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Conditions Associated with Increased Risk of Fraud A Model for Publicly Traded Restaura... - 0 views

shared by marble_bird on 12 Jul 20 - No Cached
  • Many restaurant industry examples provide evidence that as a firm’s internal control structure weakens and deficiencies are found, the opportunity for fraud increases significantly.
  • The main premise of the study tests the application of the fraud triangle framework constructs to publicly traded restaurant companies during the time period of 2002–2014, using proxy variables defined through literature. The proxy variables selected were company size, amount of debt, employee turnover, organizational structure, the Recession, inflation rate, interest rate, executive stock compensation, return on assets, and international sales growth.
  • growing pressures from both passive and active investors to constantly increase their stock value in a competitive world where meeting performance goals are necessary to maintain a competitive edge
  • ...69 more annotations...
  • To meet targets, it is typical for companies to put additional stresses on their internal control structures by reducing head counts, requiring employees to perform more than one job, and rearranging risk profiles
  • The deceptive and corrupt business practicesofthesecompaniesandothersresulted largely from a failure of corporate governance and lack of ethical business practices, in which internal control mechanisms were circumvented by conflicts of interest that enriched executives and damaged shareholders
  • Deficiencies are often observed through review of the main business cycles: revenue and receivables, purchasing and payables, treasury and stock, and financial reporting
  • Internal controls are often the first avenue of protection in safeguarding assets and thwarting and discovering errors and fraud
  • Some research has been conducted in this area, and findings suggest that companies in the telecommunications, technology, financial, and services industries experience the most difficulty with SarbanesOxley compliance efforts because of increased risk of fraud from industry and company risk factors
  • Therefore, pressure resulting from expectations of financial performance, opportunity to circumvent internal controls, and rationalization coupled with certain inherent industry factors may contribute to increased risk of fraud
  • opportunity to engage in unethical behavior may stem from the macro environment, the operational features, and the specific nature of the business cycles
  • Because of this potential for fraud on the company, shareholders, and the public, examining the conditions that may prompt fraud is necessary for the efficiency of the restaurant industry, and namely, for those passive and active investors that are relying on the financial statements to be true and accurate
  • the restaurant industry is often susceptible to deficiencies because of its inherent characteristics and high control risk
  • Corporate scandals, misappropriation of assets and financial statement misstatement are all very real threats to the restaurant industry.
  • the central focus of this study is to understand the factors that contribute to increased risk of fraud to determine why fraud may occur despite the imposed regulation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
  • numerous researchers have found indication that executive stock option compensation provides encouragements for behavior that is fraudulent or corrupt
  • the study seeks to identify the factors that may provide the optimal criteria to engage in fraudulent or opportunistic behavior, using the incidence of a reported control deficiency as the measurable dependent variable.
  • The fraud triangle is the model that explains the factors that may cause an individual or a company to commit occupational fraud.
  • The differing classifications and definitions of pressure provide evidence that the construct is not directly observable; therefore, researchers in this field have measured the construct of pressure through proxy variables
  • consists of three constructs: pressure/motivation, opportunity, and rationalization. The three constructs offer an explanation as to why management commits fraud, and the dynamic relationship that underlies the acts of occupational fraud.
  • pressure may best be classified into four general types that may lead to fraud: financial stability, external pressure, manager’s personal financial situations, and meeting financial targets (
  • when considering measurements of external pressures relating to debt financing, the financial leverage ratio is the most common measurement of the amount of debt.
  • Both pressures and opportunities are often determined by factors that occur at both the individual and company level (
  • ROA, or asset composition, is an appropriate proxy measurement for the pressure of meeting financial targets.
  • according to the fraud triangle, it can be said that opportunity does not exist unless a pressure exists.
  • nonshareable problems could also motivate groups of individuals, representative of a company’s culture, to commit fraud.
  • Opportunity is described as an atmosphere or temporary environment that enables fraud to be committed, usually with a small perceived probability of being caught or reprimanded
  • In a study of Swedish restaurant companies, it is noted that competition is very high, often resulting in price wars among different companies that reduce prices and then try to compensate through increased sales
  • Some risk factors include the susceptibility of the industry to market changes as well as the nature of the industry, coupled with the specific operations of the company such as whether there are significant or complex international operations; how effective management is at monitoring activities within the organization; and the level of complexity that exists in the organization
  • This environment is therefore dependent on the discretionary income of consumers, and this increased pressure may lead to earnings mismanagement through overstatement.
  • Public companies in the restaurant industry are susceptible to opportunities for fraud on the basis of the aforementioned opportunities
  • The ability to commit fraud in the restaurant industry results from inside knowledge of processes and procedures, and the ability to circumvent controls through weaknesses (
  • strong evidence has also linked the CEO position to fraud when the CEO is also the Chairman of the Board. In incidences like this, the CEO is the dominate decision maker for an organization that may provide an increased opportunity for fraud.
  • The underlying reason for these three categories of increased opportunities for fraud is the state of the internal controls structure, and management’s commitment to strong corporate governance
  • Rationalization is essentially an attitude, belief, or position of the mind or ethical personality that enables an employee or group of employees of a company to intentionally misappropriate assets and then defend their dishonest activities
  • Weak corporate governance structures are often presented through ineffective monitoring of management.
  • A quantifiable means of capturing this could be through review of executive stock compensation measures.
  • excessive use of discretionary accruals may lead to poor audit opinions, providing a rationalized thought for business activities.
  • the nature of the restaurant industry is often described as a periodic, seasonal, and cyclic trade
  • Defining parameters for financial reporting can also have an effect on reducing the rationalized behavior and the opportunity to commit fraud
  • Because these conditions have an obvious effect on earnings and measures of success, this seasonal variability and volatility should be considered when analyzing pressures in the restaurant industry
  • For restaurant companies, this means that rationalizations and attitudes can be managed by assessing the internal control environment and understanding the pressures and opportunities that exist for employees.
  • Some restaurant industry pressures that may impact profitable sales growth include a lack of understanding of the consumer’s perception, including the relevance of existing brands, and delays in opening new restaurants. Likewise, an inability to consider cost pressures, including increasing fees for supplies, utilities, and health care providers contracted by restaurants, as well as an incapability of obtaining economies of scale in procurement, could compress margins and negatively impact sales and operations profit margin.
  • The value in the application of the fraud triangle to the restaurant industry provides an opportunity to extend theoretical contributions that originated from mainstream accounting to hospitality literature, which is severely lacking in the current literature
  • Likewise, restaurant companies that are smaller (and therefore may not have strong internal controls) with increasingly complex transactions create additional opportunities for fraud to be committed
  • competitiveness is a condition that makes meeting financial targets difficult and provides opportunity for fraudulent behavior. External pressure from analysts and investors may create an incentive to misappropriate assets, which, in turn, distorts common financial measures of success such as return on assets.
  • when debt financing exists, in order to address past and future obligations, and remain competitive, restaurant companies are at an increased risk of fraud especially when disruptions in financial and credit markets exist.
  • Studies have revealed that restaurant company victory and demise is eventually correlated to restaurant leadership abilities and intentions; therefore, it can be stated that executives and managers’ intentions are of utmost concern in understanding risk of fraud
  • firms with increasingly complex operations coupled with changes in organizational structure have less resources to put into internal controls and are therefore at an increased risk for accounting errors.
  • .Internationalgrowthissubjecttorisks such as international political and economic conditions, foreign currency fluctuations, and divergent cultures and consumer inclinations
  • This study will focus on the variables most pertinent to the restaurant industry on the basis of the inherent characteristics of U.S. publicly traded restaurant companies, as previously described in this section.
  • a s a result of workforce diversity and the presence of many perceived low-skilled workers. In addition, as companies within the industry respond to declining performance, publicly traded restaurant companies may be subject to activist investors who wish to see a change in the executive management team. If a shake-up such as this would occur, the organizational structure of the company may become unstable, resulting in much greater opportunities for fraud to occur at all levels.
  • this study looks to assess the relation between the amount of debt a company has occurred and the incidence of reported internal control deficiencies.
  • Variables relating to rationalization are present in the restaurant industry when considering the motivations and attitudes of management. It is noted that in difficult times, such as the Recession, aggressive financial reporting tactics may be used
  • this study seeks to understand the effect of substantial stock compensation on increased fraud risk.
  • this study also hypothesizes that poor ROA could increase the risk of fraud, as the pressure provides executive management with the motivation to manipulate earnings.
  • this study suggests that the organizational structure of the company may provide opportunity for increased fraud risk through a unitary tone at the top.
  • this study analysed the disclosures of publicly traded restaurant companies to determine whether a company has a higher probability of increased fraud risk on the basis of the presented variables.
  • The results of the applied probit model reveal for the entire population set of publicly traded restaurant companies that the macroeconomic factors of the Recession, interest rate, inflation rate and unemployment rate all have a significant impact on the increased risk of fraud, as evidenced through a reported internal control deficiency.
  • As noted in the overall model, the results reveal that the model as a whole is a significant fit to the data. Although the company-level variables were not significant in the overall model, external factors were each significant.
  • Therefore, it can be said that the results of this study empirically support the intuition that changes in macroeconomic conditions may impact increased risk of fraud for companies in the restaurant industry.
  • It can be said that there is a significant relation between increased risk of fraud and the macroeconomic factors of interest, inflation, and unemployment rates.
  • from a managerial perspective, the study provides evidence that macroeconomic conditions that might affect consumer demand may increase the risk of fraud for publicly traded restaurant companies.
  • In addition to the high costs of compliance, it is also important to recognize additional managerial characteristics that may heighten the effects of the macroeconomic conditions on increased fraud risk.
  • As indicated by the results of the study, however, many times executive management does not recognize the problems associated with the macroeconomic conditions because of systematic perceptual filters that play the crucial role in the functioning of the company.
  • By focusing on the changing macroeconomic conditions that may have an empirical effect on demand, executive leadership will be able to streamline processes to avoid incidences of reporting internal control deficiencies when exposed to the macroeconomic conditions.
  • In the restaurant industry in particular, information is also not readily quantifiable, which makes it even more difficult to transform into meaningful and timely information for executive management. Particular examples include consumer insights and how well new promotions are received and moved throughout the market.
  • it should be noted that reported internal control deficiencies are indicative of increased fraud risk, but not necessarily conclusive that fraud has occurred. Therefore, just because a company has reported a deficiency, it does not indicate fraud, necessarily.
  • According to the model, the managerial factors are only exacerbated by the presence of macroeconomic factors.
  • the identified conditions could help managers to improve internal control when a high risk factor is realized. The contribution of this study may allow restaurant companies to deter activities that may result in increased risk of fraud.
  • Because the study revealed that the macroeconomic conditions were significant for the entire population of restaurant companies, an area of future research might explore the relevance of the co alignment model (Olsen &R o p e r , 1998) to strategic management decisions to reduce the risk of fraud.
  • for purposes of this study, privately traded companies are excluded. This is a limitation of the study because the results may indicate a problem that is more or less pervasive since the sample is representative of a small number of companies in the United States.
  • the model is limited in application because it does not take into account fluctuations among the variables over time.
    This article covers the methodology and findings of a study conducted to examine the factors contributing to fraud risk in publicly traded restaurants. The article discusses factors in the fraud triangle, macroeconomic factors, and internal company factors that may contribute to fraud despite protections implemented per Sarbanes-Oxley. The study ultimately finds that internal company factors are insignificant when considering the impact on fraud risk, while macroeconomic factors, such as inflation or unemployment, drastically impact the level of fraud risk that a company may face.

