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Victoria Burch

D#9, HW#3 -WordLingo New Media - 0 views

  • New media rely on digital technologies, allowing for previously separate media to converge. Media convergence is defined as a phenomenon of new media and this can be explained as a digital media.“
  • he most prominent example of media convergence is the Internet, whereby the technology for video and audio streaming is rapidly evolving. The term convergence is disputed, with critics such as Lev Manovich pointing out that the 'old' medium of film could be seen as the convergence of written text (titles and credits), photography, animation and audio recording
  • New Media has become a significant element in everyday life. It allows people to communicate, bank, shop and entertain. The global network of the Internet, for instance, connects people and information via computers.[3] In this way the Internet, as a communication medium of New Media, overcomes the gap between people from different countries, permitting them to exchange opinions and information. Diverse means for this exist even within the context of the Internet, including chat rooms, Instant Messaging applications, forums, email messaging, online video and audio streaming and downloads, and voice-over-internet telecommunications. New Media is defined not only as a communication tool, but also as a tool for the commercial exchange of goods and services.[
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • transition to new media has seen a handful of powerful transnational telecommunications corporations who own the majority achieve a level of global influence which was hitherto unimaginable.
  • New Media has been used extensively by social movements to educate, organize, share cultural products of movements, communicate, coalition build, and more.
  • "virtual communities" are being established online and transcend geographical boundaries, eliminating social restrictions. Rheingold (2000) describes these globalised societies as self-defined networks, which resemble what we do in real life. "People in vi
  • rtual communities use words on screens to exchange pleasantries and argue, engage in intellectual discourse, conduct commerce, make plans, brainstorm, gossip, feud, fall in love, create a little high art and a lot of idle talk"
  • new media follows the logic of the postindustrial or globalised society whereby 'every citizen can construct her own custom lifestyle and select her idology from a large number of choices. Rather than pushing the same objects to a mass audience, marketing now tries to target each individual separately.'
  • New media can be defined not only as things you can see such as graphics, moving images, shapes, texts, and such. It is also things that cannot be seen, such as a Wi-Fi connection. Like radio or electricity, no one can see the Wi-Fi waves in the air floating through the air. But the Wi-Fi concept can be considered new media. So new media can be either concept-based, refer to a solid object, or both.
  • Flew (2002) stated that as a result of the evolution of new media technologies, globalisation occurs. Globalisation is generally stated as "more than expansion of activities beyond the boundaries of particular nation states".[6] Globalisation shortens the distance between people all over the world by the electronic communication (Carely 1992 in Flew 2002) and Cairncross (1998) expresses this great development as the "death of distance". New media "radically break the connection between physical place and social place, making physical location much less significant for our social relationships" (Croteau and Hoynes 2003: 311).
  • even some forms of digitized and converged media are not in fact interactive at all
  • "the global interactive games industry is large and growing, and is at the forefront of many of the most significant innovations in new media" (Flew 2005: 101). Interactivity is prominent in these online computer games such as World of Warcraft and The Sims. These games, developments of "new media", allow for users to establish relationships and experience a sense of belonging, despite temporal and spatial boundaries. These games can be used as an escape or to act out a desired life. Will Wright, creator of The Sims, "is fascinated by the way gamers have become so attached to his invention-with some even living their lives through it" [30]. New media have created virtual realities that are becoming mere extensions of the world we live in.
  • The advertising industry has capitalized on the proliferation of new media with large agencies running multi-million dollar interactive advertising subsidiaries. In a number of cases advertising agencies have also set up new divisions to study new media. Public relations firms are taking advantage of the opportunities in new media through interactive PR practices.
  • New media can be seen to be a convergence between the history of two separate technologies: media and computing.
  • new media can now be defined as "graphics, moving images, sounds, shapes, spaces, and texts that have become computable; that is, they comprise simply another set of computer data.
  • Any individual with the appropriate technology can now produce his or her online media and include images, text, and sound about whatever he or she chooses. [27] So the new media with technology convergence shifts the model of mass communication, and radically shapes the ways we interact and communicate with one another.
  • Old media
  • involve analog processes
  • as opposed to new media which sample media as a numerical representation in binary code.
    This is the best article I've found for this topic. It discusses new media in relation to Manovich's article AND actually interrelates Flew's virtual communities article too! I thought that was pretty cool. It also gives examples of what new media is, and how it is affecting our communities through globalization and social change
April Gallegos

