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Matti Narkia

Dietary composition modulates brain mass and amyloid beta levels in a mouse model of ag... - 0 views

    Dietary composition modulates brain mass and solubilizable Abeta levels in a mouse model of aggressive Alzheimer's amyloid pathology. Pedrini S, Thomas C, Brautigam H, Schmeidler J, Ho L, Fraser P, Westaway D, Hyslop PS, Martins RN, Buxbaum JD, Pasinetti GM, Dickstein DL, Hof PR, Ehrlich ME, Gandy S. Mol Neurodegener. 2009 Oct 21;4:40. PMID: 19845940 doi:10.1186/1750-1326-4-40 INTERPRETATION: Dissociation of Abeta changes from brain mass changes raises the possibility that diet plays a role not only in modulating amyloidosis but also in modulating neuronal vulnerability. However, in the absence of a study of the effects of a high protein/low carbohydrate diet on nontransgenic mice, one cannot be certain how much, if any, of the loss of brain mass exhibited by high protein/low carbohydrate diet-fed TgCRND8 mice was due to an interaction between cerebral amyloidosis and diet. Given the recent evidence that certain factors favor the maintenance of cognitive function in the face of substantial structural neuropathology, we propose that there might also exist factors that sensitize brain neurons to some forms of neurotoxicity, including, perhaps, amyloid neurotoxicity. Identification of these factors could help reconcile the poor clinicopathological correlation between cognitive status and structural neuropathology, including amyloid pathology.
Matti Narkia

Diagnosis and treatment of vitamin D deficiency; Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy - 9(... - 0 views

    Diagnosis and treatment of vitamin D deficiency. Cannell JJ, Hollis BW, Zasloff M, Heaney RP. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2008 Jan;9(1):107-18. PMID: 18076342 The recent discovery - in a randomised, controlled trial - that daily ingestion of 1100 IU of colecalciferol (vitamin D) over a 4-year period dramatically reduced the incidence of non-skin cancers makes it difficult to overstate the potential medical, social and economic implications of treating vitamin D deficiency. Not only are such deficiencies common, probably the rule, vitamin D deficiency stands implicated in a host of diseases other than cancer. The metabolic product of vitamin D is a potent, pleiotropic, repair and maintenance, secosteroid hormone that targets > 200 human genes in a wide variety of tissues, meaning it has as many mechanisms of action as genes it targets. A common misconception is that government agencies designed present intake recommendations to prevent or treat vitamin D deficiency. They did not. Instead, they are guidelines to prevent particular metabolic bone diseases. Official recommendations were never designed and are not effective in preventing or treating vitamin D deficiency and in no way limit the freedom of the physician - or responsibility - to do so. At this time, assessing serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D is the only way to make the diagnosis and to assure that treatment is adequate and safe. The authors believe that treatment should be sufficient to maintain levels found in humans living naturally in a sun-rich environment, that is, > 40 ng/ml, year around. Three treatment modalities exist: sunlight, artificial ultraviolet B radiation or supplementation. All treatment modalities have their potential risks and benefits. Benefits of all treatment modalities outweigh potential risks and greatly outweigh the risk of no treatment. As a prolonged 'vitamin D winter', centred on the winter solstice, occurs at many temperate latitudes, ≤ 5000 IU (125 μg) of vitamin D/d
Matti Narkia

Animal Pharm: 'Death Band' = sdLDL on Lipoprotein Subfractionation - 0 views

    Subfractionation of Lipoproteins 101 Let's review some subfractionation techniques. On the market 3 main methods exist. They all work. Dr. Davis highly prefers NMR for its subtleties, scope, and particle counts. Superko and Krauss are affiliated with Berkeley HeartLab which uses GGE (BHL). Density gradient ultracentrifugation is very popular among our members (VAP-II and VAP). Recently, Krauss appears to be introducing a new technology based on ion-mobility. Basically, the denser the particle, the faster and more mobile the particle moves through a gel (GGE). The denser the particle, the smaller the diameter (Angstroms or nanometers) as determined via electromagnetic resonance (NMR) or absorbance via density ultracentrifugation (VAP, which are indirectly compared to known sizes).
Matti Narkia

