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Katrina Lint

App Smashing - K-12 Technology - 3 views

    app smashing ideas and projects
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    This is a great resource for app smashing project ideas. It is geared towards teachers, but I can see some excellent ways to incorporate app smashing into my curriculum once the resources become available. I particularly like that it broke each project down into the types of apps needed and for what purpose. This makes it easier to adapt a project to fit my particular classroom or change the topic altogether and use the formula instead.
    Great resource for everything to do with app-smashing. I especially liked the "Get the Most Out of Google" section because it talked about how to beautify Google Docs. A few teachers have complained to me that they don't like how simplified Google Docs is compared to Microsoft Word, but I want to explore these ideas more to show them how it can be spiced up. Then we could easily move forward and show the kids how to beautify their Google Docs. I've found that the kids get really into picking pretty backgrounds and fonts, lol... We just got done writing our own "Declarations of Independence," and many of them wanted to decorate theirs with aged paper, calligraphy pens, etc. Thanks!
    Katrina, Thanks for sharing this resource. This is useful to us as students right now because we are working on App Smashing, and I can see it being a useful resource to share with upper level students to inspire them to try something more complex. I also see it as a great resource for teachers because it offers quite a few good ideas of projects to use with App Smashing along with the apps that make it work. If you are a teacher new to app smashing, it is nice to start with a set idea rather than trying to invent your own project to go along with the apps you want to use. I look forward to implementing some of these ideas in my own classroom!
Tyler Schaben

A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

  • 12 Ways Teachers are Using Social Media in the Classroom Right Now Tweet or post status updates as a class. Teacher Karen Lirenman lets students propose nuggets of learning that are posted for parents to read. Write blog posts about what students are learning. Teacher Kevin Jarrett blogs reflections about his Elementary STEM lab for parents to read each week. Let your students write for the world. Linda Yollis' students reflect about learning and classroom happenings. Connect to other classrooms through social media. Joli Barker is fearlessly connecting her classroom through a variety of media. Use Facebook to get feedback for your students' online science fair projects. Teacher Jamie Ewing is doing this now, as he shared recently. Use YouTube for your students to host a show or a podcast. Don Wettrick's students hosted the Focus Show online and now share their work on a podcast. Create Twitter accounts for a special interest projects. My student Morgan spent two years testing and researching the best apps for kids with autism (with the help of three "recruits"), and her work just won her an NCWIT Award for the State of Georgia.
  • Ask questions to engage your students in authentic learning. Tom Barrett did this when his class studied probability by asking about the weather in various locations. Communicate with other classrooms. The Global Read Aloud, Global Classroom Project and Physics of the Future are three examples of how teachers use social media to connect their students as they collaborate and communicate. Create projects with other teachers. (Full disclosure: I co-created Physics of the Future with Aaron Maurer, a fellow educator I first met on Twitter.) Share your learning with the world. My students are creating an Encyclopedia of Learning Games with Dr. Lee Graham's grad students at the University of Alaska Southeast. The educators are testing the games, and the students are testing them, too. Further a cause that you care about. Mrs. Stadler's classes are working to save the rhinos in South Africa, and Angela Maiers has thousands of kids choosing to matter.
  • 12 Ways Teachers are Using Social Media in the Classroom Right Now
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  • The myth about social media in the classroom is that if you use it, kids will be Tweeting, Facebooking and Snapchat
  • If you're going to ignore social media in the classroom, then throw out the ISTE Standards for Students and stop pretending that you're 21st century.
  • Tweet or post status updates as a class. Teacher Karen Lirenman lets students propose nuggets of learning that are posted for parents to read.
  • Use YouTube for your students to host a show or a podcast. Don Wettrick's students hosted the Focus Show online and now share their work on a podcast.
  • Communicate with other classrooms. The Global Read Aloud, Global Classroom Project and Physics of the Future are three examples of how teachers use social media to connect their students as they collaborate and communicate.
  • Create projects with other teachers. (Full disclosure: I co-created Physics of the Future with Aaron Maurer, a fellow educator I first met on Twitter.)
  • Further a cause that you care about. Mrs. Stadler's classes are working to save the rhinos in South Africa, and Angela Maiers has thousands of kids choosing to matter.
  • Surely students will post thousands of status updates, pictures, and blogs in their lifetime.
  • If you're going to ignore social media in the classroom, then throw out the ISTE Standards for Students and stop pretending that you're 21st century. Stop pretending that you're helping low-income children overcome the digital divide if you aren't going to teach them how to communicate online.
  • Don't mistake social media for socializing. They're different -- just as kids talking as they work in groups or talking while hanging out are different.
  • Fictional twitter accounts! I just wanted to share something that I have really gotten a kick out of recently. I started a Twitter account for Holden Caulfield @_therealholden_ and "Holden" tweets updates that center on our reading of The Catcher in the Rye. Students can interact and the whole thing has been a lot of fun.
    This is a great article about integrating social media into the classroom. It offers a short quiz at the beginning of the article.
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    A teachers how to incorporate social media in their classroom.
    A teachers how to incorporate social media in their classroom.
    This site offers 12 ways teachers are using social media in their classrooms.  It provides links to classroom examples and other teachers.  
    This article talks about the use of social media in the classroom.  This resource is helpful for wanting to know pointers for using social media in the classroom.
    Defense of social media in the classroom and ideas for how to use it.
    This article asserts why it is important for teachers to address social media in the classroom and 12 ways teachers are using it.
    This is a great article that explains different ways to use social media in the classroom. One idea that I wanted to share, but it was not on there, was this idea about having a Twitter Debate. I heard about it in a webcast that I watched last week. I think this could also be a very effective tool for students who are trying to get their point across. They would have to find an article to support their point, and by using Twitter and limiting them to 140 characters, it would force them to make their point consice. I think this article could be helpful with teachers. Teachers can have a lot of different ideas to help students use social media in their classroom. I think that I could use different ideas for the library, specifically tweeting different things that are going on in the library.
    I really like the idea of connecting with other classrooms through social media. I think this could work for my writing classes as a very authentic way of getting an audience. Maybe "Share your journal entry on social media and see if you get responses from people other than me and the rest of the kids in this class"? Kids and teachers can take control over this and use it in so many ways: sharing their work, reaching out to other people and classes, connecting with each other outside of class, etc. Plus there are so many different platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest) that allow us to do a variety of things so that you don't have to stick with just one. Thanks for sharing!
    This was a great article that gave a lot of diverse ideas for using social media in the classroom. One that I found I could use in my class would be a discussion forum for students who are in different periods, but taking the same/similar class, to communicate with each other on a variety of discussion topics. It could also be applied to allow my engineering students to communicate with the physics classroom. I believe this resource would most benefit teachers, administration, and technology integrationalist. It would be a great way to introduce the idea of incorporation social media into the classroom at a PD meeting.
    This was very informative on how to use social media in the classroom in a fun and appropriate way. There are so many platforms for students to seek or gain information, and I find that some teachers are afraid of allowing their students into the social media world in a classroom setting. Also, I would state that those teachers have not themselves explored social media in an educational format. This could be a great resource for many teachers.
    This whole website in general is really good. What I decided to focus on specifically was this article about good practices for social media in the classroom. If you have the time I would also check out the comments. There are educators that posted their own uses for social media in the classroom that were not mentioned in the article. This is a good read!
    I think this is an awesome resource to give teachers ideas of how to integrate social media in the classroom more effectively. Edutopia always has lots of great, reliable information and resources. One of the things that I think is the most effective is how this article has links to other sites where specific real life teachers have used social media in the classroom effectively.