Virtual Communities - M/Cyclopedia of New Media - 2 views

  • There are virtual communities representing everything from intense one-on-one encounters, people interested in gardening, political and environmental lobbyists to political prisoners (Rosenberg, 2004, p.612). The uses are diverse but all virtual communities on some level provide an interactive forum for communication between its users. The level of communication is often directly related to 1: the needs of the users and 2: the specific purpose of the particular virtual community. Most virtual communities have at least one of three main purposes: either to network and collaborate, provide emotional support or to improve quality of life (Joinson, 2003, p.169)
    • April Gallegos
      This is exactly what the article was saying about the different reasons people use virtual communities.
  • The term ‘virtual community’ was first cited as commonplace by Howard Rheingold, to define the online cultures of those engaging in computer-mediated communication (CMC), establishing “alternative planetary information networks�? (Rheingold quoted in Flew, 2005, p. 62). This was made possible due to the three interrelated components of CMC: the construction of social networks and social capital, the sharing of knowledge and information, and the facilitation of new forms of democratic participation in society (Flew, 2005, p. 62)
    • April Gallegos
      They talked about Rheingold and quoted him in the article as one of the first persons to study virtual communities, an activist entrpreneur
Tana Ingram

Social Media Technical Communication: Developing Audience-Centered Content | Content fo... - 1 views

  • This process is really how we already incorporate comments and feedback from our internal content reviewers. With social media, the notable difference is we are using new tools (something technical communicators already know how to leverage quite effectively) and collaborating with our customers first-hand, rather than the customer surrogates and product specialists (product management, marketing, sales, engineering, quality assurance, and customer support) who technical communicators ordinarily rely on for the audience and product information we are already responsible for integrating
  • Rich Maggiani describes social media as “all about community by engaging people through interactions and conversations around a shared goal” (p. 20). He goes on to propose a new model for technical communication, known as– “social media technical communication
  • Through social media, technical communicators are moving from a standard one-to-many communication, to a many-to-many communication, where the content becomes a “collaborative effort, combining the knowledge of all participants
    A good article about not only knowing your audience, but also about using new technology.
Victoria Burch

D#2,HW#7 - The Social Affordances of the Internet for Networked Individualism - 1 views

    This website has an overview of how the internet is involved with community networks, numerous social aspects of the internet, effects of the internet on community and global and local connectivity. It explores the questions of how people communicate through the internet vs real world communication, how people find individualism and friendships through the internet, and how the internet affects our ability to communicate in a "real time" manner.
Victoria Burch

D#2, HW#7 - Blogs - Alternative Communication And Advertising Methods For Corporation - 0 views

    I thought this blog was interesting because it shows how blogs are becoming an alternative communication method for corporations, advertisers, politicians and journalists. It gives you a brief definition of all the tools in blogging, how to involve your company in blogs, examples of blogs, benefits, and much more. It illustrates how communication of blogging through the internet is really changing the way we communicate in the corporate world.
D Schick

D#3, HW#6--Transnational communications - 1 views

  • The present report summarizes findings from the Detroit Arab American Study pertaining to transnational activities and experiences, particularly those involving communication with the Arab Middle East.
  • vironment, it is easier than in the past to maintain transnational connections. In
    "Transnational Communication among Arab Americans in Detroit"
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    I found this to be a very interesting read that contrasts transnational comunicaions.
    The reason I liked reading about this resource is that it is relateable to us and shows a direct connection to the concept about transnational communication. This study was about looking how Arab's of middle eastern descent have settled in a large area around Detroit now sit maintain and create connections with their families, heritage, and friends located half the world away. To me this shows a real world application of how this happens and the essay goes on to look at several parts of the communities and how age and technology play roles into this equation as well. While it does not really go into some of the definitions of the textbook I think it is more important with its actually occurrence and discovering what, how, why, and when it is happening in society.
    I like that this article discusses the grow populations of Arab groups, especially in the Detroit area, and how we need to get a better understanding between the two cultures.
    Transnational Communication among Arab Americans in Detroit: Dimensions, Determinants, and Attitudinal Consequences
hillary comstock

