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Crack the Code Game, Arduino Based Puzzle Box : 4 Steps (with Pictures) - 1 views

    "In this Instructable, I'm goIng to be showIng you how to build your own crack the code game In which you use a rotary encoder dial to guess the randomly generated code to the safe. There are 8 LEDs on the front of the safe to tell you how many of the digits you've guessed are correct and how many are In the right place as well. The safe is Initially open, allowIng you to put somethIng Into the Inside compartment. The ArduIno and battery are housed In a separate compartment In the back. You then push the dial to lock the safe, which is done usIng a servo on the Inside of the door. You then need to Input the code by turnIng the dial to select the digits and pushIng the dial to confirm each digit. After your fourth digit is chosen, the safe displays how many of your digits are correct and how many of them are In the correct place usIng the red and green LEDs on the door. "

JRC Publications Repository - GreenComp The European sustainability competence framework - 1 views

    "The development of a European sustainability competence framework is one of the policy actions set out in the European Green Deal as a catalyst to promote learning on environmental sustainability in the European Union. GreenComp identifies a set of sustainability competences to feed into education programmes to help learners develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote ways to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet and for public health. This work began with a literature review and drew on several consultations with experts and stakeholders working in the field of sustainability education and lifelong learning. The results presented in this report form a framework for learning for environmental sustainability that can be applied in any learning context. The report shares working definitions of sustainability and learning for environmental sustainability that forms the basis for the framework to build consensus and bridge the gap between experts and other stakeholders. GreenComp comprises four interrelated competence areas: 'embodying sustainability values', 'embracing complexity in sustainability', 'envisioning sustainable futures' and 'acting for sustainability'. Each area comprises three competences that are interlinked and equally important. GreenComp is designed to be a non-prescriptive reference for learning schemes fostering sustainability as a competence."

De novo origins of multicellularity in response to predation - 0 views

    "The transition from unicellular to multicellular life was one of a few major events in the history of life that created new opportunities for more complex biological systems to evolve. Predation is hypothesized as one selective pressure that may have driven the evolution of multicellularity. Here we show that de novo origins of simple multicellularity can evolve in response to predation. We subjected outcrossed populations of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii to selection by the filter-feeding predator Paramecium tetraurelia. Two of five experimental populations evolved multicellular structures not observed in unselected control populations within ~750 asexual generations. Considerable variation exists in the evolved multicellular life cycles, with both cell number and propagule size varying among isolates. Survival assays show that evolved multicellular traits provide effective protection against predation. These results support the hypothesis that selection imposed by predators may have played a role in some origins of multicellularity."

A Matter of Scale, book by @keithfarnish, pdf available - 0 views

    "This is not an environmental book, even though it is concerned with the environment. It is not a book to save the world, even though the world is clearly in trouble. Ultimately, A Matter Of Scale is a book about survival; about ensuring that every individual human has the means to save herself or himself from the crisis that is unfolding. And there most certainly is a crisis; like the waves of a surging river; small and irregular at first, but growing larger, creating whirlpools, rising in treacherous white water, and eventually inundating everything in its path. People know that the climate is changing, that species are being removed from the Earth at a rapidly increasing rate, that entire ecosystems are becoming shadows of their former richness; they know, but they do not understand. The environmental crisis is closing in on humanity from all directions, yet the crisis barely registers on this culture's list of problems. As we stand, humanity is doomed to a collapse that will leave only a few nomads, and a toxic, barely survivable Earth in its wake."

Rang-Tan's Story | Iceland's Banned Palm Oil - 0 views

    "Last year I went to West Kalimantan in Borneo to see for myself the effects of the runaway growth of the palm oil industry. I came home firm in the belief that Iceland would not continue using palm oil until companies delivered on their zero deforestation commitments. This is because palm oil has had devastating consequences for local communities, who are being displaced, and on endangered species like the orangutan (our closest relative in the wild), which are being driven close to extinction. Palm oil has many benefits, chiefly that its yields are better than the alternatives. But it is grown almost exclusively in areas of tropical rainforest, which are the 'crown jewels' of our planet's biodiversity. With 146 football pitches of rainforest being lost every hour in indonesia alone, the urgency of the crisis cannot be overstated. And global demand is set to double by 2050. At Iceland the 1,000 tonnes of palm oil we used annually pale into insignificance compared to many of our competitors. As such a tiny player we took the decision that the only way we could create meaningful change was to shout very loudly from outside the established palm oil industry. So we decided simply to stop using palm oil until the industry cleaned up its act. It was our own decision to give consumers a choice where previously there was none. We never called for a wider industry ban, and accept entirely that a wholesale boycott of palm oil is not the right long term solution. ..."

