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thinkahol *

How to size up the people in your life - opinion - 15 August 2011 - New Scientist - 0 views

    Why are we all so different? Here is a toolkit for finding out what people are really like IN THE 4th century BC, the Greek philosopher Theophrastus, Aristotle's student and successor, wrote a book about personality. The project was motivated by his interest in what he considered a very puzzling question: "Why it has come about that, albeit the whole of Greece lies in the same clime, and all Greeks have a like upbringing, we have not the same constitution of character?" Not knowing how to get at the answer, Theophrastus decided to instead focus on categorising those seemingly mysterious differences in personality. The result was a book of descriptions of personality types to which he assigned names such as The Suspicious, The Fearful and The Proud. The book made such an impression that it was passed down through the ages, and is still available online today as The Characters of Theophrastus. The two big questions about personality that so interested Theophrastus are the same ones we ask ourselves about the people we know: why do we have different personalities? And what is the best way to describe them? In the past few decades, researchers have been gradually answering these questions, and in my new book, Making Sense of People: Decoding the mysteries of personality, I take a look at some of these answers. When it comes to the origins of personality, we have learned a lot. We now know that personality traits are greatly influenced by the interactions between the set of gene variants that we happen to have been born with and the social environment we happen to grow up in. The gene variants that a person inherits favour certain behavioural tendencies, such as assertiveness or cautiousness, while their environmental circumstances influence the forms these innate behavioural tendencies take. The ongoing dialogue between the person's genome and environment gradually establishes the enduring ways of thinking and feeling that are the building blocks of personality. This de
Weerad Diamond Arma

LIFE CARGO TRAILER : Life Cargo Trailer Tips | LIFE CARGO TRAILER Guide! - 0 views

    Ultimate guide to Lifestyle | Physical and Mental Health | Choose what best fits to your criteria for life | Top rated life tips and more!
MrGhaz .

They Came From Outer Space: Lift Off to a Better Life - 0 views

    Millions of people watch a rock concert relayed to opposite ends of the world. A fire fighter wearing breathing apparatus spends 25 minutes in a burning building rescuing a trapped child. A prospective buyer watches as a mechanic runs a complete check on a used car. On a remote Texas ranch, water is heated with solar panels. An orthopedic surgeon analyzes the muscle movements of a victim of cerebral palsy. A student in a college dormitory spots an intruder and triggers a portable alarm. These seemingly disconnected events have all been made possible by an advanced technology that has made a radical difference in day-to-day life on earth: they are all spin-offs from NASA's space exploration programs.
Stephen Frost

Meditation How To Create Amazing Change By Using Mindfulness Everyday - 0 views

    Discover the foundation which brings through the amazing success that you want in life. Profoundly simple and easy to do. Yet can revolutionise your life in a totally amazing way!

Best of College of Lay Analysis ( angl-fr) fairness - 0 views

    Psychoanalysts since Freud thought they passed psychoanalysis alone, and then only in the context of the analytic cure: set of mirrors where the "shrink" was even here the "knowing" possession of knowledge and discourse the man, his mental and psychic life? OR, the analyst, in principle ... is at the heart of the cure being "psychoanalysis" as an issue of transmission. He puts this object, emphasizing this no word could contain the whole truth. "There is no metalanguage". No words can all say anything. Word and things, words and ideas are lame to conjoin. Tinker, tinker, and see: the small screws never find their right ankles ... Why prohibit psychoanalysis, often when we saw outside the inner circle of Schools, to be also affected by this impossible? There had he not, in everyday life as an object of knowledge that few could pass, but contain them all?

Amazon comes with a new Kindle e-Reader which is Lighter and has Long Battery Life - 0 views

    Amazon accompanies another Kindle tablet which is Lighter and has Long Battery Life
thinkahol *

Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life - YouTube - 0 views

    Jane McGonigal: The game that can give you 10 extra years of life

AT LAST A LIFE - 0 views

Robert Kamper

Positive Emotions Increase Life Satisfaction By Building Resilience - 4 views

  • People who seed their life with frequent moments of positive emotions increase their resilience against challenges,
  • This study shows that if happiness is something you want out of life, then focusing daily on the small moments and cultivating positive emotions is the way to go,”
  • Those small moments let positive emotions blossom, and that helps us become more open. That openness then helps us build resources that can help us rebound better from adversity and stress, ward off depression and continue to grow.”
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • month long study
  • daily “emotion reports
  • Building up a daily diet of positive emotions does not require banishing negative emotions, she said. The study helps show that to be happy, people do not need to adopt a “Pollyanna-ish” approach and deny the upsetting aspects of life. “The levels of positive emotions that produced good benefits weren’t extreme. Participants with average and stable levels of positive emotions still showed growth in resilience even when their days included negative emotions.”
  • A lot of times we get so wrapped up in thinking about the future and the past that we are blind to the goodness we are steeped in already, whether it’s the beauty outside the window or the kind things that people are doing for you,” she said. “The better approach is to be open and flexible, to be appreciative of whatever good you do find in your daily circumstances, rather than focusing on bigger questions, such as ‘Will I be happy if I move to California?’ or ‘Will I be happy if I get married?’
Maxime Lagacé

Lessons Learned from Life - 1 views

    Nice blog post about lessons learned from Life, and dogs!

