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  • You have found the non-commercial, teacher-created site for people who like to roll up their sleeves and make science toys and projects. You won't find slick, well-designed web pages here--more like the digital equivalent of a messy workshop. If you poke around though, you'll find good stuff. Science toy maker is a resource for inspired kids, parents, teachers, teenagers, home schoolers, science fair participants and citizen scientists everywhere.
    Nice examples of easy to make science toys. Hat tip to @Skipz
Lee-Anne Patterson

Cell Phones as Audio Recorders | ISTE's NECC09 Blog - 1 views

    Cell Phones in education - blog post by Wes Fryer at
    Presentations about the uses of cell phones to support learning both inside and outside the traditional classroom have been popular as well as contentious at educational technology conferences in the past year. I first become aware of the wide variety of constructive ways cell phones can be used to support learning through Liz Kolb's presentation for the 2007 K-12 Online Conference, "Cell Phones as Classroom Learning Tools." Liz is the author of the blog "From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning," and published the book "Toys to Tools: Connecting Student Cell Phones to Education" with ISTE in 2008. This past week, at the eTechOhio conference in Columbus, I heard Ohio technology director Ryan Collins' outstanding presentation "Cellphones in the classroom? Yes way!" In his session Ryan identified seven different ways cell phones can and are being used to support learning:
Matt Renwick

New 'Toys' for Your Students' Publishing Toolbox - 64 views

    Tackk,PowToon for Education and Smore
Shannon Smith

Need resources to assist in creating a 21st century learner training/ professional deve... - 133 views

Thank you! This is great information! James McKee wrote: > Shannon, > > I was recently referred to this video of Michael Wesch who teaches cultural anthropology at Kansas State University. He ...

professional development 21st century learners technology

Jim Tiffin Jr

Word Clouds in Education: Turn a toy into a tool - 107 views

    Most word cloud programs work in the same, straight-forward way; the more a word is used in the text, the bigger it is shown in the cloud. A glance at a cloud is an easy way to preview a passage, or to analyze text.
Roland Gesthuizen

myCreate for iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, i... - 113 views

  • Using the built-in camera, kids easily capture a series of photos of the physical world around them, and immediately play back a stop-motion animation. After recording audio, kids can upload their animations to Facebook and YouTube, inspiring friends to create and share their own imaginative stories.
    "Imagine, create, share! Kids easily make animated stories with crafts, toys, or anything hands-on, to share with friends and family. myCreate is a learning tool validated by thousands of teachers and parents around the world for enhancing creativity."
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Sketching, Infographics, and Google - 1 views

    Create online drawings with Sketch Toy that can be shared. Great infographics shared daily.
Diana Irene Saldana

Video Reviews by Kids, For Kids | Kids Movie Reviews | Kids Book Reviews | Kids Apps | ... - 58 views

    Safe place for kids, 7-12 years old, to review a variety of sources: tech, toys and games, movies and TV, books and magazines, food, sports, pets, travel, obsessions, contests.
Martin Burrett

Pokémon Go and Education - 4 views

    "Like many teachers, the launch of the popular Pokémon Go app recently raised the question as to how this could be utilised to support education. Not as a gimmick, not as a toy, but as an opportunity to enhance learning opportunities for our students..."
Nathan Dybvig

Science Projects Experiments, Educational Toys & Science Toys | Steve Spangler Science - 74 views

    An amazing collection of step by step science experiments
Jac Londe

Word order: The internet as the toy with a tin ear - Opinion - Al Jazeera English - 25 views

  • Word order: The internet as the toy with a tin ear
  • How have communication advancements degraded the way people use languages today?

Keeping Students Engaged in a 1:1 Project-Based Classroom [guest post] | 1 to 1 Schools - 7 views

    "When lap­tops first arrived in my class­room, I wor­ried about class­room man­age­ment. How could I cre­ate an envi­ron­ment where stu­dents used their com­put­ers as tools rather than toys?" Great practical tips here!!
Adrienne Michetti

flickrCC - 4 views

    Another great Flickr search toy for Creative Commons licensed images.
Marc Patton

Wordle - Beautiful Word Clouds - 28 views

  • Wordle gallery to share with your friends
    Turning text into pictures.
    Fun tool to use for banners, poems, reflections
    Wordle is a toy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide.
Dimitris Tzouris

Official Google Reader Blog: ​And now for something completely different - 75 views

    Google Reader Play: Google's new toy seems to be aimed at tablet computers. Feel and usability on a touch screen seem to be the next step for Google.
Libbey Kitten

Choosing the best dog toys for your dog or puppy - 2 views

    This doesn't seem relevant to the Diigo in Education group.
Martin Burrett

Dumpr - Photo Fun - 75 views

    This site has lots of great tools and toys to edit and use images and photos in fun ways. Make your photo into fine art or sketch.
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