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John Evans

Being a Teacher During a Crisis - Trevor Muir - 4 views

    "As educators, we hold a captive audience with our students. Our fear becomes our students' fear, and our calm becomes their calm. Of course this is a burden that we have to carry. When most of us signed up to be teachers or administrators, we didn't think that we would have to lead our students through events like 9/11, natural disasters, school shootings, and pandemics. But we do, and the reality is that this a burden we have to carry. We hold captive audiences whether we like it or not. But it is also an extraordinary gift that we can be an example of peace and calm in our students' lives. We can't control the hysteria they see on the news or experience at home. We cannot guarantee them safety and health. The superpowers of educators have limits. However, we can model what it means to be calm and collected. We can express our fears and vulnerabilities, but do it in a way that inspires hope and resolve for our students. "
John Evans

New to Working Remotely? These Resources Can Help - 2 views

    "Almost overnight, remote work has become mainstream. Companies around the world are encouraging their employees to work from home to prioritize the health and safety of their workforce and communities amid coronavirus. Working through this rapid change can be hard and we're moving quickly to help members get information they can trust, stay connected to their community and learn now to be more productive and successful in their jobs. Since January 2020 "remote working" searches on LinkedIn Learning have tripled as both employees and managers increasingly look for advice on how to navigate the challenges of working remotely and managing a remote workforce.   We now have a free learning path with 16 online courses that can help. These courses feature top tips from remote work experts to figure out how to: "
John Evans

Social Media Has Not Destroyed a Generation   - Scientific American - 4 views

    "IN BRIEF Anxiety about the effects of social media on young people has risen to such an extreme that giving children smartphones is sometimes equated to handing them a gram of cocaine. The reality is much less alarming. A close look at social media use shows that most young texters and Instagrammers are fine. Heavy use can lead to problems, but many early studies and news headlines have overstated dangers and omitted context. Researchers are now examining these diverging viewpoints, looking for nuance and developing better methods for measuring whether social media and related technologies have any meaningful impact on mental health."
John Evans

Why College Students Turned From Being Down on Remote Learning to Mostly in Favor of It | EdSurge News - 0 views

    "If you go back to the first days of the COVID crisis, when campuses across the country were shutting down, college students weren't very happy with emergency online learning. Surveys conducted then showed deep dissatisfaction, with as many as 70 percent saying they didn't like it. Low grades for remote instruction persisted for months. As the nation struggled under one of the worst public health threats in centuries, emergency instruction proceeded as the only viable way to keep higher education going, even though so few students liked it. Since then, things have taken a surprising turn. Today, 70 percent of college students give online and hybrid learning a thumbs-up."
John Evans

What Does Well-Being Mean to Children in a Digital Age? - Connected Learning Alliance - 0 views

    "Much of the conversation around children's use of technology focuses on the potential risks and harms of exploring the digital world. While protecting children is an essential focus, it cannot be the only one. As children's lives become increasingly digital, we also have an obligation and an opportunity to reframe the discussion using a whole child approach, in support of children's ability to learn, create, connect, play, and, more broadly, in support of "well-being" - a state inclusive of happiness, health, safety, and comfort. With this goal in mind, The LEGO Group and UNICEF have brought together a global coalition and initiated a new multi-year project called RITEC - Responsible Innovation in Technology for Children - to empower business and policy leaders to protect and promote children's well-being in a digital age."
John Evans

ACRJ » SEJ | The New Sex Ed: Empowered Youth Strengthening Communities - 1 views

    "The New Sex Ed: Empowered Youth Strengthening Communities"
John Evans

20 Tips to Help De-escalate Interactions With Anxious or Defiant Students | MindShift | KQED News - 0 views

    "Students' behavior is a form of communication and when it's negative it almost always stems from an underlying cause. There are many reasons kids might be acting out, which makes it difficult for a teacher in a crowded classroom to figure out the root cause. But even if there was time and space to do so, most teachers receive very little training in behavior during their credentialing programs. On average, teacher training programs mandate zero to one classes on behavior and zero to one courses on mental health. Teacher training programs mostly assume that kids in public schools will be "typical," but that assumption can handicap teachers when they get into real classrooms."
Phil Taylor

Are children's screen time guidelines out of touch? | CTV News - 4 views

  • makes no sense to continue to push, year after year, the two-hour screen-time limit in the face of overwhelming evidence that behaviour is not changing.
  • “(Screens) are here to stay so let’s think about the quality of what we’re consuming as well as the quantity,
John Evans

How A Later School Start Time Pays Off For Teens | MindShift | KQED News - 0 views

