web20-21stcentury-tools - top-ten - 109 views
Learn It In 5 - Scoop.it - 11 views
Teachers, students can create online magazine with Scoop.it The magazine creation web site, Scoop.it, allows teachers and students to easily become curators of information on a variety of topics. Name your topic, decide where you want Scoop.it to look for content -- Twitter, Google+, YouTube and others -- and Scoop.it does the rest.
Also need to include a more extensive concept of digital curation - the idea of adding value by your comments and evaluation of recommended resources, not just collecting a whole bunch of stuff. There are a whole bunch of blogs e.g. http://d20innovation.d20blogs.org/2012/07/07/understanding-content-curation/ and scoop.it pages on this topic e.g. http://www.scoop.it/t/digital-curation-for-teachers
Top Tools 2011 C4LPT - 6 views
Web 2.0 tools galore - 8 views
Cmaptools - Web20 - 3 views
Overview Web2.0 Tools For Collaborative Learning - 143 views
The Innovative Educator: Engage Your Future Students Today with Flashforward - 101 views
Weblogg-ed - 2 views
no better place for my children to watch that speech (or any other, for that matter) than in a place where ideas are encouraged, where critical thinking about those ideas is a natural part of the conversation, and where appropriate response and debate can flourish. Where the adults in the room lead my kids to dig deeper, to validate facts, and consider the many levels of context in which every speech and every debate takes place. Where the discussion around it is such that it lays to rest the concern that many seem to have about this particular speech in general, that in some way the President will be able to “indoctrinate” our kids into some socialist mindset. If schools are the fully functioning learning communities that we hope they are, they should be the place where our kids learn to make sense of ideas, not to fear them. That, however, is not the message we are sending.
Isn't it ironic that the very things that we fought for and received via the US Constitution, Civil Rights, etc. are the very things that students are today losing? As an American History teacher I talk about the past, present, and future and show my students how things have/have not changed throughout time. I begin the year by reading the "True Story of the 3 Little Pigs," and talk about J.S. Mill and his challenge to others to question. Is society truly against the educating of its students to have an open-mind, ask questions, and look at many perspectives?
In the midst of all of the “uproar” over the President’s planned speech to school kids on Tuesday, I keep thinking about what all of this says about schools, about what they are for, and about the perception that a lot of people in this country have of them.
My English Language Learners were very positive about the speech and couldn't understand all the uproar. Aren't we teaching in government funded schools? Well my young adults liked the message of responsibilty. I have also taught the true story of the 3 little pigs but my ELLs weren/t really familiar with the original version. It helped with point of view from the orignal version.
thin walls
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