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julian serventi

Top 5 Tips for Creating Impressive Video Resumes - 0 views

  • Don’t just create a video resume because you can, create one because it’s relevant to the job you want to do.
  • just reading aloud the contents of your CV is a waste of everyone’s time.
  • one-minute mark is ideal.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.
  • Be creative, but professional. Do not deviate too much from the demeanor you would have in the workplace
  • bloopers reel accompanied with credits, a clever way to show off your personality (and that you don’t take yourself too seriously).
    • Alex Portela
      This is a great site to reference because there are real videos to check out as examples. The first one includes links to other short videos that are a part of this persons video resume.
    • Merlyn Reyna
      I agree, the videos are really helpful! 
  • In today’s highly competitive job market, creating the right video resume to accompany your traditional CV can make you stand out from the crowd. The wrong one, though, can make you a laughing stock.
  • 1. Make Sure It’s Appropriate
  • 3. Keep it Short
  • 4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Creative
  • 5. Make Sure It Passes the Share Test
  • 2. Don’t Just Read Out Your Resume

  • Don’t just create a video resume because you can, create one because it’s relevant to the job you want to do.

    If you’re applying for a role in the online, media, social or creative professions, then it’s more likely a decent video resume will have the desired effect, i.e., getting you invited for an interview.

    Don’t send a video resume to a more traditional type of company that won’t “get it.” You might do your chances more harm than good.

    Graeme Anthony, from the example above, is a public relations executive. His cleverly thought out online content adds an extra wow factor to his already outstanding experience.

    2. Don’t Just Read Out Your Resume

    The whole point of a video presentation is to offer a potential employer greater insight into you than a traditional resume can, so

    just reading aloud the contents of your CV is a waste of everyone’s time.

    Use the video to help the employer get a sense of not just what you have achieved, but what you are capable of achieving in the future.

    “Tell them why you would be the right person to hire and what you can do for them,” says Mario Gedicke, account manager at, a video employment platform.

    You can, however, highlight particularly relevant info from your resume. “Focus on your experience and skill set (and possible education/training) especially relevant to the position,” advises Tyler Redford, CEO of, an online resume management system.

    And if it’s appropriate and relevant to the job (as in the example above), then don’t be afraid to talk about your passions.

    3. Keep it Short

    “Keep your video resume short,” says Gedicke, who advises that a

    one-minute mark is ideal. Redford agrees that a video resume should be “short and sweet.” He suggests staying within two minutes.

    “Keep in mind that recruiters would likely want to use the video resume as an initial filter for applicants,” Redford says. “However, recruiters do not typically want to use the video resume in lieu of a real, in-person interview.”

    Think of your video resume as your own personal teaser trailer. In the example above, the clip is less than one minute and 20 seconds in length, while the extra time is made up of a

    bloopers reel accompanied with credits, a clever way to show off your personality (and that you don’t take yourself too seriously).

    4. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Creative

    If you’re opting for a video resume, then go the whole hog and make it spectacular. Be creative, whether that’s with the concept of your pitch, use of humor, clever production values or brilliant editing.

    However, stay classy. “

    Be creative, but professional. Do not deviate too much from the demeanor you would have in the workplace ,” says Redford. Gedicke suggests this should extend to your wardrobe too: “Dress professionally, just as if you are going to an in-person interview.”

    In the video above, James Corne creates a spoof AA-style confession, but maintains a certain veneer and dresses like he was headed to the office. This demonstrates creativity and humor whilst showing him to be a professional person.

    5. Make Sure It Passes the Share Test

    As with all online life, don’t put content out there that you wouldn’t be prepared to see go viral. It’s unlikely your video resume will become an overnight Internet sensation, but imagining that scenario is a good test to make sure you could cope if it did.

    Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.

