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Social Media for Middle Level Classrooms - 1 views

  • Thus, many teachers are integrating technology with instruction especially since young adolescents are frequent computer users and find technology very engaging
  • teachers and students feel strongly that technology is an essential learning component because it assists with engagement, makes education relevant to students' lives, and serves as an inspiring force (p. 31).
  • "Additionally, learning experiences are greatly enhanced when all students have the technology to access rich content, communicate with others, write for authentic audiences, and collaborate with other learners next door or across the globe"
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  • Integration of social media has the engagement factor teachers and students seek while enabling students to gain a variety of academic and social skills
  • Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) identify seven types of social media: collaborative projects (e.g., Wikipedia) blogs and microblogs (e.g., Twitter, social news networking sites (e.g., Digg and Leakernet) content communities (e.g., YouTube and DailyMotion) social networking sites (e.g., Facebook) virtual game-worlds (e.g., Minecraft, World of Warcraft) virtual social worlds (e.g., Second Life)
  • ncreased student engagement and learning and citizenship education are benefits related to social media use in school.
  • For example, middle grades students can discover how technology-assisted writing can foster innovation, global communication and participation, and creative problem solving with a broader communit
  • Further, Ramsay purports that technology-assisted writing can nurture student creativity, communication, and problem solving skills while developing digital citizens.
  • Additionally, social media helps facilitate differentiation by allowing the needs of creative learners to be met through a cooperative learning environment. Students are better able to balance their individualism with the need for contact with others, allowing new ideas to flourish
  • Social media can help adolescents develop and strengthen collaboration skills as they share knowledge, learn with and from others, and are active in the learning process
  • Therefore, inclusion of social media in education activities is necessary to help increase equity among students of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds by increasing access to information and information technology (Darling-Hammond, Zielezinski, & Goldman, 2014; Grinager, 2006).
  • Darling-Hammond et al. (2014) recommend the following practices to promote optimal learning opportunities for all students: (a) technology access policies should aim for 1:1 computer access and ensure that speedy internet connections are available, (b) policies and practices should favor technology that promotes high levels of interactivity and engagement and that allows for varying learning choices and opportunities, (c) instructional opportunities should enable students to use technology to create content as well as learn material, and (d) learning environments that provide significant and varied levels of teacher support and opportunities for interactions among students as companions to technology use
  • The first issue many educators currently face is equitable access for students and teachers. Further, uncertainty exists on the type and frequency of professional development for middle level educators that addresses ethical and appropriate use of social networking. Additionally, educators must learn how best to help students navigate safely and monitor students in a virtual environment. Lastly, educators must recognize the possibility for distractions and overstimulation that is often linked to certain types of social media and networking activities (Chen & Bryer, 2012).
  • Educators and policymakers need to provide the appropriate technology funding and related professional development so students and teachers have the equipment, knowledge, and skills necessary for taking full advantage of what technology can offer.
  • It is imperative for educators to have professional development opportunities that enable them to learn developmentally appropriate best practices for preparing students
  • AMLE (NMSA, 2010) believes that middle schools must provide adult advocates to middle school students to guide academic and personal development in an inviting, safe, inclusive, and supportive school environment
  • Students need to learn how to make great choices about what they share and what are appropriate actions with others, and always review and manage their online reputations in light of others' ability to contribute to that reputation either positively or negatively with a few clicks of the mouse
  •, a website published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation and highly regarded by the educational community, provides thoughtful resources on creating social media guidelines for schools.
  • In tandem, teachers must continue to address the issue of plagiarism including how to determine if sources are credible and having clear and consistent plagiarism policies regularly disseminated to students and parents.
  • Research suggests that discussions and collaborations are the most common social media classroom strategies (Chen & Bryer, 2012). Frye, Trathen, and Koppenhaver (2010) proclaim that blogs offer students the ability to publish work and comment on others' writing, which increases motivation.
  • Research shows that social media can increase student learning and engage students who otherwise may be disinterested in the classroom
  • Social media afford[s] the opportunity for all children with online access to contribute to the world in meaningful ways, do real work for real audiences for real purposes, find great teachers and collaborators from around the world, and become great teachers in their own right. (
    The information in this article supports one of the things that my school tech integrationist is trying to get teachers to do with social media. He is asking teachers to do Penpal Schools, which will connect students with other students from around the world. I am going to be having my class do Penpal schools. I also want to try out having my students blog about books we are reading in 7th grade language arts after reading about the benefits of blogging in this article.
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    How is your school liking PenPals Schools? I started using it in my classroom but found it to be too time consuming and the questions were a bit overwhelming in the project that we chose. My students were also not getting responses in the way that I expected them to. A lot of them were just getting a lot of "hi" from their Pen pals instead of anything useful.
    Very cool! I really wish I had students at an older age level. Though I can do something like this for 2nd graders it is more difficult with their reading and writing skill levels. Still a pretty cool tool to use for students and teachers alike. Thank you for sharing!
    Social Media is important. When I was in middle school and high school we didn't learn about social media or how to be safe on the internet. It was more of a foot note than a subject in class that we learned about. Blogging was foreign to me until now. I feel like I have missed a lot because of this.
Megan Kannenberg

