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Edge Perspectives with John Hagel: The evolution of design to amplify flow - 0 views

    Blog by John Hagel reviewing new book, Design in Nature, by Adrian Bejan and J. Peder Zane, looks like it was published in January 2012. As a systems person, this review resonates with me and speaks to what the WLStudio can do to help women redesign their learning systems as well as the currents that flow through their systems. They must avoid others who wish to dictate where and what and how learning opportunities are available to them. Reworded more constructively, women need to design and nuture their own learning opportunities. Excerpts from review: The book introduces us to constructal law: "For a finite-size flow system to persist in time (to live), its configuration must evolve in such a way that provides easier access to the currents that flow through it." The authors caution "that nothing operates in isolation; every flow system is part of a bigger flow system, shaped by and in service to the world around it." "As the title of the book suggests, the constructal law is ultimately a law about design. It determines which designs will survive and thrive over time. The constant interplay between flow and design drives the evolution of flow systems. The design of flow systems must evolve to enhance the flows within the system or they will die." Final excerpt from book review: The bottom line So, what does this mean for all of us? The message is simple and compelling. If we are not enhancing flow, we will be marginalized, both in our personal and professional life. If we want to remain successful and reap the enormous rewards that can be generated from flows, we must continually seek to refine the designs of the systems that we spend time in to ensure that they are ever more effective in sustaining and amplifying flows. As the authors observe, "it is not love or money that makes the world go round but flow and design"

Edge Perspectives with John Hagel: The Big Shift in Business Strategy - 0 views

  • The key is to develop the capacity to move rapidly to reap the most benefit from influence, leverage and learning. Firms and other institutions need to cultivate the ability to participate in an expanding range of knowledge flows effectively. 
  • They must also find ways to effectively filter through this expanding range of knowledge flows to extract the insights and approaches that have the potential to create the most value. Finally, they also need to quickly turn around and apply these insights and approaches both within their organization and across a broader range of participants in the system. In sum, the winners will be those who master the techniques required for scalable learning.
  • These are proactive strategies of movement – designed to strengthen influence points by harnessing their learning potential. If done right, it creates a powerful virtuous cycle – more effective learning attracts others and expands influence which in turn increases the potential for further learning.  To borrow a favorite phrase from my colleague, John Seely Brown, we trigger a generative dance between position and movement that takes us to unforeseen levels of impact.
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  • Here are some key questions you should be asking and answering:   Who occupies influence points today within my market or industry? What are potential new influence points that might emerge from the fundamental forces reshaping my market or industry? Who is working to build and occupy new influence points? Have I built robust relationships with these players?
  • One final thought – what if we applied this strategic notion of influence points and accelerated learning to our individual lives? How could we increase our personal impact?
    John Hagel is a co-chair of Deloitte Center for the Edge. Here he talks about influence points and positioning oneself among influence points through our technology enabled connections. Power laws still concentrate an extraordinary # of connections around a few nodes. But having access to knowledge flows, one will be able to anticipate what's going to happen before others do, one could perhaps shape the flows and more rapid learning may occur because of access to a growing and diverse set of information or knowledge flows. Learning faster than anyone else will enable a company or person to "have a significant advantage relative to those who are scrambling to catch up." Uses the PC microprocessor and operating system components to concretize influence points.

The Future Of Education Eliminates The Classroom, Because The World Is Your Class | Co.... - 0 views

    Fascinating article by Marina Gorbis on Fast Company site regarding how we must be able to learn online in micro-learning episodes that may last minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc. far removed from schools, MOOCs, and other structured and semi-structured curricula. Excerpt: "We are moving away from the model in which learning is organized around stable, usually hierarchical institutions (schools, colleges, universities) that, for better and worse, have served as the main gateways to education and social mobility. Replacing that model is a new system in which learning is best conceived of as a flow, where learning resources are not scarce but widely available, opportunities for learning are abundant, and learners increasingly have the ability to autonomously dip into and out of continuous learning flows. Instead of worrying about how to distribute scarce educational resources, the challenge we need to start grappling with in the era of socialstructed learning is how to attract people to dip into the rapidly growing flow of learning resources and how to do this equitably, in order to create more opportunities for a better life for more people." In the comments, this summary: "It doesn't matter if you are a physicist, chemist, sociologist, welder, mathematician, teacher, economist, lawyer, restaurant owner, farmer, trucker, whatever, the information most relevant and valuable to your employment is up to you to find! The task requires you find and digest information, on your own. This task used to be a pain, but now we have near-instant access to the entirety of information across the planet. The author is talking about making this access actually instant, not near-instant. Its really just an inevitable thing. "

Models, flows and exposure | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    Jarche blogs on Models, flows, and exposure, April 27, 2012. Please scroll down to the bottom to see Doonesbury cartoon that challenges the benefits of "exposure" for doing unpaid work.