    Digital Marketing Job Listings

    Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities. While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top digital marketing opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

    More Related Resources from Mashable

    - 4 Digital Alternatives to the Traditional Resume
    - Top 9 Job Sites to Bookmark for Your Career Search
    - 19 Resources to Help You Land a Job in 2011
    - 5 Ways to Get a Job Through YouTube
    - 5 Tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers

    Image courtesy of iStockphoto, oleg66

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  • 2. Don’t Just Read Out Your Resume
  • If you’re applying for a role in the online, media, social or creative professions, then it’s more likely a decent video resume will have the desired effect, i.e., getting you invited for an interview.
  • . Keep it Short
  • 3

  • If you’re opting for a video resume, then go the whole hog and make it spectacular. Be creative, whether that’s with the concept of your pitch, use of humor, clever production values or brilliant editing.

    However, stay classy. “

    Be creative, but professional. Do not deviate too much from the demeanor you would have in the workplace ,” says Redford. Gedicke suggests this should extend to your wardrobe too: “Dress professionally, just as if you are going to an in-person interview.”

    In the video above, James Corne creates a spoof AA-style confession, but maintains a certain veneer and dresses like he was headed to the office. This demonstrates creativity and humor whilst showing him to be a professional person.

    5. Make Sure It Passes the Share Test

    As with all online life, don’t put content out there that you wouldn’t be prepared to see go viral. It’s unlikely your video resume will become an overnight Internet sensation, but imagining that scenario is a good test to make sure you could cope if it did.

    Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.

    Digital Marketing Job Listings

    Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities . While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top digital marketing opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

    More Related Resources from Mashable

    - 4 Digital Alternatives to the Traditional Resume
    - Top 9 Job Sites to Bookmark for Your Career Search
    - 19 Resources to Help You Land a Job in 2011
    - 5 Ways to Get a Job Through YouTube
    - 5 Tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers

    Image courtesy of iStockphoto , oleg66

    Print Story Email Story Reprints
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    53 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed

  • As with all online life, don’t put content out there that you wouldn’t be prepared to see go viral. It’s unlikely your video resume will become an overnight Internet sensation, but imagining that scenario is a good test to make sure you could cope if it did.

    Imagine your friends and family watching the clip. If the thought of that embarrasses you, then don’t submit it.

    Digital Marketing Job Listings

    Every week we put out a list of social media and web job opportunities . While we post a huge range of job listings, we’ve selected some of the top digital marketing opportunities from the past two weeks to get you started. Happy hunting!

    More Related Resources from Mashable

    - 4 Digital Alternatives to the Traditional Resume
    - Top 9 Job Sites to Bookmark for Your Career Search
    - 19 Resources to Help You Land a Job in 2011
    - 5 Ways to Get a Job Through YouTube
    - 5 Tips for Aspiring Social Media Marketers

    Image courtesy of iStockphoto , oleg66

    Print Story Email Story Reprints
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    53 New Digital Media Resources You May Have Missed
    This is the best website to find out ideas for creating your own video resume. It also shows what information should be incorporated or not.
  • ...10 more comments...
    Tips on making video resumes.
    This was the best and my favorite page that I found on the topic of video Resumes. It goes through 5 simple tips to making a successful video resume and gives an example of each of those 5 tips. The tips are making sure its appropriate, Don't just read out your resume, Keep it short, don't be afraid to be creative, and making sure it passes the share test. A great source and a great page.
    This article discusses 5 tips for creating a video resume and it gives a video resume example that best fits that specific tip. The first tip is to make sure the video resume is appropriate by making sure its relevant to the job you are applying for. The second tip is not to just read out the resume but highlighting specific information in the resume that is relevant to the postion you are applying for. The third tip is keep it short by staying within 2 minutes. The fourth tip is to be creative and the last tip is not to create a video that would bring shame to yourself.
    gives 5 tips on how to make a creative video resume
    This website gives five tips for creating effective video resumes. The five tips are extremely helpful to those looking to create a video resume but aren't sure what should be included or where to start.
    DD10 HW 4 This website provides five different ways to ensure video resume success. The videos apply to what they are talking about and then there is a brief written explanation. 
    Video resumes are becoming more and more popular so what makes it standout? This will give some creative ways to make that impressive video.
    According to this article, making a video resume can be a challenge. It offers five tips from "pros in the know," plus actually sample video resumes. The first tip is to make sure a video resume is appropriate. A video resume may be acceptable for certain professions and wrong for others. Secondly, do not just read from the resume. The point of a video resume is to  present some additional insight into your character and capabilities. Next, keep the video short, around one minute. Four, don't avoid creativity; let your personality shine through. Finally, if you wouldn't want your family or friends to see the video, then don't submit it.
    The top five tips to create an impressive video resume are: 1.Make sure it is appropriate 2.Don't just read your resume out loud 3.Keep it short 4.Don't be afraid to be creative 5.Have several peers edit it before sending it out
    I really like this website gives good tips to create a good video resume. You really have to think on making it appropriate, and not just read out of the resume, also keeping it short. Another tip was also to be creative and make sure it passes the share test. Really good tips, and has a video for each and good explanation.
    Here is a great resource for creating a video resume. It lists 5 tips and provides a sample video resume that demonstrates these things.
    The information found on this website will help to create video resumes that stand out yet are appropriate. The website gives 5 tips through videos to help you such as, making sure it's appropriate, not just reading out your resume, keeping it short, creative, and making sure it passes the share test. With these tips, one would be able to create a video resume that is to the point and sticks out as well.
Shannon Calvert

