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York Jong

BEAM Circuits -- Solar engines - 0 views

  • The purpose of a solar engine is to act like a power "savings account" -- a small trickle of incoming energy is saved up until a useable amount is stored
  • A solar-powered robot can be made to work, even in relatively-low light levels
  • Solar cell size is minimized
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  • by far the predominant
  • theoretically the most efficient
    At the heart of most solar-powered robots is a circuit called the solar engine (variously called Solar Engines, solarengines, SEs; a.k.a,relaxation oscillators). The purpose of a solar engine is to act like a power "savings account" -- a small trickle of incoming energy is saved up until a useable amount is stored. This stored energy is then released in a burst, in order to drive some useful (if only sporadic and incremental) work.
York Jong

Ray's Fred FLED Photopopper Tutorial - 0 views

  • It's practically impossible to solder the FLEDs straight using only your hands
  • This part is rather tricky because there's so little space between the Solar Engine and the 3300uF Cap. -- You can leave more space here if you like, but it just looks better if you keep it all nice and tight
  • Find two FLEDs with the same (or very similar) resistance
York Jong

Ray's Solder-less Motor Mount Tutorial - 0 views

  • attach your Pager Motors to your Popper using two Fuse Clips, two Small Paper Clips, and no solder
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  • Set one straightened paper clip aside, you will use it at the end. Bend the two tips of one of the two paper clips as shown.
  • Put it in through the fuse clip like this, but make sure the notch in the fuse clip is facing out. (The clip has one edge bent inwards. This is the part that has to face outwards). Study this next picture closely.
  • From the position above, bend the paper clip up and then around the lead of the fuse clip as in the next picture.
  • Bend the paper clip under the fuse clip...
  • then up and over the fuse clip:
  • then around its other lead and you're almost done with the first fuse clip.
  • First clip -- wire is on the RIGHT side of the fuse clip leads... Second Clip -- wire is on the LEFT side of the fuse clip leads... But remember to make sure the notch in the fuse clip is facing out. (The clip has one edge bent inwards. This is the part that has to face outwards).  Follow all the steps above with the second clip and you get this:
    I'll show you how to attach your Pager Motors to your Popper using two Fuse Clips, two Small Paper Clips, and no solder.
York Jong

Article - Learning Robots. - 0 views

York Jong

Nervous Neurons - Process and Transitions - 0 views

  • The Nv neuron circuit may look familiar as it is found in most CMOS data handbooks as an example of a simple edge detector or one-shot or mono-stable circuit application.
York Jong

Making a Guitar String Touch Sensors - BEAM Wiki - 0 views

  • I will go through the process of making a guitar string physical touch sensor.
York Jong

[原创]简易陀螺仪的制作!--sjx - 0 views

  • 看到上面一个大大的玻璃试管和里面的液体、引脚我就知道肯定是通过液体摆动跟触角接触面积引起的阻值变化测量角度的
York Jong

MetaCricket: A designer's kit for making computational devices - 0 views

  • All Cricket devices have a built-in bidirectional infrared communications channel, which is used for Cricket-to-desktop communication (when downloading programs to a Cricket, or viewing sensor data) and Cricket-to-Cricket communication.
  • Cricket Logo is based on an iterative, interactive model of project development. It includes a “command center” window; instructions typed into this window are instantaneously compiled, downloaded to a Cricket, and executed, giving the system the flavor of an interpreted software environment such as LISP, BASIC, or FORTH.
  • The MetaCricket software system is based on a virtual machine, written in PIC assembly language and running on the Cricket, and a compiler for the virtual machine running on a desktop development computer
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • It is straightforward to implement an interpreter-like interface, where user commands are transparently compiled, downloaded, and executed.
  • The Cricket virtual machine is burned into the PIC microprocessor's internal ROM
  • The user's code resides in a serial EEPROM
  • Built-in infrared communications routines include a protocol for reading and writing to this external EEPROM, and for asking the virtual machine to begin execution of byte codes already loaded into the EEPROM.
  • Users write programs for the Cricket in Cricket Logo, a dialect of Logo specialized for the Cricket virtual machine. Essentially, there is a one-to-one mapping between statements in Cricket Logo and primitive functions built into the virtual machine. This makes the implementation of the compiler far simpler than typical compilers.
  • The compiler includes an interactive mode—a text window where user expressions are compiled, downloaded, and executed in one step when the user presses the return key. A portion of the Cricket's memory is set aside for these dynamic programs.
  • we have found that a debugger is not necessary because of the interactive and incremental style of project development that occurs when using the Cricket.
  • The infrared protocol includes the following capabilities: Check that a Cricket is present and ready for other commands. Write a byte to the Cricket's EEPROM. Read a byte from the Cricket's memory. Begin program execution from a particular memory address.
  • User-level primitive functions compile to one, two, or three bytes of object code for the Cricket virtual machine.
  • The Cricket virtual machine has two process threads: a foreground process and a background daemon. In most Cricket programs, the foreground thread handles all the work, but for some tasks, the background daemon is valuable. For example, the background daemon can be used to instigate a periodic activity, or take action when some event occurs.
  • There are hardware-specific primitives for interacting with on-board Cricket hardware. Motor commands set state (on or off), direction, and power levels for each of the two integrated motor drivers. Analog sensor primitives (sensora and sensorb) return a value (0 to 255) for each of the two voltage inputs. These inputs also may be interpreted as digital values using the switcha and switchb primitives. There is a pair of primitive functions for generating tones on the piezo beeper: beep and note, the latter taking pitch and duration arguments.
  • there is a background millisecond timer that is updated every four milliseconds
  • One foreground thread plus one background daemon Daemon fires when provided Boolean expression makes false-to-true transition
York Jong