The future is here for the Hospitality Industry - 2 views

  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • ...88 more annotations...
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • . The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • With the global economic recovery and growing profile of domestic as well as international travelers, innovative technology is a must for the hospitality industry. The sector needs to take a proactive stance in implementing technological advances, while continually striving to build levels of service quality and guest loyalty to the boot.
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business. Two more things I really look at are how the hotels can sweat their assets better by using technology and how operational efficiency can come in through it.”
  • This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry.
  • From reservation to checkout, technology aids communication and streamlines the entire guest experience. It not only expands revenue options but also helps maintain operational efficiencies for the industry. This has created a willingness amongst the industry players to harness technology in order to ramp up service levels and efficiencies in the Indian hospitality sector. Meanwhile, with the customers getting highly tech savvy, an increasing number of them expect the hotels to meet their technological needs. This has further necessitated the industry to employ efficient technology tools.
  • The use of information technology in the hospitality industry has grown leaps and bounds over the past two decades, making it a catalyst for the growth of this sector.
  • Emphasizing the same, Sukesh Jain, VP, Enterprise Business, Samsung India highlighted, “Technology comes in handy when we talk about personalization. There are a lot of technological tools, products and services available which people worldwide are using.
  • Mr Sukesh Jain focused on the preferable advantage of customer loyalty aided by technology and said, “The overlying principle or advantage that comes out of use of technology is the customer loyalty which is fundamental to any business.
    Manali Jaggi in his article "The future is here for the Hospitality Industry," highlights the importance and the benefits of Hospitality companies investing in Information Technology. He stressed that from the first point of contact; reservation to the guest's departure the role technology plays and the fact that it "expands revenue options and maintains operational efficiencies for the industry." He reported that Sukesh Jain, VP Enterprise Business, Samsung highlighted that "Technology comes in handy when we talk about personalization," which is the type of experience one aims to provide to the guest. This provides the guest with an increased customer service experience which in turn leads to customer loyalty which can only lead to financial rewards for the company. He concluded by stressing the point that the Hospitality industry must take a "proactive stance in implementing technological advances."
Yichuan Hao

Facebook as international eMarketing strategy of Taiwan hotels 10.1016/j.ijhm.2011.11.0... - 1 views

  • Providing effective online mechanisms for interacting with consumers reinforces the positive experience to enhance their enthusiasm towards the company and its products or services to support further sales.
  • With social networking sites, the possible reach of a positive experience shared on the site could be exponential (Holzner, 2009). The information can reach foreign markets when international travelers share their positive experience of the hotel. Social networking sites become an invaluable tool for the international marketing of hotels.
  • International leisure travelers staying at hotels in Taiwan comprise the potential network of hotels. In using social networking sites, such as Facebook with the biggest number of users, hotels can create an international social network through customers as fans and information sharers as well as strengthen the social network through its active presence in the site by providing information, addressing questions, and responding to comments.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • A broader definition considers eMarketing as the strategic process of establishing online connections with customers to understand their needs as well as employing online tools to create an interactive experience for customers to draw their interest, influence purchasing behavior, and affect voluntary sharing of the experience by satisfied consumers (
    In hotels, international eMarketing is very significant because this service industry ensures sales by connecting and interacting with consumers across the globe. So the writer of this article introduse his/her opinion about that Facebook could be a international eMarketing tool, in order to attract international leisure travelers and increases potential sales. Also, the author mentioned that the internet exposure is a determinant of eMarketing adoption, the eMarketing is a kind of varying use of viral marketing, and the social networking websites which mapping social connections to widen relationships and spread information. There are seveal benefits and several ways of using the social networking website to promote the hotels.
    I pretty believe that social medias are playing an important role in marketing of hotels, such as facebook. But something I have to say that facebook can not been accessed all over the world. The simple example is that we can not use it in China. The thing I mean that social media also have some negatives and we need to improve.
Juan Du