Buying Your Next House, Investment Properties, Lowest Mortgage Rates - 0 views

    For many people, new developments in life can mean it's time to look for a new home. Whether it be a recent raise, an addition to the family or just a calling to explore something new, your housing needs have to meet whatever change life brings your way.

Ketu in 1st house of janam kundli effects and remedies for life - 0 views

    Ketu possesses the power to make or break a person's life, career and relationships... Remedies for Ketu in the 1st House
Stephen Frost

Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation mp3 Heal And Enhance Your Solar Plexus - 0 views

    Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation mp3 is here to heal and enhance your Solar Plexus. Unlock your ability to manifest and achieve the life you dream of easily.
Sarah Eeee

Ballastexistenz » Post Topic » "…knew the moment had arrived for killing the ... - 0 views

  • How many of the emotional and social problems autistic people have are actually related to being autistic?
  • And as I got into school, I became as subject to bullying by teachers as I was by other students.
  • . I couldn’t understand why people hated me so much, I hadn’t done anything to them other than exist near them. And eventually I just went numb. Nothing the few people in my life who did treat me like a person could do, was enough to counteract the fact that in the majority of my life I was treated more like a target. The only way I could deal with it was to cut off the parts of me that knew what it was like to be treated like a person.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • m telling it because assorted variants on these experiences are so close to universal among the autistic people I’ve known. How can you get a good idea of the social abilities or emotional range of a set of people who are treated like this from the moment we encounter other children, sometimes from the moment we encounter other people at all?
  • The myth of the refrigerator parent has been replaced with the myth of the refrigerator child, and many of our parents will believe the new refrigerator child myth.
  • The interesting part to me was that the social behavior of the children was not only often invisible to their parents, but often invisible to the people who worked at the Media Lab as well. I had to point out to them things like one child speaking to her mother and inquiring about her mother’s emotional state, another child’s affection, another child looking up at his mother’s face to gauge her feelings. We concluded that somehow through the camera person focusing on the mothers, combined with the mothers focusing on the camera people, the viewer’s focus was not on the social overtures of the children, who were then possible to describe as not engaging in social overtures even when they were very clearly affectionate, social, and concerned with their parents’ feelings.
    • Sarah Eeee
      Key point: People don't recognize social behaviors when they come from autistic children. Instead of observing what they see, they only see what they expect. There is ample evidence for how this could happen from distraction studies (tell someone to focus on members of the blue team, and they'll miss the gorilla dribbling the ball).
    Interesting blog post considering the emotional impacts of having autism. The author questions whether some of the social difficulties considered diagnostic of autism are actually the result of discrimination. Definitely worth reading for anyone interested in autism and hearing from someone with autism.
Beautiful Spring


    Great site to make your sex life better and more enjoyable.
Daly de Gagne

Unsticking Joe's Life!: Movement in My Life, Intentional Meditation Practice Begins - 0 views

    Therapist Joe Lerner continues to work at resolving his own issues. In this latest installment he shares a couple of successes. Some worthwhile meditation books from Amazon are advertised - three of them are by Eknath Easwaran, a Hindu English professor who came to the US in the 60s. He gained a following as a meditation teacher, and like Joe, I appreciate his passage meditation approach. Seeing the Easwaran books tonight was like unexpectedly meeting an old friend.
MrGhaz .

Unlocking The Afterlife - Codes and Ciphers May Reveal Life After Death - 0 views

    The communication may take the form of a direct message conveyed psychically by one friend to the other, a message sent through a medium, or even an intuition or conviction by one friend that the other is dead. Christie-Murray keeps a register of everyone taking part in the scheme and will investigate any messages that are received.
Sonny Cher

Get a Fulfilling and Explosive Sex Life - 1 views

My friend's wife told me that she cannot cope up with her husband's stamina when they are together. And she was worried that he might try to find another woman because she cannot satisfy him. So I...

legal drugs

started by Sonny Cher on 20 Apr 11 no follow-up yet
thinkahol *

The Blog : Drugs and the Meaning of Life : Sam Harris - 1 views

    Everything we do is for the purpose of altering consciousness. We form friendships so that we can feel certain emotions, like love, and avoid others, like loneliness. We eat specific foods to enjoy their fleeting presence on our tongues. We read for the pleasure of thinking another person's thoughts. Every waking moment-and even in our dreams-we struggle to direct the flow of sensation, emotion, and cognition toward states of consciousness that we value.Drugs are another means toward this end. Some are illegal; some are stigmatized; some are dangerous-though, perversely, these sets only partially intersect. There are drugs of extraordinary power and utility, like psilocybin (the active compound in "magic mushrooms") and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), which pose no apparent risk of addiction and are physically well-tolerated, and yet one can still be sent to prison for their use-while drugs like tobacco and alcohol, which have ruined countless lives, are enjoyed ad libitum in almost every society on earth. There are other points on this continuum-3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA or "Ecstasy") has remarkable therapeutic potential, but it is also susceptible to abuse, and it appears to be neurotoxic.[1]One of the great responsibilities we have as a society is to educate ourselves, along with the next generation, about which substances are worth ingesting, and for what purpose, and which are not. The problem, however, is that we refer to all biologically active compounds by a single term-"drugs"-and this makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent discussion about the psychological, medical, ethical, and legal issues surrounding their use. The poverty of our language has been only slightly eased by the introduction of terms like "psychedelics" to differentiate certain visionary compounds, which can produce extraordinary states of ecstasy and insight, from "narcotics" and other classic agents of stupefaction and abuse.
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