A framework for social learning in the enterprise - 0 views

  • There is a growing demand for the ability to connect to others. It is with each other that we can make sense, and this is social. Organizations, in order to function, need to encourage social exchanges and social learning due to faster rates of business and technological changes. Social experience is adaptive by nature and a social learning mindset enables better feedback on environmental changes back to the organization.
  • the role of online community manager, a fast-growing field today, barely existed five years ago.
  • The web enables connections, or constant flow, as well as instant access to information, or infinite stock. Stock on the Internet is everywhere and the challenge is to make sense of it through flows of conversation
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  • All organizational value is created by teams and networks.
  • Learning really spreads through social networks. Social networks are the primary conduit for effective organizational performance. Blocking, or circumventing, social networks slows learning, reduces effectiveness and may in the end kill the organization.
  • Social learning is how groups work and share knowledge to become better practitioners. Organizations should focus on enabling practitioners to produce results by supporting learning through social networks. The rest is just window dressing. Over a century ago, Charles Darwin helped us understand the importance of adaptation and the concept that those who survive are the ones who most accurately perceive their environment and successfully adapt to it. Cooperating in networks can increase our ability to perceive what is happening.
  • Wirearchies inherently require trust, and trusted relationships are powerful allies in getting things done in organizations.
  • Three of these (IOL, GDL, PDF) require self-direction, and that is the essence of social learning: becoming self-directed learners and workers, all within a two-way flow of power and authority.
  • rom Stocks to Flow
  • Knowledge: the capacity for effective action. “Know how” is the only aspect of knowledge that really matters in life. Practitioner: someone who is accountable for producing results. Learning may be an individual activity but if it remains within the individual it is of no value whatsoever to the organization. Acting on knowledge, as a practitioner (work performance) is all that matters. So why are organizations in the individual learning (training) business anyway? Individuals should be directing their own learning. Organizations should focus on results.
  • Because of this connectivity, the Web is an environment more suited to just-in-time learning than the outdated course model.
  • Organizing
  • our own learning is necessary for creative work.
  • Developing emergent practices, a necessity when there are no best practices in our changing work environments, requires constant personal directed learning.
  • Developing social learning practices, like keeping a work journal, may be an effort at first but later it’s just part of the work process. Bloggers have learned how powerful a learning medium they have only after blogging for an extended period.
  • we should extend knowledge gathering to the entire network of subject-matter expertise.
  • Building capabilities from serendipitous to personally-directed and then group-directed learning help to create strong networks for intra-organizational learning.
  • Our default action is to turn to our friends and trusted colleagues; those people with whom we’ve shared experiences. Therefore, we need to share more of our work experiences in order to grow those trusted networks. This is social learning and it is critical for networked organizational effectiveness.
    excellent discussion of networks and social learning in organizations with references to Hart, Jennings, Cross, and Internet Time Alliance among others, 2010

To Build Your Business, Smash Your Silos | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 0 views

  • Silos are necessary in companies. They provide the structure that allows companies to work. Every company is split into divisions, departments, or groups, such as sales, technology, and finance. This structure allows expertise in different areas. In companies, silos tend to be places where information, focus (another word for choosing priorities), and control flow up and down. But company silos also cause problems—that same structure prevents the flow of information, focus, and control outward. And in order for a company to work efficiently, decisions need to be made across silos.
  • Cooperation, communication, and collaboration are the three keys to working across silos. Those are components that ideally any successful working relationship would have, but they are must-haves if you are going to break the organizational silos barrier.
  • knowledge, focus, and control are shared among more than one silo.
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  • What priorities do you or your department have that are not aligned with another’s?Put yourself in the place of the other silo—what would make that silo realize that your need was a priority?What information do you or your department have that could be useful to others?What information or assistance do you need from another silo that you are not getting?In what areas would increased collaboration and giving up some autonomy be more beneficial for the company than maintaining your individuality?
    Blog on leadership by Neil Smith, Fast Company on eliminating barriers that keep departments/groups from sharing the same priorities, knowledge, information for the good of the whole organization.