    "Many American teenagers try to put in a full day of school, homework, after-school activities, sports and college prep on too little sleep. As evidence grows that chronic sleep deprivation puts teens at risk for physical and mental health problems, there is increasing pressure on school districts around the country to consider a later start time. In Seattle, school and city officials recently made the shift. Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, the district moved the official start times for middle and high schools nearly an hour later, from 7:50 a.m. to 8:45 a.m. This was no easy feat; it meant rescheduling extracurricular activities and bus routes. But the bottom line goal was met: Teenagers used the extra time to sleep in. Researchers at the University of Washington studied the high school students both before and after the start-time change. Their findings appear in a study published Wednesday in the journal Science Advances. They found students got 34 minutes more sleep on average with the later school start time. This boosted their total nightly sleep from 6 hours and 50 minutes to 7 hours and 24 minutes."
John Evans

Make-believe play boosts creative thinking in children: study | CTV News - 2 views

    "New U.K. research from has found that make-believe fantasy play could boost children's creative thinking. Carried out by researchers from Oxford Brookes University, the team presented their findings at the British Psychological Society's Developmental Psychology Section annual conference in Belfast, Northern Ireland."
John Evans

Preschool kids starved for exercise - 0 views

    "Add preschoolers to the list of Americans who don't get enough exercise. In a new study out today, Seattle researchers found that preschoolers only get about 48 minutes of exercise a day, although some studies suggest they should get at least two hours"
John Evans

World Without Walls: Learning Well with Others | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Her response blew me away. "I ask my readers," she said. I doubt anyone in the room could have guessed that answer. But if you look at the Clustrmap on Laura's blog, Twenty Five Days to Make a Difference, you'll see that Laura's readers -- each represented by a little red dot -- come from all over the world. She has a network of connections, people from almost every continent and country, who share their own stories of service or volunteer to assist Laura in her work. She's sharing and learning and collaborating in ways that were unheard of just a few years ago.
  • Welcome to the Collaboration Age, where even the youngest among us are on the Web, tapping into what are without question some of the most transformative connecting technologies the world has ever seen.
  • The Collaboration Age is about learning with a decidedly different group of "others," people whom we may not know and may never meet, but who share our passions and interests and are willing to invest in exploring them together. It's about being able to form safe, effective networks and communities around those explorations, trust and be trusted in the process, and contribute to the conversations and co-creations that grow from them. It's about working together to create our own curricula, texts, and classrooms built around deep inquiry into the defining questions of the group. It's about solving problems together and sharing the knowledge we've gained with wide audiences.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Inherent in the collaborative process is a new way of thinking about teaching and learning. We must find our own teachers, and they must find us.
  • As connectors, we provide the chance for kids to get better at learning from one another. Examples of this kind of schooling are hard to find so far, but they do exist. Manitoba, Canada, teacher Clarence Fisher and Van Nuys, California, administrator Barbara Barreda do it through their thinwalls project, in which middle school students connect almost daily through blogs, wikis, Skype, instant messaging, and other tools to discuss literature and current events. In Webster, New York, students on the Stream Team, at Klem Road South Elementary School, investigate the health of local streams and then use digital tools to share data and exchange ideas about stewardship with kids from other schools in the Great Lakes area and in California. More than learning content, the emphasis of these projects is on using the Web's social-networking tools to teach global collaboration and communication, allowing students to create their own networks in the process.
  • Collaboration in these times requires our students to be able to seek out and connect with learning partners, in the process perhaps navigating cultures, time zones, and technologies. It requires that they have a vetting process for those they come into contact with: Who is this person? What are her passions? What are her credentials? What can I learn from her?
  • Likewise, we must make sure that others can locate and vet us. The process of collaboration begins with our willingness to share our work and our passions publicly -- a frontier that traditional schools have rarely crossed. As Clay Shirky writes in Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, "knowingly sharing your work with others is the simplest way to take advantage of the new social tools." Educators can help students open these doors by deliberately involving outsiders in class work early on -- not just showcasing a finished product at the spring open house night.
John Evans

Why not even exercise will undo the harm of sitting all day-and what you can do about it - Quartz - 1 views

    "A large review recently published in The Journal of the National Cancer Institute confirms what we've been hearing for years: Sitting can be fatal. + It's been linked to cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. In this latest meta-analysis, Daniela Schmid and Michael F. Leitzmann of the University of Regensburg in Germany analyzed 43 observational studies, amounting to more than 4 million people's answers to questions about their sitting behavior and cancer incidences. The researchers examined close to 70,000 cancer cases and found that sitting is associated with a 24% increased risk of colon cancer, a 32% increased risk of endometrial cancer, and a 21% increased risk of lung cancer. + The really bad news: You can't exercise away the habit's harmful effects. "Adjustment for physical activity did not affect the positive association between sedentary behavior and cancer," the authors write. Even participants who achieved the daily recommended levels of physical activity were at the same risk as those who spent their day sitting. "[The results] indicate that the increased risk of cancer seen in individuals with prolonged time spent sedentary is not explained by the mere absence of physical activity in those persons," the researchers say. + S"
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