D#5H#4-Writing Lab at Purdue - 1 views

shared by Shannon Calvert on 06 Feb 10 - Cached
    • Norma rubio
      The "Purdue Online Writing Lab has many usefull tools to help you create good structure in your documents. It provides the rules for the APA and MLA writing styles, which are standard and often required for school and workplaces.
  • APA Formatting and Style Guide MLA 2009 Formatting and Style Guide
    This is my favorite online writing resource by far. Purdue created an interactive module that you can go through to learn several different formats of writing. This covers APA, MLA, and CMS styles of writing and also has numerous tutorials on general writing, teaching, research, job search writing and more. The module that most concerns our project is the Visual Rhetoric module. It gives ideas on how to apply colors, visuals, fonts, and designs to incorporate into displays.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I agree - this site lives on all of my browser toolbars. I confess that I sometimes just browse, looking for nothing in particular. I should probably seek therapy. A *great* resource.
    I love this website because it has something for just about anyone. I use this resource for work, helping my kids with their homework and my own homework. It has so many resources and with the different writing styles it covers helps with the different professors that I have worked with. This site will help me with Project 1 to use proper grammar and writing mechanics.
    Wow! What a great tool!
Karla Freeman

22 Great Wordpress Plugins To Make Your Site Awesome | Jaime Almond - 0 views

    This is a great resource for plugins. Since I am new to Wordpress I felt this is a great resource to get my page up and running with cool plugins. Since I am a blogger I need resources to help me get started creatively with Wordpress.
April Gallegos

D#5HW#4-Purdue OWL: Writing Task Resource List - 0 views

    The Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab is a great resource to use when writing any kind of material. This will help me with Proj. 1 by no matter what problem or writing block I come to, I can always refer back to OWL and find a solution.
Michael Wheeler

Project Management - 0 views

    this is an entire website on project management! it has everything from software, resources, and even training
    I am sharing this page because it is an entire webiste on project management. Very resourceful to anybody wanting more information on the subject.
Felicita Rodriguez

Purdue Online Writing Lab - 0 views

    It looks like you used the Purdue site also. I agree with you that it does a great job of explaining rhetoric in the apa format.
    This website is a good tool for writing. It is actually an educational online writing lab. It is available to anyone who needs assistance in the writing process. There are writing resources for various topics (i.e. professional, literature, medical, journalism).This website also includes job search and resume writing tools. As well as, MLA and APA guides.
Alina Kurita

D#6 HW#2 - Fair Use - 0 views

    This website is a great resource, I saw that most students used this site as well for the writing tips homework. Even the information about fair use is well written and easily explained. And even helps with finding alternatives!
Nicole Carnal