Strategies for Music Education (Teacher Resources & Lessons) - - 0 views

  • Technology Strategies -- National Music Standard #1These activities and strategies for music education will help you use technology in your classroom to teach singing.
  • Technology Strategies -- National Music Standard #5Discover great activities and teaching strategies for using technology to help students read music.
  • Strategies for Establishing a Thinking Music ClassroomReference these tips to improve the physical and emotional climate of your music classroom.
    Ways to incorporate technology into music education I can use the technology links to integrate more technology into my classroom.
    Ways to incorporate technology into music education I can use the technology links to integrate more technology into my classroom.
Erin Keiser

Student-Led Technology Conference - 0 views

  • In planning the conference, the students first had to develop a conference mission statement.  The conference, by students and for all, is committed to: Fostering a better understanding of how students use technology and to engage students, teachers and administrators in a conversation about technology. Assisting teachers and administrators in understanding how students use technology both in and out of the classroom. Strengthening the relationship between students, teachers, and administrators about technology in the classroom.
    The CoolCatTeacher is an education blog that focuses in on technology. Blogger, Vicki Davis writes an article about the very FIRST ever student-led technology conference (back in Jan, 2015).
Erin Keiser

3 Ways Schools Can Fund Education Technology - 0 views

    Edudemic is an education and technology blog. This article goes in depth, explaining 3 ways schools are able to fund new educational technology.
Nikki Lyons

edWeb: A professional online community for educators - 1 views

    " is a highly-acclaimed professional social and learning network that has become a vibrant online community for exceptional educators, decision-makers, and influencers who are on the leading edge of innovation in education. edWeb members are teachers, faculty, administrators, and librarians at K12 and post-secondary institutions. edWeb is a place where educators who are looking for ways to improve teaching and learning can gather and share information and ideas with peers and thought leaders in the industry. Any educator can use edWeb for free to create a personal learning network or professional learning community to make it easier to collaborate, share ideas, and move forward faster with new ideas and initiatives, particularly those than leverage technology to accelerate improvement."
Anna Kron

21 Definitions for a 21st-Century Education - 0 views

  • I recently asked thousands of educatorswhat “21st-century skills and tools” means to them, and how one might integrate such technologies and skills into today’s classrooms
  • A teacher possessing 21st-century skills fearlessly seeks out methods and tools—technology—that will enhance not only their students’ learning—but their own personal growth as well.
  • utilize technology to deliver curriculum content in a manner that is both rigorous and relevant
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  • A fully integrated curriculum that includes technology tools that deliver, enhance and create passionate, accountable individuals who use problem-solving skills and resources to transition from a learning environment to a working environment, seamlessly
  • Twenty-first century learning is a remix of multiple literacies which fuse with the tools of technology—and the skills of critical thinking—to stimulate authentic, relevant learning opportunities for all learners, anywhere, anytime.
  • skills in communication, collaboration, and information analysis
  • 21st-century skills require a high level of socio-emotional competence and sophistication
  • Don’t make the mistake of seeing technology as itself and get afraid of it—see it as a tool, as transparent
  • Technology is enabling us to connect to each other in remote areas of the world, share ideas, identify and solve problems—it’s a new, global classroom. Embracing and mastering new 21st-century skills and tools is an essential part of this revolution to ‘C’ the future: Connect. Communicate. Collaborate. Change.
  • skills students will need to be competitive in their future careers
    This post is a set of responses from educators who attempt to define 21st-century skills and tools. It is useful to remember that this means many different things to different people, yet there are running trends through the comments as well!
Megan Kannenberg