OpenLibra | Problems in introductory Physics - 0 views

    "This book is a collection of homework problems for use in an introductory physics course. It is a work in progress, currently complete through mechanics and electromagnetism. There is a complete set of ancillary materials, including solutions and an online answer checker. If you're an instructor, you can use these problems as a plug-in replacement for the ones in a commercial textbook, thus insulating yourself from common hassles associated with using the problems from a commercial text. For example, you can change books without having to redo all your problem sets, or you can tell your students that they can use any edition of a particular text."

The Challenge - A Good Life For All Within Planetary Boundaries - 0 views

    "No country in the world currently meets the basic needs of its citizens at a globally sustainable level of resource use. Our research, recently published in Nature Sustainability (and summarised in The Conversation), is the first to quantify the national resource use associated with achieving a good life for over 150 countries. It shows that meeting the basic needs of all people on the planet would result in humanity transgressing multiple environmental limits, based on current relationships between resource use and human well-being. The chart below demonstrates the profound challenge nations currently face. National performance on seven environmental sustainability indicators is plotted against eleven minimum social thresholds for a good life (see About page for further details). Ideally, nations would be located in the top-left corner with no biophysical boundaries transgressed and all minimum social thresholds achieved."

CLEAN - 2 views

    Ambicioso proyecto de educación estadounidense sobre el clima, energía y educación ambiental. The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) Portal was launched in 2010 as a National Science Digital Library (NSDL) Pathways project. It is led by the science education expertise of the Cooperative institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES) at the University of Colorado Boulder and the Science Education Resource Center (SERC) at Carleton College. As of 2012, CLEAN has been syndicated to NOAA's portal. CLEAN's primary effort is to steward the collection of climate and energy science educational resources and to support a community of professionals committed to improving climate and energy literacy. The three key components of the CLEAN project are: The CLEAN Collection of Climate and Energy Science resources- high-quality, digital resources---including learning activities, visualizations, videos, and short demonstrations/experiments---geared toward educators of students in secondary through undergraduate levels. Guidance in Teaching Climate and Energy Science pages designed to help educators understand and be equipped to teach the big ideas in climate and energy science. The CLEAN Network a community of professionals committed to improving climate and energy literacy.

Bike powered electricity generators are not sustainable - 0 views

    "Generating electricity is not only inefficient, it also makes pedal power less sustainable, less robust and more costly. To begin with, batteries have to be manufactured, and they have to be replaced regularly. This requires energy, which can completely negate the ecological advantage of pedal power. According to this research paper (pdf), the embodied energy of a 150Wh lead-acid battery (like the one offered with the Windstream pedal power generator) is at least 37,500 Wh, which equals 250 full charges of the battery (more sources: 1/2). in other words: if you can deliver 75 watts of power to the battery, you have to pedal for 500 hours in order to generate the energy that was needed to manufacture the battery. Because the life expectancy of a lead-acid battery can be as low as 300 discharge/charge cycles (sources: 1/2), you are basically pedalling to produce the energy required to manufacture the battery. If you also factor in the embodied energy of other electronics and parts, the ecological advantage of a pedal powered generator connected to a battery becomes rather doubtful. It might costs more energy than it delivers."
    "Generating electricity is not only inefficient, it also makes pedal power less sustainable, less robust and more costly. To begin with, batteries have to be manufactured, and they have to be replaced regularly. This requires energy, which can completely negate the ecological advantage of pedal power. According to this research paper (pdf), the embodied energy of a 150Wh lead-acid battery (like the one offered with the Windstream pedal power generator) is at least 37,500 Wh, which equals 250 full charges of the battery (more sources: 1/2). in other words: if you can deliver 75 watts of power to the battery, you have to pedal for 500 hours in order to generate the energy that was needed to manufacture the battery. Because the life expectancy of a lead-acid battery can be as low as 300 discharge/charge cycles (sources: 1/2), you are basically pedalling to produce the energy required to manufacture the battery. If you also factor in the embodied energy of other electronics and parts, the ecological advantage of a pedal powered generator connected to a battery becomes rather doubtful. It might costs more energy than it delivers."