BEAM Circuits -- Field sensors - 0 views

  • note that the human body is a good absorber of stray RF fields, so this sensor should be a good people-detector
    • York Jong
      should be shield, not sheilduses two of six inverting Schmitt trigger in a 74HC14 IC
York Jong

BEAM Circuits -- Motor drivers - 0 views

  • Motor drivers are essentially little current amplifiers
  • the control signal is likely on the order of 10 mA, and the motor may require 100's of mA to make it turn
York Jong

Reversing a motor without use of sensors - 0 views

  • The motor is driven in either the forward or reverse direction, but will swap polarity if the motor encounters too sudden or great of a load
    The sensorless reversing circuit is used for driving one motor of a wheeled robot. The motor is driven in either the forward or reverse direction, but will swap polarity if the motor encounters too sudden or great of a load.
York Jong

Light Sensors of The Ants: Hardware - 0 views

  • Usually, the operating system takes all the values from the sensors, averages them, then finds the one that is the furthest away from that average
  • The Ant Farm is built next to a very large window that faces east. As a result, with the lab lights off, the brightest light source is always to the east. The robots can use this as a reference and then find all the other directions.
York Jong

Inside The Ugobe Pleo - Organic Robot Life - 0 views

  • CALEB CHUNG: Of course we could have used micro-servo motors to accomplish the motion of Pleo, but we aren’t able to use expensive motors. So we had to engineer it with a high-speed motor with high gearing and no backlash for control purposes and have it all fit within the muscle envelope of Pleo.
  • So what we did was go after a lot of ethology research. How do animals really handle the complexity of their environment? We built a virtual brain—a whole system that decides how Pleo will react in various situations.
  • CALEB CHUNG: Pleo will reset thresholds and adjust his idea of what he thinks is normal. Let’s say you get Pleo and you take him home to your shag carpet. When Pleo walks, the carpet will drag on his feet. So his force feedback sensors will realize that he is spending too much energy to walk around. Pleo will try different things to reduce the energy spent. Eventually, he will have the idea to step higher. Your Pleo compared to my Pleo will walk with a higher step.
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  • Eventually, we got to the point where we don’t know what Pleo will do next because he learns. If Caleb and I went to your house to see your Pleo, we couldn’t predict a lot of the things he would do, even though we know everything we put in him. Pleo has the ability to change and figure things out on his own.
  • Consumers will be able to download and customize Pleo later this year or early next year. We want to give the user the ability to change Pleo’s personality, animations and tricks. We also want to allow developers and hobbyists to take the SDK and motion system and behavior system and choreograph advanced features and animations for new AI functionality.
  • The only way you can create life is to give it choice. Life is very complex, and it has to evolve, otherwise it is a robot. The only way to get complex systems to work is to let them chose for themselves.
  • We didn’t include a camera (or voice recognition) in Pleo because of the price point for the product. Pleo is probably a good hack for a CMU camera, and we want people to develop these sorts of things.
    Pleo is UGOBE's first designer Life Form and is based on the Camarasaurus dinosaur. He is made up of an amazing array of sensors, motors  (14!), and distributed computing with an ARM-7 processor commanding it all.
York Jong