The Skills Connection Between the Arts and 21st-Century Learning - Education Week - 1 views

  • The primary purpose of education is to enable students to make a living as adults; without this capability, everything else falls away. Yet we still teach within a basic framework established in the 19th century. In today’s education environment, we seem to be slipping back from the future into the 19th century’s contextual emphasis on reading, writing, and math. The consequences could be dire, even propelling us back to a two-tiered education system: just reading, writing, and math for the disadvantaged in underresourced schools, alongside a richer 21st-century curriculum for the country’s productive employees and future decisionmakers.
  • • Generative Computation The ability to create a limitless variety of “expressions” from a generative catalyst of modest content. Think Beethoven’s four-note theme, which he spun into the Fifth Symphony. • Promiscuous Combination of Ideas Mingling of different domains of knowledge, thereby creating new products, relationships, techniques, and technologies. Think of a recipe that combines the chemistry of ingredients with knowledge of temperature and time, along with taste, feel, and smell. • Mental Symbols Encoding sensory experiences, both real and imagined, into complex systems of communication. Think metaphor or analogy. • Abstract Thought The ability to imagine what isn’t yet.
    How 21st Century Skills from the common core connect to arts education I can use this as an advocacy tool to help justify arts education in the common core.
    How 21st Century Skills from the common core connect to arts education I can use this as an advocacy tool to help justify arts education in the common core.
    This is a good resource for teachers to take to administration to justify teaching the arts. I believe that the arts play an irreplaceable role in the development of young minds, and it makes me sad that some districts are cutting funding, marginalizing, or getting rid of the arts entirely. While I do not teach the arts, I want my own children to grow up surrounded by the arts. They foster creativity and inspire innovation, which is what I want future generations to excel at doing. Thank you for sharing!
Haylee Hanson

Educational Technology Guy Blog - 0 views

    Check out this blog by the "Educational Technology Guy". It provides lots of posts about educational resources!

How Do You Define 21st-Century Learning? - Education Week - 1 views

  • The term "21st-century skills" is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world.
  • The research, to date, has provided no evidence that having either computers or whiteboards in schools has any positive effect on students’ reading and writing proficiencies.
  • Twenty-first-century learning means that students master content while producing, synthesizing, and evaluating information from a wide variety of subjects and sources with an understanding of and respect for diverse cultures. Students demonstrate the three Rs, but also the three Cs: creativity, communication, and collaboration.
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  • Embracing a 21st-century learning model requires consideration of those elements that could comprise such a shift: creating learners who take intellectual risks, fostering learning dispositions, and nurturing school communities where everyone is a learner.
  • Twenty-first-century technology should be seen as an opportunity to acquire more knowledge, not an excuse to know less.
  • We need classroom leaders setting an ambitious vision, rallying others to work hard to achieve it, planning and executing to ensure student learning, and defining the very notion of teaching as changing the life paths of students.
  • Twenty-first-century learning will ultimately be “learner-driven.”
  • But being able to Google is no substitute for true understanding. Students still need to know and deeply understand the history that brought them and our nation to where we are today.
  • Technology allows for 24/7 access to information, constant social interaction, and easily created and shared digital content. In this setting, educators can leverage technology to create an engaging and personalized environment to meet the emerging educational needs of this generation.
  • he term "21st-century skills" is generally used to refer to certain core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world.
  • Twenty-first-century learning embodies an approach to teaching that marries content to skill. Without skills, students are left to memorize facts, recall details for worksheets, and relegate their educational experience to passivity. Without content, students may engage in problem-solving or team-working experiences that fall into triviality, into relevance without rigor
  • Twenty-first-century learning will ultimately be “learner-driven.”
    This article showcases 11 different education experts and their definitions of 21st-century learning.
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    Takes many view points on how to define 21st-Century Learning and Skills
    This is a nice tool for teachers to use. I know that I can definitely take a look at it for my own classroom. Learning definitely changes with the use of technology and how accessibly it can be for students to learn facts.
    I think this resource is very applicable to my classroom because one of my main goals to to have my students evaluate and create which is what a lot of the article discussed. Overall this is more for teacher use as it is discussing 21st century skills and what they look like. Also it comes from the Teacher PD source book. I shared an article that was very similar to this that covered 10 signs of a 21st century classroom.
    I really like the way that this article breaks down 21st Century learning and dispels the myth that 21st Century Learning is the same as learning with technology. I especially like the quote that you highlighted that states "Twenty-first-century learning means that students master content while producing, synthesizing, and evaluating information from a wide variety of subjects and sources with an understanding of and respect for diverse cultures." I think this is a useful article that helps us focus on what will truly help students become 21st Century thinkers, instead of just figuring out ways to have them do their work on the computer.
    This is a great article and gives me a great definition to wrap my head around. One item I feel is really applicable to learning in no matter the date is "...students master content while producing, synthesizing, and evaluating information from a wide variety of subjects and sources with an understanding of and respect for diverse cultures." Otherwise really good information! Thanks for sharing this.
    I think this website is a great start when it comes to thinking about teaching 21st century skills. Before you can understand something, you must understand the definition of it. I think it is important to note that 21st century learning is not the same as teaching/learning with technology. This website would be especially useful for teachers, because they need to understand 21st century learning before they can teach it. Great article, thanks for sharing!

