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Collège d'analyse - 0 views

    Collège d'analyse Sur Facebook : RUBRIQUES PHOTOS VIDEOS PARTAGER 207 S'ABONNER Samedi, Nov. 10, 2012 Prochaine édition dans environ 6 jours Archives MILLER et Autisme/ La psychanalyse en procès & Pour la défense des droits des autistes Partagé par Frans Tassigny - Je crois que la parole, sur la question de la psychanalyse, n'est pas assez donnée aux analysants Je suis venu au fil du temps à m'autoriser à parler et à voir ma vie un peu d'une autre manière. Mo... Minutes autour de Jacques Lacan - Minutes autour de Jacques Lacan « »Lacan avait posé la question à la passe de ce qui pouvait se passer dans » la boule de quelqu'un pour s'autoriser d'être analyste « . Il dit en avoir raté la ré... Les vases non communicants, par Jean Bertrand Pontalis. - Les vases non communicants, par Jean Bertrand Pontalis. - Entre Freud et Breton, c'est peu dire que le principe des vases communicants a mal fonctionné. Breton/Freud: les vases no... La grande aventure de la cure par la parole, à partir du versant père-fille - La grande aventure de la cure par la parole, à partir du versant père-fille Les Éditions Fayard ont publié récemment la correspondance entre Freud et sa fille Anna. Environ 300 lettres jusqu'alors ... L'Avocat du Diable ( BHL ), Bernard-Henri Lévy et Jacques Lacan…et Michel Foucault… - * Yann Garvoz Je suis dans trop de groupes (reflet de trop d'intérêts, que du coup je ne puis tous qu'effleurer), alors du coup vais quitter celui-ci. Avant cela je vais me faire l'avocat du diable...

Sian Beilock: Why Pretty Girls Can't Do Math | Psychology Today - 0 views

    "In the August issue of the journal, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Park shares the results of a series of studies with college-age women in which she finds that when women think about romance, they become less interested in studying STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. College-age men, however, can get interested in romance without any impact on their engagement with math and science..."

Connection to your future self impacts your financial decision-making | KurzweilAI - 0 views

    How connected consumers feel (or don't feel) to their future selves impacts their spending and savings decisions, researchers at Columbia Business School and The University of Chicago Booth School of Business have determined. The researchers conducted a series of experiments that manipulated the degree to which subjects felt connected to their future selves. When discontinuity with the future self is anticipated, people behave more impatiently - speeding up the consumption of utility (in this case, gift cards) - more than when connectedness to the future self is expected. The researchers asked a group of college seniors - three weeks before graduation - to read a passage that described college graduation either as an event that would prompt a major change in their identities or as an event that would prompt only a relatively trivial change. Compared to students who read the passage describing graduation as a small change, those who read a description of the event as a major change were much more likely to make more impatient choices, choosing to receive a gift certificate worth $120 in the next week rather than wait a year for up to $240. Their work suggests that people can be motivated to hold onto their money, or make more prudent decisions by increasing their sense of connectedness to their future selves, the researchers said. Ref.: Daniel M. Bartels & Oleg Urminsky, On Intertemporal Selfishness: How the Perceived Instability of Identity Underlies Impatient Consumption, Journal of Consumer Research, 2011; [DOI: 10.1086/658339]

Best of College of Lay Analysis / BEST ONLINE COLLEGES FOR PSYCHOLOGY - 0 views

    Comment of the original texts from which Freud's texts prove a fertility unprecedented in this area and is far from exhausting itself over time. This is the safest way and most rational p ... View More description University of psychoanalysis aimed at the training of analysts. Currently, there is yet no classes, the initiative is at the beginning, then they are psychoanalysts who spontaneously offer a reflection and form a cartel (eg, psychosis) in multilingual spaces. This is a long-term initiative, everything depends on the quality of teachers and the originality of their articles.

