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Graham Perrin

For a recent Annotated Link: 'Sorry, the page you requested was not found. redirecting ... - 274 views and some others above now work. I'm not reviewing this topic in detail, let's assume that it's fixed. Tag: resolved Many thanks...

bug resolved TTW gpd4

Mark -

RSS Feeds Not Accepted by Some Readers - 258 views

My feeds continue to fail Feed Validator especially when I have 2 tags selected T...

resolved rss tags feed groups bug

Graham Perrin

URL encoding issue? Annotated link presents the wrong URL! - 30 views

> should …  > In Safari 4 Public Beta (5528.16): > > * toolbar of Diigolet 3.1b523 fails to appear Reviewing this bug following upgrade to Diigo 4.0 beta, using Saf...

review annotated link bug priority encoding apostrophe Diigolet 3.15b38 gpd4


What Percentage Of Hair Transplants Fail? - 0 views

    What Percentage Of Hair Transplant that Fail? The percentage of hair transplants that result in failure is virtually non-existent provided the patient is in good health.

Epically Idiotic Construction Fails You Just Won't Be Able To Believe - EyeFlicker - 0 views

    Take a look at you ultimate construction fails that proves that human stupidity, can indeed, be infinite sometimes.

Iraqi army: Unsuccessful assassination attempt on PM, drones hit his home - 0 views

    The Iraqi prime minister has been targeted in a failed assassination attempt following a drone strike. The Iraqi army said early Sunday that Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kazmi had been targeted in a "failed assassination attempt" following a drone strike on his residence in Baghdad. The military said Kadhimi was injured in the attack and was in good health, adding that it was taking necessary steps to combat the failed attempt.
Manish Jain

Top 4 Reasons Why Enterprise Mobile Apps Fail | Konstantinfo - 0 views

    If not approached and planned in the right manner your enterprise mobile app can go for a toss. And out of many reasons on why they possibly fail here are the most critical 4. See through them and avoid the gaffe!
Graham Perrin

CAPTCHA failing in Safari - 72 views

Darn. Will forward this to our engineer's attention. And sorry for any inconvenience. Anyone knows any other good CAPCHA service?

resolved negligible CAPTCHA WebKit bug


Diigo Toolbar makes FireFox SessionSaver fail - 9 views

My SessionSaver Add-On fails with the Diigo toolbar installed. Uninstalling or disabling the Diigo toolbar restores SessionSaver functionality. SessionSaver complains of "SessionSaver: Capture Fail...

bug firefox problem sessionsaver

started by poohcow on 09 Aug 07 no follow-up yet

The truth came when the Russian spacecraft failed to launch the astronauts to explain t... - 0 views

    Overseas Network October 18th Local time on October 11th, Russian astronaut Alexei Ovchinin and American astronaut Nick Hage took off on the Union MS 10 manned spaceship launch site International Space Station. During the launch, the spacecraft's Union FG launch vehicle engine failed, and two as
Jessica Wilton

Why Does a PPC Campaign Fail? Top Three Reasons - 0 views

    If you are not a PPC specialist then you should hire a PPC professional to fix these issues and run your campaign successfully. There are many companies who offer PPC services. You can choose one of them. Some common reasons why PPC campaign may fail.
Call Me What You Want

Opera Diigolet fails to save bookmarks - 65 views

It's been awhile since I used the Diigolet but as far as saving to multiple sites, don't think that works. I had no problem with saving bookmarks in the past but I didn't use it extensively enough...

amby kdp

The Power of Now - SELF HELP BOOKS - 0 views

    Many people have missed key opportunities in their life because they failed to see the power of now. Many people in the world fail to live in the now because they prefer to be fear of what they do...

Awesome Screenshot 1.3.2: uploaded shot: view in new tab: sometimes fails (Amazon S3 Ac... - 13 views

At sometimes when I use the contextual menu to view the image in a new tab, problems: 1.

bug assigned screenshot upload Amazon S3 view tab gpd4

Graham Perrin

Diigo Send window/dialogue fails to close in response to escape or command-W - 9 views

command-W fails, Firefox/OS responds with a bleep/beep. escape button fails, no response. click on the Cancel button works. click on the (red) close box works. = Environment = Diigo ...

inconsistency bug gpd4

started by Graham Perrin on 08 Nov 08 no follow-up yet
Maggie Tsai

Cross Platfrom View Fails -- No, Wait, They All Fail... - 14 views

Hi, We're having trouble reproducing the issues you describe. Joel will follow up with you in email. thanks

bug forwarding linux mac

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