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Are Travel Agents Still Useful? - 0 views

    • avila031
      This was why people used to need them.
  • They got you the deals you couldn’t find on your own because you didn’t have access to the resources they did.
  • (according the Bureau of Labor Statistics the number of freelance travel agents went from 124,030 in 2000 to 64,250 in 2014),
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  • expertise and special business relationships
  • (they’re heavily used for luxury, corporate, and group travel
  • they have seen a surge in demand in recent years
  • their time-saving, stress-relieving, and problem-solving skills.
  • Travel agents are useful if you’re doing a very costly or complex trip, planning a honeymoon or something fancy, or traveling with a large group.
  • Internet has made it easier to book your own travels, but with that comes informational overload.
  • Travel agents are for people who don’t want to spend hours researching their trips, are not experienced travelers, or are traveling in such a large group that the economics and logistics of booking it yourself do your head in. I’m not surprised that travel agents have seen a rise in usage of the last few years, especially among millennials who try to outsource time intensive activities.
    The following article explains why many people expected travel agencies to go extinct once Expedia started being used and all the reasons why that did not end up happening. In todays age there are still many people that use travel agents, in fact the article even states that there have been spikes of usage in recent years. It speculates that this might be because of millennials always using the easiest and quickest ways of getting things done. In fact the simplicity of travel agents is one of the main reasons many people use it along with their ability to get package deals, assist with group or complicated trips, their ability to get discounts, and they prevent problems.

Top 10 Communication Trends in Hotel Technology - 1 views

    The article the "Top 10 Communication Trends in Hotel Technology" specifically summarizes the top trends on communication in hotel technology. Besides the mobile convergence, not only does the mobile aspect offer advantages such as a door key, remote check in, among other features. We see with all these Internet based connections, there is going to be a demand for bandwidth and the tendency will only grow. One of the major trends related to networks is toward the usage of SIP-DECT, a radio based network, which is widely used in Europe and becoming more popular in the United States. This offers mobility to employees, especially since many Hospitality employees are on the go such as housekeeping and concierge, so SIP-DECT is a great fit. According to this article, throughout the course of time, the role of technology in the hospitality industry and hotels themselves have increased drastically. "In many cases, they're becoming hubs of activity unto themselves. Most of this activity relies directly or indirectly on technology, making IT more important to hotel operations and the guest experience than ever before". IT is an effective tool to improve hotel operations and employee workload. The trends include having the guest's mobile device as a key, offering service automation, fixed mobile convergence, guest apps, battle for bandwidth, location-based services, tech lounges, SIP-DECT, Tech enabled meeting spaces, and social listening. Some are more obvious, such as offering a mobile app for guests to change their temperature, whereas there are others not as evident which include the SIP-DECT networking and maximizes their efficiency with a location-based service. In my opinion, the usage of mobile apps and Internet usage is on the rise, and hotels need to adapt to the increasing demands of its guests.

Student Hotel group commits to 20% water saving in European cities | Green Hotelier - 0 views

  • The WUR findings highlight the incredible potential that scaling the use of Amphiro devices can have in other cities.  
  • At The Student Hotel locations in Rotterdam and The Hague, WUR found that students and hotel guests used an average of 20% less water per shower.  
  • laying the groundwork for shared solutions to consumption, decreased usage and smarter, scalable approaches to city living throughout Europe.
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  • Amphiro meters will be fitted to showers in the new Student Hotel buildings and will display water and energy consumption so students can see how much they are using. This awareness leads to significant savings.
  • Via a landmark public-private partnership with Wageningen University (WUR), Sapienza University and start-up, Amphiro, the innovative initiative, which began in Rome, Italy, responds to water shortage challenges in major cities. It aims to make a real impact on the reduction of water consumption by incentivising positive water-saving behaviour initially in Italy, and soon at The Student Hotel locations throughout Europe.
    For years now European cities have been facing water shortage issues due to high consumption and lower than normal supplies. The Student Hotel Group has came into a partnership with a few European universities and startup, Amphiro. Their main goal is develop new tools and technology to make a real impact on reducing the water consumption in European countries with known water shortage issues. Amphiro has developed a water meter that will be attached to showers in new Student Hotels and it will also display the water and energy consumption usage. The idea behind this is to show students and others how much water they are consuming, while in the shower. They hope by putting the actual meter and reading display into the showers, people will choose to be more eco-friendly and waste less water. According to the article, WUR found that students and guests used an average of 20% less water. This is a significant reduction and is a great way for hotels to incentivize guests to be more eco-friendly. They are expanding the initiative to more European countries in hopes of conserving water and energy use throughout Europe.

