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Contents contributed and discussions participated by avila031


HRIS: Advantages … and Disadvantages - 0 views

  • We’re defining it as a software or online platform that assists HR professionals by integrating the management of employee data with the performance of common HR tasks.
  • One-stop shopping. One of the most frequently mentioned advantages of an HRIS is that you enter information only once for many HR-related employee tasks. And, similarly, you need to update only one place when employee information changes. Integration of data. Furthermore, different parts of the system can “talk to each other” allowing more meaningful reporting and analysis capabilities, including internal evaluations and audits and preparation of data for outsiders. Accuracy. Improved accuracy is likely assuming data are entered and manipulated correctly. Self service. This feature can be a great timesaver for HR. Employees may enter the system to change data (for example, change their own addresses) and managers and supervisors may enter the system to enter data (for example, performance reviews) or to retrieve data without bothering HR. Automated reminders. Systems can schedule events, such as performance appraisals and benefit deadlines, automatically notifying and nudging if actions have not been performed. Hosting of company-related documents. The system can host such materials as employee handbooks, procedures, and safety guidelines. The materials are easily updated in one place. Benefits administration. This could include enrollment, notices, changes, and reporting. Recruiting management. This may include applicant tracking, management, and reporting.
  • HRIS users responding to the survey have 100 or more employees; however, 8% of HRIS users among customers surveyed had fewer than 50 employees.
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  • Cloud/Software as a Service (SaaS): Customer logs in to a remote website or Web portal to use the service. The customer’s data are also stored remotely. On-site/on-premises: Customer uses software that is installed on a physical hard drive or server on the business premises. Data are also stored on-site. Hybrid: Customers may download software/modules onto their own networks from centralized databases.
    Doing more research on the topic of this week HRIS, I stumbled upon this very helpful article. It goes into detail about Human Resource Information Systems their use, and pros and cons. The article lists eight advantages that come from having one of these systems. It only has to be uploaded once, it integrates reporting and evaluations, it removes human error therefore improving accuracy, time saving because of self service, reminders, paper saving, administrative tools, and recruitment tools such as those we discussed in our class discussion. Where as there are only three disadvantages mentioned; security concerns just as there are with any online system, cost which is predicted to decrease rapidly in the upcoming years, and staffing because systems like these often require IT team. These three disadvantages are synonymous with that of the disadvantages we have seen on all of the softwares or systems we've learned about this semester. There will always be a concern with security when a business has data online and when a company reaches a certain size it will be inevitable to have an IT team so I believe that these few disadvantages do not outweigh the benefits of HRIS. The statistics provided by the article are very helpful in noting that these systems are most effective for businesses with approximately 100 employees but can be used with those with as few as 50.

New Technologies Will Revolutionize The Hospitality Industry - 1 views

  • In fact, Gartner believes that artificial intelligence (AI) will create 2.3 million jobs in 2020 while only eliminating 1.8 million, for a net gain of half a million jobs added to American company payrolls.
  • Inevitably, the course of every industry will continue to evolve, incorporate and need more technology to be successful
  • Only very recently have voice and natural language processing technologies advanced enough to truly interpret questions
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  • Humans in the hospitality industry won’t be fully replaced, though.
  • While augmented reality (AR) has yet to become a prominent feature of most businesses, consumers should expect to see more adoption within the hospitality industry in the next few years
  • Restaurants are also taking advantage of AR promotions
  • In a hospitality context, we’re getting closer to seamless processes where consumers can authenticate a purchase without a phone or wallet, digital or otherwise.
  • Some hotel chains like Wyndham Grand have offered promotions to guests willing to give up their devices and go “off the grid” during their stay.
  • Technology is no match for the warmth and personality of the maitre D's welcome
    Forbes articles are infamous for discussing some of the most relevant topics, and this one discussing the technological advancements in the hospitality industry is no different. The article mentions currently growing forms of technology that are already being used as well as possible future technologies that might begin to be used. For example, Speak-to-order is disussed as a technology many customers are already using via their phones with siri or in their homes with alexa and the potential for a voice controlled intelligent system is discussed as a virtual assistant possibility in the industry. Not many businesses are using something like this yet, but it might be something implemented in the future. The article also provides information on how new technology could possible effect people and job cut backs. I was intrigued to read their estimate that Artificial intelligence would actually create 2.3 million jobs and only cut away 1.8 no longer necessary positions. Numbers like this give hope to many people that fear the implementation of technology for fear of losing their jobs. In closing, the article aims to remind readers that no amount of technology or innovation will ever be able to replace the service industry completely, people will always enjoy human interaction.

