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Maggie Tsai

美国大学升学作文命题趣谈 - 白露为霜的日志 - 贝壳村 - 7 views

  • You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit Page 217. (UPenn, 2009)
  • 这篇作文的目的是看学生对自己的人生有没有什么规划。任何大学都希望自己的学生和校友成功,而有雄心有计划的人成功的可能性会更高一些。这个题目并不难写,如果你想当导演,第217页可能是写你在奥斯卡奖颁奖仪式上焦急地等待结果;如果你想从政,第217页可能是写到你作为新科参议员视察飓风袭击后的灾区的情景。写什么都可以,你的想象力是唯一的障碍。如果你说我不知道我想做什么(这也常见),那就编一个,没人会找你算账的。最后别忘记提到你在宾大接受的教育在你成功中起到的作用,这样你就给大学一个录取你的好理由。
  • Using the quotation below as a jumping off point, tell us about an event or experience that helped you define one of your values or changed how you approach the world.     "Some questions cannot be answered./ They become familiar weights in the hand,/ Round stones pulled from the pocket, unyielding and cool."
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 如果你想知道普林斯顿到底喜欢什么样的人,从这个题目应该可以看出点端倪 – 有思想而且执著的人。这首诗到底在说啥,怎样才能起跳?有些人可能有这样的经历,他看到了一件事,读了一本书,有一个哲学问题等等,以后就一直放不下。因为挥之不去,就变成了他的一个负担,坚硬而冰凉。没有?那你太幸福了,也许你就不该写这个题目。如果有这种经历,你或许能写出一篇很出彩的文章,展示你的思想的深度和敏锐度。要注意的是重点不在这个事件的本身,更重要的是后来呢?它是怎样改变了你的,而你又做了些什么呢?
  • Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to your intellectual development.
  • In short, we are looking for the thinking student who has a passion for learning.
  • 斯坦福想看到的是不但有好奇心,能在饭桌上进行热烈的讨论,而且能进一步把它变成一个研究课题的学生。如果学生拥有对扩展自己智能空间的激情,能量,主动性和真正的兴趣,这个题目不难。这些特质一定会某方面展露出来的
Josh Flores

12 Most Common Themes in Literature - Life123 - 121 views

    • Josh Flores
      First, begin with a wall poster stating the difference between Theme, Topic, and Plot
    • Josh Flores
      Narrow it down to 3-6 examples of a Theme Poster for a classroom resource.
  • Most Common Themes in Literature
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • What Is a Theme?
  • differs from the plot
  • plot is what the characters do
  • a message
  • theme is the lesson or moral
  • describes an opinion about life, human nature or elements of society
  • Man Struggles Against Nature
  • Man Struggles Against Societal Pressure
  • Crime
  • Does Not Pay
  • Overcoming Adversity
  • The Importance of Family
  • balance
  • Human Beings All Have the Same Needs
  • Death
  • Sacrifices
  • Love is
    • Josh Flores
      Love: Use Romeo & Juliet movie poster?
Shannon Smith

Need resources to assist in creating a 21st century learner training/ professional deve... - 133 views

Thank you! This is great information! James McKee wrote: > Shannon, > > I was recently referred to this video of Michael Wesch who teaches cultural anthropology at Kansas State University. He ...

professional development 21st century learners technology

Diana Irene Saldana

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles - 111 views

  • Welcome to Tagxedo, word cloud with styles Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.
    word clouds with style. Create shapes with word clouds
  • ...11 more comments...
    "Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text."
    Imagine a site like "Wordle" but on steroids - Tagxedo allows you to make word clouds with images. Really cool possibilities as an ice breaker to the new school year.
    "Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text."
    Does it only work on PCs...I tried to run this on my mac but can't get past the home page; when I go to create, I am asked to download Microsoft SilverLight, which I do. Then, nothing else happens.
    The site allows you to choose or upload an image to go along with the tag cloud generated.
    Similar to Wordle but now you can make them into images!
    Tag Clouds
    I genuinely want to ask: what is the educational point of 'word clouds'? To me there are useful as 'word searches' which have to be the almost useless. How have I got this so wrong?
    The site for creating text shapes.
    I genuinely want to ask: what is the educational point of 'word clouds'? To me there are useful as 'word searches' which have to be the almost useless. How have I got this so wrong? Totally agree!
    Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning word cloud
    To Gerald Carey - As an English teacher, word clouds are a great tool. Taking text from literature or even from your own students' writing and placing it in a word cloud builder allows students to find theme words because the words used the most often are bigger than the others. I've used my students' quickwrite entries about a chosen piece of text and shown them that they are all thinking through the literature the same way. It's pretty eye opening for an English class!
    Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.