Technology Trends in the Hotel industry-Siddharth Goenka - BW Businessworld - 0 views

    • tcale003
      The growth of technology in the hospitality industry, specifically hotels has evolved so quickly that it is difficult for many hotels to keep up with current trends. Hotel technology can be broken down into three specific categories which are Sales and Marketing, Guest Experience and Guest Relationship.
  • Things are changing really drastically and with the availability of efficient, cost-effective solutions, it is not too long before the hospitality industry goes through a technology revolution and keeps up with the rest of the industry.
  • in the past few years, the growth in technology in the hospitality industry has been so rapid that most of the industry along with training institutes and learning centres have struggled to keep up with the changing trends and best practices. Hotel technology can be broadly categorized into three main categories: Sales & Marketing, Guest Experience, and Guest Relationship.
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  • Most hotels are seeing a major percentage of their bookings come from smartphone and internet users, and the usage of integrated pricing and distribution systems has become even more important to maximize revenues and minimize efforts.
  • The use of AI and ML in determining optimum rates for hotel rooms that are then pushed to all marketing channels, can increase the potential to maximize revenues and ARRs (Average Room Rates)  for the hotel, and reduce operational inefficiencies and manual costs.
  • In terms of guest experience and operations, hotels have seen a fast adoption of cloud-based and integrated technology in Property Management Systems and hotel ERPs.
  • with smartphone and tablet usage in in-room guest services and basic services like checkin, checkout, and usage of hotel facilities with further enhancements like augmented reality.
  • The use of kiosk for self-service checkins using biometric authentications and facial recognition can make the entire checkin and checkout experience fast and seamless.
  • The back of the house services like housekeeping, room cleaning, and food preparation are also digitally tracked using cloud-based integrated technology which can reduce delivery time and wastages, while increasing efficiency and guest satisfaction.
  • In terms of guest relationships and CRM, hotels have started storing the digital profiles of guests which can increase the personalization of service and guest preferences.
  • Every interaction of the guest in the hotel is stored and advanced systems use AI to predict and deliver ‘wow’ experiences to the guest.
  • increasing competition makes it even more important for hotels to differentiate themselves, and technology is turning out to be a big USP for hotels. Those who are quick to embrace the modern trends of technology and automation can stay ahead of their competition in terms of both superior service and higher profitability.
  • Investment required in technology has in-fact reduced as technology has evolved.

Has COVID-19 Made Hotels More Sustainable? | The Manual - 0 views

  • These changes have largely been in the form of eliminating that most universal embodiment of hotel amenities, single-use plastic bottles for things like shampoo and soap, and reducing water usage.
  • hotels are also being savvier with energy usage, like using LED light bulbs and taking steps to gain environmental certifications like the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the US Green Building Council.
  • But the pandemic boosted the necessity of being able to do things while having limited contact with other people, and many hotels implemented remote, contactless check-in, room entry, and even food or amenities access.
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  • Among its benefits, touchless tech is more energy-efficient and can eliminate the need for paper or the increased usage of non-ecofriendly cleaners. 
  • due to the lack of guests, there was a decline in the use of chemicals from cleaners and a reduction in carbon emissions.
  • This included a “dramatic increase in the use of disposable utensils, packaging, etc.”, that some sustainability initiatives were canceled or put on hold, and that “stronger, more toxic” chemicals were being used for cleaning and sanitizing.
  • Some hotels, though, took the pandemic as an opportunity to switch to more eco-friendly cleaning options
  • 2018, Hilton announced a whole host of environmental and social responsibility goals as part of its Travel with Purpose 2030 Goals
  • setting carbon reduction goals in line with the Paris Climate Accord, reducing water use by half, sending no leftover soap to landfills, and overall cutting its environmental impact in half by 2030.
  • However, that lack of guests allowed Hilton to start implementing other parts of their impact reduction plan, like having some of their hotels switch to using renewable energy. 
  • heir guests. Sustainability and eco-friendliness are more important for travelers and hotel guests than ever.
  • global travelers want to “travel more sustainably in the future,” and their 2019 Sustainable Travel Report highlighted that 70% of travelers are more likely to choose and book accommodations that are eco-friendly. 
  • Although current practices like using non-eco-friendly cleaning products and getting rid of unwanted waste may be cost-effective and save hotels money now, these and other findings show that travelers are willing to pay for hotels that go the extra mile for the planet, which will earn hotels loyalty.
    This article discusses how the pandemic has strongly impacted many hospitality companies to be more "green" for the future.. From contactless key options, to minimizing food waste, to using technology to reduce unwanted waste like paper, it is helping set new green goals for the our planet and future of the industry.