Accounting technolog Used in the Hotel Industry | - 5 views

  • Hotels rely on different tools, including their accounting software, to increase their effectiveness and make them more competitive in their core business.
  • Hotels can decide to purchase accounting software dedicated solely to one function or can invest in enterprise software. Some chains have opted to outsource their accounting operations to major computer companies and accounting firms.
  • The percentages of room-rate vacancy and seasonal trends are evaluated and measured against the best establishments to assess hotel performance.
    • Juan Du
      Hotel managers are often faced a lot of problem to deal with the accounting system. Now hotel manager can manage all of the accounting responsibilities by use hotel accounting technology. Using Web-based hotel accounting software can save your business money . The functions covered in all of the accounting systems.
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  • Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs.
  • Hotel managers are often faced with the challenge to propose and procure the appropriate technology and software to run their operations.
  • This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry.
  • Decision Criteria Used in Selection Process: Major factors identifying selection of accounting programs used in hotels are: ---Annual revenue ---Budget ---Location ---Multiple sites ---National or international location ---In-house vs outsourced operations
  • Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability.
  • Functions covered in accounting software programs include: --Accounts payable --Accounts receivable --Budgeting --Cash management --General ledger --Sales analysis --Payroll --Procurement --Order entry --Fixed assets --Inventory management
  • Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry.
  • This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry.
  • Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs.
  • Hotels rely on different tools, including their accounting software, to increase their effectiveness and make them more competitive in their core business.
  • Accounting software is used to track room-rate revenues and identify any discrepancies that require remediation and corrective actions.
  • Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. Careful consideration of the purpose, functionality and desired results from accounting software must be taken prior to selection and purchase.
  •    This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry.
  • Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. Careful consideration of the purpose, functionality and desired results from accounting software must be taken prior to selection and purchase
  • How to Select Hotel Accounting Software:     Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs
  • Decision Criteria Used in Selection Process: Major factors identifying selection of accounting programs used in hotels are: ---Annual revenue ---Budget ---Location ---Multiple sites ---National or international location ---In-house vs outsourced operations
  • Accounting software incorporates the widely used Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) and focuses on key measures unique to the hotel industry, such as revenue per room (RevPar)
  • Accounting software encompasses multiple functions of a hotel's operations, ranging from data mining to running financial reports.  Functions covered in accounting software programs include: --Accounts payable --Accounts receivable --Budgeting --Cash management --General ledger --Sales analysis --Payroll --Procurement --Order entry --Fixed assets --Inventory management
  • Print this article DartUtils.loadGoogle160 = function() { dmjs.runInlineAd = true; $('.AdUnit160').hide(); $('.AdWrapper').addClass('no160'); }; dartAds.renderiFrameAd([{ sz: '160x600' }], 160); How to Select Hotel Accounting Software:    Decisions governing selection of accounting programs depend on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs
  • Hotels rely on different tools, including their accounting software, to increase their effectiveness and make them more competitive in their core business.
  • Hotels can decide to purchase accounting software dedicated solely to one function or can invest in enterprise software. Some chains have opted to outsource their accounting operations to major computer companies and accounting firms
  • Accounting software is used to track room-rate revenues and identify any discrepancies that require remediation and corrective actions.  The percentages of room-rate vacancy and seasonal trends are evaluated and measured against the best establishments to assess hotel performance.
  • The hospitality industry has had steady growth, with increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability.  Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability
  • Areas of Functionality in Hotel Accounting Software
  • Areas of Functionality in Hotel Accounting Software
    This article describes accounting software functions within the Hotel industry. The article states that "Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry". It is said that when selecting accounting software, you must identify what results you are looking for from the software; and also the functions that you are able to receive. You must also understand the needs of your property, and industry. The article also discusses various decision criteria, which is a part of the selection process. Some of these criteria's that you must look out for are: annual revenue, budget, location, multiple sites, national or international locations, in-house verses outsource operations. I love the fact that this article also discusses the functions of hotel accounting software. Some of those functions that were stated are: account payable, account receivable, and payroll. The article also brought up some trends about hotel and lodging accounting software. One of the trends that stand out to me was the fact that some companies hand over their entire accounting responsibilities to major accounting companies or, accounting firms; this is referred to as outsource. Having a accounting software is a very beneficial asset for a company.
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    This article talks about the importance of choosing the right accounting software for hotels. Hoteliers need to take into consideration the purpose, functionality and desired results before selecting accounting software which "is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry." In order to select a hotel accounting software it has to match the needs and functions of the premise. Some of the most important factors in the selection process are annual revenue, budget, location, multiple sites, national or international location, and in house vs. outsourced operations. "Accounting software encompasses multiple functions of a hotel's operations, ranging from data mining to running financial reports." Some of the major functions in accounting software are accounts payable, accounts receivable, budgeting, cash management, general ledger, sales analysis, payroll, procurement, order entry, fixed assets, and inventory management. The hospitality industry is reporting increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability therefore is very important that hotels select the right accounting software because is in charge of keeping records of the hotel's profitability. In addition accounting software reports room rate revenues and discrepancies and use the Generally Accepted Accounting Standards.
    Accounting software programs are essential to the hospitality industry because it helps organize and keep track of the hotels operations and its profits. It's important to select the right accounting software that will help tie in the needs and concerns of your hotel. The significant factors to look upon in choosing the best program for your business are annual revenue, budget, location, multiple sites, national or international location, and in-house verses outsourced operations. Accounting software incorporates multiple roles of a hotel's operations such as data mining and running financial reports. Hotels can choose to purchase accounting software devoted exclusively to one purpose or can invest in enterprise software. The hospitality Industry counts on the different tools, as well as their accounting software, to increase their usefulness and creating them to become more competitive in their central business.
    I believe one of the most critical items missing from the selection process when purchasing accounting software is the need have interface with the PMS system. This would be a more integrated approach for the smooth transition of front and back of house operations.
    Marcia, you are right! Its a very important idea, to have interface with the PMS system. As for the main topic of this discussion accounting is a step for understanding the factors which influence your business positevly and negatively, in order to use proactive or reactive strategy. Some things that should theoretically work in your business can actually be unsuccessful, so financial data analysis is a key for problem-defining and therefore for finding solution.
    This article gives some useful hints on how to choose an accounting software for your hotel business and what are the tips and tricks. There are lots of accounting software packages in the market which has a number of different options but the point is that each of these features will match a specific  need.  
    This article is about choosing the correct accounting software for the hotel industry. Through different types of software you are able to track the profitability of a hotel.
    This article is about how a hotel should choose their accounting program. There are many things to consider when choosing the right program for your institution. It is not just what is more cost effective, but what does it include and are they things your hotel needs. It is like a PMS system, you get some basics, but you also may need to be able to add more options, or none at all. Another factor when selecting this program is the size of your hotel. If it is one hotel or a chain. Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking a hotel's profit. In conclusion, when hotel management buys an accounting program, they must analyze the software, and not just buy the first one they come across.
    This particular article discusses the need for accounting software programs within the hospitality industry. These programs can do just one thing or be all-encompassing, such as an enterprise program. Accounting programs still have to follow the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which regulate the accounting industry. They help track the profitability of the company, amongst other things. Additionally, hospitality companies must be very careful in choosing the right program. These programs can help managers run a business more effectively but it has to be matched with the right program. There is also the option of outsourcing the accounting function to a third party, which could save a lot of time and money down the road. Erica
    Hotel software is designed for all areas of hotel operation including property management, accounting, GDS reservations, central reservations, reception, POS, spa/club/golf management, guest management, inventory management, yield/revenue management, accounting, and web site design. Small hotel software is available for properties with less than 100 rooms and focuses on basic front and back office functions and/or reservations and guest management. One of the major types of hotel software used by the hotel/motel industry is accounting programs. Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. To select good accounting software for the hotel depends on multiple factors including the uses of the accounting programs. Accounting software incorporates the widely used Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) and focuses on key measures unique to the hotel industry, such as revenue per room (RevPar). Knowledge experts should be familiar with both general accounting rules as well as industry specific guidelines.
    This article describes major factors to weigh in selecting accounting software for the hotel industry. And Major factors identifying selection of accounting programs used in hotels are: ---Annual revenue ---Budget ---Location ---Multiple sites ---National or international location ---In-house vs outsourced operationsThe hospitality industry has had steady growth, with increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability. Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability. And besides the normal functions, the advanced accounting software can be used to track room-rate revenues and identify any discrepancies that require remediation and corrective actions. The percentages of room-rate vacancy and seasonal trends are evaluated and measured against the best establishments to assess hotel performance.
    The article demonstrates that accounting software in hotels is used to track data of hotel operations, to make future decisions and some other functions related to finance and daily operations. So hotels should consider several aspects while establishing accounting software. Such factors affecting decisions are like: Annual revenue, Budget, Location, Multiple sites, National or international location and In-house vs outsourced operations. Regarding the trend of accounting system, the article says that accounting software can make the hotels more competitive and more effective.
    The article describes major factors to weigh is selecting accounting software for the hotel industry. Accounting Software is used to track the profitability of hotel operation and identify trends in the hospitality industry. Hotel industry carefully finds out what will be a great functionality and result before purchasing accounting software. First of all, selecting hotel accounting software and the uses of the program. Secondly, identifying the selection of accounting program, used in the hotel. For example, annual revenue, budget, location, multiple site, etc. The article discusses the function of hotel accounting software. Some of the functions are hanging from data mining to running financial report. Also, the article discuses about lodging accounting software, one of the example that they used is that they really on different tools including their accounting software to increase their competitive in their core business. The article talks about accounting Software Metrics in the hotel industries. They use this Metrics by tracking room rate revenues and by doing the room- rate vacancy and seasonal trends. Having the accounting software in hotel is very important for the industry
    The hospitality industry has had steady growth, with increasing demands for internal controls and financial accountability. Accounting software is crucial in measuring and tracking the hotel's profitability. Accounting software is used to track the profitability of hotel operations and identify trends in the hospitality industry. So it's important for hotel manager to choose the suitable accounting software. This article tells how to select hotel accounting system properly. Including the decision criteria used in selection process, areas of functionality in hotel accounting software and standards used for accounting and auditing in hotel industry, etc.
    Hotel managers are often faced a lot of problem to deal with the accounting system. Now hotel manager can manage all of the accounting responsibilities by use hotel accounting technology. Using Web-based hotel accounting software can save your business money . The functions covered in all of the accounting systems.
samira sobhani