ISTE | 7 steps to starting a global collaboration project - 3 views

    This site shows some simple ways of being able to start global collaborating in your classroom. My favorite advice is to pick something you are passionate about.
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    Hi Sara! This is a great article that I think will be helpful for what I've chosen for my final project for Dr. Z's class which I hope to utilize in my own classroom. The last point in the article was really relateable for me, especially with the global collab project we just completed. It is important to realize that in a project like this, not everything can be controlled. I also really enjoyed the point about asking your students if they are comfortable with it. I think that we all experienced some discomfort in our project, so making sure students of a younger age are okay talking to strangers would be incredibly important.
    Hi! Thank you so much for sharing! I think that global collaboration projects are an amazing opportunity for kids to be able to participate in. It's amazing how much technology can do for us. I can't wait for the future generations to become adults :) What a different world it will be!
    1. I agree that this could be used in my own future classroom -- but it would be contingent on finding the right topic and group to collaborate with. 2. I think that the resource is mostly for teacher use as it provides an overview and tips/tricks for teachers. 3. Other resources that might want to be considered are the different websites shared by Dr. Z during class.
    I agree that this could be used in a classroom. This can be a good way to help students better understand a topic that they are learning at that time. I feel though it would be more for the teacher usage for a younger age. I feel that a global collaboration might be difficult for elementary students unless they work with anyone older than them in their district. Otherwise, I feel it would be a good experience for older students as well.
Dave Brahn