How can proximity marketing help your business? - ShippyPro Blog - 2 views

  • you may have heard of its alternative name, ‘hyperlocal marketing’. It’s all about marketing to customers, and potential customers, in the right place and at the right time. It also makes use of personalised notifications to really engage customer
  • Proximity marketing enables you to bridge the gap between online and offline marketing. It can entice customers into making a spontaneous purchase.
  • beacons are small, wireless devices that transmit Bluetooth signals to smartphones that are within a certain proximity of the device
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  • Proximity marketing can also be used as a way of gaining on-the-spot customer feedback.
  • Over 60% of respondents to the study said that they would do more holiday shopping in a physical store rather than online if they were served mobile content and offers as they shopped. Finally, 61% of people said they’d visit a shop more often if it offered beacon marketing campaigns.
  • Near-field communication (NFC) was designed to enable secure payments and applications
  • it hasn’t been as successful for proximity marketing. That’s because NFC ads require customers to initiate the engagement, and can’t send notifications like beacons can.
  • QR codes are an alternative solution for running proximity marketing campaigns if your brand doesn’t have an app
  • Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is used by retailers to track store product movement and inventory. However, to use it for proximity marketing requires businesses to invest a significant amount in all of the equipment needed including tags, readers, reader control and apps.
  • it’s not inherently compatible with mobile devices,
  • Proximity marketing can offer tailored advertising for customers, with ads triggered by a customer’s proximity to your store.
  • you can build long-term relationships with your customers by offering them a more personalised experience
  • Retailers who have both online stores and bricks-and-mortar shops have long struggled with having access to the same data offline as they do online
  • It targets potential customers with personalised adverts based on how close they are to a specific location.
  • The technology for hyperlocal marketing is usually powered by beacons, which is a fast-growing market. In 2016, the global beacons technology market was valued at $519.6 million.
  • Retailers can send whatever information they want out to customers’ phones. They could choose to send details of special offers, or perhaps offer a unique discount that isn’t available to other customers.
  • It can improve a customer’s affinity to your brand, and drive sales from both new and existing customers.
  • By sending notifications and offers to shoppers through your app, you can ensure customers take a more active interest in the app.
    This article explains what proximity marketing is, that marketing to customers and prospects in the right place at the right time, and how it works. Through a series of research data shows the development prospect of this marketing way. Introduce the most common technique used for this type of marketing is beacon,while also introduce some other methods and the reason why these technologies haven't been as popular as beacons, including NCF (near-field communication), QR codes, RFID (radio-frequency identification), and WiFi. The author also analyzes the benefits, which contains advertising, personalization, access to data, and increase usage of mobile apps, for companies to use this, as well as benefits for customers, such as a personalized shopping experience. Moreover, the writer rounded up some of the best-use cases of proximity marketing by big brands, including McDonald's, Amazon Go, and Walmart in order to give some idea for readers how this could be applied for business.
    This article discusses what proximity marketing is, how it is used, the different forms of it, as well as the pros and cons of it. Proximity marketing has many different uses, and is currently mainly used in retail stores. However, this kind of location based marketing is becoming popular in hospitality, mainly through restaurant usage.

Application of AI and robotics in hospitality sector: A resource gain and resource loss... - 1 views

