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John Evans

creatingaPLN » home - 0 views

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John Evans

360 Video Education Spotlight: BBC on YouTube - Class Tech Tips - 2 views

    "here are lots of ways to incorporate video into the classroom. From capturing students' attention as you kick off a lesson, to providing context for a new learning experience, teachers use videos in lots of different ways. Whether you are looking for a clip to send home to students via Google Classroom or want to connect a video link for a QR code scavenger hunt, educational 360 videos are worth exploring. 360 video gives students the power to explore a space from every angle. YouTube hosts a range of 360 video content and one of my favorites is from the BBC. On the BBC's YouTube channel you'll find different types of video options for a virtual visit to places around the world. As you search through their content you'll see that they've tagged their videos as 360 to make it especially easy to find."
John Evans

Why You Should Be Using Video In Your Classroom - Edudemic - 1 views

    "Using video in the classroom has come a long way from a TV and VCR on a cart to watch a movie during class (The standard about ten gazillion years ago when I was a student). There are a ton of different ways you can employ video in your classroom, from video feedback to educational videos about specific topics, there is a lot of possibility out there. Even if you know that this way and that are options for including video in your classroom, you might still be wondering why you should be using video in the first place.  The handy infographic below takes a look at reasons why video is a great form of engagement. It focuses on some statistics around video use quite generally (not education specific), but many of the statistics here might convince you that video's widespread popularity might be a huge plus for you using it in the classroom."
John Evans

Reach for the APPS Brings iPads to Children With Autism - 3 views

    " Apple has long touted its device's assistive technology as a powerful tool for the educational development of physically and mentally disabled children. The iPad's touch screen makes it easier to manipulate than more traditional educational tools. For children with autism, "the iPad is not a toy, but a tool that works best when there is a 'team effort' between parents and therapists encouraging its proper use," said Marc Reisner, co-founder of Reach for the APPs. "Our goal is to provide schools with iPads so they can reach every child on the autistic spectrum." Reach for the APPs built their site with an initial donation from Managed Digital. Now, they're seeking out donations of money and/or iPads from both individuals and corporations to propel the program forward. According to reports from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1-in-88 children have some form of autism, up 78 percent from just a decade ago. The demand for augmentative communications devices is growing. But the schools can't meet the demand, so the children are losing valuable time during critical developmental years. Lois Brady, a speech language pathologist and assistive technology specialist, said apps can help develop fine-motor skills, which will in turn make functions like writing and manipulating small objects easier for the students. "I have spent years working with the most challenging students that are considered profoundly disabled," she said. "And I have seen some small miracles when I introduce the iPad into our therapy, as the children have made huge gains in attention, focus, communication, language and literacy skills." Some experts also say that the iPad can lessen symptoms of autistic disorders, helping children deal with life's sensory overload. Brady will be contributing content to the Reach for the APPs website to inform therapists about the latest-and-greatest apps for children all over the autistim spectrum. Apps must be tailor
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: Create Interactive Videos On ThingLink Video - 4 views

    "ThingLink is a popular tool for collaboratively creating interactive images. Now, you can use ThingLink to create interactive videos too. ThingLink Video (still in beta, but you can register for early access here) allows you to select any public video on YouTube and add interactive pinmarks to it. Each pinmark can contain embeds of other videos, maps, text, and links to other pages of information. Learn more about the ThingLink video in the video below."
John Evans

EDpuzzle Review: Easy-to-Use Tool Lets Teachers Quickly Turn Online Video into Lessons ... - 0 views

    "There is a staggering amount of free video available online that makes great fodder for teaching students, particularly in flipped classroom settings. Instead of giving students YouTube links or telling them to search for a video on a particular subject, with EDpuzzle teachers can select videos, edit them down, assign them to students, and quiz them as they watch. EDpuzzle is a very simple tool that walks teachers through the video lesson creation process, with only a few limitations. With this solution a teacher can make the most of the video assets he or she has access to, plus everything the Internet has to offer. It is also an easy enough experience that you can quickly create individualized video lessons for different students and their particular needs or areas of interest."
John Evans

A round-up of interactive video options - @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch - 0 views

