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John Evans

Six Videos that Will Inspire You | Krissy Venosdale {Venspired} - 4 views

    "Yesterday I read Pernille Ripp's post, "Administrators, Please Inspire Us At Back to School." I started thinking about videos I've seen that have inspired me. I realized that the very best ones? They all have something in common. They are kids. What if this year, our schools, our teaching, and our learning became about kids once again? Kids we ALL have in our classrooms, hallways, and schools. Kids who have, right inside them, a chance to make a difference, to change the world. Kids who are already wanting to change the world and kids who are waiting for us to bring that out in them. Kids who need someone to believe in them, or kids who believe in us. I watch each one of these videos and see the things "school" and "learning" should be about. Passion. Believing. Dreaming. "
John Evans

Inspired To Educate - "STEAM: Creating A Maker Mindset" by @vvrotny and @speterson224 - 1 views

    "As parents and teachers, we encourage our kids to become well rounded people who love learning.   In our world of cell phones, ipads, and computers, it's easy for kids to become passive consumers of media and technology.   We, however, want are kids to be active, curious, and creative.   Since I'm a musician and a software engineer, I hope that my kids learn to express themselves emotively and become creative thinkers.   We're trying to foster a family culture where we are active, encourage tinkering, and building physical things with our hands.    With these ideas in mind, I wanted to share a great video I found by Vinnie Vrotny and Sheryl Peterson entitled "STEAM: Creating A Maker Mindset."   In this conference talk from the K12 Online Conference in 2013, they share their experiences encouraging a "maker" mindset in the Quest Academy .   Their school has a very unique class teaching design thinking to kids.    It's giving me lots of ideas for building a maker environment for our family.    In this class, Sheryl encourages her students to invent a creative design problem and solve it.   With the tools and support of the teacher, the kids are encouraged to build their design.    In some cases, the kids ask Sheryl to assign a problem to them.    The kids aren't used to having creative freedom to design and make.    In these cases, Sheryl encourages the students to keep thinking."
John Evans

10 Best Make Your Own Robot Kits for Kids - 4 views

    "Being able to create your own robot gives students and kids a great sense of achievement, with the added bonus of allowing children to develop patience, imagination and problems solving skills. There are a number of impressive kids robotics kits on the market that even parents will enjoy playing with. Plus, these types of projects provide valuable bonding time for kids and parents as it's a toy that both can really relish. In classrooms, robotics are perfect for teaching coding to kids, there are many programmable robot kits that use a simple drag and drop programing language based on Scratch. Making your own robot is also a creative a process, where kids and students utilize their design skills to come up with interesting robot designs. The 10 best make your own robot kits for kids on the market are listed below."
John Evans

Over 150 STEM Activities for Kids in Your Kitchen | iGameMom - 4 views

    "In today's world, many parents (myself included) are sending kids to after school classes, summer camps, … in the hope that kids will learn something that are missing from school. But one thing we forget while sending kids to these extra curriculum activities is there are a lot we can do right at home. Today we put together these cool STEM (science, technology, engineer, math) activities for kids that you can do in your kitchen. Kitchen science activities have always been our favorite. Now we start expand from Science to STEM. We try to pick the ideas that only use materials you already have or can be easily get from a grocery store nearby, and activities that can be done safely at home, so the whole family can explore and have fun together, no matter the age of kids. It is more important for kids to have the interest to learn than to have the knowledge itself, and the more the learning being an integral part of life, the more they will be interested in learning. And of course, they would love to do activities with their parents. So here we go"
John Evans

15 Apps For Teaching Kids To Read - 2 views

    "Is your child struggling with reading? Do you have a hard time teaching reading? With so many words to learn that's no surprise. Open up a world of adventure for your kids. Teaching kids to read using one or more of the top 15 reading apps for children makes it fun. In fact, teaching reading has never been easier, and these reading apps are great for teaching reading both in and out of the classroom. Download them easily to any device, and let your kids practice learning to read whenever they like. You won't have to force them to practice. Your child will be excited to use their favorite reading apps. Teaching kids to read doesn't have to be a challenge. Parents and teachers will be impressed at reading levels when teaching kids to read with popular apps that make it more convenient."
John Evans

10 Ways to Flip a Kid and Turn Their Day Around - 1 views

    "In A Story of a Young Life Turned Around by Great Teachers, Kevin Honeycutt shared, "I believe you can flip a kid on any given day in one hour." I've been thinking. Can you? Well, when something horrific happens: death in the family or other trauma - maybe not. But on most days with most kids, I think this is true. I had an upset child just yesterday. We had a private talk as she was coming into the classroom (straggling behind everyone else). And yes, she was flipped. My words and our interaction FLIPPED HER and changed her day. When I saw that happen, I realized that it is true. We can flip kids (and perhaps each other) if we pay attention and notice. Here are some ways you can flip a kid. Please share yours in the comments. Let's get this kid flipping conversation going!"
John Evans

The Canadian Paediatric Society has released surprising new screen time rules - 2 views