Vitamin B Niacin Offers No Additional Benefit To Statin Therapy In Seniors Already Diag... - 0 views

    "The routine prescription of extended-release niacin, a B vitamin (1,500 milligrams daily), in combination with traditional cholesterol-lowering therapy offers no extra benefit in correcting arterial narrowing and diminishing plaque buildup in seniors who already have coronary artery disease, a new vascular imaging study from Johns Hopkins experts shows. In tests on 145 Baltimore-area men and women with existing atherosclerosis, all over age 65, researchers found that after 18 months of drug therapy, reductions in arterial wall thickness were measurably no different between the half who took dual niacin-statin therapy and the rest who remained on statin therapy alone. "
Matti Narkia

DHA revisions offer hope to health claim rejections - 0 views

    "The affirmation that the omega-3 DHA can benefit cognitive and eye health offers hope to previously rejected claims. And it's business as usual regarding the overall health claims process, despite ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, said a European Commission representative. At the NutraIngredients Health Claims 2010 conference in Brussels, the EC's Lars Korsholm explained the regulatory state-of-play for DHA claims. "I think it will offer some hope to previously rejected claims in the sense that these claims that are now subject for discussion are generic in the sense that if other food business operators than those who actually submitted the application can claim to fulfill the conditions of use then they are equally entitled to use the claim," explains Korsholm. The statements come in relation to an October decision whereby the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) affirmed that the omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and ALA, can benefit eye and cognitive development in babies. Responding to the public comment period for Merck Selbstmedikation GmbH's article 14 cognitive development claim that was rejected in March, EFSA affirmed its original stance that there was no need for additional supplementation of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) because it already existed at adequate levels in the diet. It supported their role in foetal and newborn eye and brain development but said there was an adequate supply in breast milk. "
Matti Narkia

FAQ - Australian Homo Optimus Society Homepage - - 0 views

    No one can dispute that mother's milk is the ideal nutrition, as far as the biochemical composition is concerned. It contains 3 to 11 grams of fat per 1 gram of protein (0.4% unsaturated fat). The conclusion is obvious - if Nature included such a minute quantity of that constituent in such a wonderful food, then we should respect it. Meanwhile, people are being persuaded that plant-derived fats containing polyunsaturated fatty acids which do not exist in mother's milk, are healthy. Nothing is more misleading. The best are the fats which contain the highest percentage of energy contributing constituents, or in other words, such in which COOH group is attached to the longest fatty acid chain. Short fatty acid chains contain around 30-40% of energy-contributing constituents, the longest ones over 90%. Long-chain fatty acids fully saturated with hydrogen, yields approx. 10 cal/g when metabolised, the same as petrol. Fat's value as a "fuel" for our body increases with the increase in the amount of hydrogen per gram of carbon in its molecule, with the increase in the energy-contributing constituents. Chemically, the best are long-chain fully saturated fatty acids, that is to say, solid fats of animal origin. Only fats with the length of the chain above 10 carbon atoms are suitable to be utilised by our cells and tissues without conversion. These fats are directed straight to the blood stream via the lymphatic system, and they do not have to be converted and made suitable by the liver, as is the case with inferior fats (with shorter chains), or all other constituents of consumed and digested foods
Matti Narkia

[Vitamin K and Bone Update. In vivo Metabolism of Vitamin K. - In relation to the conve... - 0 views

