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Julia Echeverría

Tools to Help You Integrate Gamification in Your Students Learning ~ Educational - Gami... - 4 views

    This site is really inspiring, I follow Andrzej since he got this page, I really like how he has analyzed the psychological typology of players. Normally I apply this typology in my courses. recommend follow September, 2014Teaching to early learners means teaching fundamentals in a supportive and engaging way. It is no surprise that many learning tools for young students include some element of gamification. Here are a few that teachers recommend. Matific Want hundreds of FREE math activities for grades K-6? Look here!

The economically absurd increase in education costs - 1 views

    The inflation of education costs around the world is a matter of offer and demand, and it has brought much unwanted consequences that affect the quality of the most demanded resource to come: talent

Identidad Digital - 2 views

    Introducción al concepto de Identidad Digital. Basado en Castañeda, L. & Camacho, M. (2012) "Desvelando nuestra identidad digital". El profesional de la información, julioagosto, v. 21, n. 4 l, pp. 354-360. Disponible en abierto en
    Tengo que reconocer, con rubor, que el tema de la identidad digital me empezó a preocupar este lunes cuando inició el módulo 2 de este curso, y que caigo por completo dentro de la categoría de quienes construimos nuestra identidad digital aun sin ser conscientes de ello. En eso coincido con los sujetos de la investigación. En lo que no tengo nada que ver es con el papel de lurker (aunque no soy un escribidor compulsivo, trato de usar las redes de manera constante, y a pesar del tiempo que demandan). Claro que por mi edad, y por varias otros aspectos, yo no experimento con mi identidad como lo hacen los jóvenes holandeses que menciona el artículo que compartiste. Aunque uno usa las redes para practicar distintos aspectos (los jóvenes holandeses del estudio lo hacen para explorar su identidad y practicar, con éxito, sus habilidades de sociales), yo tendré que pensar con cuidado para qué. Coincido en que he borrado cosas que puse (otra coincidencia con los sujetos estudiados). Y como ellos, debo reconocer otra vez contra mi voluntad, uno intenta poner cosas que lo hagan parecer inteligente (o no muy pazguato), y, si es posible, interesante. Mi inicio en el uso constante de las redes parece estar vinculado a un posgrado. La búsqueda e intercambio de información son la puerta de entrada de buena parte de la participación en redes sociales. Y al contrario de los entrevistados, hay gente en la red que ejerce mucha influencia sobre mí, y estoy muy agradecido de su aporte, inconsciente y desinteresado, a mis propio desarrollo. FInalmente, comparto la afirmación de las autoras: "Creemos firmemente que conocer la forma en que la identidad se crea y configura nos llevará a una mejor comprensión de la naturaleza de nuestros experiencias sociales y culturales y puede ayudarnos a mejorar de forma consciente nuestros procesos de aprendizaje y relación con el entorno." Muchas gracias por compartir el texto.
robert morris

Loomio | Collaborative Decision-Making - 2 views

    1. Talk things through Start a discussion on any topic, and bring in the right people. Share diverse perspectives and develop ideas together. 2. Build agreement Anyone can propose a course of action. People can agree, abstain, disagree, or block - so you can see how everyone feels, and why.

MÓDULO 2: privacidad en internet - 6 views A continuación comparto un link que puede ser de utilidad sobre el Desafío de la privacidad en Internet (Tend...

open access privacy Module2

started by veronicasoledad on 09 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Kevin Stranack

All Is Not Vanity | Literary Review of Canada - 0 views

    "Self-publishing is at a stage analogous to the early days of Wikipedia, when users were reluctant to trust information contained in a communally written encyclopedia. It turns out that online democracy performs quite an effective self-regulating function. "
    Good points in the article: There are several good reasons a novelist chooses to self-publish: 1. Because of repeated rejection. 2. To get the book to market more quickly. 3. To have more control over the process. 4. To receive a larger share of the book's earnings. 5. To attract the attention of a major publisher.
    With digitization of publishing its now an option to self publicize especially for new writers who thing their work will never be acknowledged. But musicians are also using the self publicizing/promotion and later one it does pays on. I heard of Justin Bieber story of when the mother was busy posting you-tube videos.So its possible to go a "freenuim" way and start with e.g blogging and eventually build a fan/interest base

MOOC - 1 views

    Research on a novel current topic with the intention to serve as a reference for future studies within the field of information science , as it addresses issues such as free access to information, the genesis and dissemination of knowledge through internet or social web

Is the 1% Rule Still Relevant? - 3 views

    Participatory media may still have a ways to go if the 1% rule is correct. That rules says that the consumption of online media runs along these lines 90% passive consumers, 9% participants; 1% initiators. This article provides three takes on the accuracy and relevancy of the 1% rule and provides a long list of resources to learn more.
    As a rough guide this will apply to OKMOOC students as well. Two of the course instructors will be the most active on the Google+ group, Twitter and Diigo. The big question is not who will be the top creator in the class, but who can effectively transform ideas gained and relations builded in new productive and profitable off line activities. Studies show that out of 100 MOOC students eventually 2 will finish the course with credit.