Great Ways For Hotels To Target International Travelers Online - 0 views

  • Almost 60 million of those travelers are coming in to the United States.
  • This presents a huge market that hotels in the US should be sure to target in any online sales strategy. International travelers tend to book early, stay longer, and rarely cancel, all attributes that make international travelers ideal candidates for staying at your hotel.
  • Long term strategies:
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  • Mobile - Ensure the property has a strong mobile strategy. Many Asian countries have a huge (and ever-increasing) mobile shopping base. Make searching for your hotel on mobile devices easy for these travelers and they’ll be more likely to stay with you.
  • PPC on OTAs - Take advantage of pay-per-click listings on OTA sites. Expedia’s TravelAds program gives your hotel top listings on result pages, which is great for both branding your hotel and encouraging guests to choose your property over others.
  • Short Term Strategies:
  • LOS Packages - Ensure your hotel has LOS packages live and bookable on your site. These guests will want to stay to explore the area and LOS packages will keep them at your hotel as long as possible.
  • Multilingual Website Options - Make sure your hotel website auto-translates to various languages, especially to accommodate your top international feeder markets. Your hotel fact sheet, or a one sheet document that gives the basics of your hotel, should auto-translate as well.
    According to WTO more than %60 of the travelers take trip to United States every year. This huge percent though rises interest in the field of Hospitality but makes it a little bit challenging here . It's been quite a while that travelers regardless of their nationality, search for tourism destinations, reserve their hotel and arrange their trip schedule online. That is why the hoteliers should pay close attention how and where they are presenting and advertising their hotel online.This article mentions a number of strategies both short and long term. It is mentioned that you as a hospitality manager  should know that your website plays a very important role in introducing, presenting and encouraging international visitors to your hotel. One other important factor mentioned here is that your website should be user friendly not only as a matter of being simple to figure out what is what but also have different languages to satisfy different nationalities. Besides, it would be very useful for hotels to offer different packages for various tastes.No matter in what sector of travel and tourism you are involved in order to present your business you need to keep online! 
Chengcheng Feng

Can VoIP Save Hotel Telephone Revenue? - 0 views

  • This article describes VoIP and how it can be used by hoteliers to rebuild guest telephone revenue, reduce the expense of the hotel's own telephone service costs, enhance your guest service portfolio and add a differentiation factor against your competition.
  • In simplest terms, VoIP reduces the cost of international calls by using the public Internet instead of dedicated telephone operator facilities.
  • The caller places the call on a special desktop telephone connected to the Internet, through a computer with "soft phone" software or through a VoIP-enabled PBX.
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  • The most striking feature of VoIP service is the low cost of International calls
  • A new trend in hospitality is giving guests free limited or unlimited international calls.
  • If your property has a Wi-Fi wireless system for guests, you may offer guests the option of renting the new breed of Wi-Fi VoIP telephones. These look and work much like a normal mobile phone anywhere in your property where the Wi-Fi service is available.
  • The simplest and least expensive way to start offering VoIP service to guests is to use wireless VoIP handsets connected directly with a VoIP service provider.
  • Depending which country you are in, and which countries your guests are most likely to call - you should select your VoIP service provider based on the balance between cost and quality of service for the most important called countries.
    This article describes the advantage of Voice-Over-IP Telephone (VoIP). By using VoIP, hoteliers can increase guest telephone revenue, reduce the expense of the hotel's own telephone service costs, enhance guest service portfolio and add a differentiation factor against competition. The reason why VoIP can reduce the cost of international calls is using the public Internet instead of dedicated telephone operator facilities. With the technology of VoIP, hotelier can even give guests free limited or unlimited international calls, which may attract more guests.

Marriott International Selects TravelClick for Business Intelligence and Travel Agent G... - 0 views

    The article states that the partnership between Marriott International and TravelClick will truly allow the company to maximize revenues and win new business. TravelClick will provide Marriott International with Agency 360, which is a source of travel agent bookings from all four GDS systems. It also includes travel agent GDS advertising, which is a tool that helps hoteliers attract high-ADR bookings from travelers. Lastly, Rate 360 will be used as well, this helps ensure hoteliers that they have the most current room rate data to optimize their competitive position. This partnership will continue to allow Marriott International to prosper by using different outside companies to help them become better hoteliers.

Proximity Marketing Examples: 28 Retail Companies Nailing it with their Campaigns | Bea... - 0 views

  • Unacast’s latest Q4 Proxbook report confirms that beacon deployments are on track and the numbers align with ABI Research’s forecast of 400 million beacons to be deployed by 2020
  • we bring you a comprehensive list of 28 retail companies that are making a mark with their proximity marketing campaigns via beacons.
  • Eat touted this move as a “strategic pillar” in its communications because it allowed the company to access more information about customer behaviour and drive business intelligence to make precise decisions about how consumer behaviour can be influenced.
  • ...35 more annotations...
  • As a part of this program, the chain tapped a popular Turkish loyalty app called Shopping Genie, to target customers while they were around the premises of a local McD Café.  Customers got mobile coupons, via the app, which prompted them to purchase a coffee and receive a beverage from the new drink line for free. This proximity marketing campaign via beacons helped McDonald’s achieve 20% conversion rate with 30% of users who received the promotion!
  • Bluetooth beacons were deployed at the point of purchase, where customers were waiting in line to pay or just moving around.
  • These beacon notifications offered two Red Bull cans for $4! Apart from making a profit out of campaigns, Red Bull also monitored the entire campaign in real-time and captured customer behaviour.
  • The retail giant used GE light bulbs to house beacons and send push notifications of specials and discount coupons to in-store customers. These beacon-equipped LED bulbs can track shoppers within a store by using the beacons hidden inside them
  • Carrefour has extensive iBeacon networks in all 28 of its hypermarkets in Romania through which the retail chain offers its consumers a simple, intuitive, and fun app for orientation inside hypermarkets from area to area
  • The retailer’s beacon-enabled app automates the commercial content delivery and collects essential data about in-store consumer behaviour. Its proximity marketing campaign keeps consumers informed about the products, services, and actual special offers from each of the store departments.
  • Popular convenience store group Nisa piloted iBeacon technology to track its shoppers by attaching Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons to trolleys and baskets
  • These sensors picked up the signals emitted by beacons and collected location data which was then fed to a cloud-based server for analysis.
  • used iBeacon technology to gamify the Ladies’ Night event with brands providing offers, discounts, freebies, and prize giveaways. Many retailers such as Hotel Chocolat, Krispy Kreme, Cath Kidston, and House of Fraser, participated in the event
  • The event was highly successful as it saw more than 500 app downloads within the first three hours, with over 500 offers redeemed. All 120 hotspot offers were redeemed within the first 52 minutes of the event.
  • Best Buy implemented a beacon strategy to help boost sales and improve personalisation of experience. The retail giant chose to use their own application as well as Shopkick retailing app to offer rewards to shoppers, simply for stepping foot in the door.
  • Hammerson rolled out beacons across their shopping centres to improve personalisation of consumers’ shopping experience. Their beacon-enabled Plus app was initially trialled at Les Terrasses du Port in Marseille and it ranked among the top 10 lifestyle apps in France.
  • UK supermarket giant Tesco launched its “biggest trial” of iBeacon technology, in partnership with consumer goods company Unilever, by deploying beacons in 270 stores across London. They launched the ‘Mpulse app’ as a part of the Pink and Black marketing campaign
  • UK supermarket Waitrose started using iBeacon technology at its relatively new experimental Swindon store to deliver price promotions to consumers when they were near a particular aisle or food counter
  • The app also allows a consumer to call for assistance. A member of the staff receives the request informing them that a customer is waiting for help
  • using beacons to target passers-by based on their interest. They change campaigns based on distinct seasons including prom season at colleges
  • Supermarket giant Woolworths successfully completed a beacon trial with one store using iBeacon technology to improve customer service around click-and-collect. Thereafter, the chain announced that they are looking to roll out beacons across all of its 254 click-and-collect stores with the aim of allowing consumers to place their order online and pick them up in-store
  • Amazon, the retail giant started a new convenience store in Seattle, U.S. in Jan 2018. Amazon Go is an 1800 sq feet mini market filled with food and technology. They have deployed an array of cameras, beacons and other proximity sensors to make the store one-of-a-kind
  • World-famous brands such as Hamleys, Armani, Longchamp, and Hackett form the 80% of the retail companies that have deployed beacons in their Regent Street stores with the aim of pushing exclusive and personalised marketing messages to customers via iBeacon technology. Shoppers receive alerts and tailored content about everything, from new in-store promotions to exclusive offers only available for visitors to Regent Street, as they pass
  • Neiman Marcus, the high-end retail chain, piloted beacons at three stores—Austin, TX, Walnut Creek, CA, and San Antonio.
  • Rite Aid has installed beacons in over 4,500 US stores for retargeting and personalization of user experience. This large-scale beacon deployment by the Pharmacy chain is the largest beacon installation program in a retail setting till date. In fact, it has even surpassed the one undertaken by the famous Macy’s
  • a collection of beacon-level proximity data to strategize their retargeting plan and achieve personalization capabilities similar to those that have been used in e-commerce
  • Walgreens has innovated considerably in the mobile retail space by using iBeacon and other technologies at over 7000 locations.
  • leveraged iBeacon technology at ten of its stores to boost its loyalty program.
  • Target, the second largest general merchandise retailer in the US, announced that it will start testing beacon technology in 50 of its stores nationwide.
  • The recommendations may appear both as push alerts and in-app updates on the Target app’s “Target Run” page, which is designed like a social media news feed offering deals, top-pinned items on Pinterest, and more
  • beacons to bridge the gap between online shopping and in-store experience. Their beacon-enabled app notifies consumers if any item in their mobile shopping bag is in stock,
  • The store has deployed beacons with individualized campaigns for each department, which makes the customer experience interesting and focussed
  • Macy’s expanded its beacon program to all stores nationwide, by installing more than 4,000 beacons. This step was a part of the retailer’s efforts to make bigger investments in omnichannel retail technologies. This Thanksgiving, Macy’s also used a beacon-triggered mobile app game at its 700 stores, to engage shoppers
  • Urban Outfitters announced that they will be rolling out beacons at 15 of their stores located in Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Atlanta, New Jersey, and Delaware, more than a year ago. The US multichannel fashion and homewares retailer decided to take a different route unlike the conventional route of using aggressive promotions.
  • Kenneth Cole is using beacons to create more compelling, personalized customer experiences with an aim to “provide value and offer at the time of need when customers are in the store
  • launched beacon networks in more than 100 of its top-performing stores located in states such as Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, and San Francisco. The idea was to implement iBeacon technology at the stores with the highest traffic levels and best traction with Shopkick.
  • Oscar Mayer worked out an interesting deal with the supermarkets which would allow them to place beacons at the deli counter. This location helps them convince shoppers to buy the specials of the week while waiting at the counter.
  • it has decided to distribute free BLE beacons to about 150,000 gas-station convenience stores in the United States and Canada
  • Alex and Ani used beacons in all of its 40 stores to optimize store layouts and product placement. Contrary to popular belief that beacons are only for ‘pushing’ ads, the popular Rhode Island-based jewellery brand used beacons differently in its trial period without using them to promote flash sales and other discount promotions.
    the article gives examples of retail stores and how they use proximity marketing to promote their products
Chengcheng Feng

