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Joel Liu

Diigo Google toolbar button code - 60 views

Hi fausto: Thanks for building the button and sharing it with diigo community. We will look into it to see what we can do on your Google button later.

button diigo google toolbar

Maggie Tsai

Bib 2.0: Lights, Camera, Take Action: The Planners - 0 views

  • Diigo: I LOVE Diigo. It's a browser add-on (Firefox and IE) that allows users to highlight text directly on a website, then add a sticky-note for comments, which can be published to a group. This would be an excellent way for students to share/discuss websites as they research. Highlighting text creates an archive on the Diigo site, essentially saving all the information (including a shot of the page) and comments in one place. From there students can add additional comments on all the pages, avoiding doing a WWW treasure hunt.
Maggie Tsai

The Bamboo Project Blog: I'm Digging Diigo for Online Research - 0 views

  • Last month I lamented the fact that I couldn't find a tool that would allow me to use a yellow highlighter on web pages. I wanted to recreate the feeling I get with books, where I could go to a page and see all of my highlights and notes. Enter Diigo, which is giving me a most satisfying online highlighting experience. Because I wanted to make sure that Diigo really did what it promised, I started with adding the Diigolet bookmarklet to my browser toolbar. (They offer versions for Firefox, Flock, Safari, Opera and IE.) Within seconds, I was happily highlighting web pages and adding sticky notes to my highlights. Even better, when I returned to a page I'd highlighted and activated the bookmarklet, my highlights and stickies were right on the page, not stored in a notebook as I experienced with Google Notebooks and i-lighter, my two previous solutions for online notetaking. After a week or so of the bookmarklet, I moved into full installation of the Diigo toolbar. This added the ability to instantly blog material that I'd highlighted and quick access to some powerful search functions and my bookmarked sites. It also ensured that my notes and highlighting would show up automatically every time I visited a page I'd worked on previously. I'm just beginning to explore some of the more advanced options, such as being able to forward my highlights and notes to others via email, and I'm sure that eventually they'll become useful to me. But if I'm honest, it's the yellow highlighter and sticky note option that has really sold me.
Maggie Tsai

The Bamboo Project Blog: How I Organize Myself to Write a Blog Post - 0 views

  • For longer articles or for posts where I want to highlight a particular quote or passage, I also use Diigo, which I've written about before. I can use it to bookmark pages, but I'm mostly interested in my ability to use a virtual yellow highlighter directly online and to add digital yellow sticky notes, too. So when I go back to the page, it's like the page in a book with my highlights (other people may have highlights, too), my comments and so on. It's really very cool and helps me to pull my thoughts together.
    • Maggie Tsai
      Thanks for mentioning Diigo and taking advantage of our annotation capabilities. Do you know that we also support simultaneous bookmarking to delicious and blogthis as well? this will make it quite easy for you to just use one single service without going back and forth. Stay tuned - we got lots of cool new innovations coming out shortly - think you will find them quite useful :-)
Maggie Tsai

Infos und News zu Medienkultur und Medienbildung (jetzt: !!!!!):... - 0 views

  • My Spurls-Newsposting have moved to That's it, I'm leaving Spurl. I always was a friend of Furl, until their RSS-Streams stopped working for several weeks or even month without anyone fixing it. So I changed to Spurl, wich works well, but does not save a personal copy of the bookmarked site (like Furl did).I'm using Diigo since it came out, and I thougth there's no reasong sticking with Spurl any longer ... a Diigo Group for the news stuff meets my needs much better (URL:, who subscribes to my feedburner-stream instead of the spurl-RSS won't notice a differende. (The URL is: Spurl, and thanks for the service.
Wade Ren

Another use I found for Diigo - 58 views

btw, you can also save user name or other private notes as private page comment. another use I found for diigo is to track changing stats. for example, on this page


Joel Liu

Help: How to manage private groups members - 25 views

You can Click Manage under the group you created In to manage the group, including the membership management. Besides adding member through email invitation, We will prov...