Is There Capitalism After Cronyism? - 0 views

    Judging by the mainstream media, the most pressing problems facing capitalism are 1) income inequality, the subject of Thomas Piketty's bestseller Capital in the Twenty-First Century , and 2) the failure of free markets to regulate their excesses, a common critique encapsulated by Paul Craig Roberts' recent book The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism .
    This article is primarily about structural change in the global economy. But Smith notes, "[T]he middle class that has paid for its ever-expanding consumption with rising wages is in structural decline due to the displacement of human labor by software; and the state's ability to manage structural crises while protecting global cartel profits is being the ever rising costs of providing healthcare and income security and paying the external costs of environmental damage." He goes on, "What could replace the current iteration of global state-capitalism? If we assemble these three potentially transformative dynamics-degrowth, the recoupling of risk and loss, and entrepreneurial mobile capital-we discern a new and potentially productive teleological arc to global capitalism, one that moves from a capitalism based on financial hyper-centralization and obsession with rising consumption to one focused on more efficient use of resources and capital via decentralization and localized innovation." We might ponder how open access/open knowledge can play a role these transformative dynamics.
Leticia Lafuente López

sociedtic - 0 views

    This is a pdf document that explains all about societic project for the UE.

Ineffective lectures - 8 views

Even though it has now been proven that traditional lectures is one of the most ineffective ways of conveying knowledge, they will not be completely eliminated. This article concludes that being ta...

Module 2

Aruna Maruthi

open Multimedia search - 0 views

Image url: Author : Giulia Forsythe Title:Online open educational resources and open licenses .Link to the license; https://creativec...

module4 license open access knowledge

started by Aruna Maruthi on 25 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Connected Learning via Exchange 2.0 - 0 views

    Today's learners will be key players in societies and workforces that require multi-lateral and cross-cultural cooperation. Throughout, learn why--and how--virtual exchange programs can lead to empathetic, global, connected learning that prepares youth for tomorrow's world.
Jamie F

Bill to amend Canadian copyright laws - 2 views

On the Exhange with Amanda Lang (a show about business that airs here in Canada) host Amanda Lang talks about a bill that is in the works to amend the Canadian copyright law in order to give politi...

#module5 #freepress #publishing #copyright

started by Jamie F on 16 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Grupo de Trabalho - 1 views

    The working group on Open Science consists of Brazilian researchers who share an interest in discussing and promoting the understanding and practice of open processes in science, in its various manifestations: Open access to scientific publications open scientific data Scientific Instruments opened [1] citizen science [2] open and Education

Censored Notebook - 2 views

    Website that publishes the 'news that did not make it onto mainstream media'. There are pretty cool alternatives to certain news that take on an interesting perspective alternate to mainstream framing and broadcasting.
Kaitie Warren

Environmental Attitudes Survey - 4 views

    Test out this form of citizen science, a 2-3 minute survey on environmental attitudes and education. A friend is involved in this study at the University of Leeds.
    Easy to take.

Communicative 2.0: Video Games and Digital Culture in the Foreign Language Classroom - ... - 3 views

    Some interesting information about remix culture as a language used by young people in entertainment
v woolf

A Day Without Media - 0 views

    This study conducted by the International Center for Media & the Public Agenda (ICMPA), documented the experiences of 200 students at the University of Maryland as they "unplugged" from all media for 24 hours. The results were simultaneously astounding and totally predictable. Their top five findings were: 1. Students use literal terms of addiction to characterize their dependence on media. 2. Students hate going without media. In their world, going without media, means going without their friends and family. 3. Students show no significant loyalty to a news program, news personality or even news platform. Students have only a casual relationship to the originators of news, and in fact don't make fine distinctions between news and more personal information. They get news in a disaggregated way, often via friends. 4. 18-21 year old college students are constantly texting and on Facebook-with calling and email distant seconds as ways of staying in touch, especially with friends. 5. Students could live without their TVs and the newspaper, but they can't survive without their iPods.

Learning or Leveling Up? - 1 views

Khan Academy has expanded from just creating videos to include a whole platform through which students can move through the content, including analytics for teachers and parents to track them. And ...


started by salma1504 on 18 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
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