D #8 HW #4 What's New Media - 0 views

    This is a blog that both asks thought provoking questions for people to openly comment on, as well as gives ideas of new media.
  • ...1 more comment...
    I was really excited to find an entire blog about new media. This is a great resource for the future. So glad we have Diigo to save all these great resources.
    D#8, HW#3-- Although this initial site doesnt have a lot of information first hand, it is a great place to start. It gives you resources to many different articles and other information from people about New Media!
    This blog gives a description of new media, as well as various topics related to the subject.
Lacey Preach

D#7 HW#1-- Documentation Resources - 0 views

    This is a company that can do your documentation for online media. They specialize in documentation resources for your company.
Victoria Burch

D#7, HW#1 - Current Issues and Resources - 1 views

    Here is a website from UMUC. There are twol links, "Digital Milenium Copyright Act," and "Digital Rights Management and Emerging Technologies" that provide multiple links to outside resources on topics regarding documentation/copyright issues. 
natalie arellano

D#10 HW#6-Video Resume Tips - 0 views

  • A video resume is a short video created by a candidate for employment that describes the individual's skills and qualifications and is typically used to supplement a traditional resume
  • It's important to keep in mind that a video resume isn't going to get you a job. However, if can assist you in marketing yourself to prospective employers - if it's done right.
  • Video Resume Image © Suprijono Suharjoto zSB(3,3)Sponsored Links Free Resume TemplatesFree Resume Templates America's #1 Resume Free Resume TemplatesCreate Custom Resumes Quickly! Templates Based On Your Video to DVD TransferShare & enjoy your old video tapes Convert VHS, 8mm tapes to zob();if(zs Job Searching Ads Resume Job Resume Samples New Resume Format Writing a Resume Video
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • CareerBuilder, Jobster, and MyWorkster, have a section of your profile where you can include video.
  • Dress professionally in business attire, just as if you were going to an in-person interview. Keep your video resume short: one - three minutes. Look at the camera not at the desk or table below you. Don't speak too fast. Make sure there isn't any background noise and that the wall behind you isn't too busy. Practice what you're going to say ahead of time. Start by mentioning your name (first and last). Focus on your professional endeavors, not your personal ones. Discuss why you would be a good employee and what you can do for the company that hires you. Thank the viewer for considering you for employment.
  • Where to Upload Your Video
  • Don't expect your video resume to replace your traditional resume.
  • Tips to Help You Prepare a Professional Video Resume:
  • How to Promote Your Video Resume
  • Include a link to your video resume in your paper/online resume. Include your video resume or a link to it in your professional profiles on career networking sites like MyWorkster, Jobster or LinkedIn. Send the link to your networking contacts.
  • Video Resume Don'ts Don't mix your personal life with your professional one.
  • your own web site
  • chances of getting an interview
  • ask friends or family to review it
    This blog is a good resource for tips on making an impressionable resume video. It provides samples of good quality resumes and gives you specific tips on what to do and how to dress. It also has examples of poor tapes that seemed like it was a joke. Overall a great blog site with helpful hints.
  • ...13 more comments...
    The what, where,how, who, why?
    Great tips on video resumes. How to make them as well as why they help.
    Video resumes are different than a Typical resume because you're actually the one in front of the camera and speaking about who you are and what you do. This is a lot different and I would say harder then writing your information on a piece of paper. But the advantages of this are they can see you for who you really are and not what's written on a piece of paper. A disadvantage of this is that you have to make sure you pin point your audience is and that can be difficult at times. When writing something on a paper it's easy to address certain people but when you are actually in front of someone or in front of a camera you have to work a little harder to present yourself in the right way.
    this website gives good tips on how a video resume would be helpful and tips on how to create a video resume
    This is a great resource that gives tips on video resumes
    This website had a lot of information regarding video resumes. It had the basics, good tips, and great resources to other sites that can help you promote your video resume such as myworkster and LinkedIn.
    This website gives tips on how to act while on camera, what to wear, where to upload the video for the best outcome and how to promote it.
    This site provides helpful tips and how to create a video resume.
    This website talks about what video resume is about , how a video resume can help, tips that will help you prepare a professional video resume and how to promote your video resume by including a link to it in your professional profiles on career networking sites like myworkster, jobster or linkedIn.
    This site is helpful because it explains and link out to other sites on how to create a video response. It also explains how you can benefit from a video resume.
    -dress nice -dont talk too fast -3 min max -rehearse -keep it to professional, not personal -remember to thank at the end -look at camara -include a link to a video resume at the end of real resume
    Tips about viedo resumes and how they do and dont help get you an interview
    This website provides useful information about video resumes. I liked that it provided tips that will help us prepare when making a video resume. The tip I thought was important was making sure to keep the video short. It also provided a list of "don't"s. I like that it mentioned not to mix one's personal life with the professional one. I thought this was important especially because we are googling ourselves as part of our HW for Deadline #11.
    This website is very helpful when it comes to building up your resume.  It gives you tips on what you should include to have chances on getting an interview and what not to do.  It also tells you where to upload your video and how to promote your video.  
    This site list tips on how to create a resume video. Where to post your video resume. Also, why to create a resume video.
Wendy Ayala