AUDIO | Preparing Adults for Lifelong Learning | The EvoLLLution - 0 views

    Blog post by Jeff Cobb, the author of Ten Ways to be a Better Lifelong Learner and Mission to Learn blog, on EvoLLLution (illuminating the lifelong learning movement), 3.26.2012 See excerpt below for obstacles that keep people from lifelong learning: "AA: What are the major gaps keeping today's adults from effectively continuing their education? JC: There are two ways to come at that question, at least. It's high-level at first, to differentiate between education-which I consider to be primarily a formal, structured activity-and learning, the vast majority of which is informal and not necessarily structured. And learning encompasses education, but learning is just so much broader. When it comes to education, there can be any number of barriers that prevent an adult from continuing her education. Time and money tend to be two of the biggest. Those barriers can be overcome; like anything in life it's just often a matter of priorities and planning, both on the part of the individual and the society, but they do have to be overcome. On the other hand with learning, there's really nothing that can prevent an adult from continuing learning if they are in fact dedicated to doing that. We really can't help doing it; we're pretty much hard-wired to be continually learning. But we all know how overwhelming the flow of information can be around us these days; on the one hand it's this sense of being overwhelmed that can hold people back, I think another factor is that we simply don't look at a lot of the amazing new opportunities that we have, primarily through what the web now enables. … We don't necessarily look at these as learning tools and as things that can really help us to engage with and grow in life. Really, once you recognize that and once you start thinking in terms of effective strategies and effective approaches, the sky's the limit."

How EdX Plans to Earn, and Share, Revenue From Free Online Courses - Technology - The C... - 0 views

    Interesting explanation of business model for how nonprofit and forprofit MOOC partners--edX, Coursera, and Udacity--will make money along with the universities. Implications for other, smaller online learning partnerships? Excerpt on two models (large-scale efforts) According to Mr. Agarwal, edX offers its university affiliates a choice of two partnership models. Both models give universities the opportunity to make money from their edX MOOCs-but only after edX gets paid. Related Content What You Need to Know About MOOCs Document: The Revenue-Sharing Models Between edX and University Partners The first, called the "university self-service model," essentially allows a participating university to use edX's platform as a free learning-management system for a course on the condition that part of any revenue generated by the course flow to edX. The courses developed under that model will be created by "individual faculty members without course-production assistance from edX," and will be branded separately in the edX catalog as "edge" courses until they pass a quality-review process, according to a standard agreement provided to The Chronicle by edX. Once a self-service course goes live on the edX Web site, edX will collect the first $50,000 generated by the course, or $10,000 for each recurring course. The organization and the university partner will each get 50 percent of all revenue beyond that threshold. The second model, called the "edX-supported model," casts the organization in the role of consultant and design partner, offering "production assistance" to universities for their MOOCs. The organization charges a base rate of $250,000 for each new course, plus $50,000 for each time a course is offered for an additional term, according to the standard agreement. Although the edX-supported model requires cash upfront, the potential returns for the university are high if a course ends up making money. The university gets 70 percent of any revenue gen

Leadership is an emergent property of a balanced network | Harold Jarche - 0 views

    Blog by Harold Jarche on Leadership is an emergent property of balanced networks, May 29, 2012 Like this assessment of leadership skills in networks: "As networked, distributed workplaces become the norm, trust will emerge from environments that are open, transparent and diverse. As a result of improved trust, leadership will be seen for what it is; an emergent property of a balanced network ["in-balance" may be a better term for this changing state] and not some special property available to only the select few. And this one: Networked contributors (full-time, part-time, contractors) need to work together in a networked environment that facilitates cooperation and collaboration. This is why the narration of work and PKM will become critical skills, as work teams ebb and flow according to need, but the network must remain connected and resilient

AACRAO - SEM Newsletter - Transparency: The Millennial Mindset's Effect on Your Web 2.0... - 0 views

    Article on web 2.0 marketing to millennials by Strategic Enrollment Management February 2009. "Although we are not going to dedicate our article to a recap of millennial marketing, we do want to reinforce the importance of understanding the millennial mindset before you begin to build your Web 2.0 plan. Consider that 64 percent of your audience (teens 12 to 17 years old) are reported to engage in at least one type of online content creation, up from 57 percent just four years ago. Understanding what they are doing online allows our plans to be more comprehensive and effective and fully integrated into a successful enrollment plan. There is even an emerging classification of teenagers using a host of technology options for dealing with family and friends, including traditional landline phones, cell phones, texting, social network sites, instant messaging and e-mail. These "super communicators" represent about 28 percent of the entire teen population (Guess 2008). And possibly the most interesting statistic to watch comes out of Noel-Levitz's "E-Expectations: The Class of 2007" report, which claims that 43 percent of high school juniors have a profile page designed for use in researching colleges (Lenhart & Madden 2007). This all means that if you are not already participating in an active use of online marketing you are overlooking a large group of your audience. Frankly, they are keenly aware of marketing, and as marketers we need to understand their mindset to build effective plans to reach and educate them. We cannot expect that they will conform to marketing as it has been done in a traditional way. Tools of the Trade: Components to Consider The goal of any Web 2.0 is to inform and connect. Simply stated, the tools you choose should work to reinforce that goal and integrate with the other tools of the trade you are using. Enrollment managers who know their audience understand the need to consider a variety of marketing options, from traditional adve
2More - 1 views

