However, for teachers this is not usually the case. Incorporating technology into their teaching practices without being aware of the didactic possibilities that technology offers, a lack of training in educational technology, or resistance to its use produces fatigue in the professional and working environments
“burnout syndrome”, which is related to exhaustion and burnout due to increasing demands
In the pedagogical context, burnout syndrome in teachers can affect their level of commitment at work.
"The main findings show that teachers present high levels of anxiety or stress due to their use of educational technology in the classroom. Among the conclusions, the need for research on different strategies to prevent the emergence of these anxiety and stress symptoms in teachers stands out."
This is an interesting article about the move to mobile learning even though it only has one example. (You have to register to get the PDF with the 10.) I also think that perhaps we are seeing a massive misuse of the term "microlearning" as it seems to be meaning different things to different people. But, either way, this is a nice summary of the move to mobile learning or mlearning as some are calling. But hold on, there's lots of buzzwords in this one.
Fascinating fact that our manufacturing sector is producing more goods with less people, making it very efficient and strong. This would be an interesting way to teach older children about data and charts.
This is kind of crazy. Name your child well, because they'll begin to look like it. Wow. This would be interesting to discuss with kids and you could even teach some about the scientific method -- about control groups, etc.
The @globalmathtask #gmttc math challenge is an awesome way for kids of all ages to join in and collaborate to talk about math. You sign up by September. Then, you are assigned a week to create and share a problem. The other weeks, you're solving problems and tweeting the class that made them. Such a great program!
The new version of scratch (3.0) is being designed to work on mobile devices and be more finger friendly. Love this handy tool and excited about the upgrades!
"You can tell someone is playing the game pretty easily, as they will have cuts on their hands with either the number 57 and/or 40 on them. You can check their social media accounts (the game says to use VKontakte, but users are using whatever social media they are currently on) and see if they've posted anything similar to #i_am_whale, a hashtag used in one of the steps of the game.
The game is easily defeated by talking to your teen, child, or young adult about their suicidal feelings, and encouraging them to reach out to get help for them through psychotherapy or counseling. It's not an easy conversation to have, but it may be a life-saving talk."
"New research suggests an employer-facilitated workplace culture that supports positive, social relationships between women coworkers reduces the risk of conflict among women employees." - Interesting study relating to gender in the workplace.
Students do better when they have a clock more aligned with their own body clock. Actually most kids may actually test better in the afternoons! Interesting study.