Psychoanalysis in the Age of Totalitarianism - 0 views

    This two-day conference, supported by the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism (Birkbeck, University of London), Birkbeck College, University of London and the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies of the University of Essex, will bring together historians, social theorists and psychoanalysts to explore the impact of the Second World War and totalitarianism on psychoanalysis, and of psychoanalysis on the understanding of the war and totalitarian systems

Beckett and Bion - 0 views

    Ce document a été rédigé pour l' Beckett et à Londres la conférence qui a eu lieu au Goldsmiths College, Londres en 1998. The ascertainable facts about Beckett's period of psychoanalysis with Wilfred Bion are, like the prayers of the lukewarm soul, faint and few. Beckett was a young man of 27 who had taken the first steps in his literary career, with the publication of `Whoroscope', Proust, Echo's Bones and, shortly after beginning analysis, More Pricks Than Kicks. After his years of promise and freedom at the Ecole Normale, during which time he came to know Joyce and begun to make out a reputation and literary career for himself, Beckett had suffered a series of reverses.

Kevn Lewis: Facebook-Studie: Gegensätze stoßen sich ab - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nac... - 0 views

    "20.12.2011 Facebook-Studie Gegensätze stoßen sich ab Facebook-Kontakte weltweit: Meinungen sind kaum ansteckend Freunde teilen meist viele Ansichten - doch warum das so ist, stellt Forscher vor Rätsel... Psychologen fasziniert schon lange, wie homogen es in Freundesgruppen zugeht. In der Schule, am Arbeitsplatz, im Sportverein, im Internet - stets tun sich Menschen zusammen, die viele Haltungen und Geschmäcker miteinander teilen. Warum das so ist, war bislang nicht schlüssig geklärt. Eine Theorie lautet, dass Menschen sich bevorzugt mit solchen Zeitgenossen anfreunden, mit denen sie viele Dinge gemeinsam haben. Eine alternative Erklärung für die Ähnlichkeit unter Freunden ist ein Phänomen, das Netzwerktheoretiker als Ansteckung bezeichnen. Ansichten und Geschmäcker breiten sich demnach unter Freunden ähnlich aus wie Krankheitserreger. Ein amerikanisches Forscherteam hat dieses Henne-Ei-Problem der Freundschaftstheorie nun in einer aufwendigen Studie auf der Plattform Facebook untersucht. Das Team um Kevin Lewis von der Harvard University in Cambridge verfolgte die Entwicklung von 1640 Studenten verschiedener US-Colleges über einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren."

The Biology of Consciousness | WBUR and NPR - On Point with Tom Ashbrook - 0 views

    "Renegade husband and wife philosophers Pat and Paul Churchland met forty years ago in a college Plato class. Their instincts as philosophers - then and now - run outside the philosophy mainstream. Where most philosophers looked to reason and logic to apprehend the human mind, the Churchlands looked - and look - to science. There is no independent "mind", these two practically say, just the human brain, three pounds of tissue and water, firing away behind all our emotions, beliefs, actions. Consciousness itself, they say, is straight biology, a machine. Once, that sounded esoteric. Now, it's on the frontline of debate over law, soul and life."

When Change Is Not Enough: The Seven Steps To Revolution | - 0 views

    "Those who make peaceful evolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."- John F. KennedyThere's one thing for sure: 2008 isn't anything like politics as usual.The corporate media (with their unerring eye for the obvious point) is fixated on the narrative that, for the first time ever, Americans will likely end this year with either a woman or a black man headed for the White House. Bloggers are telling stories from the front lines of primaries and caucuses that look like something from the early 60s - people lining up before dawn to vote in Manoa, Hawaii yesterday; a thousand black college students in Prairie View, Texas marching 10 miles to cast their early votes in the face of a county that tried to disenfranchise them. In recent months, we've also been gobstopped by the sheer passion of the insurgent campaigns of both Barack Obama and Ron Paul, both of whom brought millions of new voters into the conversation - and with them, a sharp critique of the status quo and a new energy that's agitating toward deep structural change.There's something implacable, earnest, and righteously angry in the air. And it raises all kinds of questions for burned-out Boomers and jaded Gen Xers who've been ground down to the stump by the mostly losing battles of the past 30 years. Can it be - at long last - that Americans have, simply, had enough? Are we, finally, stepping out to take back our government - and with it, control of our own future? Is this simply a shifting political season - the kind we get every 20 to 30 years - or is there something deeper going on here? Do we dare to raise our hopes that this time, we're going to finally win a few? Just how ready is this country for big, serious, forward-looking change?Recently, I came across a pocket of sociological research that suggested a tantalizing answer to these questions - and also that America may be far more ready for far more change than anyone really believes is possible at this moment. In fac