    CORE4Women is a free organization where women can share and discover online learning. From their website: Why CORE4Women? Traditional websites are a one-way flow of information from a computer to an end-user. CORE4Women is a live, interactive discussion among women about online learning. There are volunteers who have life experiences that have been significantly influenced by online learning. These volunteers want to mentor and share their experiences with other women. There are also scholarships available to members enrolled in fully online programs!
    CORE4Women provides a way for mentors to dialogue directly with women who are looking for answers about online learning. These mentors can explain how to locate degree programs, how to seek funding, how to register, how to engage with others in the online environment, and how to balance many responsibilities while completing course work.

Does Your Organization Have Social Media Guidelines for All Staff? | Beth's Blog - 0 views

    blog post by Beth Kanter on social media guidelines, March 20, 2013, yet another practical body of knowledge to become comfortable with in working with orgs on using social media for learning, promoting, educating, inspiring, etc. excerpt Social Media Guidelines or what some call a social media policy summarizes your organization's social media goals, how staff will participate (dos and do nots), identifies legal and privacy issues, a social media work flow, and staffing needs.

Seth's Blog: Trapped by tl;dr - 0 views

    Love this post by Seth Godin on "too long; didn't read" mentalities as we all proceed in the "checklist mode" of grazing here and there but never stopping long enough to read, understand, and make sense of things. He mentions the importance of "trusted curators" and how it is up to us to decide how to invest our time. Implications for WLS: building dashboards, prioritizing, culling, controlling the incoming flow are all important skills to master for online work. We build on old concepts--dashboard for online focus, leading online--and become trusted curators too to provoke curious second and third thoughts leading to conversions on our site. Excerpt: One option is to read incisively, curate, edit, choose your sources carefully. Limit the inbound to what's important, not what's shiny or urgent or silly. The other option is to assume that you already know what you need to know, and refuse to read anything deeply. Hide behind clever acronyms, flit from viral topic to flame war, never actually diving in. It appears that this is far more common than ever before. Here's what I've found: When I read in checklist mode, I learn almost nothing. It's easy to cherry pick the amusing or the merely short, but it's a quick thrill with very little to show for it.

What Is Wirearchy ? » Wirearchy - 0 views

    Great blog post by Jon Husband , February 16, 2013, linked to by Harold Jarche in his blog. Excerpt: "What Wirearchy Means For You As a Leader" Become deeply aware of and truly mindful about the scope and reach of interconnected markets and flows of information. Understand how and why people are connecting, talking, sharing information. Be prepared to listen deeply, be responsible, be accountable and be transparent. As a Manager Become knowledgeable about online work systems and how the need for collaboration is changing the nature of work, generally - and the nature of managerial work specifically. Learning how to be an effective listener and coach is all-important."

Knowledge work as craft work - 0 views

    a wonderful blog post by Jim McGee, April 1, 2002, on the importance of keeping a knowledge-log--k-log--for being able to retrace one's steps when the final conclusion/work product falls short and one has to start over and for engaging with others about how the thought line developed. Justifies paper printouts and variously named file versions to show stages of idea exploration and development. Our electronic work flow replaces how we used to work with handwritten drafts with all the erasures and column notes, then send them to a graphics person for placing into a graphics format, then circulating for reaction from involved stakeholders, some of them junior staff, then incorporating feedback, final edits, and voila! a product for the client.

Why Women Lose Ambition | Shelly Darnutzer | LinkedIn - 0 views

  • As I reflected on my own experience over a 25-year career in technology, I realized that there is more to it than an oppressive male dominated environment and an unconscious bias in corporate cultures that hold us back. 
  • Personal power is the energy behind all your actions. 
  • It’s the way of putting your ideas, visions and inspirations out in the world.  When you’ve internalized negative beliefs and disempower yourself, you are shutting down the flow of energy to do meaningful work, to take action on your own behalf, and to trust your decision making process because you begin to live in a state of constant self-doubt and frustration.
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  • The costs of self-doubt are huge: think of all the opportunities that have been lost, ideas not shared, important questions not raised, and the ways you’ve held back from experiencing life on a bigger scale.
  • Over time, the result is a self-imposed limitation and loss of connection to why you are doing what you’re doing.  It is not uncommon to experience a certain amount of “deadness”, a loss of confidence in your abilities, a reluctance to try new things, and even a loss of health and vitality.
  • Internalization is the unconscious mental process where characteristics, beliefs, feelings and attitudes of other people are assimilated into your own self identity.
    nice article on why women lose ambition from toxic environments and never fully recover, Shelly Darnutzer, March 9, 2016, LinkedIn Pulse via Twitter