Transnational Communication #4 - 0 views

    I liked this source because it was about actual research done on transnational communication on site. It was researching mass communication within a transnational social space which was interesting. It wasn't just somebody in America blabbing about ideal communitcation theories from their office, these people did field research for trnasnational mass cmmunication.
    I liked this source because it was about actual research done on transnational communication on site. It was researching mass communication within a transnational social space which was interesting. It wasn't just somebody in America blabbing about ideal communitcation theories from their office, these people did field research for trnasnational mass cmmunication.
Merlyn Reyna

D#3 HW#1 Contrast and Meaning - 0 views

  • your grasp of these fundamentals determines your ability to communicate effectively. Without fundamentals, you will flounder when faced with complex design challenges or constraints.
    • Delaney Hensley
      some fundamentals being the tips they have given us in the readings so far.
  • These basics of creative communication are consistent across art forms: painting, music, dance, acting, poetry, design, and all other artistic endeavors. I divide them into two categories: vocabulary and grammar.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Contrast as well as other fundamentals are not only used in one media of communication it is used in all kinds of communication.
  • nce, angular lines and forms are generally indicative of strength, speed, and masculinity, while rounded lines and forms are generally associated with softness, slower tempo, and femininity.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Different lines and textures convey different ideas and feelings.
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  • Moreover, most of the rules of language have exceptions, and some creative modes of communication make little or no reference to rules. Every language is lent nuance, style and character by the way that each individual uses it, and there are exceptions for every grammatical rule.
    • Delaney Hensley
      Using funamentals to convey important information is communicating and in a way is like its own language.
  • which are used to define hierarchy, manipulate certain widely understood relationships, and exploit context to enhance or redefine those relationships…all in an effort to convey meaning. Contrast is important because the meaningful essence of any thing is defined by its value, properties, or quality relative to something else. That’s right: nothing has much meaning by itself, which is one reason why design is important.
    • Delaney Hensley
      expressing the important information in something is best shown when contrasted. The more a title stands out the more impact it is going to have on the viewer and the easier they will remember that name.
  • contrast is closely tied to human perception and survival instincts, as we’ll examine later, and this makes contrast a powerful and essential tool for designers.
    • Delaney Hensley
      it is human insticnt to be drawn to bold information
  • Furthermore, each component is but a piece of the overall project message and objective. With creative uses of contrast, you can influence user choices and compel specific actions.
    • Delaney Hensley
      each piece of finished product has its own role, it is important to distinguish that role and convey it appropriately.
  • The function of contrast in defining meaning can be explained by comparing fundamental opposites: dark/light, soft/hard, fast/slow.
  • every element on the page you’re designing has to be positioned, styled, sized, or otherwise distinguished in accordance with its specific importance and place in the overall communicative objective.
  • ontrast helps lead the reader’s eye into and through your layout.
  • Contrast is everywhere and a part of everything we see, do, experience, and understand.
  • Contrast is just one component of design fundamentals.
    Gives great definitions of contrast and design. I think it will be a great resource now and later.
    Contrast defines hierarchy, understanding relationships to convey a message.  It is used to hand in hand with the principle of emphasis in order to keep its emphasis.  Every element must be positioned with style, size, and distinguished with a specific importance.  This article gives an idea of how contrast is typically used by giving examples.  
Sonia Navarro

rhetoric: Definition, Synonyms from - 1 views

shared by Sonia Navarro on 10 Jul 10 - Cached
  • Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.
    • Georgia Cardwell
      rhetoric is a developed skill to persuade and influence effectively.
  • Principles of training communicators. It may entail the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times, and it can also involve the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion. Classical rhetoric probably developed along with democracy in Syracuse (Sicily) in the 5th century BC, when dispossessed landowners argued claims before their fellow citizens. Shrewd speakers sought help from teachers of oratory, called rhetors. This use of language was of interest to philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle because the oratorical arguments called into question the relationships among language, truth, and morality. The Romans recognized separate aspects of the process of composing speeches, a compartmentalization that grew more pronounced with time. Renaissance scholars and poets studied rhetoric closely, and it was a central concern of humanism. In all times and places where rhetoric has been significant, listening and reading and speaking and writing have been the critical skills necessary for effective communication.
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  •  Principles of training communicators. It may entail the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times, and it can also involve the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion. Classical rhetoric probably developed along with democracy in Syracuse (Sicily) in the 5th century BC, when dispossessed landowners argued claims before their fellow citizens. Shrewd speakers sought help from teachers of oratory, called rhetors. This use of language was of interest to philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle because the oratorical arguments called into question the relationships among language, truth, and morality. The Romans recognized separate aspects of the process of composing speeches, a compartmentalization that grew more pronounced with time. Renaissance scholars and poets studied rhetoric closely, and it was a central concern of humanism. In all times and places where rhetoric has been significant, listening and reading and speaking and writing have been the critical skills necessary for effective communication.
    • Andrew Miller
      Cool background on the roots of how the word came to be
  • Language that is elaborate, pretentious, insincere, or intellectually vacuous
    • Sonia Navarro
      This definition is very different than the other three in a way that describes rhetoric when it is written or spoken.
    I like this information you found and chose to use for rhetoric. I will have to bookmark I havent been to that site yet. Good job.

