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Home/ Diigo In Education/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Judy Arzt

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Judy Arzt

Judy Arzt

Bringing Twitter to the Classroom - Atlantic Mobile - 59 views

    Good example of Twitter use in classroom. Seeing more examples like this one popping up daily.
Judy Arzt

The Honest-To-Goodness Beginner's Guide To Twitter For Teachers - 5 views

    Excellent resource to introduce beginners to Twitter
Judy Arzt

Digital-ID - home - 7 views

    A wiki created by two teachers with contributions from teachers and students regarding digital citizenship and related topics. Check the page: Student-Created Content
Judy Arzt

Five Awesome Virtual Field Trips for Students of All Ages | MindShift - 184 views

    Some intensive, and exciting virtual field trips described. If you can't get there, virtual is a good fill-in, and some of these trips are with experts.
Judy Arzt

How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote (Education Series) « Evernote Blogcast - 199 views

    Explains how to set up class accounts and how to use Evernote for creating electronic portfolios
Judy Arzt

What Teachers Make Final Moviebk2 0001 - YouTube - 5 views

    Remake of Taylor Mali's original class about what a teacher makes. This version is a bit "cleaner" and safer to use for professional development and general sharing.
Judy Arzt

Cybraryman Internet Catalogue - 3 views

    Links for using YouTube in the classroom
Judy Arzt

Lights, Camera . . . Engagement! Three Great Tools for Classroom Video | Edutopia - 3 views

    Three excellent ways with step-by-step information for using video production in the classroom. 
Judy Arzt

Technology in the Middle » Blog Archive » Digital Literacy 2011: Diigo for Ed... - 4 views

    Technology in the Middle provides information on using Diigo on a variety of devices including iPad and mobile devices
Judy Arzt

EdTech Toolbox: Web 2 Tools by Task - 33 views

    One of the most comprehensive lists by categories of Web 2.0 tools that I have seen, with links to each. Tremendous resource!
Judy Arzt

13 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers | Search Engine Journal - 57 views

    13 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers | Search Engine Journal
Judy Arzt

1968 Exhibit - 6 views

    Given all the events of the 1960s, this site is a gem for keeping up and finding classroom activities.
Judy Arzt

Social Bookmarking with students: Quality not quantity! | The Edublogger - 13 views

    New Blog post: Social Bookmarking with students: Quality not quantity!
Judy Arzt

The Best Educational Wikis of 2011 - 187 views

    The winners for the best educational wikis for 2011 are featured, with links to their wiki. First place: ICTmagic, 2nd Resources for History Teachers, etc.
Judy Arzt

Everything You Need to Know about Pinterest - 227 views

    Suggestions for use, statistics, and general information about Pinterest
Judy Arzt

Four Ways to Use Pinterest in the Classroom - 228 views

    Resources about using Pinterest for educational uses are exploding. Here is another resources to check for ideas.
Judy Arzt

Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers - 128 views

  • Just click the tabs at the top of the page to go to various sections of the website. Click the computer / school logo in the upper-left corner of any page to return to this page.
    Attending "Tammy's Favorite Top 20 Tools", here's here website--> #iste11
Judy Arzt

A Primary Blog For The 21st Century - 149 views

    Excellent blogged maintained by a 1st-2nd grade teacher. Includes some videos done with Animoto.
Judy Arzt

21 Interesting Images to Use in the Classroom - 301 views

    Excellent suggestions for how to use images in classroom to provoke discussion and create an interactive lesson. Done with PowerPoint and shared through Google docs.
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