jincheng li

网络工具diigo介绍 - 0 views

  • 首先,diigo提供了最好的网上注释服务。这到底意味着什么呢?Diigo 让网络成为图书。网页在线标注功能,Diigo 可以让用户注释某段文字,记录自己针对某段话的一些想法,下次你再登录网页时,这些都可以显示出来。你可以在任何网页的任何地方添加高亮的重点标识以及粘贴个人­注释。与此同时,一旦你对这个网页添加了注释和高亮,那你可以永久地保存此网页,也就是说你可以在任何时候任何地方的网络计算机上看到你所做的高亮标识和注释。­或许你曾经做过的书签很漂亮也很多,但是他们或许你不经意间就有可丢失或者变旧了,但是diigo 作为新一代的网络书签将永久保存你的注释和高亮。所以特别适合那些工作中经常与大量的文献研究的人。当然,现代人崇尚简约的风格,或许可以让网络来帮你做一些繁­琐的事情,让你的生活和空间变得更加广阔。 其次,diigo拥有最强大的网页剪辑工具,更重要的是你所剪辑的内容还可以被共享和搜索。Diigo 不仅是一个很好的个人书签,而且是一个很好的网络共享和搜索平台。对网页的整理批注默认为共享,任何人都可以在网站上找到他人整理好的现成互联网资料。举例:如­果你最近在网上搜集整理关于白血病治疗的资料,利用 Diigo 就可以对现成的网页批注,把所有资料整理好后设成一个专题,其他用户在搜集类似话题时,可以在Diigo 找到这些资料,不用再慢慢搜集。 第三:强大的博客平台。任何你注释的网页都可以立即转变成博客发表。一旦你安装了diigo,你马上可以对你感兴趣的内容通过右键可以立即将它以博客的形式发表­,diigo 支持各种类型的博客,包括:WordPress blog,blogger blog, live journal blog, Typepad Blog, Movable Type Blog, Windows Live Spaces, Drupal Blog。同时,你既可以将他们发表在Diigo 自带的博客上,同时你也可以添加自己的博客,将你感兴趣的博客发表在你自己的博客上。 网络无忧 第四,综合性书签,可以集合本地文件夹,美味书签,simple , Furl, Spurl的综合功能,将你所关注的内容永久性地保存在diigo网站中附带有全文搜索功能。 第五:一个庞大的合作平台。利用高亮和网络注释的功能可以进行网上交流和共享。比如说,你准备做一个关于影响中学生英语学习水平的调查研究,那你可以在 diigo上注册成用户,将你搜索的材料添加到Diigo中,让其他的diigo用户可以共享到你搜集的资料,你也可以分享其他人关于此调查研究的材料。甚至你­可以建立一个组,专题讨论一个主题,然后邀请其他学者或者其他用户参与到你的研究中去。所谓众人拾柴火焰高,在 diigo中建立的组就像一个智囊团一样,定会为你的研究提供帮助。 第六:最专用化的搜索工具和独特的内容搜索菜单。就像Google的工具库一样,但是更加专业化,只要轻松右键,你可以对音乐,地图,参考,本地图书馆,纽约时­报等进行相关搜索。只要轻松点击右键,Diigo包括对相关内容的博客搜索,全文搜索,网页搜索,diigo网站,baidu搜索,MSN搜索, Google搜索等等,可以所提供了一个全面的简便的搜索工具。他的搜索功能可以说是功能强大。可以对全文的题目,内容,关键字,也可以用不包含搜索,比如我不­想包含某关键字也可以进行搜索。 第七是Diigo 的组论坛功能,Diigo小组论坛允许使用者发起和参与到讨论中。一个组的管理人员可以根据预选好的种类制定组的标志或者允许组成员自定标志。后面一种方法从潜­在地给予用户更大的自由空间。使我们每个组更加独一无二,就像diigo 的许多特点一样独一无二。Diigo组的建立也是非常简单的,只要在Diigo的组中建立自己的组或者加入现在存在的组。当你参加了别人的组你可以在其中看到组­成员的书签等等。当然你也可以自己建立一个组,为自己的组在DIIGO中添加一个地址连接,分类自己的组,标识组的特点,而且你还可以很简单的通过邮件邀请朋友­加入到你的组中。
Guillermo Carrion

Importing taking forever - 20 views

I found what I was doing wrong. I needed at least one extra tag. So I leaved tag and then it was imported all of them. import Delicious

Maggie Tsai

Marking Up the Web with Diigo's Social-Annotation Tool | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Diigo definitely has a place in education. Envision a group of students working on a Web-based research project: Not only can they cite the pages they’ve used, they can also have conversations about resources on the very pages they are discussing. And to take it a step further, the students’ teacher can join the group, view how the students are using the Web resources, and comment on their note-taking -- right on the sticky notes. As the site states, “Diigo is about Social Annotation.”
Maggie Tsai

