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10 Digital Marketing Story Telling Tips For Small Businesses | Relative Bearing - 0 views

    This article offers Orwell's Five Rules For Writing: Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech that you are used to seeing in print. Never use a long word where a short one will do. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. Never use the passive where you can use the active. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word. You can see some of these principles in action.

Regular Expressions Guide for SEO, Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager - 0 views

    Regular expressions rear their ugly head in more and more places. Google Analytics is just one.

    For me the regular expression showed up in the excellent Yoast SEO plugin for Wordpress. I needed to redirect a URL that had parameters, like this:

    To do this, I could not use a regular redirect, as everything after the ? would be stripped away. I needed to use a Regular Expression Redirect. However, this sort of thing -- using query parameters -- wasn't covered in any of the Yoast documentation.

    This article gave me the hint I needed, and the technique that ended up working. To summarize, I used the following regular expression to match my URL with the parameters:


    The parentheses save the matching contents into a variable, which I can access using $1 in the new URL, like this:


    It worked great. Give it a try:

    Thanks to Himanshu.

5 Big Challenges Digital Marketers Faced in 2016 - 0 views

    This article lists to the problems will be solving in 2017: marketers are stuck in data collection mode, and not data use mode; and that marketing software is too damn hard to use. We want to show marketers how to use data to make great decisions. And until the tools get easier-to-use, we provide the teams that know how to turn the knobs pull the levers and make these tools work well.

Conversion Conference Blog » Retargeting Emails - Do E-commerce customers lik... - 0 views

    Retargeting Emails - Do E-commerce customers like or loathe them? March 10th, 2011Leave a commentGo to comments By Charles Nicolls, SeeWhy At SeeWhy, when we first launched our remarketing service in 2009, Randy Stross wrote a piece about email remarketing in The New York Times suggesting that while remarketing might be a great idea for ecommerce websites, it's not a great idea for consumers. He likened emails following up on abandoned shopping carts to a salesman chasing you down the street if you didn't buy from his store. There are major differences, of course. We've long argued that remarketing emails, when done well, not only drive conversions but also build brand trust. They can deliver great service and provide customers with the confidence to return to buy-either online, by phone or in store. If Randy was right and customers universally resented the intrusion, then these emails wouldn't work. In aiming to answer the question more substantively, I turned to data, and specifically email marketing benchmarks. The key metrics to look at to determine whether customers like or loathe remarketing emails are: the recovery rate the open rate the clickthrough rate the unsubscribe rate Frankly, the evidence is overwhelming: Remarketing, when done well, is appreciated by customers. Here's the evidence: (1) The recovery rate The recovery rate is the percentage of visitors that abandon shopping carts, and remarketed visitors thatthen return and purchase following remarketing. At SeeWhy, we measure recovery rates across all our customers, and currently the average is 20 percent. So, one in five shopping cart abandoners come back and buy, having being remarketed. In some cases, the recovery rate is as high as 50 percent. Moreover, when remarketed customers buy, they spend on average 55 percent more than customers who didn't abandon their shopping carts. (2) The open rate The average email open rate for remarketing emails is currently 46 percent, m

Best Practices for Long Scrolling - 0 views

    We can detect pages with low scroll rates using click-tracking software like CrazyEgg. When we see a page with poor scroll performance, we have two options: Move key content higher on the pageAdd cues to increase scrollingHere are some ideas for how to increase scrolling.


    Use of animations and parallax should be used with extreme caution. Test into these treatments as they may detract from your content, and introduce technical problems on certain devices and browsers.

Marketing Study Shocker: QR Codes & Social Media Have Little Impact for Shoppers | Mark... - 0 views

    When considering how much to invest in social networks, the important question is not "Are my customers using social media?" They are.

    A better question to ask is "Are my customers using social media to make decisions about my product?" Odds are, they aren't.

    This paradox is most evident in the "fastest growing" segment of social media: those over 55 years of age. This segment is large, but it does not generally make buying decisions using social media. That's an important distinction.