Why We Need a Speed Limit for the Internet - 0 views

    "In terms of energy conservation, the leaps made In energy efficiency by the Infrastructure and devices we use to access the Internet have allowed many onlIne activities to be viewed as more sustaInable than offlIne. On the Internet, however, advances In energy efficiency have a reverse effect: as the network becomes more energy efficient, its total energy use Increases. This trend can only be stopped when we limit the demand for digital communication."
    "In terms of energy conservation, the leaps made In energy efficiency by the Infrastructure and devices we use to access the Internet have allowed many onlIne activities to be viewed as more sustaInable than offlIne. On the Internet, however, advances In energy efficiency have a reverse effect: as the network becomes more energy efficient, its total energy use Increases. This trend can only be stopped when we limit the demand for digital communication."

Teacher Strikes and Private Education in Argentina - #paper - - 0 views

    "This article analyzes teacher strikes in Argentina during 2006-2012. It stands out how teacher strikes prevail over claims from other unions, and are shown to be relevant events for education policy just for some provinces and only for public schools. We found that none of the policy measures implemented over the last decade has proven to be effective in reducing conflict. Analyzing a dataset on labour unrest, this study builds an index of teacher labour conflict to better understand the evolution of teacher strikes over time and under the various provincial governments that integrate the Argentinian federal education system. The article shows no correlation between teacher labour unrest and the growth of private enrolment. However, we note that despite the lack of statistical correlation, teacher strikes should not be ruled out as an explanatory variable of the increase in private education in Argentina."

Primitive Technology | Making stuff from scratch in the wild - 1 views

    Primitive technology is a hobby where you make things in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials. This is the strict rule. If you want a fire- use fire sticks, an axe- pick up a stone and shape it, a hut- build one from trees, mud, rocks etc. The challenge is seeing how far you can go without modern technology. If this hobby interests you then this blog might be what you are looking for. Also It should be noted that I don't live in the wild but just practice this as a hobby. I live in a modern house and eat modern food. I just like to see how people in ancient times built and made things. It is a good hobby that keeps you fit and doesn't cost anything apart from time and effort.

16 Great Educational Web Tools and Apps for Inquiry-based LearnIng ~ Educational Techno... - 4 views

    "As a learning strategy, inquiry-based learning is all about learners constructing their own understanding and knowledge through asking questions. Unlike traditional learning methods that focus primarily on drills, memorization and rote learning, inquiry-based learning is essentially student-centered. It starts with posing questions and directly involves students in challenging hands-on activities that drive students to ask more questions and explore different learning paths. in today's post, we have assembled a collection of some useful web tools and apps that support the ethos of inquiry-based learning. Using these tools will enable students to engage in a wide range of learning tasks that are all driven by a sense of inquiry and questioning."
    "As a learning strategy, inquiry-based learning is all about learners constructing their own understanding and knowledge through asking questions. Unlike traditional learning methods that focus primarily on drills, memorization and rote learning, inquiry-based learning is essentially student-centered. It starts with posing questions and directly involves students in challenging hands-on activities that drive students to ask more questions and explore different learning paths. in today's post, we have assembled a collection of some useful web tools and apps that support the ethos of inquiry-based learning. Using these tools will enable students to engage in a wide range of learning tasks that are all driven by a sense of inquiry and questioning."

What's Wrong with MOOCs and Why Aren't They Working? - 1 views

    "there is no live teacher engagement... Currently, just 10 percent of MOOC registrants complete their courses. Where Will MOOCs Be Just Two Years From Now? Within the next two years, MOOCs will quickly evolve from lacking teacher engagement to having a lot of teacher engagement. Right now, it's essentially a model where computers are teaching students. This model is simply not sustainable in the long run without live student-teacher engagement. Teachers are the key that unlocks learning in these courses. They help students resolve issues and problems. Will the biggest change in online education moving forward be putting live teachers at the center of the MOOC (not just on video)? We will know the answer very soon."
    "there is no live teacher engagement... Currently, just 10 percent of MOOC registrants complete their courses. Where Will MOOCs Be Just Two Years From Now? Within the next two years, MOOCs will quickly evolve from lacking teacher engagement to having a lot of teacher engagement. Right now, it's essentially a model where computers are teaching students. This model is simply not sustainable in the long run without live student-teacher engagement. Teachers are the key that unlocks learning in these courses. They help students resolve issues and problems. Will the biggest change in online education moving forward be putting live teachers at the center of the MOOC (not just on video)? We will know the answer very soon."