    " FAMILYPARENTING The Canadian Paediatric Society has released surprising new screen time rules Stop watching the clock, says CPS. But that doesn't mean parents shouldn't be heavily involved in their kid's media use BY CHRIS DEACON | JUN 6, 2019 PHOTO: ISTOCKPHOTO The Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS) released new guidelines today for digital media use and screen time for kids aged five to 19. Today's guidelines follow recommendations set out in 2017 that focused on kids aged zero to five. But while those guidelines targeted screen time limits for kids in that age group (no screens at all for infants and toddlers under two, and less than an hour a day for kids two to five), the guidelines for kids and teens focus more on how and when screens are used rather than how long. "We really wanted to highlight that content, context and kids' individual traits are as important as specific screen time limits," says Michelle Ponti, chair of the CPS Digital Health Task Force and lead author on the statement."
John Evans

Using tablets to reach kids with autism - - 0 views

    "Two 5-year-old boys, one with autism, were having some friendly playtime when they had a communication breakdown. One boy didn't respond to the other and walked away. The ignored kid got frustrated and pushed over a small staircase, causing the first boy to fall. Their speech therapist, Jordan Sadler, decided to address the issue by recreating it in an iPad app called Puppet Pals. She restaged the scenario as a movie, even taking photos of the room for the background and of the kids for the characters. Using the app to show an instant replay of the scuffle, Sadler and the kids identified what went wrong and then recreated the scene, this time making better decisions. Creating custom stories to help kids learn communication skills or understand complex situations is just one of the ways parents, therapists and educators have taken advantage of tablets to work with kids with autism."
John Evans

6 Good iPad Apps to Enhance Kids Mathematical Thinking ~ Educational Technology and Mob... - 2 views

    "Below is a set of good iPad apps that you can use with your kids and students to enhance their mathematical thinking. These apps are meant for young learners and are specifically useful when introducing kids to those rudimentary notions of mathematical computations. The purpose of teaching kids to think mathematically, as detailed in Kaye Stacey's paper, is three folds: First, it will allow kids to conduct mathematical investigations by themselves. Second, it will help them acquire other thinking skills particularly problem-solving and as mathematician Paul Halmos (1980) stated, 'problem solving is the heart of mathematics'. Third, it helps kids get a deeper appreciation of mathematics and use it in their daily and working lives."
John Evans

Best Educational Apps for Kids - Elementary School Science - iGameMom - 1 views

    "oday's "Best Educational Apps for Kids" list is Science apps for kindergarden and early elementary kids. I did not include those animal related apps, as there will be a separate list of "Best Educational Apps for Kids" on "Nature and Animals". If you know any good science apps for kids age 6 to 10, please leave the app name in a comment. I will update the list periodically."
John Evans

7 Fun and Creative Apps and Websites That Teach Kids to Code - Emerging Education Techn... - 4 views

    "Computer coding is becoming an increasingly popular activity for today's technology oriented kids. Even kids who do not plan to grow up and become computer programmers are enjoying the control and autonomy that coding delivers. Coding encourages kids to be creative, think logically and develop critical thinking skills that they will need throughout their lives. The skills young students develop through these early coding experiences can also help them to succeed in their education. With coding, kids get to try out new solutions to problems and tinker around with what can happen in various situations. The following seven visually oriented and child-friendly apps can help to teach even the youngest children how to code."
John Evans

5 Ebooks for Kids on iPad® - 0 views

    "Following eBooks for kids on iPad are highly popular among kids and parents and they are developed by renowned graphic designers, movie makers and moms. Stories told in these eBooks for kids are crafted around characters and animals that kids love."
John Evans

How Minecraft and Duct Tape Wallets Prepare Our Kids for Jobs That Don't Exist Yet | Ed... - 0 views

    "My objective with this wide-ranging set of skills, and involving the community so closely in their development, is to give kids the chance to practice whatever makes them passionate now and feel encouraged -- even if they're obsessed with making stuff exclusively with duct tape. It's crucial that kids learn how to be passionate for the rest of their lives. To start, they must first learn what it feels like to be simultaneously challenged and confident. It's my instinct that we should not try to introduce these experiences through skills we value as much as look for opportunities to develop them, as well as creativity and literacy, in the skills they already love. MAGICIANS CRAFT ILLUSIONS THAT BAFFLE THE SENSES AND CONFUSE OUR REASONING. THEY PLAN LIKE SCIENTISTS, BUT PERFORM AS ARTISTS. ONLY THROUGH LONG AND DISCIPLINED PREPARATION DO THEY SUCCEED. It's difficult to predict which skills will be valuable in the future, and even more challenging to see the connection between our children's interests and these skills. Nothing illustrates this better than Minecraft, a popular game that might be best described as virtual LEGOs. Calling it a game belies the transformation it has sparked: An entire generation is learning how to create 3D models using a computer. Now, I wonder, what sort of businesses, communication, entertainment or art will be possible? Cathy Davidson, a scholar of learning technology, concluded that 65% of children entering grade school this year will end up working in careers that haven't even been invented yet. I bet today's kids will eventually explore outcomes and create jobs only made possible by the influence of Minecraft in their lives. Why take any chances and build your dream house with blueprints alone? The Minecraft kid could easily make a realistic 3D model of one for you to walk through before you build. That's why DIY treats Minecraft as a tool, not a game, and encourages our members to use it to pursue art, architect
John Evans