Global Distribution Systems in Present Times - Four Major GDS Systems; Amadeus, Galileo... - 1 views

  • Among the “shelves” on which buyers search for travel services are world’s global distribution systems and the Internet distribution systems
  • The airlines realized that by automating the reservation process for travel agents, they could make the travel agents more productive and essentially turn into an extension of the airline’s sales force. It is these original, legacy GDSs that today provide the backbone to the Internet travel distribution system
    October 2002 - The travel marketplace is a global arena where millions of buyers (travel agents and the public) and sellers (hotels, airlines, car rental companies, etc.) work together to exchange travel services. This is a good article talking about four major GDS System companies in the world nowadays. When we do some research in GDS area, it is better for us to know some information about these four companies. They are Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and Worldspan. The author said that Aadeus is Number 1 inlocations worldwide compared to other three companies, Galileo International is a cautions follower when it comes to technology when compared to other GDS companies. Sabre's competitive strenghs are market position, global reach, stable product line, diversification of revenue streams and intellectual capital. And Worldspan has successfully developed the strategies and solutions to ensure the company's long-tern success. After read this article, I think I have the big picture of what GDS System is. The author gave us the strength of different systems. I know what are these GDS companies doing right now in the world. And what is the best is that the author used some accurate data to support the point. So in my point of view, I don't only understand the knowledge related to GDS System, but also learn the way to write my paper, that is using lots of numbers.
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    I don't know why but I was failed to highlight this article. I did it in My Library.
    It is a great article that provides some detailed information on the four most famous GDS. and it was separated into four parts by explaining the four major GDS one by one. It is talking about the history, current status and development of these four major systems to help readers understand what exactly it is and how it works. I like this because it helps me create an overview of GDS systems.
    Interesting article that summarize important information about major GDS companies. GDS companies such as Amadus, Galileo and Sabre are platforms in which a range of travel related services are offered through electronic switches and routers .
    This article introduces four major GDS systems' characteristics and strength. I think these information will be useful for hotels when they choose the GDS systems.
    According to the World's Leading CRS/GDS System 2011, Sabre is the winner profile. And the Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan and Zurich Systems were nominated.
    This is about GDS!
    In the travel marketplace it is global where buyers and sellers work together to exchange travel services. Global distribution systems and the internet distribution systems have become electronic supermarkets linking buyers to sellers and allowing reservations to be made quick and easy. Travel today is sold most on the internet, it is a vast networks of suppliers and a wide customer pool in a centralized maket. Currently today there are 4 major GDS and they are continuing to grow. This article pretty much summed up what we learned in the past 2 classes
    SUMMARY A global distribution system (GDS) represents a computerized system used for managing different transactions within the air travel and hospitality industry There are currently four major GDS systems: 1. Amadeus (2) Galileo (3) Sabre (4) Worldspan Amadeus Founded in 1987 by Air France, Iberia, Lufthansa, and SAS, Amadeus is the youngest of the four GDS companies. Amadeus is a leading global distribution system and technology provider serving the marketing, sales, and distribution needs of the world's travel and tourism industries. Its comprehensive data network and database, among the largest of their kind in Europe, serve more than 57,000 travel agency locations and more than 10,500 airline sales offices in some 200 markets worldwide... Galileo International Galileo International was founded in 1993 by 11 major North American and European airlines: Aer Lingus, Air Canada, Alitalia, Austrian Airlines, British Airways, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Olympic Airlines, Swissair, TAP Air Portugal, United Airlines, and US Airways. It is a major player in the GDS business throughout the world: North America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia/Pacific region. Galileo International is a diversified, global technology leader. Sabre For more than 40 years, Sabre has been developing innovations and transforming the business of travel. From the original Sabre computer reservations system in the 1960s, to advanced airline yield management systems in the 1980s, to leading travel web sites today, Sabre technology has traveled through time, around the world, and has touched all points of the travel industry. Worldspan Founded February 7, 1990, Worldspan was originally owned by affiliates of Delta Air Lines, Inc., Northwest Airlines, and Trans World Airlines, Inc. It is currently owned by affiliates of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (40%), Northwest Airlines (34%), and American Airlines, Inc. (26%). Since its 1995 advance into the world of Internet technology fo
    This article is about the GDS system, and it introduced four major GDS system in present times. GDS is a worldwide computerized reservarion network used as a single point of access for reserving airline sears, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel related items by travel agents, online reservation sites, and large corporations. The for major GDS systems, Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre, and Worldspan owned and operated as joint ventures by major airlines, car rental comopanies, and hotel groups. GDS is also called automated reservation system (ARS) or computerized reservation system (CRS). Among the four major GDS systems, Amadeus is the youngest one and has done remarkably well during its short tenure. With its strong company infrastructure worldwide, impressive product set, and growing customer base, Amadeus is one of the most significant players in shaping the future of the GDS. Galileo's competitive strengths include market share, well-balanced and global presence, relationships with diverse groups of travel vendors, technologically advanced information systems, highly skilled personnel, and a stable product line. Gralileo is a follower when it comes to technology, but is has established successful relationships with entities such as Go, UK's best low-cost airline. Sabre's competitive strengths include market position, global reach, stable product line, diversification of revenue streams, and intellectual capital. Sabre business model is a strong one, and continues to make significant progress in advancing both its electronic travel distribution and its information technology solutions businesses. The last one Worldspan has a legacy of industry firsts that are not well known. It continues to look at benefits of creating its own consumer brand and has been partnering with different companies to expand the services that it can provide to its customer base.
    GDS is started on the airline industry. And with it development, the airline company recognized that the GDS is becoming more and more important and necessary. And in my opinion, the GDS can not only focus on the airline. It can be on the internet. That is means they should built some sub-company around the world and it will help to form a kind of net that can cover all over the world. So that it is reduce the pressure of airline and increase the short distance distribution. it will be more efficiency for the guest and less human labor.
    More and more customers rely on global distribution system to buy hospitality products in present time. This article introduces four major type global distribution systems, Ama dues, Galileo, Sabre and Worldspan. There are also some smaller GDS existed in the world. Amadeus is the youngest of the four GDS companies. Galileo International is a diversified, global technology leader. Galileo's competitive strengths include well-balanced and global presence, relationships with diverse groups of travel vendors, technologically advanced information systems and a stable product line. Sabre's competitive strengths include market position, global reach, stable product line, diversification of revenue streams, and intellectual capital. Worldspan provides worldwide electronic distribution of travel information, Internet products and connectivity, and e-commerce capabilities for travel agencies, travel service providers, and corporations.

