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5 Steps for Creating Healthy Habits | The Chopra Center - 0 views

  • Step 1: Set Goals by Baselining Your Health
  • Step 3: Identify Harmful Patterns
  • Visualizing your desired outcome is a useful tool in your journey. “Seeing” yourself as you wish to be has helped smokers quit, obese people lose weight, and sports champions achieve their goals. In order to change the printout of the body, you must learn to rewrite the software of the mind.
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  • Step 4: Make Steady Changes
  • One way to break that cycle is to reward ourselves in a different way. Instead of eating cake, we can go play a game or listen to music.
  • Some of the choices that trigger dopamine's release: eating sweet foods, taking drugs, having sex.
  • So begin with a victory you can define and which means something to you.
  • How long does it take to form a new habit? An average of 66 days, according to a 2009 study from University College, London. Repetition and giving yourself time to adjust are the main factors in forming a new behavior pattern.
    Deepak Chopra offers 5 steps for creating healthy habits

Why You Shouldn't Feel Guilty for Ditching Your New Year's Resolutions - 0 views

  • This is the time of year when many of us fall off our resolution-wagons. "Forget it," we say when the results aren't what we thought they'd be. "I don't know why I ever thought I could change in the first place." We set unreasonable goals, beat ourselves up when we fall short of them, and then use those shortcomings as proof that real change simply isn't possible. And by believing that, we make it so.
  • change is slow and subtle. It isn't about grand gestures or sweeping declarations. It's about the small things you do on a daily basis that eventually add up to something more -- and the beautiful thing about "a daily basis" is that a new one starts every day. You get to decide to start the process of change right now, even if the scale is smaller than what you had in mind. Smaller scales are better anyway; sudden, sweeping change never ends up being real. It's the painstaking, repetitive, meandering change that ends up sticking -- the kind that takes place in the grit and muscle of life's grind. That's the substance of long-term change.
    article by Dani Fleischer on making change in your life, 2/29/2016, in Huffington Post

How we form habits, change existing ones -- ScienceDaily - 0 views

  • When our intentional mind is engaged, we act in ways that meet an outcome we desire and typically we're aware of our intentions. Intentions can change quickly because we can make conscious decisions about what we want to do in the future that may be different from the past. However, when the habitual mind is engaged, our habits function largely outside of awareness. We can't easily articulate how we do our habits or why we do them, and they change slowly through repeated experience. "Our minds don't always integrate in the best way possible. Even when you know the right answer, you can't make yourself change the habitual behavior," Wood says.
  • Forty percent of the time we're not thinking about what we're doing," Wood interjects. "Habits allow us to focus on other things…Willpower is a limited resource, and when it runs out you fall back on habits."
  • The second principle is remembering that repetition is key.
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  • there are three main principles to consider when effectively changing habitual behavior. First, you must derail existing habits and create a window of opportunity to act on new intentions.
  • Wendy Wood explains in her session at the American Psychological Association's 122nd Annual Convention.
    From Science Daily on how we may form new habits, 8/8/2014, Society for Personality and Social Psychology

Keeping Introverts in Mind in Your Active Learning Classroom - 0 views

  • Often confused with shyness, introversion is an aspect of personality which affects how we engage in social activity and our preferences for learning.
  • ntroverts may prefer to work completely alone and discover their best ideas in solitude. They are likely to be comfortable in a lecture hall; listening and learning without the demands of engaging with others. But what we know about learning suggests that this passive mode of learning has its limitations, so many of us infuse our classrooms with more active learning strategies.
  • So how do we respect introverts’ needs amidst all of this active learning?
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  • An activity where students work with a partner is likely to fall within the comfort zone of even the most introverted student, and it still communicates that active participation is both an expectation and a benefit for learning.
  • With time to think, and an opportunity to try an idea out with a partner, some students will be more willing to share with the large group.
  • In small group discussions, introverts typically prefer to listen first, gather their thoughts before they speak, and may be gifted in synthesizing the ideas communicated by others.
  • learning and assessment strategies
  • create at least one personal contact for the introverted student
  • online discussion environment
  • Given some choice and input, students might choose to have their participation grade based on verbal contributions in class, written responses in an online discussion forum, or a series of journals or reflection papers.
  • develop the skills often identified by potential employers — teamwork, problem solving, and interpersonal communication.
  • balance and choice
    Really good articles that comes down to offering choice and balance to keep both introverts and extraverts learning and growing. Nicki Monahan, Faculty Focus, October 28th, 2013

Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? - The New York Times - 0 views

    tremendous article by John Tierney on research relating to decision fatigue, August 17, 2011, and willpower.