Project Based Learning in History and Social Studies - 0 views

  • hey could conduct their research using books or the Internet engine SweetSearch, a search tool that limits results to academically vetted articles and avoids
  • much of the “world wide web” served up by Google or Bing.
  • narrow and academically reliable nature of the results on SweetSearch allowed the students to assign more credibility to their search results, spending more time reading for comprehension rather than deciding whether or not to throw out a source.
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  • requires the teacher to yield some control, and that is going to be a challenge for some of us who are more accustomed to holding the reins of facts and chronology pretty tightly.
  • PBL is most often done in teams, it is always possible for issues of work inequity to arise.
    PBL in the Social Studies classroom. Civil War and Reconstruction projects discussees
Erin Mulder

Educational Leadership:Giving Students Meaningful Work:Seven Essentials for Project-Bas... - 2 views

    Seven essentials for project-based learning...great information on how to stay away from 'busywork' and how to engage learners in meaningful tasks.
Megan Stewart

SMART Board Revolution - A Revolution in Education - 1 views

    This is a a very cool and can be used for sharing information for projects and collaborative working among students. This can also be used between instructors as well for collaboration among projects, curriculum, and anything else that need be. 
Kelly Post

NEA - Research Spotlight on Project-Based Learning - 1 views

    Information on project based learning and links out to research.
Erin Keiser

ISTE Standards for Students - 0 views

    ISTE standards for students describe the skills and knowledge they will need to learn in a global and digital society. Especially important when creating project-based learning lessons.
    ISTE standards for students describe the skills and knowledge they will need to learn in a global and digital society. Especially important when creating project-based learning lessons.

B's Book Love : STEM in English Language Arts Class - 0 views

  • 1. Design a tiny house for ANY character or author. This is the project that got my students and me hooked on STEM. After reading some informational texts on the environmental benefits of tiny houses (science), watching researching tiny house clips (technology), and evaluating character traits, my students designed a tiny house to fit the needs of a character in the novel we were reading. They used to design their houses (engineering) while calculating square footage so as not go over the 500 sq ft mark (math). I can not tell you how much my students loved this project. They really got into the design symbolism for the character and especially enjoyed seeing their designs come to life in 3D. 
    This blog entry has great suggestions for ways to have students do STEM in language arts. I plan to use some of these activities as options for my 6th graders independent reading projects. My favorite STEM idea provided was designing a tiny house for any character or author.
Nichol Hebel

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom | Smart Teaching - 4 views

    Ideas related to how you can put wikis to work in your classroom! Categories: Resource Creation, Student Participation, Group Projects, Student Interaction For the Classroom Community, Other
    I love how it´s broken up in different categories for using wikis. It makes it so easy to navigate through for teachers. There are many fun and easy ways on here that I will for sure use in my classroom someday. Thank you for sharing.
    While it definitely seems like a educator-specific resource, I love the categories. I especially like the collection of ideas for group projects, as it is always nice to have a pool of formats to pull from.
Sarah Ebener

Why failure is crucial for a student's success - 3 views

  • More than that, they need to experience failure. While I am a big fan of both project-based learning and blended learning, I believe the most critical piece of the pedagogical puzzle is what we ought to call “Problem-based learning.”
  • Give students problems to tackle–and make the problems real! Lord knows we have plenty of problems worth tackling that can be given to students. They cannot be intractable (how can we achieve peace in the Middle East?) or trivial and uninteresting (what color should classrooms be painted?).
    interesting article about "problem-based learning" and why it is important for kids to struggle when learning
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    I really enjoyed the article. Made me think back to a physics teacher who had us do all kinds of things. Map stars, go to the playground and work on centrifugal force. (Wont forget that one, made me sick) I do not teach at the elementary level but think there is validity in having them do these type of projects.
    Great article to get you thinking about the importance of having students tackle real problems. Students will retain more when they figure something out instead of being handed a formula to memorize.
    Sarah I think this article is well written, and a lot of parents need to read this, long with teachers. I am not sure when our society switched over to make everyone a winner. Making everyone a winner is not reality, and as a teacher that is so frustrating. I think about the scientiests who have made dramatic breakthroughs in their careers, and I would love to know how many times they failed? I am sure it was more times than they have found success, but that makes the success that much better! I do agree that this article is going to be benefical for future classrooms. I take it into this: Students might not find the "right book" on the very first try, and that is ok. If they can't read it because it is too challaning, that is ok. They can try again. I think this is an article that both teachers and students need to read because teachers need to let students fail more and students need to know that it is OK to fail! Life is full of failures...but the failure does not define you, how you handle the failure does! As far as the last question, am I aware of any other resources similar, this question does not really apply. The article focuses on the concept of failure and challanging projects and that is ok so that students know how to respond the next time.
    great point about "When did everyone become winners?" Students need to struggle sometimes in order to fully understand the assignment, the concept, etc. It drives me crazy when a kid doesn't get something so they just want me to spoonfeed it to them.
Zoey Salisbury - 0 views

    Using the STEM project in Elementary Schools
    This resource will be useful in future classrooms because it gives a very nice perspective of how things are going currently with STEM. I think this article would be most useful to teachers looking for ways to improve things but it might also be useful for students or parents who want to know more about the how's and why's of what is being taught. I have not found any articles of this type in my searching.