Teach the Web (MOOC) - 3 views

    Laura Hilliger blog here discusses the mozilla Teach the web" MOOC to start may 2. content to include: Introduction to Webmaker is all about community, openness and collaboration. Remix and Contextualize is all about putting web literacy skills into other types of learning plans. Do and Share is about experimenting with collaborative, participatory learning spaces and using the online community to improve your practice. Within each topic are 3 subtopics - Those are the themes we'll be focusing on weekly. 9 themes, 9 week MOOC - nice how that worked out, don't cha think? For each theme, we'll be MAKING things to explore ideas because, you know, you learn lots when you make. We'll have a chance to look at each other's makes, give feedback, and hack on ideas throughout the 9 weeks. There will be several ways to follow along. Here's what we're thinking for communication channels: Sign up to the list to participate Keep your eye on Submit your blog for aggregation Join G+ Webmaker Community Use #teachtheweb on Twitter Bookmark the Big Blue Button link for May 2nd, 23rd, and June 13th, 4pm UTC Check the calendar for Twitter chats and Big Blue Button sessions
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Opening Themes TV - Watch your favorite opening TV Themes - 4 views

    An extensive video collects of TV opening themes from the 1950's to the 2000's. Good for teaching how American culture changes.
Siri Anderson - 26 views

  • We have linked our destinies, not only among ourselves across the globe, but with our technology. If the theme of the Enlightenment was independence, our own theme is interdependence. We are now all connected, humans and machines. Welcome to the dawn of the Entanglement.
    Somehow I haven't been aware of the Edge before. Seems sort of like a space for a text version of TED Talks. From Daniel Hillis's piece answering the question of 2011: "How has the Internet changed the way you think?" "We have linked our destinies, not only among ourselves across the globe, but with our technology. If the theme of the Enlightenment was independence, our own theme is interdependence. We are now all connected, humans and machines. Welcome to the dawn of the Entanglement."
Lee-Anne Patterson

Geometry : Themes : Resources : Promethean Planet - 46 views

    In honor of Pi Day, held March 14, we've developed a theme all about geometry! So get out your protractors, rulers and compasses (or just pull these tools up on your ActivBoard using your ActivSoftware)! In this theme, you will find hundreds of lessons and resources covering topics such as similar triangles and indirect measurement, coordinate geometry, congruence, ratio and proportion, area, perpindicularity and much, much more.
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Awesome History Themed Music Videos - 89 views

    Must see music videos with a history theme
Scott Witkowsky

Dead Reckonings » Mathematics-Themed Valentine's Day Card - 0 views

    Math Themed Valentine's Day Card
Sandy Wenzel

Normal 0 - 10 views

In the area of pre-training I could only locate one source that I felt worthy of using. It is called Guided Discovery DVD and can be seen at It provided...

8847_ pre-training

started by Sandy Wenzel on 16 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Davida Lindsay-Harewood

Nutley Public School District - 4 views

    In Social Studies this year your child's learning will focus on the world's continents via the "Five Themes of Geography." The five Themes are Location (the specific or general positioning of something on the earth), Place (the physical and human characteristics of an area), Human-Environmental Interaction (the way the world appears a a result of how humans have interacted with the environment), Movement (the way people, ideas, and goods travel from place to place), and Region (areas of the world that have common characteristics).

Summer Camp Dates, Prices & Themes - 0 views

  • Week 1Jun 11 – Jun 17Super Heroes/Cartoons: DC or Marvel, Sponge Bob or Flintstones… Come dressed as your favorite super hero or animated star.Week 2Jun 18– Jun 24Disco Night: Friday Night Fever! Bell bottoms, tie dye and disco balls - GROOVY!Week 3Jun 25 – Jul 1Hawaiian Luau: Break out the grass skirt and flower shirt and get ready to limbo!Week 4Jul 2 - Jul 8American Spirit: What better way to celebrate the 4th of July week. Come dressed as your favorite American hero. Great fireworks display over Marsh Lake highlights the week.Week 5Jul 9 – Jul 1580s Night: Go back in time to whenneon, scrunchies, leg warmers and parachute pants were all the rage!Week 6Jul 16– Jul 22Sports Mania: Break out your favorite sport/team colors or come dressed as your all time favorite sports hero. Celebrate to the best “time-out” music we can find on a Jock Jams CD.Week 7Jul 23– Jul 29Christmas in July: July 25th is halfway to Christmas so why wait. Lets celebrate now!Week 8Jul 30– Aug 5Country Hoe Down: Pull out your cowboy boots for a foot stompin’ good time as we country line dance (or look like we’re trying anyway) and wear our 10-gallon hats!Week 9Aug 6 – Aug 12Night at the Oscars: Dress up in your best formal wear, as your favorite big screen actor or as the paparazzi who follow them!
  • CartoonsWeek 2June 26 – June 30Wild Wild WestWeek 3July 3 – July 7American SpiritWeek 4July 10 – July 14Sports ManiaWeek 5July 17 – July 21Tecumseh-saurusWeek 6July 24 – July 28Pirates of TecumsehWeek 7July 31 – Aug 4Superheroes
    Stealing Theme Ideas
Deborah Baillesderr

CommonLit | Free Fiction & Nonfiction Literacy Resources, Curriculum, & Assessment Materials for Middle & High School English Language Arts - 53 views