La introducción de la tecnología en la educación es un camino sin retorno, po... - 0 views

    "La publicación de un informe PISA de la OCDE acerca de cómo repercute el uso escolar de los ordenadores en las notas de los alumnos desencadenó ayer una oleada de titulares absurdos, irresponsables, cogidos por los pelos y peligrosísimos de cara al futuro, en los que con toda ligereza se acusaba a la introducción de la tecnología de "no servir para nada", o incluso de poco menos que "ser perjudicial para el aprendizaje". Una lectura mínimamente rigurosa del estudio permite ver que en realidad, se trata de una interpretación absurda. Lo que el informe viene a demostrar es que en las circunstancias actuales, con una introducción de tecnología que se ha limitado a cambiar las herramientas sin variar la metodología, y que se aún encuentra en una fase de pruebas absolutamente temprana, los resultados no son milagrosos, sino simplemente lógicos: si quitamos a los alumnos el papel y el bolígrafo y les ponemos un tablet o un dispositivo similar en las manos… ¡sorpresa! ¡Se distraen más! Lo raro, por supuesto, sería que esto no ocurriese así. Resulta no evidente, sino de perogrullo, que un artefacto electrónico conectado a la red ofrece infinitas oportunidades más para la distracción que las que ofrece un papel y el bolígrafo en el que, como mucho, podemos dibujar unos cuantos muñecos con palotes, hacer algunas cadenetas, o ya acercándonos casi a los deportes de riesgo, hacer una pajarita. Frente a esto, la versatilidad de los terminales móviles o los ordenadores es impresionante: podemos comunicarnos, acceder a un ilimitado océano de contenidos buenos, malos o regulares, ver vídeos de gatitos, o incluso jugar. Obviamente, si lo único que hacemos es cambiar de soporte, pero no alterar la metodología, ni formar a los profesores, ni modificar siquiera la manera de evaluar, lo único que haremos con la tecnología es crear una generación de alumnos que se habrán pasado una parte significativa del tiempo de clase dedicándose a otras cos
    "La publicación de un informe PISA de la OCDE acerca de cómo repercute el uso escolar de los ordenadores en las notas de los alumnos desencadenó ayer una oleada de titulares absurdos, irresponsables, cogidos por los pelos y peligrosísimos de cara al futuro, en los que con toda ligereza se acusaba a la introducción de la tecnología de "no servir para nada", o incluso de poco menos que "ser perjudicial para el aprendizaje". Una lectura mínimamente rigurosa del estudio permite ver que en realidad, se trata de una interpretación absurda. Lo que el informe viene a demostrar es que en las circunstancias actuales, con una introducción de tecnología que se ha limitado a cambiar las herramientas sin variar la metodología, y que se aún encuentra en una fase de pruebas absolutamente temprana, los resultados no son milagrosos, sino simplemente lógicos: si quitamos a los alumnos el papel y el bolígrafo y les ponemos un tablet o un dispositivo similar en las manos… ¡sorpresa! ¡Se distraen más! Lo raro, por supuesto, sería que esto no ocurriese así. Resulta no evidente, sino de perogrullo, que un artefacto electrónico conectado a la red ofrece infinitas oportunidades más para la distracción que las que ofrece un papel y el bolígrafo en el que, como mucho, podemos dibujar unos cuantos muñecos con palotes, hacer algunas cadenetas, o ya acercándonos casi a los deportes de riesgo, hacer una pajarita. Frente a esto, la versatilidad de los terminales móviles o los ordenadores es impresionante: podemos comunicarnos, acceder a un ilimitado océano de contenidos buenos, malos o regulares, ver vídeos de gatitos, o incluso jugar. Obviamente, si lo único que hacemos es cambiar de soporte, pero no alterar la metodología, ni formar a los profesores, ni modificar siquiera la manera de evaluar, lo único que haremos con la tecnología es crear una generación de alumnos que se habrán pasado una parte significativa del tiempo de clase dedicándose a otras cos