How To Stay Ahead Of The Hospitality Industry | By Cristian Grossmann - Hospitality Net - 0 views

  • At the HR in Hospitality Conference and Expo in Las Vegas, industry leaders discussed where the industry is going and the power of foresight
  • It's not enough to just be great at what you do anymore—you need to stay ahead of trends and find ways to innovate before guests realize what the future could look like
  • few ways to ensure your hospitality company is proactive and stays ahead of the curve.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Embrace Innovation
  • company that thinks outside the box is Marriott International,
  • Marriott has an "innovation lab"
  • headquarters that constantly manufactures new ideas
  • implementing communal rooms.
  • share a kitchen,
  • dining room, and lounge area
  • Make Technology Your Friend
  • how technology has the power to take companies to the next level.
  • people don't normally like change or have trouble adapting to new systems.
  • Personalize Employee Communication
  • personalizing employee communication.
  • The staff is the backbone of any hotel and needs to constantly be informed.
  • act that you can't ignore internal communications anymore. Today's guests expect to communicate anywhere, anytime with ease—and your employees expect the same.
  • Hotels that have implemented internal communication platforms where team members not only receive information faster, but also stay connected to every employee, have seen their teams fulfill requests quicker
    This article discusses how to stay ahead in the hospitality industry. During a hospitality conference in Las Vegas, leaders in the industry discussed where the industry is going and the power of foresight. Being great at your job is not good enough anymore. Hotels needs to stay ahead of trends and find ways to innovated before guests do. Here are a few ways hotels and hospitality companies could be proactive to stay ahead of the curve. 1) Embrace Innovation: Using Marriott International as an example, they are always thinking outside the box. At their headquarters, they have an innovation lab that constantly manufactures new ideas. Some of their designs features are looking to implement communal rooms. Where guest will share a kitchen, dining room, and lounge areas. 2) Make Technology Your Friend: Whey a company embraces technology, it has the power to take a company to the next level. The issue is that most people don't normally like change and have trouble adapting to new ways. To be ahead of the curve, it is important for hotels to use technology to their advantage. 3) Personalize Employee Communication: Communication is the key to success in any company and in hospitality, it is very important to personalize employee communication. The staff is the backbone to all hotels and communications between management and staff need to stay constant. In today's society, the guests expect to communicate anywhere, anytime and employees are now expecting the same.

Six steps to plan successful Virtual and Hybrid Events: a new White Paper by AIM Group ... - 0 views

  • AIM Group International, a company specialised in congresses, events and communication with 60 years’ experience, today publishes a new White Paper entitled: Virtual and Hybrid Events: a guide to success, signed by the senior expert Annalisa Ponchia, Director of Innovation and Customer Experience AIM Group International
  • The global pandemic has forced the event industry to embrace and explore the realm of virtual meetings like never before. AIM Group has already organised more than 90 digital events (congresses, CME courses and corporate meetings) in the early months of 2020 and a further 180 virtual events will happen by the end of the year.
  • That is why AIM Group decided to leverage the experience gained from our international client experiences to prepare guidelines on how to plan and organise virtual events that satisfy the mix of different stakeholders - attendees, speakers and sponsors, leveraging the new opportunities offered by the virtual formats and channels. 
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Digital platform and the best user experience: how to choose the most suitable solution? Whether it is a fully virtual event, a hybrid or multi-hub  digital event, you must assess your needs first and then choose
  • Content First. Linking the content with the right communication format and style should come first, adapting the tone of voice, session formats and tools.
  • The Digital Event Team: strategic mind-set and tech skills. From the Digital Event Strategist to the Content & Resource Manager or the Digital Tools expert, there are several specialist skillsets and profiles that are needed for this kind of event.
  • The organization of a virtual and hybrid event requires a DCO, not a typo (!), this is a Digital Conference Organizer, a team with specific knowledge and competences and the ability to offer strategic guidance on planning events with full or partial digital components” outlines Annalisa Ponchia.
  • Digital Sponsorship opportunities and Virtual Exhibitions. It is important to consider and find new ways
  • The importance of Communication
  • Sustainable actions and CSR initiatives for virtual events.
  • Organising a digital event can open a wide range of new opportunities because you are not limited by the usual physical barriers, you can very easily expand the audience and with the correct event duration and timetable you can even prolong the event lifespan” adds Annalisa Ponchia. “There is one extra tip that I would suggest and that is leveraging data and feedback to make sure that the event is fully measurable. If you set clear KPIs at the outset and leverage all the channels from analytics to social media and the event app then you will be in a great position to measure the event impact”. 
  • Planning a virtual or hybrid event is much more complex than you would imagine. Mastering virtual is the first step, but it is also crucial to leverage online event strategies to create memorable and engaging hybrid experiences. Our teams are consulting clients to embrace the innovation and are fully committed to explore the new possibilities and find new, creative solutions
    This article discusses 6 steps for planning successful and virtual events. It references a White Paper on this topic

Marriott International Commits to Continued Innovation in Hotel Guest-facing Technologi... - 1 views

  • The Marriott Rewards, The Ritz-Carlton Rewards and Starwood Preferred Guest were replaced in February with the launch of the Marriott Bonvoy app. The app was designed to make it even easier for people to search and book hotels across Marriott’s portfolio of 6,700 participating hotels across 30 brands in 130 countries, engage in mobile check-in (with an alert sent when the room is ready), use mobile key (in select hotels) to enter the room, submit mobile requests for service and amenities, and chat with representatives before, during, and after their stay.
  • The app also uses chatbots, enabling guests to ask questions, make simple requests, and receive instant responses.
  • The company also seems to understand, as discussed here, that technological advancements will never replace face-to-face human interaction. Rather, technology can help free up hotel staff to better serve its guests through more relevant and personalized experiences.
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  • Sorenson makes it clear that Marriott remains committed to adopted innovative technologies and digital capabilities that enhance the guest experience.
  • Given all this, it’s no surprise that Marriott International has received widespread accolades for its technology innovation and, in fact, was ranked as the only hotel company in the top-25 list for the past two years on Forbes World’s Most Innovative Companies
    Marriott International has become successful in using technology to improve the guest experience. They have launched a considerable number of high-profile technology-enabled initiatives including the Marriott Bonvoy app, ChatBotlr, Alexa for Hospitality, and Realy robots. Marriott, however, emphasizes that technological advancements should not replace face-to-face interaction. Although these technological advancements were able to replace members of their hotel staff, the staff's duties were altered to provide personalized experiences with the guests instead.

Hospitality industry more prone to cyber attacks | TravelDailyNews International - 1 views

    The article by, a financial policy author, explains in detail the extent of cyber-attacks in the hospitality industry. The article explains that the hospitality industry is more prone to cyber-attacks, given the nature of information most of the organizations generate daily in their operations. The article explains that most organizations in the hospitality industry may not be aware that they have already been hacked. The article emphasizes the importance of internal audits and the critical evaluation of cyber footprints in hospitality organizations to minimize cyber-attacks. The author of the article delves into the cybersecurity risk factors in the hospitality industry and reports about the UAE IAA members' seminar which was aimed at sharing information and networking with a focus on building cyber-resilience against cyber-attacks. The article shows the prevalence of cyber-attacks in the hospitality industry noting that each stolen data record costs an average of $148 with the average cost of a cyber-attack being valued at over 3 million dollars (Karantzavelou, 2020). The article quotes a statement by the Jumeirah group chief internal audit officer who asserts that protection against cyber threats should be the DNA of every organization, and they should be continuously on the lookout for potential threats and ensure adequate protection. Members in the seminar advised on the importance of having internal auditors to provide assurance, suitable frameworks, and to set up controls to mitigate key cybersecurity risks. The article explains that hotels are prone to Cyber-attacks since they collect varied, valuable and sensitive customer information. The article also cites a cyber-breach in 2018 where up to 500 million customer details and passport information was compromised in an international hotel chain for up to four years continuously without detection (Karantzavelou, 2020). At the bottom line, contributors in the seminar explain the importance of cybe

Modern Management Technologies in the Hospitality Industry - 2 views

The article talks about how it's worth investing in proximity marketing to increase the speed of a customer's decision, increase engagement, and eloyalty. The article states that marketers who know...