Canva - Amazingly simple graphic design - 2 views

    While still in closed Beta this will be an awesome tool for teachers and students!
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    Wow Ryan! This looks like an awesome resource once it gets going! I think that this could be a wonderful tool in getting students creating their own graphic design images, etc. I think that this could be used by both teachers and students! Teachers could use this to create material for the classroom, etc., and students can create images for projects, school organizations, etc. It seems similar to Animoto (, which allows you to easily create video/slideshows on the web. Great resource!
    Thank you for sharing this resource, I had no idea something like this was out there! I'm going to try messing around with Canva and see if I can make some new designs for my blog since I'm just using default Blogger templates now. I love how simple it looks and I can see how it would be easy for students and non-techie people to use. I can also see myself actually being able to produce some of my own posters for my classroom as well.
    Ryan I had never heard of Canva! This looks cool and I feel would be a great tool for students and teachers, like you said. This seems like it could really have students and teachers getting creative and sharing that with each other!
    Ryan- Thank you for introducing this brand new tool. It looks like an app that can be used by both teachers and students. This is one I would like to stay up to date with so that I can give it a try when it releases for use.
    Canva is a great tool. I have used this tool in my classroom. We used Canva's Snapchat filter template to create filters for our school. This tool is great for students to express their creative side. The one downfall I have seen with Canva is that some of their features are premium and that leaves a watermark on the final project.
    This seems like a really cool resource Ryan!
    I am a big fan of Canva! I taught my 4th grade students how to use it last year. They continue to use it for projects, tasks, and assignments. They have a hard time finding free graphics on the site, though. Luckily, they are also good at finding and inserting their own :)

The Gateway to 21st Century Skills - 0 views

    The Gateway contains a variety of educational resource types from activities and lesson plans to online projects to assessment items.

Wikispaces Classroom - 0 views

    Wikispaces Classroom is a social writing platform for education. It will make it incredibly easy to create a classroom workspace where me and my students can communicate and work on writing projects alone or in teams. Rich assessment tools will give me the power to measure student contribution and engagement in real-time.

ePals Global Community - 0 views

    I can use this to connect students with free school safe email, participate in learning experiences that encourage exploration and innovation, join collaborative cultural exchange and language learning projects, and explore resources and learning centers featuring content from top brands.
Ping Gao

What is PBL? | Project Based Learning | BIE - 1 views

shared by Ping Gao on 08 Oct 15 - No Cached
    This site provides good resources for Project-based learning,
Sarah Ebener