How to Get Google Forms Responses in an Email Message - 1 views

    "Here's how you can add email notifications to any Google Form in 5 easy steps: install the Google Forms add-on, then click the add-ons icon inside the Forms Editor (it is the shape of a puzzle icon), choose the Email Notification for Forms menu and then click the Create New Rule menu. The configuration window will open inside the form editor. Enter your full name (or the sender's name) and also specify the list of one or more email addresses (comma separated) who should receive automatic email notifications when a form is submitted. If you would like to send an auto-confirmation email to the form's respondent after they submit the form, check the Notify Submitter option. You'll also need to select the question in your Google Form that asks the respondent for their email address. Go to the next screen and enter the subject line and message body of the email notification. You can customize the emails and include any of the {{form fields}} in the subject or body as explained in the next section. Click the Create Rule button to activate the form notification. Now open your Google Form, submit a test entry and then go to your Gmail Sent Items folder to see the email notification that has gone out to the recipients."

How to Run a Webinar From Your WordPress Website (in 6 Steps) - 1 views

    "A webinar can take many forms, such as a meeting, presentation, or workshop. The main difference between running a webinar and simply posting a video is the interactive component the former offers. Attendees typically view webinars in real time, and there is often the option for them to participate by asking and/or answering questions. This type of seminar offers an excellent opportunity to add a personal touch to your platform and engage your customers. For example, Neil Patel uses webinars frequently to reach out to visitors of his traffic growing website. Step #1: Create a Google Account Step #2: Create a New Event in YouTube Live Step #3: Customize Your Webinar Step #4: Embed Your Webinar in Your WordPress Website Step #5: invite Attendees Step #6: Broadcast Your Webinar"

40 Best Education WordPress Themes 2015 - WP Daily Themes - 1 views

    "Education plays an important role in shaping our future and success. Students and parents have become more vigilant and aware about choosing the right educational institute for them/their wards. Thanks to the rising awareness and easy access to the internet, people now check online, each and every detail about the institute they are interested in. Going to an educational institute means an investment of both time and money so today's generation wants to make sure that it is inducted in the right place. Therefore, you will find almost all the institutes having their websites now to give full information about them. Today we have come up with 40 Education WordPress themes specially designed to keeping in mind the needs of the education industry. Please have a look."

On The Rocks | The first geological video contest by Socitetà Geologica Italiana - 0 views

    Magnifica iniciativa abierta a la participación de cualquier persona para crear vídeos de 3 minutos de difusión de las Ciencias de la Tierra. Hay una sección específica donde se invita a participar a centros de E. Primaria y de E. Secundaria "ON THE ROCKS is the first geological video contest for everybody. You should participate with a creative, informal video, where you explain your research, passions or new ideas regarding the Earth, in only 180 seconds. We are looking for passionate contributions by utilizing for example animations, stop-motions, cartoons, time-lapse, interviews, music, poems, dance to demonstrate for a wider public of non-specialists. It should focus on the wonders, dangers and surprises of an adventurous, geological journey, which could take place indoor, outdoor, in a lab, in the mountains, at sea or in the outer space. The potential contributors should therefore be from the scientific community, but could also be passionate and professional multimedia storytellers."

Sufficiency: Moving beyond the gospel of eco-efficiency | Friends of the Earth Europe - 0 views

    "To revert the current ecological overshoot and build a sustainable society, we have to collectively engage in changing our economic model. "Sufficiency: moving beyond the gospel of eco-efficiency" suggests introducing hard limitations to unsustainable trends-in particular to overconsumption-and putting emphasis on distributional justice. Seven chapters written by sustainability and economics experts plus a foreword by Janez Potočnik (Co-chair of the international Resource Panel and former European Commissioner for the Environment) shed light on different angles of sufficiency and formulate concrete recommendations to EU policy makers. The booklet ends with a discussion of several eco-social policies that can start the transition towards an "economics of enough". Many new ideas for an economic paradigm shift have been developed and discussed at the academic and grassroots levels in recent years. The aim of this booklet is to build on a rich body of knowledge and bring these ideas to the attention of engaged citizens and policy makers in order to advance the debate on how to implement sufficiency."
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