Open Educational Resources - Instructional Technology - 0 views

  • Open Educational Resources Open Educational Resources (OER) are the teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.
Haylee Hanson

Burlington Public Schools Educational Technology Blog - 1 views

    Check out this blog created by Burlington Public Schools. Dennis Villano posts regularly about educational technology!
    I think it´s great how regularly he posts and stays current on the most up to date technology uses in the classroom. This blog would be really useful for not only teachers, but students and parents too because he has a lot of great tips and ideas. Thanks for sharing.
Ellie Bullock

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    This blog is centered around educational technology and using it effectively in the classroom. It contains lesson plan ideas, resources, teaching tips, and more.
Tyler Schaben

A Guidebook for Social Media in the Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

  • 12 Ways Teachers are Using Social Media in the Classroom Right Now Tweet or post status updates as a class. Teacher Karen Lirenman lets students propose nuggets of learning that are posted for parents to read. Write blog posts about what students are learning. Teacher Kevin Jarrett blogs reflections about his Elementary STEM lab for parents to read each week. Let your students write for the world. Linda Yollis' students reflect about learning and classroom happenings. Connect to other classrooms through social media. Joli Barker is fearlessly connecting her classroom through a variety of media. Use Facebook to get feedback for your students' online science fair projects. Teacher Jamie Ewing is doing this now, as he shared recently. Use YouTube for your students to host a show or a podcast. Don Wettrick's students hosted the Focus Show online and now share their work on a podcast. Create Twitter accounts for a special interest projects. My student Morgan spent two years testing and researching the best apps for kids with autism (with the help of three "recruits"), and her work just won her an NCWIT Award for the State of Georgia.
  • Ask questions to engage your students in authentic learning. Tom Barrett did this when his class studied probability by asking about the weather in various locations. Communicate with other classrooms. The Global Read Aloud, Global Classroom Project and Physics of the Future are three examples of how teachers use social media to connect their students as they collaborate and communicate. Create projects with other teachers. (Full disclosure: I co-created Physics of the Future with Aaron Maurer, a fellow educator I first met on Twitter.) Share your learning with the world. My students are creating an Encyclopedia of Learning Games with Dr. Lee Graham's grad students at the University of Alaska Southeast. The educators are testing the games, and the students are testing them, too. Further a cause that you care about. Mrs. Stadler's classes are working to save the rhinos in South Africa, and Angela Maiers has thousands of kids choosing to matter.
  • 12 Ways Teachers are Using Social Media in the Classroom Right Now
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  • The myth about social media in the classroom is that if you use it, kids will be Tweeting, Facebooking and Snapchat
  • If you're going to ignore social media in the classroom, then throw out the ISTE Standards for Students and stop pretending that you're 21st century.
  • Tweet or post status updates as a class. Teacher Karen Lirenman lets students propose nuggets of learning that are posted for parents to read.
  • Use YouTube for your students to host a show or a podcast. Don Wettrick's students hosted the Focus Show online and now share their work on a podcast.
  • Communicate with other classrooms. The Global Read Aloud, Global Classroom Project and Physics of the Future are three examples of how teachers use social media to connect their students as they collaborate and communicate.
  • Create projects with other teachers. (Full disclosure: I co-created Physics of the Future with Aaron Maurer, a fellow educator I first met on Twitter.)
  • Further a cause that you care about. Mrs. Stadler's classes are working to save the rhinos in South Africa, and Angela Maiers has thousands of kids choosing to matter.
  • Surely students will post thousands of status updates, pictures, and blogs in their lifetime.
  • If you're going to ignore social media in the classroom, then throw out the ISTE Standards for Students and stop pretending that you're 21st century. Stop pretending that you're helping low-income children overcome the digital divide if you aren't going to teach them how to communicate online.