Online event registration software: own, open-source or paid solution - pros and cons (... - 0 views

  • development of your custom registration system;using free or low paid open source solutions;using commercial online event registration software that can be launched on your website.
  • programming knowledge;knowledge of server operation and updating;skills to optimize performance and protect applications from attacks;adaptation of the application to work in various internet browsers;implement legally required solutions related to the protection of personal data (GDPR).
  • The greatest advantage of developing your private solution is total control over the operation and functionality of the application.
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  • The stage of functional design is crucial and all shortcomings in defining the app’s features will adversely affect the later stages of its development.
  • In other words, they regularly register a large number of attendees per month, measured in thousands rather than in hundreds.
    This is a great article for any company that produces large events and is thinking about implementing event software. It helps to analyze both the pros and the cons of software like this as well as what it takes from your company in order for it to work. It points out that without someone who understands programming your company is going to have a very hard time running this software and getting it set up. Overall, I agree with the articles viewpoint on a companies size playing a major deciding factor. A company should only invest in this costly software if they take part in large scale or consistent events that need the software. Before jumping into a software a company can try many of the online simple tools and figure out what they need from a software.

10 Reliable Offsite Data Backup For Small Businesses And Enterprise - 0 views

  • mazon S3 is one of the biggest offsite auto backup and storage services
  • Offsite vaulting, also known as Cloud Data Backup
  • as part of a disaster recovery plan.
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  • The main reason for backing up files to a remote site is safety. Undeniably a local Western Digital or Seagate hard disk are cheaper and faster, the question is what if there is a fire? or what if there is a break in and all hardware are stolen? What if there is a virus attack and it destroys all the files? Not to mention riots, earthquakes, flooding, terrorism attacks and more. Offsite vaulting solves all of this problem when you have dual copies of everything in 2 different location.
  • Zetta’s cloud-first business continuity solutions will allow your company to recover in minutes, regardless of the failure, disaster or loss
    This article continues on our modules topic of offsite backups. It explains the need for them in case of emergencies, whether it be a breach or a natural disaster that compromises your systems. It mentions the the biggest services; Amazon S3 and also provides their opinion of top 10 options. It provides the benefits for each of the storage services and why they would recommend them. I personally found that Zetta was a great option as they are not only affordable but also very efficient and safe as it uses a push button. It concludes with information that can help a business decide which company is best for them and encouragement to choose one if you want to keep your data safe and readily available in case of an emergency.

The Top Hotel Technology Trends the Industry's Talking about in 2018 - 1 views

  • The hotel industry may be rooted in old-fashioned hospitality, but it’s also constantly breaking new ground with its technological innovations.
  • And as new technology emerges it gives flight to new guest expectations,
  • That reason is the wow effect it has on the viewer. It’s also the reason why hotels are starting to use drone photography to capture dazzling images of their hotels from dizzying new heights to captivate guests online.
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  • intuitive tools that make hotel marketing as easy and effective as possible while requiring as little time and effort as possible.
  • But the most urgent mobile-related hotel technology trend to adapt to would be a mobile-optimized booking funnel.
  • Hotel room renovations are no longer primarily about design
  • high-speed Internet to mobile keycard accessibility, smart beds, in-room tablets, and more Internet-of-things innovations.
  • With a virtual concierge, guests can do everything from making dinner reservations to requesting more pillows on a phone app or in-room device.
    This article explains how guests expectations are constantly changing and evolving because of technology and leading to wants for the hospitality industry to implement innovations. It also details some of the main up and coming trends and what each one aids in. For example, it mentions the trend of using drones for photography and explains that the images captivate potential customers and wows them. Interestingly it also discusses the trend of virtual concierges which can be seen as surprising being as this was such a person on person experience and the article reports that it is freeing up staff resources. It concludes with possible future trends.

HNN - How to prevent, handle employee theft - 0 views

  • No employer hires an employee thinking he or she is someday going to steal. Hoteliers need to take steps to prevent theft and be cautious in taking action against an employee after a suspected theft. Both have practical and legal implications.  
  • The first step is prevention.
  • Maintain a well-publicized policy covering searches of employees’ lockers or personal belongings. Conduct searches in a manner that minimizes confrontation, is minimally invasive and conducted with the dignity of the employee in mind.    
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  • Consult with trusted labor and employment law counsel in your particular state before making this decision.
  • While hoteliers can take steps to reduce employee theft, eliminating it entirely is likely an impossibility.
    This article relates back to our discussion post for the week; employee theft and fraud. It explains how hotels create quite the opportunity for employees to steal and however you try to filter potential employees you never hire someone expecting they will do such a thing to your business. Because you can not be 100% sure your employee is a trustworthy person who would never steal you have to set the proper rules and precautions. Prevention is the first and likely most important step in keeping your company safe from internal theft because once it has already happened there are several contingencies. The article explains the many laws and crimes that an be committed when accusing an employee of theft and from terminating them because of it.