Kid-Cast.COM - Podcasts for kids and by kids - 0 views

  • is a website for kids to publish their own Podcasts so that other kids can listen. The idea is to make sure that there's a kid-safe Podcast out there for our young minds to hear. Contribution by kids makes it that much better, by allowing kids to listen to their peers on subjects they love!
John Evans

Joe Wicks Is The Nation's P.E. Teacher With Free Daily Kids Workouts On You Tube - 0 views

    "This is great news for parents and kids who are reeling from the news of school closures due to the Coronavirus. Joe Wicks, famous as The Body Coach, has said he will become 'the nation's P.E. teacher' by giving daily online P.E. classes for kids! Starting from Monday he will be holding kids' workout classes on his You Tube channel, and he will be doing them every weekday at 9am during the school closures. The workouts are designed to be kid friendly, will last half an hour, and won't need much space so they can be done indoors if you're self-isolating."
John Evans

Stanford expert: Want smart kids? Don't make this parenting mistake - 3 views

    "As parents, we all want to raise kids who are smart and focused, especially in a world where digital distraction seems to be inescapable. (Even tech titans like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have strategies for limiting their children's screen time.) Why? Because in the future, there will be two kinds of people in the world: Those who let their attention and lives be controlled and coerced by others and those who proudly call themselves "indistractable." Becoming indistractable is the most important skill for the 21st century - and it's one that many parents fail to teach their kids. After years of studying the intersection of psychology, technology and how we engage with it, one of the biggest mistakes I see parents making is not empowering their kids with the autonomy to control their own time. Allowing them to do so is a tremendous gift; even if they fail from time to time, failure is part of the learning process. Parents need to understand that it's okay to put their kids in charge, because it's only when they learn to practice monitoring their own behavior that they learn how to manage their own time and attention. Teach them at a young age"
John Evans

Beyond Makerspaces: Why We Created an xLab at Our School - A.J. Juliani - 1 views

    "I cringe when people ask me, "Are you handy?" Partly because I don't consider myself to be the best with tools, but also because it is asking me to judge whether or not I'm capable of fixing, making, or crafting something. Here's the thing, I didn't know how to put new shower tiles in and patch up my existing dry wall with cement board when we had a leak last year…but I had a friend help get me started, I watched a few DIY Youtube videos, looked at some articles online, and now I know how to do that (although not too well). The same thing happens in high schools all the time. The "handy" kids go to shop class, the "artsy" kids go to art class, the "business" kids go to business classes, the "techy" kids go to web design classes and so on… It's got to stop. We can't continue labeling kids as one thing or another thing. What we know about the future workforce is that creativity, making, and innovating will be at the center of most jobs…and that will require students to be all of the above: 'Experts predict that 50 per cent of occupations today will no longer exist by 2025 as people will take up more creative professions,' said Martin Chen, Chief Operating Officer of Genesis."
John Evans

14 Tools to Turn Game-Obsessed Kids Into Genuine Game Designers | Common Sens... - 2 views

    When you look at your kids playing video games, you might worry they're wasting time and energy passively staring at a screen and pressing buttons. But what if their play time was actually a creative outlet that fostered their imaginations? More and more games, apps, and websites are letting kids as young as kindergartners create anything they can think of -- and it doesn't have to take a ton of time. Even better, most of these tools don't require kids to be skilled programmers or computer experts to design and build creative, entertaining experiences. Whether your kids enjoy creating fun new game elements, editing existing game content, or fully designing their own games from scratch, these programs can help bring their ideas to the screen.
John Evans

Google Offers A Free 4 Weeks Virtual Science Camp for Kids ~ Educational Technology and... - 1 views

    "Google Camp is a new project from Google to provide kids with an opportunity to experiment with and learn through project-based science activities. This virtual camp is provided for free and is geared towards kids ages 7-10 but kids of all ages are welcome to join. The goal of the camp is to 'encourage kids to ask questions, setting them on a lifelong journey of exploration and discovery' through fun, interactive science activities and adventures."
John Evans

Steps for Cultivating a Love of Reading in Young Children | MindShift - 0 views

    "In his new book, Raising Kids Who Read, Daniel Willingham wants to be clear: There's a big difference between teaching kids to read and teaching them to love reading. And Willingham, a parent himself, doesn't champion reading for the obvious reasons - not because research suggests that kids who read for pleasure do better in school and in life. "The standard things you'll hear about why kids should read I actually don't think are very strong arguments," he says. "Because if the goal is to become a good citizen or the goal is to make a lot of money, I can think of more direct ways to reach those goals than to read during your leisure time." Willingham wants his kids to love reading because, he says, "for me it's a family value. It's something that I love, something that I find important. I think I gain experiences I wouldn't gain any other way by virtue of being a reader. And so naturally I want my children to experience that." The professor of psychology at the University of Virginia uses his new book to map out strategies for parents and teachers hoping to kindle that same passion for reading."
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