Technology Used in Hospitality Security | SDA Security - 1 views
Smart cards and RFID (which stands for radio frequency identification) are contactless keys and work by actually sending small radio frequencies to receiving sensors
A guest can opt for fast check-in, wherein he gives the hotel his phone number and downloads an app.
the smartphone.
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Security is obviously very important in hospitality and technological advancements are helping to make hotel stays easier and more secure. The hotel industry is exploring options to that replaces the standard plastic keycards with new entry methods. One example is using smartcards or RFIDs, which stands for radio frequency identification. Smartcards and RFIDs work like a fast-pass at a gas station when quickly paying at the pump. The guest simply waves the card/key in front of a sensor granting entry. The guest doesn't have to worry about the card being deactivated by his or her cell phone and the hotel doesn't have to constantly spend on replacements. Another example is technology that allows us to enter our hotel rooms using our using our phones. Guests would download an app, receive a text message with an encrypted sound code and play it by the door to be granted entry. Using biometrics for entry is likely the ultimate level of technological security. Like in the movies, guests would have their physical attributes scanned including eyes, and/or thumbprint to identify a guest. Video cameras will always be a great form of security. Now that they're getting smaller and more vivid, surveillance makes the phrase "Big Brother is watching" all the more relevant by being a huge crime and incident deterrent. Technology is advancing rapidly and I can see some of these methods hitting mass markets sooner than we think.
This article talks about the new technologies applied in the hotel to keep safety. The first one is Smart cards/RFID that helps to open the door via sensor receiving. The next one is smartphone, personal belongings that help to open the door with encrypted sound code. Biometrics also can help by identifying personal physical traits. For hotels, security cameras is necessity.