To Get a Job in Your 50s, Maintain Friendships in Your 40s - The New York Times - 0 views

  • To Get a Job in Your 50s, Maintain Friendships in Your 40s
  • researchers found that older people on average had smaller social networks than younger people, Professor Wanberg said. This is not necessarily bad — as we age, many of us find that the quality of our relationships is more important than the quantity. But in the job search process, the number of connections we maintain in our professional and personal networks is often critical.
  • Once you hit your early 40s, even if you are not looking for a job, work to learn new skills and stretch yourself, Professor Wanberg said. Also, keep your networks strong by staying in touch with former colleagues and classmates, along with current co-workers and clients whom you don’t see regularly, she said.
    Phyllis Korkki, NYT, September 26, 2015, not a particularly helpful article but does document that on average it takes longer for older workers to find new jobs.  

2016 Predictions in Mobile Trending by | Digital Pivot - 0 views

  • 1. “Hybrid HTML5 development will gain enterprise momentum.”
  • 2. “Enterprise mobility will become more widely adopted. We will see more mobility and digitalization projects.”
  • 3. “A fragmented industry will continue to consolidate into fewer, better platforms.”
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  • international conference calling platforms, like UberConference, teaming up with businesses like Slack and HipChat, encouraging the collaboration while in conference with company decision makers. This will keep people connected at the same time and allow multitasking to take place more effectively in one centralized location.
  • On the go, customers are looking for speed, reliability, and control.
    article by Jessica N. Abraham-Hogan on trends in mobile app development by, a development platform. More mobility, speed, integration of tools, etc. 

Slack Aims to Become a Control Panel for Your Job - The New York Times - 1 views

  • About two million people a day now use Slack, mainly to chat with others at work. On Tuesday, the company is unveiling a couple of initiatives that will add new capabilities to the system. The first is an app store that will let developers of business software more easily plug their programs into Slack. Together with its investors, the company is also creating an $80 million fund to invest in apps that can be integrated with Slack.
  • Atlassian makes HipChat, one of Slack’s chief rivals, which also offers integration with other applications.
  • In its first incarnation, the directory will feature 150 apps that are compatible with Slack, including programs from Google, Twitter, Dropbox and Box.
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  • “Slack is useful all by itself, but it’s much more useful if all these things are integrated with it,”
    How Slack will become a centralized integration point for many functions, NYT, Farhad Manjoo, Bits, December 15, 2015, making it more possible for workers to work remotely.

There's a Difference Between Cooperation and Collaboration - 0 views

  • most managers are cooperative, friendly, and willing to share information — but what they lack is the ability and flexibility to align their goals and resources with others in real time. Sometimes this starts at the top of the organization when senior leaders don’t fully synchronize their strategies and performance measures with each other.
  • First, consider the goal you’re trying to achieve. Map out the end-to-end work that you think will be needed to get the outcome you want.
  • Second, convene a working session with all of the required collaborators from different areas of the company to review, revise, and make commitments to this collaboration contract.
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  • work through the plans, make adjustments, and find ways to share resources and align incentives.
  • cross-functional collaboration is easy to talk about but hard to do, particularly because we tend to get stuck in cooperating mode.
    article by Ron Ashkenas on difference between cooperation and collaboration and how to set up and negotiate successful collaborations, April 20, 2015
1More - 0 views

    great study on costs of intermittent employment on low-income wage earners and their families, by Nancy K. Cauthen, Annette Case, Sarah Wilhelm, September 2015, funding by Annie B. Casey Foundation

Flipping the Classroom | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University - 0 views

  • They propose a model in which students gain first-exposure learning prior to class and focus on the processing part of learning (synthesizing, analyzing, problem-solving, etc.) in class.
  • To ensure that students do the preparation necessary for productive class time, Walvoord and Anderson propose an assignment-based model in which students produce work (writing, problems, etc.) prior to class. The students receive productive feedback through the processing activities that occur during class, reducing the need for the instructor to provide extensive written feedback on the students’ work. Walvoord and Anderson describe examples of how this approach has been implemented in history, physics, and biology classes, suggesting its broad applicability.
    Very nice contrasting explanations with cites by Cynthia J. Brame, on variations of flipping the classroom, 2013.

Lecture Me. Really. - The New York Times - 0 views

    article by Molly Worthen on value of lectures if done well, October 17, 2015, NYT

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work - The New York Times - 0 views

    Great article on how jobs require socializing and thinking, sharing and negotiating, etc. Claire Cain Miller, 10/18/15 NYT

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work - The New York Times - 0 views

    article by Claire Cain Miller titled "Why What You Learned in PreSchool Plays Well with Others" or "The Best Jobs Require Social Skills" on how jobs require both socializing and thinking. Technical skills can be automated but social skills can't.

