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Martin Burrett

The Value of Argument by @History__Girls - 23 views

    "Debating societies may seem to be the preserve of Oxbridge and private schools, but there is a place for debating in classrooms everywhere, argues Gemma Jones Debating societies may seem to be the preserve of Oxbridge and private schools, but there is a place for debating in classrooms everywhere. From 'Why William Won the Battle of Hastings' to 'causes of the First World War', history is a natural subject to use debates to deepen knowledge in lessons. However, across the curriculum there is scope to engage the pupils in a structured debate to challenge misconceptions, structure arguments and encourage independent study. Additionally, participating in debates can develop confidence and public speaking skills."
Nigel Coutts

Inquiry vs Direct Instruction - The Great Debate and How it Went Wrong - The Learner's Way - 48 views

    There is a debate taking place in the world of education. It is not a new debate but recently it has gathered new energy and the boundary between polite discussion of opposing views and hostility has been stretched. The debate is that between those who are advocates of inquiry based learning and those who believe direct instruction produces the best outcomes. - This article explore how the debate has gone wrong and fails to serve the needs of learners.
Catherine Hainstock - 55 views

    IDEA is an international network teaching debate to young people. This site includes guidelines and teacher resources, a database of topics for debate, tournaments, and a system for managing tournaments if you plan to organize one in your area. Top resource!
Tara Heath

Hate Speech and Hate Crime | Advocacy, Legislation & Issues - 4 views

  • There is no legal definition of "hate speech" under U.S. law, just as there is no legal definition for evil ideas, rudeness, unpatriotic speech, or any other kind of speech that people might condemn. Generally, however, hate speech is any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, religion, skin color sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, or national origin. 1 In the United States, hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. Courts extend this protection on the grounds that the First Amendment requires the government to strictly protect robust debate on matters of public concern even when such debate devolves into distasteful, offensive, or hateful speech that causes others to feel grief, anger, or fear. (The Supreme Court's decision in Snyder v. Phelps provides an example of this legal reasoning.) Under current First Amendment jurisprudence, hate speech can only be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group. Hate Crime For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity,” including skin color and national origin.  Hate crimes are overt acts that can include acts of violence against persons or property, violation or deprivation of civil rights, certain "true threats," or acts of intimidation, or conspiracy to commit these crimes. The Supreme Court has upheld laws that either criminalize these acts or impose a harsher punishment when it can be proven that the defendant targeted the victim because of the victim's race, ethnicity, identity, or beliefs.  A hate crime is more than than offensive speech or conduct; it is specific criminal behavior that ranges from property crimes like vandalism and arson to acts of intimidation, assault, and murder.  Victims of hate crimes can include institutions, religious organizations and government entities as well as individuals.
    "Hate Speech There is no legal definition of "hate speech" under U.S. law, just as there is no legal definition for evil ideas, rudeness, unpatriotic speech, or any other kind of speech that people might condemn. Generally, however, hate speech is any form of expression through which speakers intend to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or a class of persons on the basis of race, religion, skin color sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, or national origin. 1 In the United States, hate speech is protected by the First Amendment. Courts extend this protection on the grounds that the First Amendment requires the government to strictly protect robust debate on matters of public concern even when such debate devolves into distasteful, offensive, or hateful speech that causes others to feel grief, anger, or fear. (The Supreme Court's decision in Snyder v. Phelps provides an example of this legal reasoning.) Under current First Amendment jurisprudence, hate speech can only be criminalized when it directly incites imminent criminal activity or consists of specific threats of violence targeted against a person or group. Hate Crime For the purposes of collecting statistics, the FBI has defined a hate crime as a "criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity," including skin color and national origin.  Hate crimes are overt acts that can include acts of violence against persons or property, violation or deprivation of civil rights, certain "true threats," or acts of intimidation, or conspiracy to commit these crimes. The Supreme Court has upheld laws that either criminalize these acts or impose a harsher punishment when it can be proven that the defendant targeted the victim because of the victim's race, ethnicity, identity, or beliefs.  A hate crime is more than than offensive speech

The dangers of encouraging dominance in debate by @viewthrudifeyes - - 6 views

    As a teacher, how do you react when one student (or a small minority) dominate discussion and class debate? Do you step in to include the rest of the group or just let the one-sided rhetoric run its natural course? If you intervene, what is the usua…
Gerald Carey

Engaging Middle School Students in Space Debates | - 69 views

    Using debate in the classroom to understand a key idea.

Economist Debates: Personal Computing - 28 views

    A debate on the future of personal computing (including desktops and laptops) with rise in the number of portable devices that can access online content through "the cloud".