    [Vitamin K and Bone Update. In vivo Metabolism of Vitamin K. - In relation to the conversion of vitamin K(1) to MK-4 -] Okano T, Nakagawa K, Kamao M. Clin Calcium. 2009 Dec;19(12):1779-87. Japanese. PMID: 19949269 Phylloquinone is a major form (>90%) of dietary vitamin K, but the form of vitamin K that exists at the highest concentrations in tissues of animals and humans is menaquinone-4 (MK-4) . Despite this great difference, the origin of tissue MK-4 had not been clarified until recently. We demonstrated that deuterium-labeled phylloquinone was converted into deuterium-labeled MK-4 in mice and this conversion occurred following an oral or enteral administration, but not parenteral administration. By the oral route, the phylloquinone with the deuterium-labeled side chain (phytyl side-chain) was clearly converted into menaquinone-4 with a non-deuterium-labeled side chain (geranylgeranyl side-chain) , implying that phylloquinone was converted into menaquinone-4 via integral side-chain removal. Our results suggest that cerebral menaquinone-4 originates from phylloquinone intake and the release of menadione from phylloquinone in the intestine followed by the prenylation of menadione into menaquinone-4 in the intestine or tissues
Emilia Klapp

Artificial Flavors Are Heavily Used in the Processing of Food | The Diabetes Club - 0 views

    Canning, freezing and dehydrating processed foods destroy their natural taste. This means these types of foods need to be "repaired" in order to provide the flavor, consistency, and aroma of the original food. And here is where "the flavor industry" comes into place. In fact, without the flavor industry, fast food will not exist.

Calories in Potatoes - 0 views

    Similarly, the vitamins that exist in potato. Call it the vitamin C that in fact contain a powerful antioxidant to ward off free radicals in the body. To that end, in order to obtain the benefits of vitamin C with a maximum of potato choose good condition - such as by selecting the no sprout, s
Matti Narkia

Sixty million years of evolution says vitamin D may save your life from swine flu by Mi... - 0 views

    "(NaturalNews) People still don't get it: Vitamin D is the "miracle nutrient" that activates your immune system to defend you against invading microorganisms -- including seasonal flu and swine flu. Two months ago, an important study was published by researchers at Oregon State University. This study reveals something startling: Vitamin D is so crucial to the functioning of your immune system that the ability of vitamin D to boost immune function and destroy invading microorganisms has been conserved in the genome for over 60 million years of evolution. As this press release from Oregon State University ( explains: The fact that this vitamin-D mediated immune response has been retained through millions of years of evolutionary selection, and is still found in species ranging from squirrel monkeys to baboons and humans, suggests that it must be critical to their survival, researchers say. "The existence and importance of this part of our immune response makes it clear that humans and other primates need to maintain sufficient levels of vitamin D," said Adrian Gombart, an associate professor of biochemistry and a principal investigator with the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University."
Matti Narkia

Vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    "Vitamin D-dependent calcium binding proteins were discovered in the cytosolic fractions of chicken intestine, and later in mammalian intestine and kidney, by workers including Robert Wasserman of Cornell University. They bound calcium in the micromolar range and were greatly reduced in vitamin D-deficient animals. Expression could be induced by treating these animals with vitamin D metabolites such as calcitriol. They were found to exist in two distant sizes with a molecular weight of approximately 9 kDa and 28 kDa. They were renamed calbindin; calbindin-D9k is found in mammalian intestine and calbindin-D28k in avain intestine and in kidney."
Matti Narkia

Mechanisms of Berberine (Natural Yellow 18)-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Interact... - 0 views