  • Stringent implementation of social distancing has increased the significance of robots in the hospitality sector to avoid the contagious spread of COVID-19.
  • Service automation and AI enable the hotel industry to provide customised, memorable, and cost-effective services [13]; amplifying their diverse usage more than humans can achieve for certain jobs.
  • Many hotels across the globe have implemented AI and robotics in their operations. Imminently, AI and robotics are going to change the decision making and operations managed in organisations [19]
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  • This robustness of AI and robots appears to be useful when serving quarantined customers at hotels during the COVID-19 pandemic [24,25]. One may claim that guest requirements have changed as they expect modern technology-based products and customised services [26]. Innovative technology and risk reduction practices attract customers [27].
  • To date, customers also look forward for advanced technology products and customised experiences [26,34]. Therefore, the hospitality sector has adopted advanced robots and AI to meet consumer demands [35]. The future foresees heavy use of AI alongside humans [36] at workplace, but human behaviour towards AI and robots remains untapped [37]. Use of AI and robots cannot be avoided in the future and it is already established that the implementation of these modern technologies increases employee TI, thus highlighting the need to identify key factors that can mitigate the influence of these technologies on employees' TI.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) reflects the ability of a system to interpret external data appropriately to drive learning, as well as to use them to accomplish specific goals and tasks while adapting them as per circumstances [46]. It was known as a facilitator of tasks that is mechanical, but to date, it is recognised as a facilitator of tasks involving thinking and analytical capabilities. Accordingly [47], contended that due to the recent technological advancements, AI agents do not have the ability to handle tasks involving thinking and analytical skills. Robots are any machine introduced into the production process and can perform the tasks previously performed by workers [48].
  • The COVID-19 outbreak has enhanced the use of AI and robotics to avoid the threat of virus spread. Similarly, new technologies, i.e., AI, service automation, and robotics, are being used extensively in the hospitality and tourism industry. When AI and robots are applied in the hospitality setting, different benefits, such as cost reduction, accuracy, and speed, can be attained [35]. However, the utilisation of AI and robotics has created job insecurity among the employees of hospitality [42].
    The COVID-19 outbreak has enhanced the use of AI and robotics to avoid the threat of virus spread. Similarly, new technologies, i.e., AI, service automation, and robotics, are being used extensively in the hospitality and tourism industry. To date, customers also look forward for advanced technology products and customized experiences. Service automation and AI enable the hotel industry to provide customized, memorable, and cost-effective services; amplifying their diverse usage more than humans can achieve for certain jobs.

What is cloud computing services, features and benefits, types? - 0 views

  • From the perspective of service users, cloud computing services have these main features: Hosted and maintained by the provider. The cloud hosting provider purchases, hosts, and maintains the necessary hardware and software in their own facility. Service users avoid the capital expenditures and maintenance headaches that they would have if they developed the service themselves on-premise. Self-service through a web interface. Service users can initiate specific service functions, and increase or decrease their service usage level, though a web interface with little or no interaction with the service provider. Pay for use. Service users pay only for the amount of service that they use. This can result in substantial cost savings compared to the traditional approach of developing on-site IT capacities geared toward maximum usage scenarios, and then having that capacity be under-utilized much of the time. Near-limitless scalability. Cloud computing services providers typically have the infrastructure to deliver their service at massive scale. For cloud service users, that means that the cloud can easily accommodate business growth or periodic spikes in service usage.
  • The wide range of services offered by cloud computing companies can be categorized into three basic types: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). IaaS provides users access to raw computing resources such processing power, data storage capacity, and networking, in the context of a secure data center. Platform as a Service (PaaS). Geared toward software development teams, PaaS offerings provide computing and storage infrastructure and also a development platform layer, with components such as web servers, database management systems, and software development kits (SDKs) for various programming languages. Software as a Service (SaaS). SaaS providers offer application-level services tailored to a wide variety of business needs, such as customer relationship management (CRM), marketing automation, or business analytics.
  • In support of mobile cloud computing, we also offer services for automated content transformation and optimization, so your end users can tap into the cloud from any device, from anywhere, at any time.
    The positive of cloud computing have it's benefits as it helps to establish business for what they are today by maintaining by the provider, self-service through web, pay for service use only and near limitless scalability. The could computing services can be divided into 3 types: Infrastructure, Platform and Software.
Saida Albanes

Optimize Fried Food Quality and Oil Usage with Filtration Monitoring Technology - 0 views

    Restaurant Technologies, Inc. (RTI) is a new company that has established filtration Monitoring technology that immediately collects data from sensors in the fryer system and delivers it to the customer's Total Operations Management (TOM) online portal. This portal tracks how often the oil is filtered, when it is filtered, and for how long. Data is automatically compared to the restaurant's ideal filtration processes, so any deviations are tracked. Managers can opt to receive mobile/email alerts that can be used to correct filtration oversights instantly or be used for staff training on standard filtration procedures. They can view one location or many locations data on the portal.
Qike Chu