Design | Pro Blog Design - 0 views

    A resource for those interested in improving their own personal blog designs or would like to learn more about utilizing graphic design software to achieve specific effects.
    This blog site is a great resource for everything from blog design essentials to graphic design tutorials.
Briseida Aguirre

D#6, HW #6 Resources for improvements on Word Press - 0 views

    I found this website and I thought it would be a good resource because it has people that can answer questions that you may have on word press and the advertisement for it says they answer a question every nine seconds so the response time is quick .
Franz Ferguson

DD#10HW#5The Advantages of a Formal Report | - 0 views

    I came across this page and it helped clear up a lot for me. I didn't know what a formal report was and how it would apply to what we were doing in this class. This page has helped clear the uncertainty that surrounded a formal report. It breaks down everything that a formal report can bring to the table and then goes into in depth reasons why they are beneficial. Which is a great resource for those trying to figure out what the purpose of a formal report is. 
Rebecca Jordan

DD#10 HW#4 Formal Report BM - 0 views

    -Use lists -Headings and subheadings -Clear typefaces req.TNRoman or Arial -Use white space! to enhance info -Write the body first then work on everything else -Consistant structure -Choose mood and voice carfully(know my audience) * good site good resources -report check list
Michael Wheeler

Blogger Tips and Tricks | My Blogger Tricks - 0 views

    This page looks very resourceful it has a long list of different tricks for blogging: categories include Template customization Optimization tips Monetization tips Blogging tips Social media Icons and buttons Traffic tips Multimedia Bugs and errors Windows live writer Misc
    I am sharing this one because of th vast amount of options and opportunities it presents for someone to play around with their page
    I'm sharing this page just because of the vast amount of options and opportunities it gives bloggers for their pages
Mckell Keeney

D#5 HW#1 NHS Designs - Design Principles - Alignment - 0 views

    What I love about this resource is the menu on the right with links to 12 different types of design - business cards, posters, even short stories - and visual examples. The examples are so helpful and really bring out how alignment can help in all categories.
Reid Mosman

The Editing and Rewriting Process - 0 views

    very informative site about editing and revising. It has cute visuals that make it really fun to read.
    Really cool and interactive page and editing and rewriting processes
    Another great resource to help you through the editing process. Includes an "Editing Checklist."
Reid Mosman

CC Network - 0 views

    Another really cool idea! I might actually join this network. The description on the site says it all: "By joining the Creative Commons Network, you will be joining a worldwide community dedicated to building the Commons - the pool of content, of knowledge, that is freely and legally accessible to everyone - a vital public resource in this digital age."
Lacey Preach

D#6 HW#2-Creative Commons - 0 views

shared by Lacey Preach on 18 Sep 10 - Cached
    This website will allow you to search and see if something is already CC licensed.
    The creative commons website is a great resource for learning about copyright and fair use. It is a place to use works legally and share your ides. You can search for pictures on websites like flickr and it will tell you which pictures can be used with "some rights reserved" or if you can't use it at all "all rights reserved" This site can be helpful and save you from making any plagiarism mistakes.
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