    Mechanisms of berberine (natural yellow 18)-induced mitochondrial dysfunction: interaction with the adenine nucleotide translocator. Pereira CV, Machado NG, Oliveira PJ. Toxicol Sci. 2008 Oct;105(2):408-17. Epub 2008 Jul 3. PMID: 18599498 doi: 10.1124/jpet.107.128017 The data from the present work appear to show that berberine also presents some degree of toxicity to "nontumor" systems, which should be carefully understood. ANT inhibition in nontumor cells by berberine would be responsible for a decrease in energy production and could also result in MPT induction. To the best of our knowledge, no full toxicity assessment exists for berberine in humans, although its use in several commercially available supplements suggests that the compound may present a relatively wide safety interval. In fact, a study with patients with congestive heart failure treated with 1.2 g/day of oral berberine revealed low toxicity and resulted into an average plasma concentration of 0.11 mg/l which would translate into 0.3µM (Zeng and Zeng, 1999Go). Repeated cumulative treatments, alternative forms of formulation (e.g., topical application vs. injection) or more importantly, active mitochondrial accumulation due to its positive charge would be expected to increase its concentration in cells into the range of concentrations used in this study. Empirical data from nontraditional medicines plus the use of extensive clinical assays would allow the use of berberine as a promising antimelanoma agent while maintaining its safety for humans. In radial/vertical forms of melanoma, a possible topical application of berberine would also be possible, thus minimizing side effects on other organs. In conclusion, the present work identifies the ANT as an important target for berberine, with clear relevance for its proposed antitumor effects.
Mango Dash india



    The summer season each year brings wafting memories of a juicy and luscious fruit called litchi. The origins of Litchi lie in southern China where as a crop it has been cultivated uninterruptedly for close to 2500 years. Its geographical propagation has been rather slow, which is due to the short life-span of its seed and the peculiar soil and climatic requirements associated with the plant.A classical instance of this is India which is the second largest producer just behind China, but litchi farming is chronologically speaking, very recent having been introduced only sometime in the middle of the 1700's. Together China and India between themselves produce more than 90% of the world's Litchi, leaving the rest of the world far behind. In the backdrop of all this it is interesting to know the various cultivars and varieties which dot the world of Litchi farming. Most or all of them have their genesis probably in China but have been suitably bred and modified to thrive in countries of their adoption.

    The terms 'cultivar' and 'variety' have often been used interchangeably but this convention often seems to ignore the obvious differences which exist between the two. A 'cultivar' is bred with the help of vegetative propagation, which could include cutting, grafting,budding and tissue culture and is a product of human effort and ingenuity. A 'variety' on the other hand is a natural phenomenon and is bred through seedlings. A 'variety' will always produce clones of the parent plant, but in a cultivar,there may be slight variation in a progeny compared to the parent particularly in the case of hybrids. The Litchi cultivars in India number about 40 out of which around 12 or 13 are commercially cultivated.The same cultivar or variety may be known by different names in various parts of the country. In China there are about 200 known cultivars although only 20 or so are in commercial farming, which means the genetic repository is much more widespread compar
Jennifer Gray

Interior Decorating: Spice up traditional rooms with drapes - 0 views

    Decorating a new room or updating an existing space can be intimidating. From paint colors to furniture, interior decorating can be a challenging, expensive task. Before taking on an interior decorating overhaul, use these simple steps to spice up a traditional, dated look.
Supplement Edge

Healthy benefits Of Dietary supplements - 0 views

    Dietary supplements consists of minerals, vitamins, amino acids. They come as a variety of pill, tablet, capsule. The dietary supplements deliver your body adequate amount of dietary consumption. These supplements are designed to supplement your existing diet to provide you with more nutrition.

Switch to the Paleo Diet for a Better and Healthier Life - 1 views

What is the Paleo Diet? In the Paleolithic era, people were considered to be hunters and gathers. This meant, whatever they ate was either hunted or gathered. None of what they ate was cultured, g...

the diet recipes what is 100 75 70 50 plan list weight loss tips best lose with eat healthy benefits of eating vegan fast Paleo in food cookbook