What Men And Women Are Doing On Facebook - Forbes - 0 views

  • While women often use online social networking tools to make connections and share items from their personal lives, men use them as means to gather information and increase their status.
  • three-quarters of women use online communities to stay up to date with friends and family, and 68% use them to “connect with others like me.”
  • Women are online solving real-life issues.
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  • Girls learn to build relationships by sharing social information. Boys learn to compare and compete with others, always striving for more success.”
  • use each other as resources
  • Today, women are still more likely to be forthcoming and verbose than men, she says, a difference that is reflected online.
  • men leverage social media for broadcasting their ideas and skills vs. women who find connections with others by sharing the ups and downs of their daily lives.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc.
    article by Jenna Goudreau, Forbes staff, April 26, 2010 on how women are more social and specific action oriented while men are more strategic in their use of blogs, networks, etc. 

Learning Matters: Learning Can Be a Slippery Slope - ETR - 0 views

  • There are three key concepts to put in place once you believe in and acknowledge that “the Dip” is real. Learners must go through the Dip for true learning to take place. In other words, this is part of a normal change process. Both trainers and learners need to own it, embrace it and plan for it. Change is a process, not an event. We have all heard this one before, but do we apply it appropriately? (Hint: Those of you using the PowerPoint osmosis technique, or using a one-time only event to promote learning—stop it!) Learners can survive the Dip. To survive the Dip (or chasm, as the case may be), here are three very important steps learners must consider: Expect it. Name it. Build in support.
    good information on the implementation dip that follows structured learning processes

An Action Plan for Staying Close to Remote Workers: Associations Now - 0 views

  • flexibility means people will need better and perhaps unconvenational ways to communicate to help them establish goals and feel engaged at work.
  • What’s your value proposition to a member or customer, particularly a younger one, who may be engaged in your association’s industry during only half the workday, or a fifth of it?
  • In 2016, 31 percent of remote workers were doing so 80 percent of the time.
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  • Gallup doesn’t mince words on this issue: “For fully remote employees, managers are falling down on the fundamental aspects of performance development—those that are based on the manager-employee relationship—and perhaps increasing the risk that the employee will leave for a better opportunity to progress with another company.” But the fix isn’t particularly complex—it’s just a matter of building in more of those conversations with remote workers of all stripes.
  • always-on system of employee feedback instead of the annual-evaluation check-in method
  • makes the need for communication greater,
  • Engagement is what keeps associations humming.
    Mark Athitakis at AssociationsNow on supporting remote workers through regular communication and involvement to engage them more effectively

5 Factors driving Modern Workplace Learning - Modern Workplace Learning Magazine - 0 views

  • 5 – THE EMERGING GIG ECONOMY The emerging Gig Economy means that there is no longer such a thing a job for life.-  in fact, for most individuals this means they are going to have a life of jobs. One estimate is that current students will have more than 10 jobs by the time they are 38. Companies are also going to be seeing a growing contingent workforce (made up of freelancers, independent professionals and temporary contract workers). Research from Ernst and Young shows that two in five organisations expect to increase their use of the contingent workforce by 2020. This means that people are going to be recruited WITH the skills to do a job; not recruited AND THEN trained to do the job. So if employees want to stay in a company they will therefore need to keep their skills up to date themselves. But in fact, supporting individuals to do just this will actually be beneficial to the organisation as it will reduce the costs of recruitment, So this means helping individuals organize and manage their own professional self-development inline with organizational objectives to achieve a  new level of performance.
    great article on 5 drivers changing modern workplace learning

Key Moments Since 1992, 'The Year of the Woman' - The New York Times - 0 views

    25 year history of women since 1992

The leadership lessons in Sheryl Sandberg's and Adam Grant's new book about resilience ... - 0 views

  • What you want to do is debrief failures openly. That’s really critical to resilience, because otherwise when people fail they’re totally unprepared for it.
  • It's much more helpful to say I understand you’re probably in a lot of pain right now, and I want you to know I’m here with you. Just the acknowledgment and conveying you want to support them is much more helpful.
  • One of the things that affected me most, actually, was watching Sheryl commit to finding joy.
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  • But the joy you feel has a huge impact on the people around you. I've spent a lot of time thinking since [Sandberg and I] talked about that. Joy is not just a contributor to happiness. It really is a source of strength. When we have more joy in our lives, it’s part of what makes life worth living.
    interview with Grant and Sandberg about new book includes the three Ps--personalization, pervasiveness, and permanence--for making negative emotions worse in the workplace. Better to acknowledge reactions to failure or loss as normal
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