Quick Actionable Tests To Increase Conversions| SnoopTank Blog - 0 views

    @pallavkaushish offers a nice check list for things to test. However, you should use this list to develop a list of hypotheses. Rather than just testing these, use your analytics to see if these might really be the problem.

    I would add one more to the top of the list: headlines and copy around calls to action. This has proven more effective than testing CTA buttons for us.

Tales from design-Turning user data into insights for H&H Tattoo | Second Form - 0 views

    Here's a nice story about how data can be used to drive design and content decisions. Click tracking (heatmaps), session recording and user polling are all tools we put to good use here in the lab for our clients.

    And if you want a fantastic example of using storytelling to educate and entertain, this post is just such a thing.

Seth's Blog: Articulating your preferred use case (what's it for?) - 0 views

    What Seth calls a "Use Case" we call Personas in the world of conversion. Otherwise the benefits are the same: understanding your most important visitors, ending bad relationships with poor customers, and getting everyone on the same page.

The 5 Most Persuasive Words in the English Language | Copyblogger - 0 views

     @copyblogger Here are the five most persuasive words we can use. Indivdually, each of these words appeals to a certain kind of person. If we use the Eisenberg Modes of Persuasion as a guide, we can assign each to a different mode.

    "You" - Humanists are relationship oriented. When your voice shifts from "We" and "our company" and you speak to them in the first person, it feels more human -- and more Humanistic.

    "Free" - This word appeals to the Spontaneous reader. These visitors are just looking for an excuse to take action.

    "Because" - Methodicals want to understand the details. They make decisions deliberately and logically. Credible proof is important.

    "Instantly" - This also appeals to our Spontaneous reader, who wants immmediate gratification.

    "New" - This appeals to the Competitive, who wants to know what will make them better. New technologies, new versions, new looks get their attention.

    So, two of the words are very Spontaneous, and we tend to act spontaneously when we've decided to buy something. "Free" and "Instantly" are bottom of the funnel words.

    Read the research in this excellent post.

Conversion Optimization 101: Pricing Tables - Ecommerce - 0 views

    Bryan Eisenberg is a great teacher and is one of the fathers of conversion science. In this post, he asks his audience to make recommendations on pricing tables, those pages that ostensibly help us to choose the right product for us.

    Here are my suggestions.

    The main purpose of a page like this is "Help me choose." Choice, as it turns out, is a conversion killer, so these pages can be very helpful. This page needs to tell me which is "The best value." A badge would be helpful, probably on the most expensive item.

    The little "signal bars" are unique and may be helpful, but don't really tell me at a glance what I want to know.

    The copy is unhelpful. Instead of "Essential productivity..." how about "Great system for a tight budget." Instead of "Yield better results..." how about "Good value ready for your network." Instead of "2nd Generation Processor..." how about "This system has the power to do heavy number crunching, video editing and graphics."

    There are too many prices here -- four to be exact. I say, pick two: Savings and total price. Crossing out "Starting price" is a proven way to communicate value.

    Finally, put the coupon code near the "Customize & Buy" buttons to give those transactional shoppers an extra push.

    What do you find frustrating about this page?

Stay Informed: 39 Conversion Optimization Blogs for You to Follow | The Invesp Blog - 0 views

    In their own words:8. Conversion Sciences Blog Conversion Sciences is another A/B testing conversion optimization agency that has stood the test of time (it was founded in 2007). In this blog you can find some remarkable and noteworthy ideas about A/B testing and conversion optimization. What to read: AB Testing JavaScript: Great Power, Great ProblemsHow to Avoid Mobile-Friendly Redesign DisastersAB Testing Inspiration: Using Emotional TriggersHow Google Reviews Drive Conversions for Local Businesses

Social Login and Social Sharing, Key Metrics, Ecommerce | Monetate - 0 views

    I often rail against the gratuitous use of social media icons on Ecommerce sites. It takes people away from your site for little real benefit. The folks at Monetate do a great job of summarizing the best way to use social for the good of your business and of your visitors.