started by ewenphu on 31 Jan 16 no follow-up yet

Power Gummies - Fostering Your Lifestyle, Cherishing Your Health - 0 views

    Power Gummies - "Health Powered By Happiness & Backed By Science". Power Gummies Coming Forward To Simplify Everyone's Good Health. Health is the foundation of life, and Nutrition is the key to it. Our lifestyles have led us to compromise our nutrition needs and its after-effects are showing in our deteriorating health. This situation sets Power Gummies® as a provider in the journey to nutrition, enabling tasty yet effective ways to be healthy, getting rid of the fear and complexities of existing pill solutions. For starters, we decided to create health products backed by scientific evidence that would be made from best-in-class vegan-based ingredients and fix the root causes of problems to give complete nutrition. Equally important for us, was to make products that are tasty and fit into our lifestyles. At Present, Power Gummies has 4 Product Variants - # Hair & Nails Vitamin Gummies - 1 Month & 2 Months Pack # The Beach Body Gummies - 1 Month & 2 Months Pack. The Products are designed in Rabbit Shaped Sweet & Delicious Gummies to cater an individual's Hairs, Nails, Skin, Bloating, Water Shedding related issues and much more. - Our Hair & Nail Vitamins are delicious and suitable for everyone. These Hair & Nail Vitamins are Best Source to Boost Your Hair Growth & Strengthen Your Nails. - Our Beach Body Gummies Vitamins are delicious and suitable for everyone. These Beach Body Gummies are Best Solution to the Problems of Bloating, Water Shedding, Acidity, Body Imbalancement and much more. These are lab tested for purity and scientifically backed on Biotin, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Green Coffee Extract, L-Carnitine and many more Lifestyle Focused Nutrients. It's completely based upon the research published by the European Food & Safety Association. Today, Power Gummies® have spread happiness to over 100,000 lives, inspired more than 100 celebrities and every day, Power Gummies® is enabling 2000+ visitors to discover simple and tasty ways to g
neotonics - 0 views

    Urinoct Only $49/Bottle Limited Time Offer! Urinoct Special Deal + Special 51% Discount Save $300 + 60 Days Money Back Guarantee Urinoct urinoct FDA Five Star Urinoct The #1 Solution To Maintain a Prostate and boost your manhood's performance. Prostate health supplements are specifically formulated to support men in maintaining optimal levels of prostate function. These supplements are created with natural ingredients in order to furnish fundamental nutrients for maintaining prostate well-being. Regular Price: $99/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle Buy Now What Is Urinoct? Urinoct is a nutritional supplement featuring natural ingredients that support prostate health. Developed by a surgeon named Dr. Wesley, Urinoct claims to shrink your prostate, raise testosterone, increase sperm production, boost fertility, enhance lean muscle mass, and reverse balding, among other benefits. The prostate gland is an important part of the male reproductive system, and it plays a crucial role in the production of semen. However, as men age, their risk of developing prostate-related health problems, such as prostate cancer, increases. This is where Urinoct comes in. With Urinoct, you can expect to experience reduced inflammation and increased ability for bladder emptying. Plus, your confidence will get a boost. Every ingredient in Urinoct is sourced from the purest and most potent sources, and the ratios are carefully balanced. Furthermore, each element of the formula is backed by scientific data, ensuring positive results without any risk of side effects. Urinoct is a groundbreaking supplement specifically formulated to address the root causes of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and urinary issues in men. With its unique combination of natural ingredients, Urinoct not only alleviates the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate but also promotes overall prostate and urinary health. The creation of the Urinoct supplement undergoes strict manufacturing s
Rakesh Aitla

Asbestos Effects - 0 views

    The product exposure can lead to unforgivable injuries which can be precursors to cancer as well as asbestosis. One can risk exposure to the product anywhere where airborne asbestos exists. Asbestos accidents can be very serious and cause great loss in a person's life.
Jenny jenny

Healthy Food, Healthy Life - 0 views

    Food is very important and eating is the most important part of our everyday... #food #health #fooddelivery #takeaways
    Food is very important and eating is the most important part of our everyday living. Healthier is the food, healthier... #food #fooddelivery #takeaways #health
    Food is very important and eating is the most important part of our everyday living. Healthier is the food, healthier is the life. Without food there is no existence of life. But the question is what healthy food is? The foods which we eat are the single source of energy and nutrition.
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