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Robert Kamper

Science News / Don't Worry, Get Attention Training - 0 views

  • Attention training helps subjects practice how not to focus on threatening words or on photos of threatening faces
  • anxiety disorder to achieve remission. The disorder, estimated to affect 6.8 million U.S. adults, involves constant, exaggerated worries about impending disasters regarding health, money or other issues.
  • A similar form of attention guidance, directed by psychologist Norman Schmidt of Florida State University in Tallahassee, provided marked relief for many patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. About 15 million U.S. adults struggle with this condition, which is characterized by a debilitating dread of everyday social situations and a fear of being watched and judged by others.
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  • attention training requires minimal professional supervision, causes no side effects and could be completed over the Internet.
  • Amir and Schmidt hypothesize that a habitual focus on potentially threatening events or situations causes the pervasive fear typical of anxiety disorders.
    attention training studies indicate technique works in reducing anxiety disorders
thinkahol *

Does Your Personality Influence Who You Vote For? - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (Nov. 2, 2008) - Does your personality influence who you vote for? The short answer is yes, according to John Mayer, professor of psychology at the University of New Hampshire. As Americans go to the polls in record numbers to vote for the next U.S. president, some voters will crave social stability and others will crave social change. Liberals and conservatives divide according to these personality preferences.
thinkahol *

Long-term solitary confinement: a method of torture - 0 views

    19-01-2011 Medical evidence has shown that long-term solitary confinement is a form of torture. Dr Joost J den Otter, Medical Director at the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), adds that while there is no doubt about the damage caused by long periods of isolation, solitary confinement for a short period may also cause psychological harm. Dr den Otter highlights the fact that many qualitative and quantitative scientific studies have documented how solitary confinement in prison has damaging health effects. He asserts that the scientific debate on solitary confinement as a method of torture has been settled for many years, but that it seems there is still confusion among policy makers, prison authorities, and the general public. A recent commentary published by the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law about solitary confinement and mental illness in U.S. Prisons, the authors, Jeffrey L. Metzner and Jamie Fellner, support Dr den Otter's judgment. "Isolation can be psychologically harmful to any prisoner, with the nature and severity of the impact depending on the individual, the duration of confinement, and particular conditions (e.g., access to natural light, books, or radio). Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis". In August 2010, Physicians for Human Rights published a report (Experiments in Torture) which added to the growing body of evidence that solitary confinement causes psychological harm consistent with torture. In an interview with 'Life's Little Mysteries', Dr Scott Allen, one of the authors of the paper, said that solitary confinement "can lead to anxiety, depression, certainly disorientation, [and] it can even lead to thought disorders including psychotic thoughts." He added "The consequences can be significant." This backs up researcher Peter Scharff Smith, of The Danis
Robert Kamper

Workplace Bullying 50 Percent Higher In US Than Scandinavia - 1 views

  • employees in the US are bullied up to 50% more often than workers in Scandinavia. However, just 9% of employees were aware that the negative acts they experienced constituted bullying, suggesting that bullying behaviour is ingrained in the culture of the US workplace.
  • The study concludes that US organizational and cultural structures frequently enable, trigger, and reward bullying. U.S. companies stress market processes, individualism, and the importance of managers over workers, which discourages collaborative efforts and enables powerful organizational members to bully others without recrimination.
    employees in the US are bullied up to 50% more often than workers in Scandinavia. However, just 9% of employees were aware that the negative acts they experienced constituted bullying, suggesting that bullying behaviour is ingrained in the culture of the US workplace.
MrGhaz .

They Came From Outer Space: Lift Off to a Better Life - 0 views

    Millions of people watch a rock concert relayed to opposite ends of the world. A fire fighter wearing breathing apparatus spends 25 minutes in a burning building rescuing a trapped child. A prospective buyer watches as a mechanic runs a complete check on a used car. On a remote Texas ranch, water is heated with solar panels. An orthopedic surgeon analyzes the muscle movements of a victim of cerebral palsy. A student in a college dormitory spots an intruder and triggers a portable alarm. These seemingly disconnected events have all been made possible by an advanced technology that has made a radical difference in day-to-day life on earth: they are all spin-offs from NASA's space exploration programs.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How Hypnosis Is Used For Anxiety And Depression - 0 views

    Anxiety and depression affect upwards of 55 million people in the U.S. alone. Research has shown that hypnosis is highly-effective at dealing with anxiety and depression, and what's more, is that positive results can often be seen in a fraction of the time. The other benefit with hypnosis is that it's 100% natural and drug-free - which is also good news given how quick doctors can be to prescribe medication. Curious to discover more about how hypnosis can be used as a powerful ally in the emotional struggles that haunt depression and anxiety sufferers? Check out the latest article on to discover why hypnosis works, the techniques you can use to treat it, in addition to 3 scientific studies that back its effectiveness up.

Buy Yelp Reviews - 100% Real, Permanent, Reviews - 0 views

    Buy Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is the largest review site on the internet. It has over 400 million reviews and counting, and it's growing fast. You can find everything on Yelp: restaurants, shops, banks and even real estate agents! Most importantly though, you can buy Yelp reviews from RealServiceIT at the lowest price online! What is yelp? Yelp is a website that allows users to rate and review local businesses. It was founded in 2004 by two former PayPal employees, Jeremy Estoppel and Russel Simmons. The company has since grown into an American multinational corporation with more than 2 million reviews on its site alone, covering over 500 cities across the U.S., Canada and Mexico (and counting). Yelp claims to be the world's leading local guide for consumers looking for great local businesses at any point in time-from restaurants and coffee shops, pet services and dentists, garage sales or car repair services-to hotels & resorts; auto dealerships; beauty salons & spas; doctors offices & hospitals; mortgage companies etc.. How to buy Yelp reviews You can buy Yelp reviews from a review site. This is the most common way that businesses do it, because you don't need to spend money on content creation or pay people to write it for you. You'll probably want to choose an agency that has access to a lot of Yelpers and knows how they work, so they can find the right ones for your business' needs. The best agencies have access not only to all the current Yelps in their network but also those who were recently active (and therefore likely active again soon) as well as past customers who have left positive feedback about their experience at your business location(s). Why buy from a review site? Why buy from a review site? They're real. You know that person who has been giving you bad advice? There is no way they would do so if they were doing it out of the goodness of their heart, right? Well, that same logic applies here. If someone is giving you a bad
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