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John Evans

Wonderful Visual on SAMR As A Framework for Education 3.0 ~ Educational Technology and ... - 2 views

    "Proponents of the sociolinguistic perspective to the study of literacy ( e.g.Paul Gee, Collin Lanksheare, Michelle Knobel, Brian Street, to mention but a few ) view the developments of literacy and with it education as a direct result to the sophistication of the social and cultural aspect of human life. Some of them like Collin and Michelle associate the evolution of education to that of the web and hence the nomenclature education 1.0 (related web 1.0), education 2.0 ( related to web 2.0), and education (3.0 related to web 3.0). This association, however is not haphazard for there are many commonalities between each pair."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: The Math and Science of Football - 1 views

    "In my previous post I featured Financial Football. That's a good game if you're looking for a social studies resource related to the Super Bowl. For math and science resources related to the Super Bowl, take a look at NBC Learn's Science of Football. NBC's Science of Football is a series of ten videos from NBC Learn explaining and demonstrating math and science concepts as they relate to football. The list of topics covered in the Science of NFL Football includes Torque & Center of Mass, Pythagorean Theorem, Geometric Shapes, Projectile Motion & Parabolas, Vectors, Kinematics, Nutrition, and Newton's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Laws of Motion."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Ways to Display YouTube in Class Without "Related" Content - 0 views

    "One of the questions that I'm frequently asked at the beginning of the school year goes something like this, "do you know how I can download videos from YouTube?" I do know how to do that, but I won't teach you how to do that because it is a violation of YouTube's terms of service. But I will show you how you can display YouTube videos in your classroom without showing the sidebar related video suggestions and comments. Here are five tools that you can use to display YouTube videos without showing the related video suggestions and comments."
John Evans

Little Children and Already Acting Mean - - 0 views

    "Special programs are popping up in elementary schools to teach empathy as a means of stemming relational aggression, a psychological term to describe using the threat of removing friendship as a tactical weapon. Children also are being guided in ways to stand up for themselves, and to help others, in instances of social exclusion. Though both boys and girls exhibit relational aggression, it is thought to be more common among girls because they are generally more socially developed and verbal than boys."
John Evans

Best Education-Related Videos of 2014 | User Generated Education - 4 views

    "I love end of year "best of" lists.  My own list is what I found to be the most powerful education related videos of 2014. They all, in some way, address the mind, heart, and spirit of education.  Each touched me in some way to help illuminate the purpose and core of education. Let me know of any others that you found of value during 2014!"
John Evans

Maker Education and Social-Emotional Development | User Generated Education - 2 views

    "Maker education, when planned around skills acquisition, can enhance social-emotional development. Self-Awareness: Making in all its forms requires a full range of skills including cognitive, physical, and affective skills. Given this need for multiple and diverse skill set, effective and successful making comes from an accurate assessment of one's strengths and limitations as well as having optimism and confidence that challenges can be overcome within the making process. Example questions related to self-awareness and making include: What strategies am I using to increase my awareness of my emotions and how they influence my performance during the making-related tasks? What are my strengths given this particular making task? What are my limitations and how can I use my strengths to overcome them?"
John Evans

Helpful iPad Apps for Autism and Other Related Disorders | Autism Key - 5 views

    "It's been a while since we posted an iPad apps for autism list, so here's our 2012 version of some newer (and older) apps to consider for individuals with autism and other related disorders:"
John Evans

Science Apps - Science NetLinks - 0 views

    "Science NetLinks is in the early stages of gathering and reviewing STEM-related apps for both the iPad and the Android. Please check back often as we expect to add new app-related tools on a regular basis."
John Evans

Maker Education and Experiential Education | User Generated Education - 3 views

    "As those who follow me on Twitter and via this blog know, I am an advocate of the Maker Education movement.  The reason, as I've mentioned, is that I come from a background in Experiential Education.  Many of underlying principles and learning activities related to maker education fit nicely into the tenets and principles related to experiential education.  Since this discipline-learning philosophy has been around a lot longer than the more formalized, current maker education movement, those attempting to move maker education into more traditional educational settings might draw from the writings and literature of experiential education to help explain and contextualized maker education."
John Evans

Prizewinning Educational Games from the Nobel Foundation | AvatarGeneration - 5 views

    "Marie Curie, Martin Luther King Jr, Albert Einstein, Sir Alexander Fleming, Mother Teresa; all of these amazing individuals have one thing in common - winning the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize is one of the most highly regarded awards given to people working in the fields of literature, medicine, physics, chemistry, peace, and economics. But the Nobel Foundation is more than just an award giving Foundation, and has branched out into creating educational content related to the hard work done by Nobel Prize winners. Not only does their website contain video clips, documentaries, literature and history related to the winners, but it has over 29 interactive educational games for students to learn about key scientific, economic, literature and peace concepts."
John Evans

The Key to Coding - Part 1 | Mr Kemp - 0 views

    "If we are to be completely honest with ourselves, the concept or theory behind computer science in the curriculum is not new, well not within Early Years Education. If we stop and think for a minute, what is happening when we code? We end up with - Problem Solving. Plain and simple……Computer programmers, computer scientists……solve problem! Our young learners spend every day solving and overcoming problems and obstacles. As educators, we set up scenarios, we pose problems and we guide the children towards finding strategies. These challenges are often in Maths and Science lessons but we sometimes see them in Physical Education and language classes too. We always strive to relate these problem solving skills to contexts, it makes sense if children can relate to real life scenarios. And this is where coding fits in."
John Evans