Mikaela Vourtsis

HRIS - 1 views

  • An HRIS system is computer software that manages HR activities.
  • Perhaps the biggest benefit that the use of an HRIS system adds to a business is its ability to create reports and presentations.
  • In support of a firm’s staffing efforts, many HRIS systems provide a sophisticated interface allowing its use by both internal employees, as well as external job applicants.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • An HRIS system allows a business to streamline the administration of employee benefits.
  • An HRIS system allows a business to streamline the administration of employee benefits
  • In support of a firm’s staffing efforts, many HRIS systems provide a sophisticated interface allowing its use by both internal employees, as well as external job applicants
  • Perhaps the biggest benefit that the use of an HRIS system adds to a business is its ability to create reports and presentations
  • A human resource information system (HRIS) is computer software employers use to manage the human resources functions of their organization.
  • In support of a firm’s staffing efforts, many HRIS systems provide a sophisticated interface allowing its use by both internal employees, as well as external job applicants.
  • A human resource information system (HRIS) is computer software employers use to manage the human resources functions of their organization. It has the capability to maintain employment records of all staff members, and employers can use it to collect metrics surrounding the firm’s staffing, performance management, compensation and benefits activities. Although not all companies utilize an HRIS system, there are many benefits to doing so.
  • An HRIS system typically holds all information surrounding the firm’s human resources initiatives, including details regarding the group's hiring practices, such as a comprehensive listing of all job applicants, an up-to-date index of job openings and electronic copies of each employee’s onboarding paperwork, such as I-9 and W2 forms
  • An HRIS system allows candidates for open positions to submit their resumes and contact information to a potential employer from a remote computer. The system then collects the information and archives it so it is easily accessible by the hiring manager.
    HRIS is a computer software employers use to manage the human resources functions of hotels. There are lots of benefits of using this system. According to this article, the most advantage by using HRIS is that it helps create reports and presentation. For instance, the system holds all the informations about human resources in hotels. You can find your employees' personal information very easily and don't have to ask them to bring their documents any more such as I-20 or I-9 forms. The second benefit is related to recruitment, which means it can provide information not only internal staffs but also external job applicants. The third advantage is that by using HRIS, employees themselves can focus on their own profiles. They can log in themselves and change and update their status and required details, which becomes a better way to manage themselves.  
  • ...3 more comments...
    I was interested in the hiring process of this system, how does it narrow down possible candidates and what is the interview process? It seems like the system is geared more towards current employees than potential employees. Also, how are these tax forms filled out? Are they submitted electronically or do you have to go in person to fill them out? Some companies can e-mail them to you and you record your results and send e-mail them back it's that simple. I wasn't getting it from this system.
    This article talks about the befefits of having a Human Resource Information System in your business. For those never heard of HRIS before, Human Resource Information System is a computer system helps manage your human resource. It collects data of your employees, and manage them in a form of database. The article author talks about davantages HRIS gave in three aspects. Firstly, and the most important function of HRIS is generating reports and presentations. Basically, you can gain any human resource information you need from those reports. Secondly, HRIS makes the process of recruitment more effective. It open port for applicants so they can submit their resumes on-line. Last but not the least, HRIS is also equipted with function of benefits administration It allowes employees update their information by themself, which is big saving of time and money for your business
    HRIS is 'computer software employers use to manage the human resources functions of their organization'. There are benefits in reporting, recruitment, and administration aspects. The reporting piece allows to track all job applicants, job openings, and e-copies of all employees' related paperwork, as well as compensations and incentives. Recruitment piece allows for resume submission, then different parameters of search of HR managers can be incorporated. HRIS 'system allows for a streamline administration'.
    The human resource system can help hotel or anyother companies' HR department to management employees effectively. The system will in charge of salary, w2 tax report and a lot of tedious work. In a sense, the system can not only reduce mistake but alos save some laber cost, because most of data processing will be finished automatic.
    This article summarizes the major key points with Human Resources Information Systems and more importantly, their advantages. It starts by discussing how a HRIS is software that aids in the management functions of human resources. The main benefit is the fact that it can generate reports and presentations, making it particularly convenient for more than a few factors, while holding data and files needed for the human resources mangers to do their jobs proficiently. HRIS can aid a company internally as well as externally with job applicants. This is great for employers who are looking for new candidates. In addition, it benefits the company with assisting with the benefits plan, knowing exactly what their coverage is for the year.
Melissa Krajewski

Cornell Center for Hospitality Research Examines Daily Deals and Sustainability Issues - 0 views

  • A survey of nearly 200 international hotel operators found generally favorable results for those that had offered a daily deal, also known as a flash deal, according to a study posted by the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research.
  • Piccoli and Dev found that Groupon and LivingSocial were the two sites used most heavily by these respondents, and their top reasons for offering a deal were branding, customer acquisition, and boosting occupancy in shoulder periods. Ironically, the hotels that were avoiding daily deals were especially concerned about compromising brand standards.
  • David Jerome, senior vice president of corporate responsibility at InterContinental Hotels Group, three critical myths are (1) that "green" is expensive, when in fact sustainable practices save money; (2) guests do not care about sustainability, when in fact many guests and group planners specifically look for "green" practices; and (3) hospitality firms can wait to implement sustainability programs, when in fact waiting is costing them both money and business.
    This article comments on the perceived effectiveness of daily "flash" deals distributed through the internet to provoke the usage of services of a hospitality enterprise. It also addresses current industry challenges hotels face with regards to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The first Cornell study surveyed approximately two hundred international hotels. The results showed half of the hotels have used the e-Marketing "flash" deals technique while the other half abstain siting concerns of brand reputation. However the issue of dissatisfaction from those hotels who use daily deals is also prevalent. The conductors of the study recommend those who use the deals to "start small," clearly define the reason for the deal and examine every aspect of the deal, including limitations, to increase ROI and satisfaction. If the deals are tailored to fit both the hotel and guests' needs they should attract and retain customers. The roundtable discussion then dives into an important branding issue of CSR. It highlights common misconceptions related to sustainability such as going "green" being being costly, guests not appreciating sustainable efforts, and the "wait and see" approach being smart for implementation. With education and communication the hospitality industry can inform their internal and external customers of their sustainable business practices and increase customer acquisition. Rather than being reactive, businesses should be proactive and concentrate on their "long-term brand focus."
Marla Baldomero

Choice Hotels International Installs choiceADVANTAGE Cloud-Based PMS in 5000th Location... - 0 views

  • The user-friendly choiceADVANTAGE solution provides Choice Hotels franchisees with advanced hotel management functionality
  • our choiceADVANTAGE system provides our franchisees with a fully integrated solution to manage guest interaction at every stage
  • this software adds value for our hotel owners
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • choiceADVANTAGE requires a minimal initial investment for hotel franchisees
    Choice Hotels International has established thousands of Cloud Based Property Management Systems in its hotels. It can track every aspect of a guest stay in one centralized location and store it in the much cheaper and more efficient Cloud System. This system is being used in 5000 locations globally and is contributing to Choice Hotels' increasing profits.
    Choice Hotels International Inc. manages its 5,000 hotels using a cloud-based hotel PMS named choiceADVANTAGE. It provides user-friendly functionalities to assist with guest services and revenue management, and gives the company's employees remote access through any computer that offers Internet access. The system provides companies a competitive advantage by providing them an easier form of checking guests in and out which in turn leads to superior guest interaction. The program is designed to provide seamless interaction with the central reservation and customer relationship management system supplied on the Internet, providing a higher value to the hotel. ChoiceADVANTAGE is a great investment for large hotel chains because it requires a small initial investment and eliminates the need to purchase, store and maintain the infrastructure and hardware usually associated with traditional property management systems.
    This choiceADVANTAGE allows the Choice Hotel to integrate different systems without too much start up cost. I think its really a great investment helping hotels adding their value.
Siyu Ma