  • Don't mistake social media for socializing. They're different -- just as kids talking as they work in groups or talking while hanging out are different.
  • Fictional twitter accounts! I just wanted to share something that I have really gotten a kick out of recently. I started a Twitter account for Holden Caulfield @_therealholden_ and "Holden" tweets updates that center on our reading of The Catcher in the Rye. Students can interact and the whole thing has been a lot of fun.
    This is a great article about integrating social media into the classroom. It offers a short quiz at the beginning of the article.
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    A teachers how to incorporate social media in their classroom.
    A teachers how to incorporate social media in their classroom.
    This site offers 12 ways teachers are using social media in their classrooms.  It provides links to classroom examples and other teachers.  
    This article talks about the use of social media in the classroom.  This resource is helpful for wanting to know pointers for using social media in the classroom.
    Defense of social media in the classroom and ideas for how to use it.
    This article asserts why it is important for teachers to address social media in the classroom and 12 ways teachers are using it.
    This is a great article that explains different ways to use social media in the classroom. One idea that I wanted to share, but it was not on there, was this idea about having a Twitter Debate. I heard about it in a webcast that I watched last week. I think this could also be a very effective tool for students who are trying to get their point across. They would have to find an article to support their point, and by using Twitter and limiting them to 140 characters, it would force them to make their point consice. I think this article could be helpful with teachers. Teachers can have a lot of different ideas to help students use social media in their classroom. I think that I could use different ideas for the library, specifically tweeting different things that are going on in the library.
    I really like the idea of connecting with other classrooms through social media. I think this could work for my writing classes as a very authentic way of getting an audience. Maybe "Share your journal entry on social media and see if you get responses from people other than me and the rest of the kids in this class"? Kids and teachers can take control over this and use it in so many ways: sharing their work, reaching out to other people and classes, connecting with each other outside of class, etc. Plus there are so many different platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest) that allow us to do a variety of things so that you don't have to stick with just one. Thanks for sharing!
    This was a great article that gave a lot of diverse ideas for using social media in the classroom. One that I found I could use in my class would be a discussion forum for students who are in different periods, but taking the same/similar class, to communicate with each other on a variety of discussion topics. It could also be applied to allow my engineering students to communicate with the physics classroom. I believe this resource would most benefit teachers, administration, and technology integrationalist. It would be a great way to introduce the idea of incorporation social media into the classroom at a PD meeting.
    This was very informative on how to use social media in the classroom in a fun and appropriate way. There are so many platforms for students to seek or gain information, and I find that some teachers are afraid of allowing their students into the social media world in a classroom setting. Also, I would state that those teachers have not themselves explored social media in an educational format. This could be a great resource for many teachers.
    This whole website in general is really good. What I decided to focus on specifically was this article about good practices for social media in the classroom. If you have the time I would also check out the comments. There are educators that posted their own uses for social media in the classroom that were not mentioned in the article. This is a good read!
    I think this is an awesome resource to give teachers ideas of how to integrate social media in the classroom more effectively. Edutopia always has lots of great, reliable information and resources. One of the things that I think is the most effective is how this article has links to other sites where specific real life teachers have used social media in the classroom effectively.
Amanda Eller

