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Michele Brown

StepMap - Create your personal map for free - 10 views

    StepMap enables you to create maps for free and to search for maps in the map directory. In the map directory you can find maps for Africa, Asia, Australia/Ozeania, Europe, North America and South America. You can add images, videos, audio files and much more to your personal map. Categories in the map directory include Travel Routes, News Maps, School Maps, Fan Maps, Political Maps as well as Historical Maps.
Deborah Batzer

The Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements - 177 views

    This site contains comic book images linked to the chemical elements via the periodic table. Comics include Uncle $crooge, Metal Men, Metamorpho, Batman, Fantastic Four, Superman, and many more."> The Comic Book Periodic Table of the Elements BODY { color: rgb(0,0,0);} Th
Glenn Hervieux

Nat Geo MapMaker Kits - National Geographic Society - 34 views

    Complete set of 11 map kits that students and teachers can use. Easy to assemble. The kits offer United States political and physical maps, world political and physical maps, maps of Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, Australia and Oceania, polar region maps, and maps of New England.
Jjenna Andrews

Teaching Creativity - The Case for Mind Mapping - 83 views

    "Essentially, digital (and physical) mind mapping allows students to view the entire forest instead of a single tree. As they create a mind map, they capture the wider ecosystem of information by visually connecting short keywords and phrases rather than writing complete sentences. Upon later review-for retention, exam preparation or papers-the mind map is like a CD. You jump right to the information that interests you. In contrast, linear notes are like audio tapes-you waste time wading line by line through the content in hopes of getting to what you want. This more efficient use of space (and time) lets students see how normally unconnected ideas might fit together. Thus, the mind maps doubles as a store of information and an engine of creativity. Using it in the classroom and even giving mind mapping assignments forces students to break the linearity of their earlier education."
Christian King

Free Mind Mapping Software, Freeware, Create mindmaps for brainstorming, problem solvin... - 137 views

    I've used many mind mapping tools and find them lacking in functionality (xmind) , expensive (inspiration) or very hard to use (Free Mind). Most of these tools will not allow you to have 2 main topics and create a double bubble map (like a venn diagram). Edraw Mind Map has a very easy to use ribbon interface similar to Word 2010 and tons of built in symbols and mind mapping templates. It is free for educational use and their site has tons of video tutorials that cover all the nifty features. It's the first mind mapping program where I felt like I wasn't fighting the interface.
Jennifer Carey

Animaps - Create and view beautifully informative animated maps, for free! - 96 views

    This online mapping tool lets you make an timed animated route and add photos, text and links at various positions along the journey. Feels a bit like a map-based PowerPoint and timeline.,+RE,+Citizenship,+Geography+&+Environmental
    Animaps extends the My Maps feature of Google Maps by letting you create maps with markers that move, images and text that pop up on cue, and lines and shapes that change over time.
Powerof R10

Create a map | BatchGeo - 53 views

    via tekzilla have locations in a spreadsheet? Well try this free and unique tool to... * Map them using Google Maps * Publish a map on your Web site * Create a store locator * Get coordinates, print maps, and more!
    So Cool!!
    Really cool mapping tool that will take data from a spreadsheet and let you visually analyze the data on a map.
Roland O'Daniel

Dynamic Maps - 84 views

  •™ contains a remarkable range of products and services to meet the diverse needs of people who are looking for maps and geographic information about America. Dynamic maps are innovative illustrations of geographic phenomena. We combine the science of mapping with today's multimedia to offer maps that are useful, understandable, and that stimulate interactivity.
Michele Brown

Text 2 Mind Map - Simple mind mapping online - 29 views

    Text to Mind Map converter: Convert your text or list of keywords to a mind map instantly. The text 2 mind map converter makes a mind map out of your bullet list. Also known as Text-2-mind-map converter or, shortly, Text2Mindmap.
    Quick and easy mind mapping/graphic organizer tool!
    Type an outline and have it turned into a mind map with click of the button.  A good way to see both a text version and a graphic version.
Damianne President

ForgeFX - 3D Topographic Map Simulation Software - 3 views

    This real-time 3D simulation illustrates how topographic maps are created and used to depict changes in elevation. A topographic map is characterized by large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief using contour lines. Rendered in real-time 3D, it is easy to understand how topographic maps are created since the simulation shows the same virtual environment in both a 3D mesh and 2D map format.
Martin Burrett

Doodle on Maps with - 1 views

shared by Martin Burrett on 17 Jul 11 - Cached
    A easy to use, versatile mapping tool. Students can annotate and draw on the maps. Great with an interactive whiteboard. Because this site uses Google Maps you can not only use a map of Earth, but the Moon, Mars and the sky too. Great for Sci-Fi creative writing.,+RE,+Citizenship,+Geography+&+Environmental

The Racial Dot Map: One Dot Per Person for the Entire U.S. - 132 views

    This map is an American snapshot; it provides an accessible visualization of geographic distribution, population density, and racial diversity of the American people in every neighborhood in the entire country. The map displays 308,745,538 dots, one for each person residing in the United States at the location they were counted during the 2010 Census. Each dot is color-coded by the individual's race and ethnicity. The map is presented in both black and white and full color versions. In the color version, each dot is color-coded by race.
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Maps of World - A Great Learning Tool (and maps too) - 8 views

    This site contains a huge variety of maps plus useful facts including demographics, economic data, and the history behind the subject of each map. Great tool for teachers and students.
Terry Smith

Beyond Borders - National Geographic Society - 36 views

    The overall theme of this teacher-tested unit is using maps to understand borders and their impacts in Europe. The materials will help your middle school students to use maps to think about how borders intersect physical and human geographical features, and how those intersections can lead to cooperation and/or conflict. The educator resources provided in the unit include maps, multimedia, and case studies that will enable students to develop skills in map analysis and apply that analysis to specific situations. Other parts of the unit will invite you and your students to explore similar cases in Europe and your own community.

newspaper map | all online newspapers in the world, translate with one click - 106 views

    Very cool map mashup of online newspapers from around the world. You can filter by language and help them update the map.
Seth Bowers

GeoCommons - 67 views

    Create compelling maps that make a difference GeoCommons enables everyone to find, use and share geographic data and maps. Easily create rich interactive visualizations to solve problems without any experience using traditional mapping tools.
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Free Map Tools - Use maps in cool and unique ways - 92 views

    Calculate area, radius, and distance using this mapping website. Useful for social studies and math teachers.
Martin Burrett

Metro Map Creator - 25 views

    "A useful site for creating metro maps. Use it in creating writing to map out a character's travels, make Monopoly-like games or make classroom posters showing connected words, names, ideas or topics."
Roland Gesthuizen

How to teach mind mapping and how to make a mind map | - 48 views

    "Mind mapping is a visual form of note taking that offers an overview of a topic and its complex information, allowing students to comprehend, create new ideas and build connections. Through the use of colors, images and words, mind mapping encourages students to begin with a central idea and expand outward to more in-depth sub-topics."
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Tweetping - See Twitter activity in real time - 1 views

    See Twitter activity in real time. The site's map develops into a current population map. Challenge students to make observations as the map changes.
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