Diigo, a manager of bookmarks and annotations collaboratif
I launch out, finally, in the use of Diigo (http://www.diigo.com). I for some time know this product thanks to excellent tutoriels of presentation which very quickly makes it possible to see how much this tool is interesting: http://www.diigo.com/help/flash_tutorial
It is free. To exploit it fully, it is preferable to download the bar of the tasks. But, it is possible to be exempted some. On the other hand, the use of the bookmarklet appears essential to me to an about normal operation.
Here a first overflight of the tool. I will make a more detailed report when I sufficiently study it with the daily newspaper.
Strong points:
the page of posting clear and is structured… One does not feel not lost with the first access as with Simpy or Del.icio.us. ;
Public or Private Bookmarking (like Simpy) [and conversion public-private is simplissime];
Possibility of importing its bookmarks since Del.icio.us
or to import them/export towards its navigator;
But, even more extremely, possibility simultaneously of recording a page in Diigo and Del.icio.us or 8 other managers in lines
or to send it to somebody by email;
It is possible to underline text,
to annotate it with a `post-it' (there still public or private option are available);
But also to post comments which would be already associated the page by a third… that opens true prospects for collaboratif work!
Integration with the blog with the possibility of writing a comment since Diigo which is posted (provided that one succeeded in identifying his API endpoint… what is not yet my case.). The supported blogs are Blogger, Wordpress.
Important: not to forget to record the bookmarklet “diigolet” and to use it to activate the functions of underlining and annotations (ajax).
Research relates on the tags or the full-text, autement known as, all the fields including the extracts and the annotations but also the bookmarquée page! !
Searching bookmarks in full-text will search the, tags, comments, and the full text of each bookmarked page. Thus, when searching for several search words in full-text, the search results are those bookmarks which contain all the search words in its, tags, comments, but the full text.