    "We take for granted that we can interact with text, but up until recently it's been a challenge to interact (read/write/talk) with media.  I last looked at tools for annotating and interacting with video more than a year ago.  The field has changed a bit. Why interact with video? Being able to interact with video allows us to personalize video-based instruction, by leading learners to the segment of video we like them to watch, by adding voice-overs, notes, pop-ups, screenshots, maps, references, pauses.   It also allows learners to create video with even more depth and features and can the interaction can be used to support media literacy learning."
John Evans

iPad Creative - iPad Creative Blog - Video Time Machine: 10,000 hand selected... - 5 views

    "Video Time Machine is an extremely slick little app that serves up videos from any year from 1860 to 2011. Honestly, if you're interested in popular culture throughout the decades Video Time Machine will keep you entertained for many hours. With over 10,000 videos to find and enjoy, and with support for Airplay and social media sharing, Video Time Machine is a real gem."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: How to Add Annotations to YouTube Videos - Video - 0 views

    "Adding annotations to YouTube videos is a good way to add little bubbles of information to a video or to create a series of choose your own adventure videos. A great example of using annotations in student-produced videos can be found here. In the video embedded below I provide directions for adding annotations to your YouTube videos. You can also find screenshots of the process in this post."
John Evans

How Teachers Can Use Quicktime Video Screenshots to Help Students Learn | Edudemic - 1 views

    "Tutorial videos are a great way for teachers to provide extra learning resources for students. With these recorded videos, students are able to review the lessons learned in class and catch up from afar during an absence. Videos also provide an excellent resource for future reference. Screenshot videos are a great learning resource when used to teach computer-based lessons such as computer programming, typing, or learning various programs. But they can also be used in other creative ways to teach students. For example, math problems can be solved step-by-step. Screenshots are especially useful for complicated new concepts. In this article, we go into detail with step-by-step instructions for how to record video screenshots, as well as how to upload them to video hosting websites."
John Evans

How to Make an Animated Explainer Video (Step-By-Step Guide) | Blog | TechSmith - 5 views

    "One of the most important steps in selling a product is making sure consumers are knowledgeable about what it offers. For many businesses and marketers, this means creating an animated explainer video. According to Wyzowl's State of Video Marketing report for 2019, more than 80 percent of marketers say video helps them increase the number of time users spend on their website, generate more leads, and, most importantly, and help users better understand their product. Marketers aren't the only ones saying video makes a difference. Consumers agree - 68 percent say they prefer to learn about a product or service by watching a video. Additionally, 79 percent say a video convinced them to purchase software or an app."
John Evans

Clean Minecraft Videos - Home - 0 views

    "Not all Minecraft videos are created equal. Approximately 90% of the top-rated Minecraft videos found on YouTube and other popular video streaming sites contain inappropriate content not suitable for children. Clean Minecraft Videos is the solution. Clean Minecraft Videos offers more than 200 videos from the YouTubers kids know and love that are free of all inappropriate content."
John Evans

31 Amazing Sites with Free Music for Videos | McCoy Productions - 3 views

    "If you're embarking on a video project, perhaps an explainer video, podcast, school project or video presentation, using the right production music can be the key to successfully drawing your viewers in; but finding the perfect song can seem a daunting task. Of course you could commission a track to be composed especially for you, but that can run into tens of thousands of dollars. Luckily, there are plenty of places available for you to find free music for your video project, but where can you get it from and how do you know if you have the legal right to use it for your project? Using copyrighted material in your video may seem like an easy mistake to make, but it's illegal and can get you into a lot of trouble. So how do you make sure that your choice of track is acceptable to use in your video?"
John Evans

50 Of The Best Video Games For Learning In 2015 - 2 views

    "We've discussed the merits and utility of video games in the classroom before, so we won't beleaguer the point. If you're interested in the possibility of video games for learning-that is, teaching and learning with video games to master both academic and non-academic content-than the following collection may be of interest to you. We've discussed before the logistics of how to teach with video games (especially for non-mobile games). What exactly this looks like on a daily basis in your classroom depends on the reality of your classroom: Available technology, WiFi access and bandwidth, grade level, content area, your comfort level with games, and so on. But if this an area you're interested in learning more about, we thought a collection of the best video games for learning-that is, those we'd want our own children playing for their varied utility in teaching and/or learning-might be useful. Criteria"
John Evans

