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Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Ian Bogost Blog - Videogame Theory, criticism and design - 0 views

    Hi, I'm Ian Bogost. I am a designer, philosopher, critic, and researcher who focuses on computational media-videogames in particular. I'm also an author and an entrepreneur. I am a professor at Georgia Tech (a university), a Founding Partner at Persuasive Games (a videogame studio), and a Board Member at Open Texture (an educational publisher).
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Gulp. The world's largest stop-motion animation set, shot on a Nokia N8 - 2 views

    'Gulp' is a short film created by Sumo Science at Aardman, depicting a fisherman going about his daily catch. Shot on location at Pendine Beach in South Wales, every frame of this stop-motion animation was shot using a Nokia N8, with its 12 megapixel camera and Carl Zeiss optics. The film has broken a world record for the 'largest stop-motion animation set', with the largest scene stretching over 11,000 square feet.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Gulp. The making of. - 1 views

    Here's a film taking you behind the scenes on 'Gulp', Aardman's world record breaking short film. It reveals what went in to making such a complex film outside and away from the controlled environment of a studio, and how it was shot using a Nokia N8.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

#AltDevBlogADay - 1 views

    What is #AltDevBlogADay? #AltDevBlogADay is a group of game developers (generally found on Twitter) that want to blog more regularly. An idea inspired by iDevBlogADay. It's simple! Each day people will be assigned to blog. Each person has contributor access and can post his original writing on to this site directly. Or provide a summary and link to his original writing on his own blog.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

The Escapist : Video Galleries : Extra Credits - 0 views

    Join James Portnow, Daniel Floyd and Allison Theus each week as they take a deeper look at games; how they are made, what they mean and how we can make them better. Games You Might Not Have Tried (…or Heard Of)
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Improv Everywhere | We Cause Scenes - 0 views

    Improv Everywhere is a New York City-based prank collective that causes scenes of chaos and joy in public places. Created in August of 2001 by Charlie Todd, Improv Everywhere has executed over 100 missions involving tens of thousands of undercover agents. (View on YouTube) Edited by Keith Haskel / music by Tyler Walker For our latest mission, over 3,500 people downloaded an MP3 file and pressed play simultaneously. The event began at sunset in two starting points by the Hudson River.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Homepage, interactive surfaces on floors, walls and tables - - 0 views

    living surface - beyond HD: Imagine an interactive digital experience that combines a megapixel display of impressive screen sizes and superb image resolution with real-time interactive digital content at an extremely high level of detail - far beyond HD.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Motor de Juegos - 1 views

    Somos un portal en internet conformado por un equipo de especialistas y entusiastas dedicados al desarrollo de videojuegos en México. Nuestro objetivo es apoyar y promover a la creación de juegos en el país, con un enfoque en el mejoramiento de la educación orientada al desarrollo y crear una plataforma sólida de networking para el crecimiento de la industria local. Si desean comunicarse con nosotros:
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Cursos en Red Tecnológica: Diseño y efectos digitales - 0 views

    Oferta educativa en Argentina. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional. Facultad Regional La Rioja.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Educar Chile: Especial: Juegos en línea - 0 views

    Especial: Juegos en línea
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Por qué los videojuegos fomentan aprendizajes efectivos - 0 views

    Descubre por qué los videojuegos, orientados pedagógicamente, pueden fomentar el desarrollo de aprendizajes efectivos. Por Javier Mondaca Wyman En el estudio de las llamadas "escuelas efectivas" se han estudiado diversas características de escuelas que promueven aprendizajes de calidad de forma equitativa en sus alumnos. Dentro de ellas, se consideran características o recursos afectivos que la escuela promueve en sus alumnos. Estos recursos ayudan a los alumnos a consolidar aprendizajes efectivos. Estas habilidades no se desarrollan únicamente en el la escuela, sino que pueden desarrollarse en un gran número de contextos. Creo yo que los videojuegos son una buena plataforma para desarrollarlas. A continuación intentaré explicar el porqué.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Uso de Juegos para Introducir Mapas Conceptuales en Educación Primaria - 0 views

    En ocasiones se le hace difícil a algunos estudiantes sentarse con un papel en blanco o una ventana en blanco en la computadora y empezar a construir mapas conceptuales. Principalmente se dificulta la construcción de proposiciones, seleccionar la(s) palabra(s) de enlace que mejor reflejan el conocimiento, experiencia o sentimiento del estudiante sobre dos conceptos. Hemos encontrado que mediante juegos los estudiantes pueden aprender a construir mapas conceptuales, en particular a elaborar proposiciones a partir de parejas conceptos. Los juegos presentados en este documento son resultado de varios años de experiencia en la capacitación de docentes y trabajo con estudiantes en el Proyecto Conéctate al Conocimiento en Panamá, y toma libremente del texto desarrollado por el grupo de Facilitadores de ese Proyecto "Instructivo sobre Estrategias que se Sugieren para Utilizar con los Estudiantes en la Elaboración de Mapas Conceptuales, Especialmente en Educación Inicial".
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Video Game Programmer | Choosing A Career In The Video Gaming Industry - 0 views

    If you unequivocally suffer personification video games and you find them a severe form of entertainment because not ponder a vocation in the video gaming industry. If you are going to be working at something for 40 years or so do not you regard it sounds similar to a great thought to select something you suffer doing?
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Create your own Cartoon Strip - 1 views

    Herramienta en línea para crear historietas y narrativas digitales
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

EZFLAR Augmented reality software code - 2 views

    EZFlar code was developed by Eduardo Malpeli, a.k.a. "Tcha-Tcho", with the help of Daniel Roda and Alex Freitas. Everyone involved in the project work in the daily O Estado de São Paulo, a Brazilian newspaper and one of the biggest in Latin America. In March 2009, came the idea of using augmented reality in news content, made unprecedented in the world, but an idea of great potential for infographists as us.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Tips for digital storytelling - 1 views

Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Digital Storytelling - 0 views

    Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights. Tell your story now digitally. - Leslie Rule, Digital Storytelling Association
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

Digital Storytelling. Using Technology to Tell Stories - 0 views

    This website has been developed for educators seeking to infuse traditional writing instruction with new emerging technologies in such a way as to excite young writers through the composition of personal narrative stories, integration of family photographs, recorded voice narration and multi-media productio
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

The Educational Uses of Digital Storyteling - 0 views

    Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. As with traditional storytelling, most digital stories focus on a specific topic and contain a particular point of view. However, as the name implies, digital stories usually contain some mixture of computer-based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips and/or music. Digital stories can vary in length, but most of the stories used in education typically last between two and ten minutes. The topics that are used in Digital Storytelling range from personal tales to the recounting of historical events, from exploring life in one's own community to the search for life in other corners of the universe, and literally, everything in between. A great way to begin learning about Digital Storytelling is by watching the following video introduction to Digital Storytelling.
Carlos Lizarraga Celaya

jMonkeyEngine Java Open GL Game Engine - 1 views

    Make any type of game for all modern platforms. Program in plain Java and experience rapid time-to-market development without limitations.
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