Gibson Hotel iPad App - 0 views

  • "iPad - The Perfect Sales Tool"
  • 3D images are used to showcase the Gibson Hotel meeting and event facilities helping to communicate the scale and style of the venue.
  • The intended use for the app product is to help close large conference, meeting and event sales. For this we focused on creating a clean, simple interface to showcase the hotel’s large open spaces and facilities.
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  • The application also includes Video, Interactive Maps, Case Studies and many other features to give the sales team everything they need to conduct the most effective presentations.
    This website shows a meeting room app which is very helpful for hotel meetings and events. Planning meetings and events is not a easy task. Conference managers or sales directors have to introduce their meeting space and explain how they are going to hold an event or a meeting.  By using this application, managers can show the meeting rooms' features by 3D images or videos directly to clients, which is absolutely much easier for them. What's more, the usage of smartphone and tablets like iPad is increasing very fast. More and more people are owning their wireless devices and are drenched in IT persons.  Therefore, I think using different kind of APPs will be a good way for hotels to sell rooms and services. 
Sarah Black

The Big Salad Turns to Inventory Management Solution - Restaurant News - QSR magazine - 2 views

    This article discusses a newly-formed partnership between The Big Salad and WhenToManage. WhenToManage is considered a pioneer for hospitality cloud-based software solutions. The Big Salad formed this partnership with them for their web-based inventory management software. WhenToManage is able to direct its efforts to all of the requirements for The Big Salad, and is designed "to make tedious management tasks simple and accurate". The CEO of The Big Salad anticipates being able to spend more face time with customers and FOH  since he won't have to stay in his office doing work. Yield management of items used in batch recipes/butchering, and analysis of usage trends are just a few customizable options WhenToManage offers. It can even be a complete operations package when coupled with its POS intelligence and employee scheduling software. Since all operational data from each location can be viewed on one dashboard, this software will be a huge aid to companies focusing on integrating and simplifying operations for their franchises.
Krystal Jost

Buffalo hotel launches Verve Living System | Hotel Management - 0 views

  • When a guest enters the room, he or she places the room key into the slot on the KeyCard Switch which then transmits a wireless signal. When in place, guests have complete control over the lights, outlets and the HVAC unit in the room. When removed, the room is designated as unoccupied
  • it also can detect which in-room devices have low battery levels; which rooms have constant occupancy; which rooms have problems with network connectivity; and which are not communicating properly with the hotel PMS and other systems.
    This article focuses on sustainability and methods in which technology is utilized to conserve energy and waste, while also not hindering the guest experience. Hotels, similar to the Salvatore Grand Hotel, have began implementing systems such as the Verve Living System, by Zeno Controls, LLC, that provide wireless connections to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, as well as the lighting in the guest room. It utilizes sensors to activate such amenities, and enables the guest to enter the room, place their key card into a slot, and it will begin to adjust to the preferred temperature and the preferred lighting levels. Once the key card is removed, such as when the guest is leaving the room, after a very short delay, it sends a signal that verifies the room is unoccupied, and turns off these energy-consuming items in the room. Many guests, when staying in hotels, do not consider turning off their lights or air conditioning when they leave the room, and simply leave everything running. They do not realize the impact this has not only on costs for the hotel itself, but also the impact that it has on energy consumption and sustainability. With the growing awareness of being "green", guests are focusing more and more on conservation, however, they may still be slacking in these areas, leaving things on, being absent minded. This system will allow guests to not have to worry about such tasks, and controls the system of turning these items off for them, adding convenience for the guest who is environmentally conscious. I have personally seen a similar system being used in a hotel room, and thought it was a great idea, and an amazing way to control costs and eliminate waste of resources. It is also very surprising to read that the Verve Living System detects low battery levels, constant occupancy, problems with room connectivity, and rooms that are not communicating with the hotel PMS or other systems. This enables the maintenance team of a hotel to fun
Sarah Black

A New Meeting Frequency - 0 views

    "A New Meeting Frequency" discusses near-field communication (NFC) and its gaining popularity with the meeting and event planning industry. This form of communication enables smart devices to have communication between each other; one acts as the writer, the other as the reader. According to meeting tech consultant Corbin Ball, "NFC marks the next step toward a cashless and paperless society".  Barclaycard and Chase, just to name a few, have adopted ISIS Mobile Wallet which lets customers make payments and collect rewards. "Industry professionals are beginning to see adoption in interactive events and business-to-customer trade shows", and are present in some current NFC applications. Contactless payment, automated ticketing, social networking, exchange of information (maps, business cards), registration, attendance access and control are some of the major ways this technology is utilized presently in the industry. Usage is slowly on the rise, particularly with regard to corporate networking events, and potential is huge.  NFC technology is extremely innovative, saves money and can be a great marketing tool.
Frances Mesa