They Came From Outer Space: Lift Off to a Better Life - 0 views

    Millions of people watch a rock concert relayed to opposite ends of the world. A fire fighter wearing breathing apparatus spends 25 minutes in a burning building rescuing a trapped child. A prospective buyer watches as a mechanic runs a complete check on a used car. On a remote Texas ranch, water is heated with solar panels. An orthopedic surgeon analyzes the muscle movements of a victim of cerebral palsy. A student in a college dormitory spots an intruder and triggers a portable alarm. These seemingly disconnected events have all been made possible by an advanced technology that has made a radical difference in day-to-day life on earth: they are all spin-offs from NASA's space exploration programs.

How your memories can be twisted under social pressure | KurzweilAI - 0 views

    Listen up, Facebook and Twitter groupies: how easily can social pressure affect your memory? Very easily, researchers at the Weizmann Institute and University College London have proved, and they think they even know what part of the brain is responsible. The participants conformed to the group on these "planted" responses, giving incorrect answers nearly 70% of the time. Volunteers watched a documentary film in small groups. Three days later, they returned to the lab individually to take a memory test, answering questions about the film. They were also asked how confident they were in their answers. They were later invited back to the lab to retake the test. This time, the subjects were also given supposed answers of the others in their film-viewing group (along with social-media-style photos) while being scanned in a functional MRI (fMRI) that revealed their brain activity. Is most of what you know false? Planted among these were false answers to questions the volunteers had previously answered correctly and confidently. The participants conformed to the group on these "planted" responses, giving incorrect answers nearly 70% of the time. To determine if their memory of the film had actually undergone a change, the researchers invited the subjects back to the lab later to take the memory test once again, telling them that the answers they had previously been fed were not those of their fellow film watchers, but random computer generations. Some of the responses reverted back to the original, correct ones, but get this: despite finding out the scientists messed with their minds, close to half of their responses remained erroneous, implying that the subjects were relying on false memories implanted in the earlier session. An analysis of the fMRI data showed a strong co-activation and connectivity between two brain areas: the hippocampus and the amygdala. Social reinforcement could act on the amygdala to persuade our brains to replace a strong memory wi

The Brain Rejects Inequality | Brain Blogger - 24 views

    Behavioral and anthropological evidence show that humans dislike social inequality and unfair distribution of outcomes. But this evidence is not purely social, anymore, since researchers at the California Institute of Technology and Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, have identified reward centers in the brain that are sensitive to inequality.
    nice. So we want to give, we enjoy doing so. Then why are we so distant from one another? Why are friendships so hard to form as you get older?
    şifa deryasınına dalıp fıkıh pınarından faydalanabilceğiniz hadis şerbetinle tatlanıp kısadan hiselerle hayalle gercek arasında gidip geleceğiniz,bazen tasavvuf aleminden bir derviş bazense rüya eleminden bir resime bakacagınız siteleri hayatınızdan bir kesit olacktır.

Best of College of Lay Analysis ( angl-fr) fairness - 0 views

    Psychoanalysts since Freud thought they passed psychoanalysis alone, and then only in the context of the analytic cure: set of mirrors where the "shrink" was even here the "knowing" possession of knowledge and discourse the man, his mental and psychic life? OR, the analyst, in principle ... is at the heart of the cure being "psychoanalysis" as an issue of transmission. He puts this object, emphasizing this no word could contain the whole truth. "There is no metalanguage". No words can all say anything. Word and things, words and ideas are lame to conjoin. Tinker, tinker, and see: the small screws never find their right ankles ... Why prohibit psychoanalysis, often when we saw outside the inner circle of Schools, to be also affected by this impossible? There had he not, in everyday life as an object of knowledge that few could pass, but contain them all?

Daniel Goldschmidt, Bonjour Frans. Je connais ton intérêt pour l'hypnose | Fr... - 0 views

    C.Kreitlow m'a fait découvrir Roustang et rappelez-vous sur « Lutécium » comme cela fut mal perçu, je crois que maintenant les choses ont changé mais j'ignore si Roustang a des « suiveurs » et ce qu'ils ont apporté à la psychanalyse hors ce sempiternel conflit Lacan-Roustang ?