Developing a Growth Mindset in Teachers and Staff | Edutopia - 1 views

    "An idea that is beginning to gain a lot of favour in educational circles at the moment is the notion of fixed versus growth mindsets, and how they might relate to students and learning. Based on the work of Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck, the idea of mindset is related to our understanding of where ability comes from. It has recently been seized upon by educators as a tool to explore our knowledge of student achievement, and ways that such achievement might be improved."
John Evans

Top 10 life science related apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch | My Biotech Life - 3 views

    "Top 10 life science related apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch"
John Evans

More and More, Schools Got Game - - 0 views

  • As Net-generation teachers reach out to gamers, classrooms across the country are becoming portals to elaborate virtual worlds.
  • But lately, researchers and educators say sentiment toward gaming is changing. Advocates argue that games teach vital skills overlooked in the age of high-stakes tests, such as teamwork, decision-making and digital literacy. And they admire the way good games challenge players just enough to keep them engaged and pushing to reach the next level
  • if ( show_doubleclick_ad && ( adTemplate & INLINE_ARTICLE_AD ) == INLINE_ARTICLE_AD && inlineAdGraf ) { placeAd('ARTICLE',commercialNode,20,'inline=y;!category=microsoft;',true) ; } The Pew Research Center reported in September that 97 percent of youths aged 12 to 17 play video games, and half said they played "yesterday."
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A new generation of game designers is borrowing from the sophisticated platforms and stunning graphics that captivate students for hours after school. They hope to channel the kind of feverish determination students exhibit when stealing a car in Grand Theft Auto and redirect it toward more wholesome pursuits, such as algebra.
  • Compelling games can help schools compete for students' attention, advocates say, even as many teenagers are tackling complex projects on the Internet in their free time.
  • Private foundations and the National Science Foundation have contributed millions of dollars to developing or studying games. The U.S. Education Department awarded a $9 million grant in September to a New York-based education firm to develop games for the hand-held Nintendo DS to weave into middle school science lessons
John Evans

University of Manitoba: Continuing Education: Certificate in Interdisciplinary Studies:... - 0 views

    In today's world, where information and conversations are continually at our finger tips, new technologies and new approaches to teaching and learning are becoming of increasing interest to educators. The most prominent changes center on how we relate to others and how we relate to information. This 216 hour online certificate program explores the changing landscape of technology, information, communication, fostering discussion on how these trends impact learning and teaching. This certificate is a joint initiative of Extended Education and the Learning Technologies Centre at the University of Manitoba.
John Evans

The Teacher as Researcher - 0 views

    Data-related Questions, Learning-related Questions, Methodology A Blog post by Terry Freedman
International School of Central Switzerland - Find Similar Words - 7 views

  • is a free service that allows you to find words and phrases that are similar or related to each other. \nType in a word or a phrase and Words will come up with a list of related words and their corresponding definitions.
John Evans

The 7 Leading YouTube Channels For All Things Apple - 5 views

    "Hardly a month goes by that Apple doesn't release or update a new product or piece of software. Trying to keep up with all the best iOS apps and Apple-related accessories can be a little daunting for even the most devoted Apple fan. In addition to the hundreds of articles and several PDF guides published here on MakeUseOf, there are also several popular YouTube channels that focus on Apple related hardware, software, and accessories."
John Evans

Literacy with ICT | School Leaders - 0 views

  • Role of School Leaders in Supporting Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • School Factors
  • Resources and timely access to ICT:
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • Reporting to parents:
  • Ethics, responsibility, and safety:
  • Collegiality and professionalism:
  • Effective use of ICT:
  • Instructional strategies:
  • Policies Relating to Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Classroom management
  • Professional use of ICT:
  • Student Factors
  • Home environment:
  • Exposure and prior knowledge:
  • Guiding Concepts for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Teacher Factors
  • Common planning time:
  • Budget
  • Technical support
  • Access to ICT in the classroom:
  • Reporting procedures:
  • Effective school leadership is the single most important influence on student learning
  • This does not mean school leaders act alone. It means that school leaders collaborate with teachers, parents, and support staff to develop the school culture, resources, and focus that support student learning.
  • Once school leaders begin to establish Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum as a focus for initiating change, they can construct a plan to realize this vision. According to a comprehensive study that reviewed theory, research, and practice related to educational leadership, there are three critical factors related to increased student learning. These factors are the ability to maintain a positive school culture with order, discipline, support for teachers, and resources knowledge of curriculum, teaching practices, and student assessment as they relate to an increase in student learning understanding of how to increase student engagement in their learning (Waters et al.)
  • Professional learning
  • Effective leaders understand how to balance growth through change while, at the same time practising aspects of culture, values, and norms worth preserving
  • Procedures for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Procedures for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
  • Procedures for Implementing Literacy with ICT Across the Curriculum
John Evans

Infographic: Are you paying attention to #mhealth? | Articles - 5 views

    " eziner_box_top Sign up for the Ezine_box_bottom Yes, I accept Terms of Use. Terms of Use | Today's Headlines Ezine_box_bottom Submit News Related Articles Stop blocking social media from your employees! 10 questions to ask people at your next #mayoragan conference If you're doing an #hcsm presentation, be trendy Women hospital workers: Are you risking your health? Can your happiness impact your work in health care? box_article_footer_bluegree Related Articles By Category Featured Article Featured Article Topic Pages Mobile box_article_footer_blue Infographic: Are you paying attention to #mhealth? By 2014, mobile Internet is predicted to take over desktop usage. "
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