study found. It estimated that the loss for Black and Hispanic children was nearly twice the rate of White children.
Professional organizations recommend one school psychologist per 500 students, but the national average is one per 1,160 students, with some states approaching one per 5,000. Similarly, the recommended ratio of one school counselor per 250 students is not widespread. The national average: one per 415 students.
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Author-Date Style - 0 views
The Mask-Optional DEI Initiative | Bill of Health - 1 views
How to read a formal document - The Law and Policy Blog - 1 views
Resources for Educators - iKeepSafe - 9 views
Why Burned Out Teachers Are Quitting Their Jobs - 4 views
Overall, nearly three in 10 teachers surveyed said it's likely or very likely that they'll leave the profession in the next year.
Impact of Educational Technology on Teacher Stress and Anxiety: A Literature Review - PMC - 2 views
However, for teachers this is not usually the case. Incorporating technology into their teaching practices without being aware of the didactic possibilities that technology offers, a lack of training in educational technology, or resistance to its use produces fatigue in the professional and working environments
“burnout syndrome”, which is related to exhaustion and burnout due to increasing demands
In the pedagogical context, burnout syndrome in teachers can affect their level of commitment at work.
More Than $1 Billion in K-12 Ed-Tech Licensing Fees Go to Waste - Market Brief - 0 views
What Cliff? Data and the Destruction of Public Higher Ed | Just Visiting - 2 views
That higher education institutions are facing a “demographic cliff” in the coming years has become conventional wisdom. But what if there is no cliff? What if we’ve instead been subjected to a narrative rooted in limited data that serves the interests of corporations and is doing real damage to our public institutions?
Currently, the NCES projects relatively constant numbers of high school graduates through 2030, with total graduates expected to increase in the mid-2020s, followed by a modest decline, making the projected 2029–30 number slightly greater than in 2016–17. Further, it is important to note that since the 1970s, the total number of high school graduates in the U.S. has declined several times before. More importantly for higher education, the NCES projects modest increases in higher education enrollments through 2029.
WICHE is an interest group with an explicit policy agenda—“focus areas”—which includes “developing and supporting innovations in technology and beyond that improve the quality of postsecondary education and reduce costs.”
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