Seth Godin Used Kickstarter to Fund His Next Book Raising Over $130,000 - Forbes - 0 views

    If you want to understand the importance of charging your marketing batteries TODAY, just listen to Seth Godin, who has been building a following for a decade with daily blog posts, books and presentations: "[Kickstarter is] the LAST step, not the first one. I started working on this Kickstarter 9 or 10 years ago. That's the way you maximize your results. Dig your well before you're thirsty."

    Seth was able to raise well over $100,000 to fund his new book using Kickstarter. He didn't set out to do that nine or ten years ago. When you've got a list and have built a relationship with its members, you can invite them to participate in new things as they arise. Start now.

Fund Firms on YouTube: Companies Add Online Video to Their Marketing Push - - 0 views

    Is your business or offering as difficult to explain as a financial investment? A website is often not enough. So it's interesting to see that stodgy financial firms are using humor and even hand-drawn cartoons to help their customers make some serious decisions. We're bullish on video as an online tool at Conversion Sciences. Ask us about our Video Science service.

Seth's Blog: Who has a seat at the table? - 0 views

    @thisissethsblog I shared this for just one line:

    "But where's the person in charge of Magic?" Even though we use science to get more revenue from a website, there is always a sense of magic. Things never work out the way we think. Surprises are the rule, not the exception.

    Ultimately, we are using science to find the delightful, the remarkable and the relevant in your website.

    That's what your visitors are looking for, too.

Shopping Cart Abandonment: Why It Happens & How To Recover Baskets Of Money - 0 views

    @peeplaja offers a great post on shopping cart abandonment

    In my book I say that abandonment is like cholesterol: There is a good kind and a bad kind. For each there is a strategy for reducing the impact of abandonment on your business.

    Good abandoners leave because they aren't done with their shopping process. The challenge is to get them to come back and buy when they are done. There are several strategies here for retargeting the visitor who abandons using email and ads.

    Bad abandoners leave because you surprised them or didn't provide the information they were looking for. This kind of abandonment can be treated by improving the checkout process and by using pricing and shipping strategies.

    Abandonment is the most heartbreaking of conversion killers. it is also a fertile place to increase the performance of your website.

7 Conversion Lessons Learned From Eye Tracking - 0 views

    @neilpatel collects some of the most interesting eye-tracking images available and provides seven insights that can help you design your pages and choose images. We have done our own eye-tracking study of business video and you can get the full report now. The report offers similar conclusions for the use of video in a landing page. It includes over 30 minutes of embedded video that you can watch yourself.

    Neil's conclusions include:Be careful you you use [images of] peopleThat people love media (especially on search results pages)That men and women look at images differentlyThat simple images can be more effectiveThe power of the left side of the pageThe power of facesThat people love hand-written notes (my favorite)Enjoy the images he provides.

Tying Video into Your Landing Pages - 0 views

    While Kickstarter isn't a typical landing page, this Kickstarter project does a great job of using video in a persuasive way, and including a call to action tied into the page.

    If you're using video on your landing pages, you should point to or reference the form on the page in the video.

A report on Tag Management System in Top 100 Internet Retailers-Only Web Analytics - 1 views

    The greatest threat to the accuracy of your analytics data is inconsistent implementation. Too often, Javascript "Tags" are left off of some pages, put on some pages twice or simply implemented wrong. And, as your site changes, more inconsistencies are created.

    This affects more than just analytics tools. Advertising networks, ratings and review systems, user feedback systems and more rely on properly implemented javascript tags.

    The promise of "Tag Managers" is that you can put one set of code on all of your pages, and then control, monitor and edit the javascript for all of these tags in one place, using rules to determine which tags get placed on which pages. It's another way for marketing to monitor the implementation of online systems without being beholden to IT.


    So, how are the biggest ecommerce companies using Tag Managers? Here's your answer.
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