Recovering from information overload | McKinsey & Company - 0 views

  • Drucker’s solutions for fragmented executives—reserve large blocks of time on your calendar, don’t answer the phone, and return calls in short bursts once or twice a day—sound remarkably like the ones offered up by today’s time- and information-management experts.2
  • Add to these challenges a torrent of e-mail, huge volumes of other information, and an expanding variety of means—from the ever-present telephone to blogs, tweets, and social networks—through which executives can connect with their organizations and customers, and you have a recipe for exhaustion. Many senior executives literally have two overlapping workdays: the one that is formally programmed in their diaries and the one “before, after, and in-between,” when they disjointedly attempt to grab spare moments with their laptops or smart phones, multitasking in a vain effort to keep pace with the information flowing toward them.
  • First, multitasking is a terrible coping mechanism.
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  • econd, addressing information overload requires enormous self-discipline.
  • Third, since senior executives’ behavior sets the tone for the organization, they have a duty to set a better example.
  • Resetting the culture to healthier norms is a critical new responsibility for 21st-century executives.
  • What’s more, multitasking—interrupting one task with another—can sometimes be fun. Each vibration of our favorite high-tech e-mail device carries the promise of potential rewards. Checking it may provide a welcome distraction from more difficult and challenging tasks. It helps us feel, at least briefly, that we’ve accomplished something—even if only pruning our e-mail in-boxes. Unfortunately, current research indicates the opposite: multitasking unequivocally damages productivity.
  • he root of the problem is that our brain is best designed to focus on one task at a time
  • When we switch tasks, our brains must choose to do so, turn off the cognitive rules for the old task, and turn on the rules for the new one.
  • arely helps us solve the toughest problems we’re working on. More often than not, it’s procrastination in disguise.
  • the likelihood of creative thinking is higher when people focus on one activity for a significant part of the day and collaborate with just one other person.
  • survey of managers conducted by Reuters revealed that two-thirds of respondents believed that information overload had lessened job satisfaction and damaged their personal relationships. One-third even thought it had damaged their health.8
  • feeling connected provides something like a “dopamine squirt”—the neural effects follow the same pathways used by addictive drugs.9
  • some combination of focusing, filtering, and forgetting.
  • Managing it may be as simple—and difficult—as switching off the input.
  • A good filtering strategy, therefore, is critical. It starts with giving up the fiction that leaders need to be on top of everything, which has taken hold as information of all types has become more readily and continuously accessible.
  • ome leaders now explicitly refuse to respond to any e-mail on which they are only cc’d, to filter out issues that others think require no action from them. Y
  • giving our brains downtime to process new intellectual input is a critical element of learning and thinking creatively
  • Getting outside helps—recent research has found that people learn significantly better after a walk in nature compared with a walk in the city.
  • The strategies of focusing, filtering, and forgetting are also tougher to implement now because of the norms that have developed around 21st-century teamwork.
  • But there is a business responsibility to reset these norms, given how markedly information overload decreases the quality of learning and decision making. Multitasking is not heroic; it’s counterproductive. As the technological capacity for the transmission and storage of information continues to expand and quicken, the cognitive pressures on us will only increase. We are at risk of moving toward an ever less thoughtful and creative professional reality unless we stop now to redesign our working norms.
  • First, we need to acknowledge and reevaluate the mind-sets that attach us to our current patterns of behavior.
  • eaders need to become more ruthless than ever about stepping back from all but the areas that they alone must address.
  • eaders have to redesign working norms together with their teams.

When knowledge sharing is the only option | All of us are smarter than any of us... - 0 views

    blog post by Chris Collison on when austerity forces collaboration instead of competition to achieve performance, 7.2.2013

What Makes People Creative? - The Curious Creative - 1 views

    Love these descriptions of creative traits and people in Tom Barrett's blog post from Feburary 2015

Creating the AAA Organization - 0 views

  • To let knowledge flow, people first have to become responsible for their own sense-making.
  • o remain relevant, organizations have to become less hierarchical and more networked. The first step is connecting to external knowledge networks, a key part of PKM.
  • then communities of practice can form to promote knowledge-sharing
    blog by Jarche, 11.02.14 on creating the AAA organization (Action, Alternatives, and Awareness) Action that is focused within the organization, communities of practice to identify and review the alternatives, and awareness that one gets from diverse networks.
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