Why Investing in Hospitality Technology is Investing in Good Business - 1 views

  • In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, rather than being an added cost, or unnecessary financial burden, to a hotel – it is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring, including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotels revenue performance.
  • In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, rather than being an added cost, or unnecessary financial burden, to a hotel – it is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring, including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotels revenue performance.
  • Those hotel groups that fail to recognize the speed of change in technology and what this can bring to the business will find themselves significantly under prepared when the market starts to strengthen. While “its never too late” to act – there is a significant opportunity cost in doing nothing or worse still, cutting technology out of the day to day operations. For a hotel to effectively operate and ensure it is maximizing its incoming revenue, the right technologies needs to be in place. Through investing in the right technology at the right time, savvy hoteliers will be ensuring that their facility(s) are able to effectively maximize their ongoing revenue capability now and into the future.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Equally as important, when considering whether to invest in new technology within the hospitality sector, is the need to recognize that technology is constantly changing and improving. Decision time frames are shortening. International hoteliers that have a good view on the future, realize that the technology decision they make today will only be relevant for the next 3-5 years at the most and are already planning next generation migrations.
  • In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, rather than being an added cost, or unnecessary financial burden, to a hotel – it is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring, including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotels revenue performance.
  • Whilst many international hotel organisations have used the economic downturn to adequately plan for the future through improved levels of technology and staff investment, many others are not heeding the warning signs and are instead shedding costs wherever possible – which can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • Importantly, hoteliers also need to realize that the hospitality industry is constantly changing and a lack of up-to-date technology and older strategies will not always be applicable to new, unique situations.
  • Whilst many international hotel organisations have used the economic downturn to adequately plan for the future through improved levels of technology and staff investme
  • Consider Revenue Management Technology: This technology is u
  • sed in a wide variety of industries.
  • IDeaS experience in many regions to date is that there are many technology vendors in hospitality that fail to acknowledge the above reality.
  • There are many technologies that tick all of the above boxes, including: Energy Management Systems Revenue Management Systems Property Management Systems In-Room Technology Sophisticated Telco Systems
    • Juan Du
      With the increase in the number of hotel, the technology in hospitality is more and more important. It is a good investment in this field. Because many of the facilities in hotel need the help of technology. Such as the energy management systems, revenue management systems, property management systems , In-room technology. To invest these technologies, it can increase the management level and increase the competition.
  • As the wider hospitality industry continues to face a slow recovery, savvy hotel owners and managers should be looking inwards during this time with a view to ensuring that the technology they use to help run their facilities are best suited for the roles they have to perform.
    In this weeks reading, the article, "Why Investing in Hospitality Technology is Investing in Good Business", mentions how due to the economic downturn hotels have turn to cutting technology and staff levels as a method to minimize costs, yet this is a recipe for disaster, if not conducted adequately. Technology is continuously evolving, it is important to make decisions regards IT investment that will be useful in the coming 3-5 years. Technological infrastructures should operate to facilitate a process or procedure for the overall benefit of the hotel, rather than take a day-by-day approach. In an ever-demanding industry, it is critical for hoteliers to be adequately prepared with automated systems, reducing if not eliminating important manually conducted tasks which are damaging the operations of the hotel due to the lack of real time information which will help revenue maximization. In moments of recessions, companies minimize their cost reducing what is foreseen as unnecessary such as IT investment, yet is important to maintain a level of preparation and not losing the opportunities presented by the market.
  • ...6 more comments...
    This article mainly talk about the benefit of investing in Hospitality Technology to hotel business.The author emphasizes the importance of looking at what operational effciencies the technology can bring ,including any improvements in staff activities and morale that can be delivered and how the technology will ultimately benefit the hotel revenue performance. We can conclude from the passage that in order to keep competitive in the hospitality industry, the managers should be aware of the dynamic market and technology changing and update the techonlogy in an efficient way.
    The hospitality industry is developing faster and faster. The hoteliers should be with a view to ensuring that the technology they use to help run their facilities and best suited for the roles. They lead to a rapid economic recovery but they also need improve their marketing. The hospitality organizations have taken the time to update or invest in the right technology and training. In consideration of how investment in hospitality technology can support business growth, It is important to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring. As the hotel industry continues to move towards a more dynamic and inter-connected environment it is vital that the correct technology infrastructure is in place to meet this challenge. The revenue management technology itself can be maximized by educating staff in the most effective ways to use it. The hotel groups should recognize the speed of change in technology. And they will be ensuring that their facilities are able to effectively maximize their ongoing revenue capability.
    As hospitality industry is now under recovery, many owners and managers are preparing using technology to help them run the facilities. Nowadays, there is a big requirement for investing the right technology and training to operate business in the market of 2010, 2011 later. Actually, hospitality technology investment can bring operational efficiencies instead of added cost to a hotel. Then the author takes revenue management technology as an example and points that a seamless flow of process of technology is a trend. All in all, in order for a hotel to adapt to the future trend, the right technology needs to be equipped.
    with the increase in the number of hotel, the technology in hospitality is more and more important. It is a good investment in this field. Because many of the facilities in hotel need the help of technology. Such as the energy management systems, revenue management systems, property management systems , In-room technology. To invest these technologies, it can increase the management level and increase the competition.
    This article is explaining why investing in hospitality technology is a good idea. Market changes from year to year, therefore it is important to know what the technology operations can offer to the business. It is vital to know how efficient it is in the workplace, and in what ways in can help the staff. The interest cost of having all this money invested should benefit the hotels revenue activity. Especially in hotels, there has to be a strict decision making, because of how technology is advancing so fast and how efficient the technology will be for the hotel. The correct technology is a challenge. Training the staff with the system is also a test because how fast can they learn and be connected to the operations. It is crucial that hotels manage systematically all information with the technology; instead of having the staffs do all the work by hand. Hotels need to invest in the correct technology so that they can collect their ideal revenue-for the future of the business and to ease the work flow inside the hospitality industry.
    "Equally as important, when considering whether to invest in new technology within the hospitality sector, is the need to recognize that technology is constantly changing and improving. Decision time frames are shortening. International hoteliers that have a good view on the future, realize that the technology decision they make today will only be relevant for the next 3-5 years at the most and are already planning next generation migrations. There is an onus on the vendors to also re-invent themselves and re-invent their technologie"
    Hotel owners and managers are putting eyes on technology in the hospitality industry slow recovery period. All pundits agree this method can bring some recovery. The international hotel organizations have made many plans of improving investment in technology and staff. Progressive hospitality organizations have updated and invested in new technology and training, change the industry requirements and market. Before investment, the most important is to look at what operational efficiencies the technology can bring and how the technology will benefit the hotels. There are many technologies are good choices for investment, such as Revenue Management Systems. This technology is efficient and can help hotels track historic data, forecast future demand and so on. We also need to technology is changing all the time. So this is a big challenge of managers to make decisions for a long development. We also need to realize that the hospitality industry is changing, strategies will not always be applicable to new, unique situations. It is important for hotels to increase advantages in the competition.
    Those hotel groups that fail to recognize the speed of change in technology and what this can bring to the business will find themselves significantly under prepared when the market starts to strengthen. While "its never too late" to act - there is a significant opportunity cost in doing nothing or worse still, cutting technology out of the day to day operations. For a hotel to effectively operate and ensure it is maximizing its incoming revenue, the right technologies needs to be in place. Through investing in the right technology at the right time, savvy hoteliers will be ensuring that their facility(s) are able to effectively maximize their ongoing revenue capability now and into the future.
Michelle Wilson

COLUMBIA, Md., Feb. 21, 2012: Luxury Property and Residences at Trump Interna... - 0 views

  • Trump International Hotel & Tower® Toronto, which opened on January 31, 2012, has selected the MICROS OPERA Enterprise Solution and the MICROS Restaurant Enterprise Solution (RES) as its primary hospitality technology systems. 
  • MICROS RES was selected for its rich restaurant operations functionality.
  • Trump International Hotel & Tower® Toronto will utilize MICROS's business intelligence platform for robust reporting functionality including mobile reporting capabilities on smartphone devices, the powerful MICROS Workstation 5A (WS5A) point-of-service terminals, and Mobile MICROS handheld units to bring service to its clientele wherever they are enjoying the renowned Trump hospitality.
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  • "Our partnership with MICROS for our primary hospitality systems allows us to standardize our technology and corporate best practices across our entire portfolio,"
    Trump International Hotels & Tower in Toronto has selected to use MICROS Opera and MICROS RES. The MICROS OPERA system includes property management, vacation ownership, and customer information to manage customer data and provides the most advanced technology. Trump selected MICROS RES because of it's rich restaurant operations functionality. Trump is pleased to be working with just one company that provides so much advanced technology. The company looks to gain more efficiency and secure processes and enable employees to provide superior experiences to their clients/guests.
Casrine Kelly

MICROS and Hospitality Solutions International to Provide POS Solutions for Hilton Fami... - 0 views

  • MICROS and its division Hospitality Solutions International (HSI) are preferred point-of-sale (POS) providers for more than 800 Hilton Family Hotels, including Hilton, Doubletree, Embassy Suites Hotels, and Hilton Garden Inn hotels.
    The article was talking about how Micros System International is a leading provider in information technology as it relates to Point Of Sale for many hotels. The Hilton hotel have always used this operating system from the early 80's. Micros still continues to provide services for the Hilton group of hotels as they did for many years. They provide Point Of Sale services to over 800 Hilton hotels.
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