Family Matters » » Diigo Blogging Tools - 2 views

  • If you’re one of the expanding list of genealogy bloggers, chances are good you frequently find things online you’d like to write about. In addition to copying the quote, you also need to grab the site’s name, article/page title and link. Diigo, my favorite online research tool, can help make this process a whole lot easier. Diigo’s “Blog This” function builds on its highlighting and annotation features to make it easy to capture information and incorporate it into a blog post. The feature works with WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, Typepad, Moveable Type, Windows Live Spaces and Drupal blog platforms. Here’s how it works . . . Setup The first step is to set up your blog so Diigo can access it. Log into Diigo then click on My Tools. Now click on Blog This in the left column. When that page appears, click on the +Add a new blog link. Enter the address of your blog in the URL field, then click Next. Now enter the username and password you use to to access your blog and click Add New Blog. Your blog should now appear on your Blog This page. You’re ready to start blogging. Blog This As you browse the web, you come across a tidbit you’d like to write about. Highlight the text you’d like to include in your post, right-click and choose Diigo > Blog This from the popup menu.
  • In the example shown here (configured for a WordPress blog), you can see in the left column that this post is going to my Family Matters blog as a draft in the News category. What you actually see will depend on what blog platform you are using. I may post a “quick and dirty” item directly from the Diigo editor, but generally I will send the highlighted text to my blog as a post and finish it off there. Either way, Diigo has made it easy for me to include web content in my posts - saving both time and effort.
Maggie Tsai

The Classroom » Using Diigo for Organizing the Web for your Class - 2 views

  • Using Diigo for Organizing the Web for your Class 31 07 2007 A good friend of mine, Randy Lyseng, has been telling people of the tremendous power and educational value that can be gained from social bookmarking in the classroom. His personal favourite is Diigo. My preference is a social bookmarking tool called With diigo, you can highlight, add stick notes and make your comments private or public. (Randy Lyseng, Lyseng Tech: Social Bookmarking, November 2006) After listening to Randy praise Diigo at every opportunity, I finally started playing with the site (and corresponding program, more on that in a bit) this summer (I know Randy - I’m slow to catch on…)As I started to play with the system, my mind started reeling with all the possibilities. First off, like any other social bookmarking tool, Diigo allows you to put all your favorites/bookmarks in one “central” location. Students can access them from ANY computer in the world (talk about the new WWW: whatever, whenever, where ever). They just open up your Diigo page, and there are all the links. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Diigo’s power lies in it’s group annotations. That’s right, people can now write in the margins of webpages. You can highlight passages of interest, write notes, and even write a blog entry directly from another webpage, quoting passages right from the original text. Sounds great - but to do all that it must be complicated right? Nope. To use these advanced features all you need to do is run the Diigo software. This can either be done using a bookmarklet or by downloading and installing the Diigo toolbar. While both have basically the same features, the toobar is less finicky, and allows you to use contextual menus to access features quickly. I also find the toolbar’s highlighting and sticky notes to be easier to read. Ok fine… I can leave notes on webpages - so what? Here’s an example. I’m thinking about having my 7B’s record radio plays. I’ve looked them up online and found many scripts from all the old classics available. However many also contain the old endorsements from tobacco and other companies. So I go to a play that I’d like to my students to record and highlight the old commercial. If they’re using diigo when they access this page they’ll see the same text highlighted in pink, and when they mouse over the highlighted text they’ll get a hidden message from me - “I’d like you to write a new advertisement for this section. What other advertisement do you think we could write for here? Write an ad for a virtue or trait that you think is important. For example - “Here’s a news flash for every person in Canada. It’s about a sensational, new kind of personality that will make you the envy of all those around you. It’s call trustworthiness. Why with just a pinch of this great product….” They now have a writing assignment to go along with the recording of the radio play. Adding assignments is just one possibility. You can ask questions about the site, or have students carry on conversations about the text. Perhaps about the validity of some information. These notes can be made private (for your eyes only), public, or for a select group of people. You could use the same webpage for multiple classes, and have a different set of sticky notes for each one! Diigo will also create a separate webpage for each group you create, helping you organize your bookmarks/notes further! This technology is useful for any class, but I think is a must have for any group trying to organize something along the lines of the 1 to 1 project. I’m hoping to convince all the core teachers to set up a group page for their classes, and organize their book marks there! I’ve already started one for my 7B Language Arts Class! One of the first questions I was asked when I started looking at this site, and more importantly at the bookmarklets and toolbar was is it secure? Will it bring spyware onto our systems? How about stability? I’ve currently been running the Diigo bookmarklet and toolbar on 3 different browsers, Explorer, Firefox, and Safari (sorry, there’s no Safari toolbar yet), across 4 different computers and 2 different platforms with no problems. I’ve also run every virus and spyware scan I can think of, everything checks out clean. I’ve also done an extensive internet check, and can’t find any major problems reported by anyone else. To my mind it’s an absolutely fantastic tool for use in the classroom. Thanks Diigo! And thanks Randy for pointing me in the right direction!
Maggie Tsai