NYT Opinion Page Room for Debate teaches students point of view | Where the Classroom Ends - 131 views

    Persuasive writing, debate resource
Roland Gesthuizen

What Schools are Really Blocking When They Block Social Media | The Young and the Digital - 65 views

  • our schools are disconnected from young learners and how their learning practices are evolving.  The decision to block social media is inconsistent with how students use social media as a powerful node in their learning network
  • In the not so distant future the notion that schools should block social media will become difficult to defend.  Before that happens schools will have to reimagine their mission in the lives of young learners, the communities that they serve, and the extraordinary possibilities of networked media and networked literacy.
    "The debates about schools and social media are a subject of great public and policy interests.  In reality, the debate has been shaped by one key fact: the almost universal decision by school administrators to block social media."

UKEd Mag: February - Issue 02 | - Supporting the #UKEdChat Education Commu... - 5 views

    Tom Bigglestone, who explores the benefits of Philosophy for Children (P4C). Chris Healey, who write about homework in the digital Age. John Pearce, advocates that teachers pledge a pedagogical oath. James Abela gives us a global perspective, writing about his experience in Thailand. Andy Knill waves the flag for the SOLO Taxonomy. UKEdChat Exclusive feature asked teachers what jobs they do if quit the profession. Martin Burrett tells of various highlights observed at BETT this year. Sharon Jones debates how debating can benefit pupils. David Moody shares some Stickmen without Arms! Tina Watson explains how she supports pupils to fill the blank pages. Leon Cych gives tips on how to produce professional video and audio with pupils. We review the book "The Philosophy Shop", edited by Peter Worley.
Steve Ransom

Schools Debate Cursive Handwriting Instruction Nationwide - 67 views

  • she'd rather "move on" and focus class time on other topics.
  • choosing to teach cursive is not about aesthetics or preference, but about giving children the mental tools needed read English.
  • hreaded letter strokes help guide students' eyes left-to-right and definitively correlates reading with writing:
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • "I absolutely get that we're moving in a world that's technology-based," she says. "But I'm of the old school that believes you can't forget where you came from to get where you're going. There could be a day the computer crashes."
    "Schools Debate Cursive Handwriting Instruction Nationwide"
Steve Ransom

Online debate community for logical, passionate people - CreateDebate - 2 views

    CreateDebate is a social tool that democratizes the decision-making process through online debate.
Martin Burrett

UKEdChat Session 320: The Educational Performance of Boys - 13 views

    Inspired by UK Parliament debate secured by @karlmccartney MP - Click here to read tweets from the debate - the #UKEdChat poll this week established that the discussion will focus on the Educational Performance of Boys.
Nigel Coutts

The purposes of our pedagogy - The Learner's Way - 36 views

    The debate over the most effective method of instruction continues as ever and where one stands on the topic is largely influenced by the purposes one attaches to education. Analysing a series of research articles reveals the nature of the debate between advocates of direct instruction compared to those who support a problem based learning methodology.

Free Technology for Teachers: Socratic Smackdown - A Game for Learning and Practicing D... - 131 views

  • forty students
    • pkrason
      I tried mine with a class of 30, and it worked out very well.  I chose to prepare the room in a typical Socratic Seminar fashion with chairs aligned in two concentric circles.  
  • text-based question
    • pkrason
      Essential Questions throughout the chapter work well for this purpose.
  • debate a question
    • pkrason
      We debated whether or not Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi was a successful leader.  We also built a discussion off of analyzing Medieval and Renaissance artwork.  
    • pkrason
    Socratic Smackdown is a fun discussion-based game to encourage students to formulate arguments and argue these points referencing textual evidence.
Susan Dineen

New Forms, but People Will Always Read - Room for Debate - - 3 views

  • Fiction brings us the news of ourselves, as literature always has and always will. That’s “entertainment,” in its deepest and most satisfying form. That’s pleasure, meaning, passion, glimpses of profoundest truth, the salvation of art. “The Jungle” may have sparked reform, but I daresay “Mrs. Dalloway” has changed more people’s lives.
  • But as long as people use language, tell stories and want to know about themselves, they will read fiction. The novel is a sturdy old contraption that continues to outlive its mourners.
    This entire Room for Debate is worth reading.   Would be worthwhile to check out at the beginning of the year.
Steve Ransom

DebateGraph - 53 views

    DebateGraph lets you explore and view individual debate and dialogue maps (and the graph of interrelated maps) through different types of bubble, box, tree and outline views that have complementary strengths, and that are accessed via the Views menu (above the map).
LaToya Morris

The Great Debate About Year-Round Schooling - 6 views

    A CBS news clip debating over year-round schooling. The news reporter speaks with representatives that are both for and against year-round schooling in Raleigh, NC where overcrowding is a huge problem. Both representatives gives their views and opinions on the topic.

Google Uncle Sam - 54 views

    This is the Government search component of Google. This is a GREAT way to find a lot of details and information for debate and diplomacy.
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