Eco Tourism: Hotels Going Green - Cereplast - 0 views

  • Water-efficient practices can through technologies and proper systems can deliver equal or better service while saving water.
  • Cooling, lighting, water heating/cooking/refrigeration and ventilation account for 85% of total electric usage in hotels and motels. Reducing electricity consumption in theses equipment areas represents considerable energy and cost savings. There are many options for conserving energy: from good insulation to something as simple as changing thermostat settings can help reduce or eliminate the need for costly heating and cooling.
  • Solid waste in lodging include paper, food, plastic and various other components. Implementing a solid waste reduction program in a hotel can create significant cost savings and reduce land pollution.
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  • Lighting is the second largest energy expenditure in a hotel and is the easiest area for saving energy and money.  According to the Florida Power & Light Company, interior lighting accounts for 19% of electric usage in hotels and exterior lighting accounts for 4%
  • Thus, many hotels have realized a significant decrease in solid waste, energy and water consumption by making these small changes. It is not easy to be green in this sector, but the hotel industry now has a new environmental conscience.
    This article discusses a couple of ways in which hotels are extending themselves to go green. Specifically the article lists three ways in which these hotels are initiating themselves into going green, which are through low water consumption Power saving, and solid waste disposal. The article also discusses energy efficient lighting.  Along with discussing these processes, the article explains that its not easy to be green in this sector, but the hotel industry now has a new environmental conscience. This being great for hotels. its one step in opening a new way to help get our environment back to where it needs to be and with there being such a large scale of hotels why not get them in the best order that we can get them. 
    As the article states"The hotel industry has long been associated with excessive waste: using powerful chemicals for cleaning and wasting energy for maintenance rather than being environmentally friendly. Moreover and as result of tourism industry growth, the demand for resources from the hospitality sector has exponentially increased. However, the new popularity of Eco Tourism has encouraged hotels to adopt new green practices that allow them to reduce their negative impact on the environment" The hospitality industry can help improve the environmental problems we are going through at the moment by simply adding: low water consumption, power saving, energy-efficient lighting and solid waste disposal. Furthermore, the guest are starting to become more aware and loyal to brands that are making changes to become green and there is where eco tourism starts and its getting bigger. In the future, all hotels will have to follow the LEED requirements which makes them follow certain rules to help reduce energy and go green. This will help the hotel managers and industry save money and at the same time help the environment.
Melissa Krajewski

Cornell Center for Hospitality Research Examines Daily Deals and Sustainability Issues - 0 views

  • A survey of nearly 200 international hotel operators found generally favorable results for those that had offered a daily deal, also known as a flash deal, according to a study posted by the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research.
  • Piccoli and Dev found that Groupon and LivingSocial were the two sites used most heavily by these respondents, and their top reasons for offering a deal were branding, customer acquisition, and boosting occupancy in shoulder periods. Ironically, the hotels that were avoiding daily deals were especially concerned about compromising brand standards.
  • David Jerome, senior vice president of corporate responsibility at InterContinental Hotels Group, three critical myths are (1) that "green" is expensive, when in fact sustainable practices save money; (2) guests do not care about sustainability, when in fact many guests and group planners specifically look for "green" practices; and (3) hospitality firms can wait to implement sustainability programs, when in fact waiting is costing them both money and business.
    This article comments on the perceived effectiveness of daily "flash" deals distributed through the internet to provoke the usage of services of a hospitality enterprise. It also addresses current industry challenges hotels face with regards to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The first Cornell study surveyed approximately two hundred international hotels. The results showed half of the hotels have used the e-Marketing "flash" deals technique while the other half abstain siting concerns of brand reputation. However the issue of dissatisfaction from those hotels who use daily deals is also prevalent. The conductors of the study recommend those who use the deals to "start small," clearly define the reason for the deal and examine every aspect of the deal, including limitations, to increase ROI and satisfaction. If the deals are tailored to fit both the hotel and guests' needs they should attract and retain customers. The roundtable discussion then dives into an important branding issue of CSR. It highlights common misconceptions related to sustainability such as going "green" being being costly, guests not appreciating sustainable efforts, and the "wait and see" approach being smart for implementation. With education and communication the hospitality industry can inform their internal and external customers of their sustainable business practices and increase customer acquisition. Rather than being reactive, businesses should be proactive and concentrate on their "long-term brand focus."
Ted Rood