6 ways artificial intelligence is already impacting hospitality | Hotel Management - 1 views

  • Artificial intelligence is changing all that. With its ability to streamline processes, provide valuable insights and optimize experiences, it’s driving the new wave of responsive, guest-centric hospitality.
  • AI can level the playing field, easily identifying the personal touches that draw people to your hotel (or your competitor’s), and tailoring your experience to the individual. You can also use AI to personalize your rewards program, not just for what to offer, but for who to include.
  • (Airbnb already does this with its host pricing recommendations)
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  • By using AI-fueled chatbots integrated into your website or even within a social-media platform, you can reduce this friction while also providing a personalized experience.
  • AI can use occupancy data, guest feedback and self-reported guest data to gauge which upgrades or repairs should be implemented first and which improvements will deliver the best return.
  • AI has the potential to transform almost every facet of your hospitality business to deliver better returns, processes and experiences. And with the technology curve meaning that AI is only becoming more accessible, businesses of all sizes can benefit from the AI competitive advantage.
    Artificial intelligence may sound like a topic for the future but this article helps to enlighten just how much we are using AI's and shows how they are the "now". The benefits that come from integrating artificial intelligence are incomparable. Examples of the limitless things an AI can do can include, controlling reward programs, detail occupancy patterns and adjust price accordingly, control chat rooms, create personalized experiences, organize marketing and social media, and so much more. It is so powerful that it can practically control and accomplish any task in any hospitality department.

Cloud hotel software Vs. Installed hotel software - SabeeApp Blog - 0 views

  • But a hotel management system can be effective only if it provides a wide scale of features. This ensures versatile services that can fit the wider range of customers.
  • they are often not affordable for small and mid-size properties with limited budgets.
  • e very common stereotype is that after the change to cloud-based software all data will be easily accessible by “bad people”. In other words, data won’t be secure. But hoteliers should not forget that such systems are working with well-secured servers and have necessary certificates to protect sensitive data.
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  • For big hotels and hotel chains installed software might work perfectly as the business is pretty much going inside the hotel. But for smaller accommodation businesses mobility is value #1. Small hotel owners are managing everything by themselves. Therefore they need to have access to the system from any part of the world. During their holidays they must see if new reservation arrived or if they need to adjust the price. Apartment rentals most of the times don’t even have reception and has to follow up their reservations while being anywhere else. For such people and for such businesses cloud hotel software solutions are the key component for success. They can have professional technology that big hotel chains are using, just for more affordable price and better flexibility.
    This is an article that compares the new form of cloud property management systems versus the original installed in the property PMS. It compares the features missing from both ends such as the fact the installed PMS can not get free upgrades but it does not require IT expertise. The article makes a great point in stating that both systems can be great for a small business, where as most people assume only an installed PMS works for a small business because it is the more affordable option but because of the fact that one person is usually running the small business they can benefit from having access to the PMS from anywhere which is only capable from a cloud PMS. It is also important to remember that when moving to a new system it can not be assumed to be exactly like the previous system.

The depressing truth about e-waste: 10 things to know - TechRepublic - 0 views

  • What is surprising, however, is how little the public knows about e-waste and how to properly dispose of electronics.
  • Electronic waste is a globalized business, and about 70% to 80% of it is shipped to landfills in many developing nations,
  • under-regulated environments.
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  • In 2012, the US generated more than 9 million tons of e-waste, which was a huge jump from its 2 million tons in 2005. According to the EPA, 141 million mobile devices were ready for end-of-life management in 2008, but they made up less than 1% of discarded electronics. Of the electronic waste the US generated, only 25% was recycled. The other 75% was sent to landfills in the US or abroad.
  • United Nations' Solving the E-Waste Problem (StEP) Initiative,
  • harmful elements include:Lead, which is in most electronic equipmentBeryllium, a lightweight metal in many electronics Mercury, in many lighting displays Polyvinyl chloride, often used for cabling in circuit board
  • The Responsible Electronics Recycling Act of 2013, which would make it illegal for the US to send toxic e-waste to other nations was never passed. The Senate introduced the same one in March 2014, but it still hasn't passed.
  • Apple unveiled a new trade-in program for iPhones
    This article focuses on the electronic waste epidemic that is occurring all around the globe. Because so many people are clueless on the subject they have listed out the 10 basic things you should know on the subject. 1. Is everything that makes up electronic waste which is just about everything you use and everything in your home including fridges, washing machines, ect. 2. It explains where all of it goes, even though we think it may be getting disposed of properly about 80% is sent to developing nations. 3. It explains that this is extremely dangerous as it has harmful elements that can even cause death when not handled properly. 4. It has the potential to be used again or even made into new things like jewelry. 5. There are trust worthy places you can take your old electronics such as e-Stewards. 6. Ways to avoid giving your old electronics to the wrong person. 7. The reason this is happening is because there really isn't any laws to prevent it. 8. Thankfully now companies are starting to implement trade in programs. 9. China is truly suffering from this problem. 10. Shows just how little people know about E-waste.

