This is a great resource to use in educating yourself on information about digital storytelling in the classroom. You can use this to learn information about it and why it should or should not be used in the classroom. It is a good idea to know the benefits and downsides to any resource we are using in the classroom
The two extra resources I found were in correlation to my final topic I am writing about in this class, digital storytelling! If you have any resources related this topic, please share! - 1 views
"What's the Weather Like Today?": A computer game to develop algorithmic thinking and problem solving skills of primary school pupils
Hello Cassidy! This seems like a great tool for student use. I love providing games on the computers for my students to use. They are learning and being engaged at the same time. Very effective and something I can use. Thanks!
This looks like a fun tool for your classroom. As for my classroom I do not think I will be using it as it is meant for younger students and does not fit into my content area. This is a good resource for teachers to read and in turn benefit the students in their classroom. Students will enjoy the game mechanics that are presented. - 0 views
Using the STEM project in Elementary Schools
This resource will be useful in future classrooms because it gives a very nice perspective of how things are going currently with STEM. I think this article would be most useful to teachers looking for ways to improve things but it might also be useful for students or parents who want to know more about the how's and why's of what is being taught. I have not found any articles of this type in my searching.
CoI Model | Community of Inquiry - 1 views
PDF.js viewer - 0 views - 0 views
Google for Teachers: 100+ Tricks | TeachHUB - 2 views
Use the image search. Type in your search word, then select Images to use the image search when trying to put a picture to your term. Get a definition. If you want a definition without having to track down an online (or a physical) dictionary, just type "definition:word" to find the definition of the word in your results (i.e.: "definition: serendipity" will track down the definition of the word "serendipity").
Collect research notes with Google Notebook. Use this simple note-taking tool to collect your research for a paper or project.
Study the oceans with Google Earth 5. Google Earth 5 provides information on the ocean floor and surface with data from marine experts, including shipwrecks in 3D.
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a list of 100 lesser-known tricks to help with everything Google
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I agree, Megan! Emma, happy to hear you are moving to Google Apps for Education. I made the switch my first year of teaching and haven't looked back! Google has so much to offer, and for free usually, that the possibilities seem endless. It has totally revolutionized how I thought I'd be teaching!
Google has so many hidden tricks that nobody knows about! Being aware of these can help you use Google to the most of its ability. I would definitely use this since I want to use Google in my classroom. I have found out how wonderful Google is, and I didn't know some of these tips! This is for teacher use for obvious reasons. There are many lists of things out there, but this is a less known topic so there probably aren't too many. - 2 views
This is an article that breaks down the "Four C's" of 21st Century Skills. It is a nice, light, read and I feel like it hits the nail on the head about what kinds of skills our students will need in the workforce of today and tomorrow.
Great article about the Four C's. This article is very long and detailed but atleast it gives a better understanding and more in depth lesson about the Four C's. - 0 views
Our goal should be to find a tool that allows students to interact in an open-ended and creative way about topics of interest and relevance to them.
The parameters of the interaction need to be established ahead of time by the teacher as well as the expected level of participation and interaction of the students. As engaged as your students might be in the activity, there is no escaping that this is a course assignment or requirement which may hinder open communication and could dampen some enthusiasm
In a K–12 setting, it is a good idea to get your principal’s permission before using social media with your classes in any capacity. For minors, it also makes sense to get permission from your students’ parents. They want to know what you are doing in class and, for the most part, will be as excited as the students.
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