Bib 2.0: Before Blogs and Wikis: Three Tools to Enhance Collaboration - 0 views

  • Diigo: Once they start their web-related search, Diigo, an add-on extension for Firefox and Internet Explorer, allows students to highlight text and post sticky-notes directly onto webpages, then share their comments within the group. Others can add their own comments to the note. Selected text is archived to a "my bookmarks" page, along with the comments and a copy of the website. Students can collaborate within the bookmarks site or on the individual websites. Diigo supports RSS feeds, allowing teachers to follow student progress. The more I use this tool, the more I'm convinced it ought to be integral to every research project. It allows students to actively connect with the information they're reading--to question, annotate and infer. All in collaboration with their group. How amazing is that???
Maggie Tsai

Intelligent Agent Blog: Social Bookmarking For Enterprise Knowledge Management - 0 views

  • Diigo 3.85 (A/A-)Diigo is by far the most fully featured social bookmarking site in this list, and offers several unique capabilities. The most notable feature is that users can highlight text right on the page, as well as make annotations via a “sticky note” for later viewing.There are also other very useful features. I particularly liked the sophisticated and advanced search option for doing a keyword search of one’s own or public bookmarks. On that page you can limit a search by a phrase, and restrict a search to a URL, title, comments or highlights. You can even search “on” specific users as wellNote that when you place a “sticky note” to comment on a page for your later viewing, that note is viewable by anyone else in the Diigo community that views that page too! .There are some other interesting and unique features on Diigo. For instance, when highlighting a word on any page with Diigo’s bookmarking tool, a drop down menu automatically appears that allows users to search for that highlighted word on various search engines, social bookmarking sites; blogs, on the active site and more. I also had much more control in formatting when saving a page; and had an option to forward the page to another person as well.What about the all important group feature? Well, Diigo rounds out its offerings very nicely by just this month launching its “Groups” function. That feature looks to be a clear and elegant way to allow anyone to set up a private environment for sharing your bookmarks. Ultimately, if you combine the Web annotation capabilities with the ability to share in groups, Diigo has created a very enterprise friendly social bookmarking service. And, according to a spokesperson at the firm, this Groups function is “just the first of many more advanced group collaboration functions that we will be introducing in several phases” So we look forward to staying tuned!My Grades:Group Function Capability: AResearch Value: A-Design/Interface/Ease of Use: A-Fully Featured: A-(only missing “related users” and “larger topics”)
    • eyal matsliah
      indeed !
  • the ability to create your own customized group where you could share your bookmarks within a own defined group—such as a workforce team, department, project team, or any other defined group. That article provided a list of social bookmarking firms that fit that criteria, and included a detailed feature comparison chart
  • the four most important criteria for a social bookmarking sites’ applicability to internal/enterprise searching:1. Group function capability. How easy is it to create a new group? Can the group remain private? Other group features?2. Research value. How much of a page can be saved; are there advanced and precision search features?3. Design/Interface/Ease of Use. Is it a pleasant experience to view and use the site? Does it show evidence of being intelligently thought out and designed?4. Fully Featured. In the Knowledge Management supplement, I focused on these features:Ability to create an RSS FeedSurfacing of “related tags”Surfacing of “related users”Tag suggestionsTag cloudImport/export bookmarksAbility to crate larger “topics” or hierarchical categories
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Social Bookmarking For Enterprise Knowledge Management
  • I particularly liked the sophisticated and advanced search option for doing a keyword search of one’s own or public bookmarks. On that page you can limit a search by a phrase, and restrict a search to a URL, title, comments or highlights. You can even search “on” specific users as well > > >
  • Well, Diigo rounds out its offerings very nicely by just this month launching its “Groups” function. That feature looks to be a clear and elegant way to allow anyone to set up a private environment for sharing your bookmarks. Ultimately, if you combine the Web annotation capabilities with the ability to share in groups, Diigo has created a very enterprise friendly social bookmarking service. >
  • My Grades: > > > Group Function Capability: A > > > Research Value: A- > > > Design/Interface/Ease of Use: A- > > > Fully Featured: A- > > > (only missing “related users” and “larger topics”) > > >
Joel Liu

Problems with Diigo Toolbar - 115 views

Picardo: Please check Firefox window ==>Tools ==> Options ==>Privacy ==> Cookie ==> Exceptions to see whether was disabled. If the cookie is ok. We need to profile to see what happe...

diigo firefox search-feature toolbar

Joel Liu

embedded "-" characters in tags. - 56 views

The new version is available on

bug spam (electronic)

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