Are Travel Agents Still Useful? - 0 views

    • avila031
      This was why people used to need them.
  • They got you the deals you couldn’t find on your own because you didn’t have access to the resources they did.
  • (according the Bureau of Labor Statistics the number of freelance travel agents went from 124,030 in 2000 to 64,250 in 2014),
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  • expertise and special business relationships
  • (they’re heavily used for luxury, corporate, and group travel
  • they have seen a surge in demand in recent years
  • their time-saving, stress-relieving, and problem-solving skills.
  • Travel agents are useful if you’re doing a very costly or complex trip, planning a honeymoon or something fancy, or traveling with a large group.
  • Internet has made it easier to book your own travels, but with that comes informational overload.
  • Travel agents are for people who don’t want to spend hours researching their trips, are not experienced travelers, or are traveling in such a large group that the economics and logistics of booking it yourself do your head in. I’m not surprised that travel agents have seen a rise in usage of the last few years, especially among millennials who try to outsource time intensive activities.
    The following article explains why many people expected travel agencies to go extinct once Expedia started being used and all the reasons why that did not end up happening. In todays age there are still many people that use travel agents, in fact the article even states that there have been spikes of usage in recent years. It speculates that this might be because of millennials always using the easiest and quickest ways of getting things done. In fact the simplicity of travel agents is one of the main reasons many people use it along with their ability to get package deals, assist with group or complicated trips, their ability to get discounts, and they prevent problems.

3 Reasons Why Payment Security Should be the #1 Concern at Your Hotel - 1 views

  • the hospitality industry is the number 1 target for cyber criminals.
  • Most breaches in hospitality target the POS (91%), but other targets can include reservations procedures and unsecure integrations between software applications.
  • you are a potential target for hackers.
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  • Experiencing a data breach could cost your hotel an excess of $5 million dollars.
  • These are three simple reasons why payment security should be a top concern at your hotel. There are ways to minimize, or even eliminate, the risk of data breaches. First, make payment security a priority for every department of your hotel, not just the IT department. Ensure that all employees understand the risks involved with improper handling of credit cards through training and education.
    Although the article title says three reasons why payment security should be the number one concern at your hotel it goes into much more detail than three reasons. It truly explains all of the reasons to take PCI seriously. The hospitality industry is the number one target, it can cost you millions of dollars, most breaches occur in the pos system one of the most common systems in the hospitality industry. It also provides suggested solutions such as making sure not just IT is in charge of security, properly training staff, use encryption software, and staying educated on the subject.

Make Your Hotel More Profitable With Hospitality Software - 1 views

  • The current dynamics of the Hospitality Industry indicate the need for a more tech-savvy approach towards enhanced customer experience. Resorting to complex spreadsheets and documentation is definitely not a favorable idea in this case. The implementation of a highly effective Hospitality Software can help elevate the business standards of the hotel and tourism industry. The use of this software will definitely provide an immense boost to the performance levels and financial profits in any Hotel.
    • avila031
      These are just some of the features that softwares can offer a hospitality company. More and more features are being added to softwares to integrate technology into every aspect of the company.
  • The Hospitality Software provides seamless integration of various processes related to the hotel business. The modules and the support system in the software enable excellent productivity levels in a hotel organization, thereby establishing the best business standards. This software is a highly recommended solution for revolutionizing the hospitality industry with streamlined business processes, excellent efficacy levels and greater financial rewards!
    This article layouts all of the benefits and reasons for a company to begin using software. It states that there is a clear need for technology in order to grow, as it allows for increased customer service, eliminated human error, and increased profitability. This is all achieved due to benefits such as; mobile integration, data back up, accounting services, monthly reports, reservation management, rate management, multiple payment methods, automation, and customization. These softwares also allow management across multiple properties and therefore creates more opportunities for growing the company. All in all there should be no reason for the business not to integrate as only growth and benefits can come from it.
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