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Home/ Diigo In Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Seth Bowers

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Seth Bowers

Seth Bowers

movingforward - Education Blogs by Discipline - 8 views

    " Education Blogs by Discipline Edit 210 739… This is a place to list P-12-oriented blogs that are worth sharing with others. Only list really good blogs (not wikis or web sites), please!"
Seth Bowers

National | - The Global Youth Network - 4 views

  • provides schools, colleges and other youth related organizations with free web tools and video streaming that connect sports and activities to the premier Global Youth Network. "
Seth Bowers

GeoCommons - 67 views

    Create compelling maps that make a difference GeoCommons enables everyone to find, use and share geographic data and maps. Easily create rich interactive visualizations to solve problems without any experience using traditional mapping tools.
Seth Bowers

GCstar, personal collections manager - 22 views

    Open Source inventory/library/database tool. Store classroom libraries or your cd collection.
Seth Bowers

Facebook | Help Center - 26 views

    Facebook's official safety for educators page. Handy & simple.
Seth Bowers

What do you suggest? - 21 views

shared by Seth Bowers on 29 Mar 10 - Cached
Seth Bowers

How To Make Amazing Posters and Desktops from Google Maps | Maximum PC - 88 views

    Google Map Buddy helps you create maps suitable for framing, posters, classroom hangings, desktops, et cetera.
Seth Bowers

Down for everyone or just me? - 35 views

    Is a site down whe you are standing in front of your class? Or is it just you? Check here.
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