Effective Multicultural Communication - Feature Article - World Trade - 1 views

  • he ‘wild card’ these days, of course, is the Internet as it cuts ever mor
  • Successful multicultural communication is more than just translating existing material from English. Rather, it must embrace the social nuance of separate markets.
  • Good multicultural communication has to include the following components:
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • As global markets continue to expand along national and cultural lines, successful organizations have little choice but to add some degree of multicultural marketing to their strategy if they expect their messaging to be effective
  • As more and more consumers move online, organizations should be taking a particularly close look at their Web initiatives.
    This was the best link that I found related to transnational communication. It addresses the challenges of multicultural communication in expanding global markets, particularly with respect to the Internet. Organizations need to consider that their Internet marketing will be seen by a world-wide audience.
    Wow! great in depth information. Good find.
Alex Portela

D#8 HW#1.3: How to Develop Group Norms: Step by Step to Adopt Group Guidelines - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      Here is a discussion around group norms. The Team Writing text refers to communication norms in chapter 7. This is a group specific example on how to become familiar with differences within a group and use that as an advantage to succeed.
  • Develop Group Norms
  • Effective interpersonal communication among group members and successful communication with managers and employees external to the group are critical components of group functioning.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Form and charter a team with a project, process improvement, or product development task.
  • Read about group and team norms to understand the concept.
  • Schedule and hold a meeting to establish and adopt group relationship guidelines or group norms.
  • With an external facilitator leading, or a member of the group, in the absence of a facilitator, leading, all group members should brainstorm a list of guidelines that will help create an effective team.
  • Once the list of group norms is generated, you will want to cross redundant ideas off the list.
  • Each member of the group commits to “living” the guidelines.
  • Following the meeting, distribute the group norms to all team members.
  • Periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the group on achieving its business goals as well as its members’ relationship goals.
Tana Ingram

American Rhetoric: Definitions of Rhetoric - 1 views

  • Gerard A. Hauser: "Rhetoric is an instrumental use of language. One person engages another person in an exchange of symbols to accomplish some goal. It is not communication for communication's sake. Rhetoric is communication that attempts to coordinate social action. For this reason, rhetorical communication is explicitly pragmatic. Its goal is to influence human choices on specific matters that require immediate attention."
    • Tana Ingram
      This definition seems apply more to technical writing than some of the others.
  • John Locke: "[Rhetoric,] that powerful instrument of error and deceit."
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    • Tana Ingram
      Ha! This definition makes me think of the bad rap the word "rhetoric" gets from its use by politicans and smooth talkers.
  • The primordial function of rhetoric is to 'make-known' meaning both to oneself and to others.
  • "The strategic use of communication, oral or written, to achieve specifiable goals."
    Scholarly definitions of rhetoric
D Schick

D#7, HW#4-- Chapter 12 Resource - 0 views

    This discusses different tips when writing an e-mail in order to gain the best results. Communicating with e-mail is quickly becoming a common form of communication in the workplace. A majority of my assignments through work come in the form of an e-mail.
Michael Wheeler

