Contents contributed and discussions participated by Paul Bogush
Do Podcasts Help Students Learn? - 104 views
Harvard Education Letter - 53 views
You Be the Historian - 131 views
Etherpad Lite - 40 views
Kids' Vid: Video Production for Students - 71 views
Google Moderator - 86 views
Let your audience decideGet to know your audience by letting them decide which questions, suggestions or ideas interest them most.Everyone's voice is heardThe voting box at the top of page focuses attention on submissions recently added and on the rise, making it simple and easy to participate.Be creativeInclude people in your preparation for lectures, interviews and hard decisions or work together to organize feature requests and brainstorm new ideas.
Cyberbullying 2010: What the Research Tells Us | Pew Research Center's Internet & Ameri... - 53 views
Enhancing Critical-Thinking Skills in Children: Tips for Parents - Duke Gifted Letter - 55 views
Are in-depth group discussions provided during class time? Are students coached to question their thinking processes and those of their classmates? Are students afforded opportunities to evaluate their progress regularly? Are students encouraged to pose questions regularly in class? Are students provided with guides to help them reflect on their thinking (such as Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Do class projects engage students in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation? Are students given opportunities to consider various opinions and to justify their own beliefs?
Table 1 Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy Competence Description Question/Prompt Knowledge Dates, events, formulas, other facts When did the United States become an independent country from England? What is the formula for area? Comprehension Recognize meaning, sequence, events, interpret information, compare ideas, make inferences, predict ideas What is the author's purpose? How are these numbers related? Is water of sunshine more critical to plant life? Human life? Application Use of information and concepts to solve problems Using your knowledge of calories and your physical makeup, calculate how much energy you must exert to lose three pounds per month. Demonstrate your understanding of how to create a Web site. Analysis Recognize patterns, parts, components Considering the stock market, examine which investments were the most lucrative this quarter. Organize these games by level of difficulty. Synthesis Use of information to create a new system, generalize, draw conclusions When did the United States become an independent country from England? What is the formula for area? Evaluation Assess concepts, weigh opinions for subjectivity, select items, judge Which type of dog would be best suited for your family, given your lifestyle and housing? Which local newspaper is written the most objectively?
Is your personal email at school subject to FOI - 22 views
ichigan FOIA requires the disclosure of public records upon proper request. A “public record” is defined as “a writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by a public body in the performance of an official function, from the time it is created.”
Noteflight - paulbogush's Home - 27 views
Sir Ken Robinson Playlist - 47 views
YouTube - Having a Ball - 49 views
What to Look for in a Classroom - 115 views
Browse Content by SOL | Classroom Clips - 54 views
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