Free Technology for Teachers - 1 views

    Richard Byrne is a teacher who blogs about different technology tools that are out there for teachers. His tips are usually quick reads and very easy to follow. He posts approximately once daily. Excellent resource!
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    Richard Byrne is a teacher who blogs about different technology tools that are out there for teachers. His tips are usually quick reads and very easy to follow. He posts approximately once daily. Excellent resource!
    I use this site to find MANY great technology resources for my class! And the best part is that these resources are all FREE! Use this site to watch videos and read blogs about how to use technology in a meaningful way in your classroom!1
    I had never seen this site. I am very happy to see it. Thank you. I will use this for a project or two!
    This site has great resources that can be used in my classroom. One post from this blog is about "How to share videos through Google drive". At times students have an assignment where they have to create a video and it would be easier for them to submit the video to me through Google drive instead of posting it on a public site. This resource could be equally useful for teachers. Teachers can share videos with students or with colleagues through Google drive. Similar resources could be dropbox and learning management systems such as e-learning, Canvas or Blackboard.
    This is an awesome blog for teachers! It seems that most of these tools can easily be used for teachers in the classroom. I would definitely like to use some of this technology anyway. It really is geared towards educators and it is nice that they are quick to read for those teachers who don't have much free time.
Ian Hubrig

Clif Mims - - 0 views

    A blog dedicated to technology, education, and other thought-provoking concepts inside and outside of education. Some of the questions posed could be useful in PLNs and also to simply discuss with students.
    A blog dedicated to technology, education, and other thought-provoking concepts inside and outside of education. Some of the questions posed could be useful in PLNs and also to simply discuss with students.

Education World - 0 views

    This website has original content, including lesson plans, practical information for educators, information on how to integrate technology in the classroom, and articles written by education experts. I will use it for different lesson ideas and ideas on how to integrate technology into my classroom.

What Is Successful Technology Integration? | Edutopia - 2 views

    This article goes in depth about what educational technology truly is and how it can be properly integrated into the classroom.
    Great article! I think that this would be very helpful to a teacher when they are starting to integrate technology in their classroom.

10 of the Most Engaging Uses of Instructional Technology (with Dozens of Resources and ... - 1 views

  • The 2014 Gates Foundation report, Teachers Know Best: What Educators Want from Digital Instructional Tools, indicates that teachers want tools “supporting student collaboration and providing interactive experiences”. These types of tools are fun and engaging, and they support 21st century skills like collaboration, communication, and creativity. Learning this compelled me to write the article, “20 Fun Free Tools for Interactive Classroom Collaboration”, which has been in the top 10 most popular posts on the site since I published it in May. We followed that in July with “5 More Cool Tools to Take Classroom Collaboration to a New Level”, another popular post. So there you have over two dozen fun free interactive collaboration tools to consider using in your classes this year!
    Engaging uses of instructional technology including resources and tools, 10 techniques including links to delve deeper into uses for technology
Alexis Johns

21st Century Skills Definition - The Glossary of Education Reform - 0 views

  • The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others—to be critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in all academic subject areas, and in all educational, career, and civic settings throughout a student’s life.
  • Leadership, teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, facility in using virtual workspaces
  • Critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, analysis, interpretation, synthesizing information
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  • Research skills and practices, interrogative questioning
  • Creativity, artistry, curiosity, imagination, innovation, personal expression
  • Perseverance, self-direction, planning, self-discipline, adaptability, initiative
  • Oral and written communication, public speaking and presenting, listening
  • overview of the knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits commonly associated with 21st century skills
  • Information and communication technology (ITC) literacy, media and internet literacy, data interpretation and analysis, computer programming
  • Civic, ethical, and social-justice literacy
  • Economic and financial literacy, entrepreneurialism
  • Global awareness, multicultural literacy, humanitarianism
  • Scientific literacy and reasoning, the scientific method
  • Environmental and conservation literacy, ecosystems understanding
  • Health and wellness literacy, including nutrition, diet, exercise, and public health and safety
    The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed-by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others-to be critically important to success in today's world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in all … This website inspired me to plan lessons that encourage creativity, curiosity, imagination, personal expression, and innovation. I want my students to be able to process and use information and have adaptable skills in many different areas!!
    Educational Reform. Defining 21st century skills. Debate on worth of skills.
Anne Pudenz

Top 10 Education Tech Blogs | Brainscape Blog - 1 views

    10 Education Tech Blogs - ideas and resources for integrating technology, Web 2.0 tools, and iPad apps into the classroom
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