New media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • New media is a broad term in media studies that emerged in the later part of the 20th century. For example, new media holds out a possibility of on-demand access to content any time, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. Another important promise of New Media is the "democratization" of the creation, publishing, distribution and consumption of media content.
  • Most technologies described as "new media" are digital, often having characteristics of being manipulated, networkable, dense, compressible, and interactive.[1] Some examples may be the Internet, websites, computer multimedia, computer games, CD-ROMS, and DVDs.
  • Although there are several ways that New Media may be described, Lev Manovich, in an introduction to The New Media Reader, defines New Media by using eight simple and concise propositions:[4]
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  • New Media versus Cyberculture -
  • New Media as Computer Technology Used as a Distribution Platform
  • New Media as Digital Data Controlled by Software
  • New Media as the Mix Between Existing Cultural Conventions and the Conventions of Software
  • New Media as the Aesthetics that Accompanies the Early Stage of Every New Modern Media and Communication Technology
  • New Media as Faster Execution of Algorithms Previously Executed Manually or through Other Technologies
  • New Media as the Encoding of Modernist Avant-Garde; New Media as Metamedia
  • New Media as Parallel Articulation of Similar Ideas in Post-WWII Art and Modern Computing
  • he Zapatista Army of National Liberation of Chiapas, Mexico were the first major movement to make widely recognized and effective use of New Media for communiques and organizing in 1994
  • New Media has also found a use with less radical social movements such as the Free Hugs Campaign. Using websites, blogs, and online videos to demonstrate the effectiveness of the movement itself. Along with this example the use of high volume blogs has allowed numerous views and practices to be more widespread and gain more public attention
  • New Media has also recently become of interest to the global espionage community as it is easily accessible electronically in database format and can therefore be quickly retrieved and reverse engineered by national governments. Particularly of interest to the espionage community are Facebook and Twitter, two sites where individuals freely divulge personal information that can then be sifted through and archived for the automatic creation of dossiers on both people of interest and the average citizen.[
  • The new media industry shares an open association with many market segments in areas such as software/video game design, television, radio, and particularly movies, advertising and marketing, through which industry seeks to gain from the advantages of two-way dialogue with consumers primarily through the Internet.
    wikipedia definition of new media, with a few examples of new media vs traditional media.
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    The wiki page has everything one would need to get a brief overview of what new media is. Within the site it gives all the different definitions of new media and how it affects people.
    This webpage made me understand more about new media in terms that it talks about new media being interactive. I didn't get that from Manovich's artice.
    I felt like this website gave a good simple explanation and it also provide examples of the history and the applications of new media.
    This was the best website i found because I was honestly confused after reading the article so this breaks it down in less than 20 something pages and makes it easier to understand it explains everything there is to know about new media. 
    Page full of information on new media (wikipedia) 1 History 2 Definition 3 Globalization and new media 4 As tool for social change 5 National security 6 Interactivity and new media 7 Industry 8 Youth and new media 9 See also 10 References 11 Further reading
Micheal O'Neil

The SEVEN CHALLENGES - A Free Workbook and Reader on Cooperative Communication Skills -... - 0 views

    This website give you good instructions on how to write instructions. haha! It gives you several links and PDF documents to browse on how to effectively communicate.
Hector Garcia

D#8HW#1: Project-Based Learning: How Students Learn Teamwork, Critical Thinking And Co... - 0 views

  • Enter project-based learning, designed to put students into a students-as-workers setting where they learn collaboration, critical thinking, written and oral communication, and the values of the work ethic while meeting state or national content standards.
Georgia Cardwell

D#1 HW#13--Understanding Ethics for chapter 1 - 2 views

    This website discusses the ethics of communication with modern technology and ways to overcome the vague boundaries of what should and should not be done.
    This website helps you understand how to make sure your writing is clear and understandable. It shows the difference between the words that are often misused. "Your/You're, Affect/Effect...etc.
    This website shows how to avoid written communication blunders such as incorrect grammar, what voice to use: passive, gender neutral etc.
Jennifer Martinek

D#1.0, HW#13-Bookmarks - 0 views

    shows different types of communication in the workplace
Reid Mosman

CC Network - 0 views

    Another really cool idea! I might actually join this network. The description on the site says it all: "By joining the Creative Commons Network, you will be joining a worldwide community dedicated to building the Commons - the pool of content, of knowledge, that is freely and legally accessible to everyone - a vital public resource in this digital age."
Jennifer Richards

D1.0 HW#13: Characteristics of Effective Technical Communication - 0 views

    Clear and Precise beginning techniques to effective writing and communication. Probably the basics that we all know but more in detail!
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