Mobility rewrites the rules for POS system services - 0 views

  • Mobile technology is rewriting the rules for point-of-sale system services. This is creating opportunities for solution providers with security, wireless and broad e-commerce skills.
  • Tablet computers have accelerated adoption of open system point-of-sale (POS) solutions that integrate multiple transaction methods, including mobile and traditional fixed in-store sales terminals as well as e-commerce sites
  • One motivation is generational: Entrepreneurs are opting for systems that can "follow" clients and support better tableside service
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  • opting for mobile computers that can run POS applications served up via an Internet connection
    This article focuses on how Mobile technology is changing the way the hospitality industry is utilizing POS systems. Ever since the rise of tablet  computer usage, open system POS solutions that integrate multiple transaction methods have become increasingly more popular. Entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry are opting to go with systems that follow clients and offer better table-side service. Instead of using the traditional POS system terminals, business owners are going with a POS system that can be run on mobile computers through an internet connection.  Mobile POS solutions are becoming more and more popular in the restaurant and hospitality business. Retailers are delivering different mobile applications, such as personal shopping solutions as well as encouraging customers to use their mobile devices to receive promotions and other marketing incentives. In january 2012 it was reported that almost half of all tablet computers are being used for some kind of shopping transactions. 
dawn davis

Hampton Inn and Hilton Properties Adapting Ozone Laundry - By Chris Lewis :: Hospitalit... - 4 views

  • Ozone systems are one of the most proven technologies offering a sustainable alternative to traditional sanitation and cleaning in green hotels.
  • These systems reduce energy consumption, water usage and virtually eliminate the reliance on harsh chemical additives and detergents that can potentially shorten the lifespan of expensive linen products
  • Providence Hampton Inn and Suites had a total combined cost savings of 25% on the new Ozone Laundry system when compared to their original laundry protocol.
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  • Ozone systems allow for an unprecedented opportunity for cost savings on the property level while also contributing greatly to the reduction in carbon emissions and utility usage
    This article highlights 2 properties that were part of a study to show the benefits of installing an Ozone laundry system. An Ozone laundry system is one way a hotel can reduce its carbon footprint by reducing the amount of hot water used verses traditional laundry systems which in turn will reduce utility costs. These systems also reduce the amount of chemicals used and claim to extend the life of fabric. This system installed at a Hampton Inn in Rhode Island and as a result they were able to reduce their carbon footprint by 70,000 lbs and they also received a 79% return on investment in the first year! This article demonstrates how much of an impact a change can make on the environment and the bottom line.
Yingjie Cao

How Technology Trends In Shaping The Hospitality Industry - 1 views

  • links between the hospitality industry and technology can be difficult to appreciate, but these important connections are helping to create leading businesses within the sector.
  • The demands placed on internet services are forcing many businesses to review their wireless internet solutions.
  • Where hotels cater for business customers, the estimate is that 79% of these customers will return if satisfied.
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  • Conferences are another big contributor to the industry and more businesses are considering the role of technology such as mobile apps within venues.
  • In 2008, around 70% of travellers made their reservations online.
    Hotels compete with others by providing excellent service which has been defined as giving outstanding technology. It means technology innovation has become one of the most important strategies to attract customers. WiFi has become one critical success factor in hospitality industry. Besides, people tend to interact and shop more through social media. Research shows that Facebook usage is up 40% since last year. 2.5 billion photos are uploaded to @Facebook each month. It's estimated that there will be 76.9 billion apps to download in 2014. And customers are predicted to spend $35 billion on apps in 2014. According to high demand of iPhone and iPad, some hotels set up iPad in concierge to assist guest with further information and iPad in rooms to help guests to control room temperature, light and TV. As going green has shaping a big trend for hotels, LED light and PlugOut Gym attract hotelier's attention to catch up with. Thus, technology is not only a way to give convenience to guests but also a way to ease management team.
Nicole Dudley

MVI Launches Industry-first Mobile Device Management Solution for Hospitality :: Hotel ... - 2 views