Google for Teachers: 100+ Tricks | TeachHUB - 2 views

  • Use the image search. Type in your search word, then select Images to use the image search when trying to put a picture to your term. Get a definition. If you want a definition without having to track down an online (or a physical) dictionary, just type "definition:word" to find the definition of the word in your results (i.e.: "definition: serendipity" will track down the definition of the word "serendipity").
  • Collect research notes with Google Notebook. Use this simple note-taking tool to collect your research for a paper or project.
  • Study the oceans with Google Earth 5. Google Earth 5 provides information on the ocean floor and surface with data from marine experts, including shipwrecks in 3D.
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  • 30. Send invitations. School shouldn’t be all about work. Find out how to send party invitations using Google Docs.
  • 40. Add a "Waiting for Response" label. If you have emails in your inbox that you are holding until someone gets back to you, creating this label keeps you from forgetting to follow up on it later.
  • 49. Get a text message with your daily agenda. Keep up with all that you need to do for the day without ever having to log on to your Google Calendar.
  • 56. Access your blog subscriptions. Keep up with your blogs and news feeds that you subscribe to through Reader right on your phone.\
  • Use Google Voice to consolidate phone numbers. If you have a phone in your dorm or apartment, a cell phone, and any other phone numbers, consolidate them into one number with Google Voice.
  • Save as PDF. Save any page as a PDF with this bookmarklet.
  • Search for magazine content. Select Magazines in the Advanced Book Search to locate information from magazines.
  • Read the blog. Google Books is constantly evolving, so stay on top of all the latest news with the Inside Google Books blog.
  • Find books to supplement your assigned texts. Search by subject to see what books you may be able to read to get the extra leg up in your classes.
  • Google SketchUp. If you need to draw 3D figures for class, use Google SketchUp to do so easily and free of charge.
  • Google Wave. This brand new Google product shows great promise for anyone collaborating, but especially for those in school. Communicate, create documents, and more–all in real-time.
    a list of 100 lesser-known tricks to help with everything Google
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    This link is great for teachers to use, especially now that many schools are moving to Google. I particularly like the brief reminders on things that I might not think of for using Google products. This would also be a great resource for students just getting to know the products or older teachers that are less familiar with some of these things.
    Sarah Thank you so much for posting this. We were just given permission from our curricilium director that we are allowed to go ahead with Google for Education, so I think this is going to be a great tool to help my teachers with this project. I agree that this recourse can be used very effectively in the classroom. Teachers are always looking for simples tricks and tools, and this offers so many different choices all within one platform! I think this can be used for both teachers and students, but teachers will find more benifits at the beginning because they will be the ones who are introducing all of these tricks to their students, who will then take off with the different tricks! There are other search engines, like Yahoo and Bing, but nothing seems to come close on all the different educational "apps" that are housed like what Google has to offer. It is simple, convienant, and it is something that seems to be lasting, which is always a HUGE plus when it comes to technology trends!
    I agree, Megan! Emma, happy to hear you are moving to Google Apps for Education. I made the switch my first year of teaching and haven't looked back! Google has so much to offer, and for free usually, that the possibilities seem endless. It has totally revolutionized how I thought I'd be teaching!
    Google has so many hidden tricks that nobody knows about! Being aware of these can help you use Google to the most of its ability. I would definitely use this since I want to use Google in my classroom. I have found out how wonderful Google is, and I didn't know some of these tips! This is for teacher use for obvious reasons. There are many lists of things out there, but this is a less known topic so there probably aren't too many.
Kelly Post

Using Pinterest for Education - 3 views

    Using Pinterest in the classroom for things like group projects (brainstorm and organize) and communicating with other instructors to gather ideas.
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    Pinterest is an amazing tool to use in education. I receive many classroom ideas from other teachers through Pinterest and it is a great place to store and organize the resources for later use. After reading this article, I think I will create a group board and share it will my students with relevant class articles, ideas, and videos. Pinterest is my favorite resource to use as a teacher!
    I think this article will be useful for my classroom. I use Pinterest now and we are working on maybe having a district pinterest page or links for people to follow and gather information from. I think of this article as more of a teacher article. I'm not sure how many students use Pinterest but in the education field this is huge.
    I agree that I could use this article for my future classroom because I am already familiar with Pinterest, and the article provides tips for using Pinterest with other teachers as well as students. This article as a whole seems to be geared toward teachers because it is specifically about applying Pinterest to the classroom, but on the topic of Pinterest as a whole, students can also use Pinterest to share ideas with one another and possibly look at some of the boards of their own teacher. For instance, the article states that teachers could create a Pinterest board to share with students so that students could simply use resources from the board to begin writing instead of wasting time researching. The only other site that I have encountered that could be used for similar purposes is Diigo because teachers could also bookmark articles on this site to share with students in the same way that they could with Pinterest.
Morgan McFate

Educational Leadership:Multiple Measures:Teaching with Interactive Whiteboards - 1 views

  • For those who may still be unfamiliar with the technology, an interactive whiteboard is a large display that connects to a computer and a projector. The projector projects the computer's desktop onto the board's surface, where users control the computer with a pen, finger, or other device.
  • The first is the learner-response device—handheld voting devices that students use to enter their responses to questions.
  • A third feature is the interactive whiteboard reinforcer—applications that teachers can use to signal that an answer is correct or to present information in an unusual context
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  • A second feature is the use of graphics and other visuals to represent information
    A quick little website about the some of the pros and cons of using interactive whiteboards in class and how they worked when researched. 
    I think that this may be the content of an article, not a website. Also I question how the results they found have changed, considering that this article was published in 2009. Therefore, I am not sure how relevant the content of this article is, because the technology has undoubtedly changed a lot since it was written. This resource is definitely for teacher use; I think the writers are trying to help teachers see how they can utilize interactive whiteboards more effectively in their classrooms. This article left me questioning what the authors were talking about a little bit: under the "What the Research Found" portion of the article, the authors describe three features "inherent in interactive whiteboards" that have increased student achievement. However, the handheld voting devices and projection of graphics and visuals can be done without an interactive whiteboard. It left me unsure about how useful interactive whiteboards are; I think that if I had my choice of technology in the classroom, an interactive whiteboard would not be high on my list.
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