9 Top Tactics for Using Video Games in the Classroom - 1 views

    "Why use video games in the classroom as teaching tools? Let's be clear-we've come a long way from Asteroids and Space Invaders. The modern capabilities and designs of computer games provide endless opportunities for meaningful learning experiences. Used appropriately and effectively, technology can make a difference in students' lives and affect their attitude toward school in a positive way. So ditch the old stereotypes and misconceptions you may have about the ill effects of video games and reframe your perception in the light of using them to enhance learning. Gamification of classrooms isn't a new idea. The components of the gaming world lend themselves well to self-directed learning, because gaming taps into the variables which inherently motivate the desire for progress. In fact, using a set of constructs called game mechanics one could conceivably create situations that enhance learning by incorporating the kinds of motivating strategies found in today's best video games. Whether you choose to "gamify" your physical classroom all the way or only use video games as an occasional learning enhancement, making learning fun will positively reinforce students' experiences of school. Here are some suggestions on how to successfully use video games in the classroom."
John Evans

Best video editing apps for iPhone and iPad - 2 views

    "Long gone are the days where video editing has to take hours and involve your Mac. Thanks to the iPhone and iPad, I've put together some awesome, professional-looking video. Depending on what your needs are, and how much control you want over the process, these are currently the best video editing apps I've found for iPhone and iPad. Before we get into my picks, I'll preface this by saying that I only considered apps that have universal support for both iPhone and iPad. Some apps, like Splice, can be great choices, but they are only available on one device or the other. Where video editing is concerned, most people only want to learn one user interface. Otherwise, things can start to get overwhelming. That's why I looked at the ease of putting together a great-looking, easily shareable video in addition to comparing features of these top apps."
John Evans

Shoot, Edit, and Share Videos With the Loopster iPad App | iPad Apps for School - 0 views

    "Loopster is a video editing tool that I first tried as a web app last fall. Recently, I learned that Loopster has a free iPad app. The free iPad app offers all of the same features that are available in the web version of the service. The Loopster iPad app provides a four track editor. There are tracks for video and images, transitions, sounds, and text. You can import images and videos from your iPad's camera roll or shoot a new video with the app and edit it. On the video editing track you can trim clips and combine clips. On the text track you can add speech bubbles and other text effects. Loopster has a slow motion effect that is available on the iPad app too."
John Evans

Embed Videos with Google Drive- A Useful Tip for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and ... - 9 views

    "If for any reasons you do not want to upload your classroom videos to YouTube and are looking for another free hosting video that can allow you to upload and share your videos Google Drive is one of your best options. Only few Google Drive users know that there is a functionality in Google Drive that enables anyone with a Google Drive account to instantly upload their videos and after the upload you can get an embed code to integrate your video anywhere on the web. Here is how you can do it."
John Evans

40 Viewing Comprehension Strategies - 2 views

    "You can't watch a video like you read a book; the modalities couldn't be much different. On the surface level a video uses light, color, sound, and moving images, with the potential for adding text and shape and color and light filters as overlays to communicate ideas, while the most basic text structures use alphanumeric symbols, paragraph and sentence structure, and an assortment of text features (e.g., white space, headings and subheadings, fonts, etc.) to convey their message. There is much, much more to it than this. Videos are meant to be consumed in short bursts, while literature, for example, is meant to be "sat with." Videos are (often manic) sprints, while texts are (often meandering) walks. Because of this very different tone and purpose as a matter of design, it's unfair to criticize videos as "less rigorous" than texts, just as it would be misleading to say that video is universally "more engaging" than text (something I may or may not have said in the past). It's more complex than that."
John Evans

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Avoiding Digital Disasters: Video Is the New Pen - 3 views

    "Yesterday in Yukon, Oklahoma, I led an "iPad Quick Edit Videography" workshop for Storychasers. Workshop participants and I brainstormed, planned, recorded and edited short videos focusing on digital citizenship issues which public photo and video sharing can raise. Our full curriculum from the workshop is available on Google Sites. I edited a video with some of these clips and published it to YouTube with the title, "Avoiding Digital Disasters: Video Is the New Pen." The statement, "video is the new pen," comes from Richard Wells' outstanding post from earlier this week on iPad 4 Schools, "The "One iPad" Classroom.""
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