Armed with information, people make poor choices, study finds - 12 views

    It's a cool study, but who wants to sit at a computer all day, getting paid to "take a test". "In a real-life scenario, a student who stayed home to study and then learned he had missed a fun party would be less likely to study next time in a similar situation -- even if that option provides more long-term benefits." This only proves that our current education system fails. Ask any student if they like school, they'll all say no. Hell, I'd rather be working then studying or doing homework, at least I get paid for it. Ask any post-grad and most will say they aren't working in the career they went to college for. So why should I study for a test to pass a course that means nothing to my future? Our current education system fails to do many things, it's a shame it's still broken.

Games People Play: Laughs at The Expense of Others - 0 views

    It is said in the 18th century the American general Israel Putnam once invited a British general to a novel test of nerves. Both were to sit on barrels of gunpowder, and the fuses were to bit lit. The last man to run away would be the winner. The unnamed British general accepted Putman's challenge. But as the fuses burned, he became increasingly fidgety while Putnam sat calmly, smoking his pipe. At the last moment the British general fled. Putnam stayed seated; he knew that both barrels were filled with onions. For several hundred years the Tower of London was home to a menagerie of wild animals, including a number of lions that later became the basis of a hoax. Dawk's News-Letter for April 2, 1698, announced: "Yesterday being the one April several persons were sent to the Tower of London to watch the annual lion-washing ceremony." This fictitious event continued to attract gullible visitors. Indeed, 158 years later, in 1856, many bought tickets to attend the ceremony. They were unaware of the significance of the date, April 1, or that the lions had been moved to the London Zoo 21 years before.

Buy Edu Emails - - 0 views

    Buy Edu Emails There are plenty of reasons why you might want to buy email addresses with a .edu extension. Maybe you're a marketer who wants to target college students, or maybe you're trying to set up a mass email account and need a lot of addresses quickly. Whatever your reasons, there are a few things you should keep in mind before making your purchase. Why will you buy my service? ✔ 100% Customers Satisfaction Guaranteed. ✔ All Documents Fully Verified ✔ All Documents Provide With Accounts ✔ Very Cheap Price. ✔ High-Quality Service. ✔ 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ✔ 24/7 Ready to Customer Support. ✔ Extra Bonuses for every service. ✔ If you want to buy this product, you must Advance Payment. 24 Hours Reply/Contact Email : Skype : Buy Global SMM Telegram : @buyglobalsmm

Buy Google Ads Account - Real, Cheap, Aged, Spent ⚡️ - 0 views

    Buy Google Ads Account Introduction If you are looking to buy Google Ads Accounts we can help you. Here are some reasons why you should buy PVA accounts from us: Looking to buy Google Ads Accounts If you're looking to buy Google Ads Accounts, we offer a variety of packages that can help you get started. We offer accounts with varying limits on the number of ads that can be run at once, as well as different options for payout amounts and costs (depending on your budget). You'll also be able to choose whether or not your account is part of our main product line or if it's an offshoot. This way, if there are any changes in how our products work or evolve over time-or even if there's no need at all-you won't miss out on anything! What are the rules in google ads accounts? Google Ads accounts let you create and manage your own campaign, which can be used to drive traffic to a website or an email list. However, the rules are pretty strict. Here's what you need to know: You can use Google Ads for your business' own purposes only. For example, if you have a side hustle as a freelancer, this is not allowed because it will affect the quality of your main business' listings in search results (for example). If there are other businesses using the same keywords as yours (either directly or indirectly), then those other businesses may also be affected by this rule. You cannot use Google Ads Accounts for any friend's business except those who are family members living at home with them; friends who work together professionally; close colleagues from college days; ex-girlfriends/boyfriends whose relationship ended badly during high school years; any person(s) who has been convicted of crimes involving fraudulently obtaining money from others through false promises made while applying for jobs/jobs interviews etc., even if they were pardoned afterwards Buy Google Ads Account Google Ads Account Looking to buy Google Ads Accounts If you're looking to bu
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