Trossen Robotics Offers Pleo Preorder - 0 views

  • Pleo Technical Specs: Ugobe LifeOS 32 bit Atmel ARM 7 microprocessor - The main processor for Pleo 16 bit sub processor - The processor dedicated to the camera system (4) 8 bit processors that provide the low-level motor control for the servos (35) Sensors including a camera custom designed to fit into Pleo’s very compact body. (4) foot-switches to detect footfalls and being picked up - assists with spatial orientation. (12) capacitive touch sensors (4) legs, (4) feet, back, shoulder, head, chin (2) microphones for directional sound detection (14) “Force” sensors, one per servo, to recognize abuse through force feedback joints. Orientation/tilt sensor IR transceiver for bidirectional data communication with other Pleos. IR interrupter for detection of objects in Pleo’s mouth (14) motors. Standard low voltage DC motors (150) gears and clutches Rechargeable NiMH battery pack USB port with mini USB connector SD/MMC memory card slot
York Jong

Pleo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • camera-based vision system (for light detection and navigation) two microphones, binaural hearing beat detection (allows pleo to dance and listen to music) - this feature was removed but may be added on again. eight touch sensors (head, chin, shoulders, back, feet) four foot switches (surface detection) fourteen force-feedback sensors, one per joint orientation tilt sensor for body position infrared mouth sensor for object detection into mouth infrared transmit and receive for communication with other Pleos Mini-USB port for online downloads SD card slot for Pleo add-ons infrared detection for external objects 32-bit Atmel ARM 7 microprocessor (main processor for Pleo) 32-bit NXP ARM 7 sub processor (camera system, audio input dedicated processor) four 8-bit processors (low-level motor control)
    Pleo is a robotic dinosaur, made for all ages, designed to emulate the appearance and behavior of a week-old baby Camarasaurus. It was designed by Caleb Chung, the co-creator of the Furby, and manufactured by Ugobe.
York Jong

德国机器甲虫大战森林火-RoboticFan(机器人爱好者) - 0 views

  • OLE是德国大学Madgeburg-Stendal里机器人科学家们的最新成果。长着六条腿的它就像我们平常一直看到的小甲虫一样,可以慢慢的挪来挪去。时速9-18公里。恩,没错。爬的其实很快。理论上,几十个这样的机器人可以被布置在森林的一些重点火灾区,然后使用一个生物探测系统来探测火源。一旦发现有火,火苗的话,可以利用自身带的灭火剂,将火种扼杀在萌芽中,如果是大火,那就三十六计中上计咯,由于自身带的陶瓷复合纤维能够承受1300度的高温,再加上灵活的移动能力,逃出生天应该是可以的。
York Jong

Robot Room - Intermediate Robot Building Book - 0 views

    Includes all of the step-by-step instructions you need to create your own robot that can explore rooms, follow lines, or battle opponents in mini sumo. The circuits and parts in this book are presented as independent modules, so that you can build the complete robot as described or apply the modules to your own unique robot designs.
York Jong

Robot Room - IRB and Roundabout Resourcess - 0 views

  • "Exposing a Flaw: Shoot-Through" describes the serious problem with that circuit, especially when pulsed
  • Above is an improved version of the circuit, which is now PWM compatible. PWM, coast mode, and the capability to avoid shoot-through are provided by adding a fifth MOSFET (labeled Q5) to the source/ground connections of Q1 and Q3.
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  • By default at power-up, the circuit is in coast mode. To brake, set IN A to 0 V, IN B to 0 V, and Q5 to 5 V. To spin clockwise, set IN A to 5 V, IN B to 0 V, and Q5 to 5 V. To spin counterclockwise, set IN A to 0 V, IN B to 5 V, and Q5 to 5 V. At any time you can return to coast by applying 0 V to Q5. Or, you can apply pulses of 0 V/5 V/0 V/5 V (and so on) to control the speed. The more time spent at 5 V, the faster the motor will spin. Whenever you change modes, if you set Q5 to 0 V before making changes to IN A and IN B (and then set Q5 back to 5 V or pulsing) there will be no shoot-through.
    This secret page is for owners of the book, Intermediate Robot Building. On this page, you'll find updates, corrections, and source files. Thank you for buying the book!
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