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Tonya Thomas

New Learning Environments for the 21st Century | John Seely Brown - 2 views

Smith Shots

Discovery learning is the new higher learning - The Globe and Mail - 32 views

    How do your experiences as a student or teacher relate to the article? What changes do you suggest?
Jennie Snyder

How 21st Century Thinking Is Just Different - 2 views

  • nstead, we might consider constant reflection guided by important questions as a new way to learn in the presence of information abundance.
  • There is more information available to any student with a smartphone than an entire empire would have had access to three thousand years ago.
  • Truth may not change, but information does. And in the age of social media, it divides and duplicates in a frenzied kind of digital mitosis.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • new habits of mind.
  • Persisting.
  • Managing impulsivity.
  • Responding with awe.
  • Questioning.
  • Innovating.
  • Thinking interdependently.
  • This hints at the concept not so much of student motivation, but student impetus.
  • the 21st century’s model is form and interdependence.
  • How the Habits of Mind develop is not as simple as merely naming them.
  • It is one thing to remind little Johnny to persist in the face of adversity. It is another to create consistent reasons and opportunities for him to do so, and nurturing it all with modeling, resources, and visible relevance.
  • The tone of thinking in the 21st century should not be hushed nor gushing, defiant nor assimilating, but simply interdependent, conjured to function on a relevant scale within a much larger human and intellectual ecology
  • The shift towards the fluid, formless nature of information—thinking of information as a kind of perpetually oozing honey that holds variable value rather than static silhouettes and typesets that is right or wrong—is a not a small one.
    How 21st C really is different. Think differently.
Elizabeth Resnick

How Schools Can Teach Innovation - - 5 views

  • problems can never be understood or solved in the context of a single academic discipline
  • all courses are interdisciplinary and based on the exploration of a problem or new opportunity.
  • young innovators are intrinsically motivated. T
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • The play is discovery-based learning that leads young people to find and pursue a passion, which evolves, over time, into a deeper sense of purpose.
  • play, passion and purpose.
  • Students should have
  • digital portfolios that demonstrate progressive mastery of the skills needed to innovate.
  • Teachers need professional development to learn how to create hands-on, project-based, interdisciplinary courses.
  • To succeed in the 21st-century economy, students must learn to analyze and solve problems, collaborate, persevere, take calculated risks and learn from failure.
    To succeed in the 21st-century economy, students must learn to analyze and solve problems, collaborate, persevere, take calculated risks and learn from failure. 
Seth Bowers

movingforward - Education Blogs by Discipline - 8 views

    " Education Blogs by Discipline Edit 210 739… This is a place to list P-12-oriented blogs that are worth sharing with others. Only list really good blogs (not wikis or web sites), please!"
Mark Gleeson

Future proof your Education - 115 views

    This blogpost takes a close look at the skills required to be prepared for the future. It discusses the importance of a skills based curriculum rather than a narrow content based one. Its inspiration is a brilliantly designed Prezi focused on Future Proofing Education. A detailed read.
Deborah Baillesderr

Global Oneness Project | Bringing the World to Your Classroom - 59 views

    "Bringing the World to Your Classroom"
Patricia Christian

Curriculum21 - 86 views

    Heidi Hayes Jacobs
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