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Analysis Examines Disabled Students' Suspensions - 0 views

    According to a new analysis of Department of Education data, 13 percent of disabled students in kindergarten through 12th grade were suspended during the 2009-10 school year, compared with 7 percent of students without disabilities. Among black children with disabilities, which included those with learning difficulties, the rate was much higher: one out of every four was suspended at least once that school year.

e-Ethics - Initial thoughts on the Draft Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers. | e... - 36 views

    The Teaching Council (Ireland) has published a Draft Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers - I have examined it under four headings in the context of eLearning,

Academic Library Administrators' Perceptions of Four Instructional Skills - 1 views

    Abstract only is available here - go to MLibrary to get the whole thing -------- Abstract This study seeks to fill a gap in the literature by examining the perceptions of current administrators toward four domains and their associated skill sets needed to fulfill the library's instructional role. Hundreds of Library Directors/Deans/Associate Deans/Heads in academic libraries of all sizes across the United States were surveyed to determine to what extent they value the skill sets associated with the four selected instructional skill domains: two traditional-teaching and presentation-and two more recently adopted by librarians-instructional design and educational technology. The findings of this research indicate that library administrators value the traditional skill sets more than the newer nontraditional skills. The results and possible implications, as well as 

The eLearning Guild : Informal Learning Report 2012 - 0 views

    "Are you spending the bulk of your employee training resources building courses? If so, it's time to rethink your strategy. In this new Perspectives report from Guild Research, author Patti Shank examines informal workplace learning. How can you support it? How can you measure it? One thing's for sure: Your company needs it. "
1More - 0 views

    This report represents the Pew Research Center's most ambitious examination to date of America's newest  generation, the Millennials, many of whom have now crossed into adulthood.  We began looking at this age  group in 2006 in a comprehensive survey we conducted in association with the PBS documentary series,  "Generation Next." 

'We Are Creating Walmarts of Higher Education' - Timothy Pratt - The Atlantic - 59 views

    Examines how universities are changing, including lowering expectations, getting rid of programs, and considering the pressure that graduation rates will be used to judge institutions. An interesting connection to global ed reform and the various pressures in education. A disturbing discount of humanities and their import.

Why today is my last day teaching online… | The Edublogger - 196 views

    The post really points to the possible pitfalls of online courses. It also suggests the importance of examining & evaluating the effectiveness of online courses - including the teacher's pedagogy and instructional methods - and student receptiveness, level of engagement, and success in courses. The comments after the post provide a lively discussion. Blended learning seems to get high marks.

Closing in on Close Reading - 73 views

  • close reading means reading to uncover layers of meaning that lead to deep comprehension.
  • Close, analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately.
  • If reading closely is the most effective way to achieve deep comprehension, then that's how we should teach students to read.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • But the teaching of reading veered significantly off track when those personal connections (also well represented on some high-stakes state assessments) began to dominate the teaching and testing of comprehension, often leaving the text itself a distant memory.
  • the shift to teaching reading as a set of thinking strategies too often left readers with the notion that the text was simply a launching point for their musings, images that popped into their heads, and random questions that, in the end, did little to enhance their understanding of the text itself.
  • examining meaning thoroughly and analytically
  • directing attention to the text, central ideas, and supporting details
  • reflecting on meanings of individual words and sentences
  • developing ideas over the course of the text
  • The best thinkers do monitor and assess their thinking, but in the context of processing the thinking of others (Paul & Elder, 2008)
    Close Reading

Why taking choir kept me from being a Valedictorian: Austin Channell at TEDxColumbus - ... - 44 views

    This is about more than just taking choir in high school - it is a fundamental problem in our educational system examined here by a high school senior. Only 12 minutes long.  When my sons were in HS (they graduated in the mid 1990's), I remember their discussions of just exactly this problem. He offers some solutions, but no quick fixes.

3D Solar System Simulation - 133 views

    Students are able to explore our solar system in real-time 3D. Examining the sun, planets, asteroids, Kuiper belt, and Oort cloud. You can change your views of the solar system by using your mouse, shows rotation and revolution of the planets
1More - 29 views

    "This paper will discuss the benefits, problems, and possible solutions to teaching a Microeconomics class in a completely paperless classroom. The use of the iPad is examined as a tool to move students from the typical technology infused classroom into a truly mobile environment. "

Interactive Ear - 3 views

    Use this interactive online ear diagram to examine the workings of how we hear sound. You can embed the ear on to your website (much better that embedding a website in to your ear!) Found via @WengersToyBus