  • “Our aim was to take full advantage of today’s travelers’ increasing affinity with mobile devices, so implementing a device management system to cater to our specific requirements was of paramount importance,” said Sylvia Chung, General Manager of the L’Hotel élan. “With MVI’s MDM Solution we can ensure the security and manageability of the devices as well as guests’ privacy while using them without compromising flexibility and usability.”  
  • MVI has launched an industry-first Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution that provides effective management of smart mobile devices to support interactive, live and on-demand video services in hotels.
    This article introduces the hospitality industry's first Mobile Management device solution. MVI, an Asia-focused hotel technology provider, partnered with IBM to develop the new enterprise class MDM solution. The MDM solution provides effective management of smart mobile devices to support interactive, live and on-demand video services in hotels. The usage of this new device was recently incorporated at the L'Hotel`elan in Hong Kong. An iPad is provided for guest use in all the hotel's rooms, and it serves as an entertainment device, offering eGuest services such as TV channels and interactive guest services including in-room dining. The MDM solution is fully integrated with hotel PMS and POS systems, which allows the device to become a part of a hotel's overall management ecosystem. This device not only provides the features of an entertainment device for guests, but it also offers hotels unique management features. A few of the features include customized workflow to streamline the installation of hotels' managed apps on mobile device, comprehensive push-based notification management, availability for all Apple mobile devices, and effective protection of guests' own data and personal information for apps that required login. I recently went on a site visit at Turnberry Isles Resort with one of my classes. While on the tour, the lady conducting the tour mentioned that with the rate technology is advancing in the near future many of the hotel procedures will be completed via Ipad (such as checking in and out of the hotel). After reading this article, it seems as if the near future has already arrived!!!
    I really liked this article. Personally, I do not have a good experience dealing with people at the front desk. Many people do not want to deal with employees and would find this method a lot easier and stress free. Now you can check in and out from both your TV in your room and also the iPad device. Great article Nicole!
chunxia gao

40 ways to a greener hotel | Hotel Management Asia - 2 views

  • . Ozone laundry systems reduce the Water, Energy and Chemicals used by the wash.
  • 32. Use electric buffet warmers rather than canned fuels.
  • 12. "Green roofs" create energy savings by acting as super insulators, keeping buildings warm in the winter and cool in the summer. They also serve as a storm water management systems, catching pollutants as they drain off the roofs. 
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • 35. Offer guests bicycles for short trips instead of driving.
  • 40. Plant a garden and harvest organically-grown vegetables for your restaurant.
    This article includes standards and suggestions to operate green hotels. The 40 ways include electricity saving, water saving, recycling systems and other environmental friendly usage method. For example, it mentioned to use digital control to HVAC systems, key card to control lights in guest rooms, using CFL bulbs to save electricity. It mentioned as possible as you can to paperless or recycle paper. Use ozone laundry system to reduce cost, water energy and chemicals use. Give leftover food and amenities to charities. An interesting thing, it also mentioned plant a garden and harvest organically-grown vegetables for your restaurant, a best way to save cost and treat food debris. The highlight ways are what interesting in my mind.
  • ...3 more comments...
    I really like this concept, it's an excellent idea to help save energy and better the environment in the Hotel Industry. Such as in room recycling, laundry systems that help out the ozone layer by reducing the water, energy and chemicals used in the wash. I would never think of biodegradable 100% recycled room keys, great idea considering people throw them away carelessly and loose them often. In the Hospitality Industry I understand that first-rate service is a must but little things such as not asking for a new bath towel every hotel night can save a lot electricity and water. The fact that they are considering a linen and towel reuse program I am sure this would be very beneficial and will help lower energy costs.
    This article provides numerous detailed ways of helping hotels get greener and some of them are really make sense. For example, the No.12 about the green roofs that keep building warm in the winter and cool in the summer by acting as super insulators. That is perfect that it help to reduce the use of air-conditioning which would pollute our air and weather. As for the last one about the idea of planting a garden, I have to admit that that is a creative idea but hard to implement. If a hotel wants to plan a vegetables garden that big enough for hotel consumption, the cost would be a problem against the hotel's profits.
    This is a very useful and practical article about how hospitality facilities can go green. Going Green should not be just a slogan that hotels post on their walls. It requires people's attention and it needs to be implemented in the right way. Programs like towels reuse program and paper recycle programs are being implemented in most of the hotels. However, there are still hotels that have no sense of sustainable development. Management is important in implementing these actions and they could be good examples for their teams in energy-saving activities.
    This article provides clarified information about what the hotel should do to be green. This is a valuable guideline for hotel to be a greener hotel. Nowadays more and more hotels bring in new technology to save energy, I know this action can bring many benefits to hotel, but some not mature technology may bring trouble for hotel. I read a story talk about the solar powered energy management system. With this system's control the air conditioner will turn down automatically when there is no person in the room. But sometimes it can turn down the air conditioner when the guests fall asleep. How to deal with this kind of problem is also a big challenge for hospitality industry.
    If your hotel is interested in being certified for Florida Green Lodging or just want tips visit
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