    Great resource for CCSS-ELA. This site is geared for grades 5-12. The library is full of informational and literature text that can be found by lexile range, grade level, theme, genres, device or standards. You have the ability to get paired text, related media (videos), a teacher guide, and a parent guide. Assessment and discussion questions are included that asked students to prove their answers using passages from the text. Truly worth checking out.
Peter Beens

PIPEDREAMS - Seeing with New Eyes - International Perspectives on Trust and Regulation in Education - 16 views

  • This year, I was asked to attend as a Canadian Teacher Representative, along with Ontario Ministry Officer, Colette Ruduck and our Ontario Deputy Minister of Education, George Zegarac.
  • the theme of “Trust and Regulation”
  • my Canadian values of equality, diversity, safety and choice
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • high degree of trust for teachers, administrators and district decision makers
  • Our regulations are meant to encourage equality and diversity, choice, opportunity, innovation – fundamental values in our society.
  • In contrast to many of the other countries represented, our Canadian context was unique in that the regulations (organizations, federations, policies, curriculum) imposed actually tie in Trust and Relationship building and partnerships as key factors to increase capacity building with a wide range of stakeholders.
  • We need our profession to be respected, which includes paying us well, treating us fairly, supporting us with resources, nurturing our learning and leadership opportunities
  • systems of education can achieve and can be highly ranked without the use of formalized testing
  • We need to feel safe to make mistakes because we too are learners, especially in a profession that is changing so drastically in the 21st Century
  • We need to feel trusted and with that, we want our skills, our education, our talents and our passions to be respected so we -together – can become the creators of our own pedagogies
  • these passionate and experienced leaders agreed that such tests don’t work when used to rate, or punish teachers
  • can even sometimes do more harm then good
  • such tests are not always authentic
  • First and foremost, teacher voice needs to be heard and respected
  • As principals, we need to empower our teachers and community
  • the importance of the teacher/principal relationship came up over and over and over
  • Trust – allows me to teach in my style, developing my own curriculum
  • I wonder if there is a correlation between that supportive, trusting principal and the fact that we have incredibly dynamic teachers here, at Van Leer from all over the globe
  • We too need to think different because change can start with us
  • We need to make our voices heard by be socially active
  • By sharing and reflecting our learning openly and even by sometimes being vulnerable and asking for help and challenging the status quo
  • we need to recognize that our learning environments are changing and are very different from how we were once trained and educated
  • We need to remind our leaders that we are not just teachers of academics but we teach the whole person
  • Many of us struggle, without supports – to help impoverished families, students with mental health disabilities, learning disabilities, students that speak a different language, large class sizes, violence, inequalities
    The conference in Jerusalem, Israel that Van Leer hosts each year  is intended to encourage professional dialogue among educators, academics, representatives of the Third Sector, and policymakers from diverse areas and places in Israel and abroad.    This year, I was asked to attend as a Canadian Teacher Representative, along with Ontario Ministry Officer, Colette Ruduck and our Ontario Deputy Minister of Education, George Zegarac. With the theme of "Trust and Regulation" at the center of our discussions, it did not take long to realize that my context, as a Canadian Educator, a parent, and a student -  was one of privilege and opportunity.
Martin Burrett

CalMe - Photo Calendar Creator - 108 views

    This is an amazing download for creating beautiful calendars. There are lots of styles to choose from including with and without photos.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Martin this looks WONDERFUL but I can't figure out how to use the THEMES or create my own. I've emailed the author for help. Any advice? Thank you!
    When I found it and played with it, I didn't use the themes. I just played with the templates, photos and holiday info. I have tried now and have not figured it out. Sorry.
    Thanks Martin, perhaps the author will respond. I love the program, it's very easy to use, but would like my students to use it, and would be a LOT simpler if they could do a single year's worth of calendar via the themes - which appears to be the point - great find in any event!
Enid Baines

Gatsby in Real Life: Nonfiction on the Themes of Gatsby | BOOK RIOT - 33 views

  • I started this two-parter with a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald. In this post, I’m going to stretch the time period a little bit and offer some nonfiction about some of the themes that resonated most with me from the book.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
  • a list of nonfiction books about the life and times of The Great Gatsby’s author, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Michael Sheehan

Must See History Themed Music Videos - 110 views

    The best history themed music videos I have ever seen!
Dallas McPheeters

Ed/ITLib Digital Library → Enduring Themes and New Horizons for Educational Technology - 27 views

  • the enduring themes that emerge across contexts and times. These themes include the need to: negotiate educational beliefs in each situation; focus on the details of learning design; consider the importance of relevant and authentic tasks that enable learners to develop lifelong learning and earning capabilities; and accommodate shifting roles of both teachers and learners in a mutual comfort zone so that all participants benefit
    • Dallas McPheeters
      Excellent presentation that distills the edtech world to the issues of critical mass.
Wayne Holly

Top 30 Must-See Movies for Business Students: Business Through Hollywood's Lens - BusinessWeek - 3 views

  • Bloomberg Businessweek asked deans at the top 30 U.S. business schools to name their favorite movies with a business theme or lesson and to explain their choices.
    Bloomberg Businessweek asked deans at the top 30 U.S. business schools to name their favorite movies with a business theme or lesson and to explain their choices.
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