Inversions - Practical Theory - 1 views

  • Then, class, rather than being a time when all kids sat and received the instruction, could be the time when they reinforce skills by doing problem sets, worked on real-world application projects, collaborated with teachers to reinforce concepts, etc... in some ways, it's an inversion of what we traditionally think of as a math class.
  • If we use technology to invert that idea, so that kids could watch the teacher's demonstration of the skills and concepts at home (and with the ability to rewind when necessary,) we could allow kids the opportunity to apply and practice their knowledge in the space where they can get help, collaborate, etc... doesn't that make more sense? (Interestingly, I was trying to imagine what that would look like in an English classroom, and I realized that is, in many respects, similar to what we do already when we ask kids to read the book at home, and then come in and interact with the community to uncover the deeper aspects of the text. Hm.)
    I'm about 80% of the way through Disrupting Class by Clayton Christensen and Michael Horn. (Yeah, I know... I'm the last one to read it.) There's a lot that's very interesting about the book, and while we should critically examine the book, it is still a fascinating read. If nothing else, it is continuing to make me think about how much more could happen in our classrooms if we created more opportunities for students to learn basic skills and content outside of class, rather than inside class. I've been thinking a lot about math class. How many students would learn math more efficiently if they could watch math videos, narrated by a teacher with problems done "on the board" as they watched with multiple examples of concepts (think geometry here, as an example) that speak to different learning modalities.

Interactive Map of the Battle of Gettysburg | History | Smithsonian - 61 views

    "A Cutting-Edge Second Look at the Battle of Gettysburg New technology has given us the chance to re-examine how the Civil War battle was won and lost" Interactive map

Slideshow: Florida oil spill update two counties close beaches, health advisories issue... - 9 views

    slide show of spill and beach closures

21st-Century Campus Report: Campus 2.0 - 14 views

    Now in its third year, the CDW-G 21st-Century Campus Report examines the role of technology in higher education. CDW-G surveyed more than 1,000 college students, faculty and IT staff to understand their perceptions of campus technology.

Sugata Mitra: The child-driven education | Video on - 103 views

    Excellent video that examines students ability to learn for/with themselves.

Your Inner Fish Teaching Tools - 49 views

    "In Your Inner Fish, Neil Shubin tells the story of evolution by tracing the organs of the human body back millions of years, long before the first creatures walked the earth. By examining fossils and DNA, Shubin shows us that our hands actually resemble fish fins, our head is organized like that of a long-extinct jawless fish, and major parts of our genome look and function like those of worms and bacteria. We have compiled the figures from the book into a deck of PowerPoint slides for use in the classroom."
    Thanks Holly. Great book too!

Ending America's 'race to the bottom' - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

  • sophisticated examinations that better measure problem-solving and critical thinking.
    • Ed Webb
      Good. Devil in the detail, as always, of course.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Interestingly, KY is looking to get rid of their sophisticated examinations because of political pressure, lack of comparibility, and $. In the 90s KY was a leader in attempting to change assessment and accountability, but for a plethora of reasons has fallen back in line. Not trying to be negative, but recognize the difficulty in the challenge and hope he's up to it.
  • Once charter schools have opened, it becomes politically difficult to close them, even in cases where they are bad or worse than their traditional counterparts.
    • Roland O'Daniel
      Ed, great example of how not to structure the change. Open more charter schools, make them have a 5 year evaluation plan, have an accountability plan in place that allows the school to stay true to their ideal, make changes that they feel will help them achieve their goals, even allow them additional time if results warrant, and then HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. If they can't show they haven't at least held their own, then close them, but make that part of the evaluation plan from the beginning. The rub of that plan is that you can't hold them accountable at a level that you aren't going to hold everybody else to. What about traditional schools that aren't working, what do you do with those schools? Isn't that one of the big knocks on NCLB that they are 'being taken over' because of some testing system?
  • Congress will need to broaden and sustain those reforms in the upcoming reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act.
    • Ed Webb
      Why reauthorize? Why not tear it up and write something better?
    • Roland O'Daniel
      I disagree with tearing it up and starting over, isn't that what we do in education? Try something it doesn't work (for lots of reasons, including lack of implementation), and move on to the next shiny thing. Why not analyze the program, identify the aspects that have shown efficacy, identify the aspects that haven't achieved their goals, make changes that are informed and researchable, put them in place and hold people accountable for implementing. I think NCLB was well intentioned and represented the best thinking of a group of people (in education as in many areas i don't think you can say it represents the best thinking of everyone). I just don't like the idea of letting everyone off the hook by starting over. I believe it reinforces the concept that I don't have to worry about this project because it too will pass.
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