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Strategies for online reading comprehension - 92 views

  • We traditionally think of reading in terms of sounding out words, understanding the meaning of those words, and putting those words into some contextual understanding.
  • If the kind of text our students are encountering in these online travels is embedded with so many links and media, and if those texts are connected to other associated pages (with even more links and media), hosted by who-knows-whom, the act of reading online quickly becomes an act of hunting for treasure, with red herrings all over the place that can easily divert one’s attention.
  • As educators, we need to take a closer look at what online reading is all about and think about how we can help our students not only navigate with comprehension but also understand the underlying structure of this world.
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  • How is traditional, in-class reading different from online reading?
  • to begin addressing the hyper-reading of young people might start with the process of elimination, by helping readers remove the clutter on the web pages they encounter.
  • Colorado State University offers a useful guide to reading on the web. While it is aimed at college students, much of the information is pertinent to readers of all ages and could easily be part of lessons in the classroom.
  • Synthesize online reading into meaningful chunks of information.
  • Use a reader’s ability to effectively scan a page, as opposed to reading every word.
  • Avoid distractions as much as necessary.
  • Understand the value of a hyperlink before you click the link.
  • Navigate a path from one page in a way that is clear and logical. This is easier said than done, since few of us create physical paths of our navigation

Here, here: the Swedish online love army who take on the trolls | World news | The Guar... - 7 views


Music That Represents Culture: Selecting Music with Integrity: EBSCOhost - 4 views

  • The term authenticity has been applied to music in various ways. It might be used to describe a piece of music (recorded, notated, performed); the process by which the music is taught and learned ( through recordings, live models, notation); or the manner in which it is performed (venue, dress, behaviors).
  • In other words, authenticity lies within the perceptions of the individual.
  • Anthony Palmer, who teaches music education at Boston University, has said that music with "absolute authenticity" is performed (a) by and for members of the culture; (b) in a typical setting, as determined by the members of the culture; (c) with instruments specified by the creator(s) of the music; and (d) in its original language.[ 8] Inarguably, and as Palmer recognizes, attaining this level of authenticity is impossible in a school music program (unless we consider "school music" residing within a unique culture of its own). In school, music is separated from its primary source many times over. Music is passed from its primary source (composer, grandmother) to an intermediary (arranger, performer, notation, recording) and channeled through a publisher or presenter to the teacher and finally to students. To confound matters, there are variants of melodies, lyrics, dances, games, and performance styles.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Ethnomusicologist Bruno Nettl explains that "societies differ, however, in their attitude toward musical stability; to some it is important that a song remain stable and unchanged, while in others individual singers are encouraged to have their personal versions."
  • but he believes educators must determine at what point that musical experience is no longer acceptable as representative of that culture.
  • Having clear visions of educational goals and the broad curriculum is vital to making these determinations.
  • Bennett Reimer states, "Those inner workings are themselves the project of cultural systems, so they must be revealed in their contexts, historical, cultural, and political, in order to be grasped appropriately; that is, 'knowing about' becomes an essential ingredient of artistry and of listening."[ 15] For example, children might not fully understand the meaning of "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" unless they understand what baseball is or realize that the song is traditionally sung at baseball games.
  • text in an unfamiliar language should include a translation so students understand the meaning of the words.
  • However, a culturally valid work is not necessarily bias free; and conversely, bias-free music is not necessarily culturally valid.
  • Selecting the best music to represent a culture in an unbiased manner is a process of discovery. You will first need to educate yourself before you can educate others.

Henry Clay and the American System for kids *** - 6 views

  • Taxing all foreign goods, to boost the sales of US products and protect manufacturers from cheap British goods
  • ● Introducing a protective Tariff to enable the nation to raise money from these taxes and at the same time protect the nation's goods from cheaper priced foreign items
    • Devin Page
      Which region of the country did not like tariffs that were meant to help manufacturers in the north?
  • The American System helped to fuel the belief in the Manifest Destiny of the United States
    • Devin Page
      So which region probably benefited from the American system?
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  • Roads and canals were built that enabled Americans to travel and the Cumberland Road, the Erie Canal were constructed
    • Devin Page
      Where did the Cumberland Road take travelers? How about the Erie Canal?
  • The American System helped to fuel the belief in the Manifest Destiny of the United States
  • ● Henry Clay's American System eventually ran out of steam during the administration of President Jackson
    • Devin Page
      Which region of the country seemed to most supprt Andrew Jackson?

Mindfulness Summit - 39 views

started by Norman Reynolds on 05 Oct 15 no follow-up yet

100+ Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB - 216 views

    Now, we can use it a little more easily. With classes, homework, and projects-not to mention your social life-time is truly at a premium for all teachers, so why not take advantage of the wide world that Google has to offer?

Teachers: Is AI Coming to Take Your Job? by @AIConf2018 - 16 views

    "Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic at the moment, with estimates varying wildly about how many jobs will be replaced by machine learning algorithms. Whatever the outcome, in reality, it is clear that schools will need to change, in order to prepare their students for the resulting impact on society and the skills needed for future employment."

Girls at single-sex schools more likely to take advanced STEM subjects - 7 views

    "New research from Monash University has found that girls in single-sex schools are more likely to study chemistry, intermediate mathematics, advanced mathematics and physics in their senior years when compared to their co-ed counterparts."
    Interesting. Would an analogous research conducted on boys shows a preference for disciplines predominantly associated with girls?

Do Quizzes Improve Student Learning? A Look at the Evidence - 47 views

  • But the devil is in the details, as in the specific combination of factors and conditions that produced the results. When I looked closely at this subset, I was amazed at the array of details that could potentially affect whether quizzes improve learning. Are they pop quizzes or scheduled on the syllabus? What types of questions are used (multiple choice, short answer, etc.)? What’s the relationship between quiz questions and questions on the exam (same questions, similar questions, or completely different)? How many quizzes are given throughout the semester? When are the quizzes given—before content coverage or after? How soon after? Do students take the quizzes in class or online? Are the quizzes graded or ungraded? If graded, how much do they count? Is the lowest score dropped? What kind of feedback are students provided?
2More - 9 views

    • mmdenne
      There are moany online businesses on facebook. I can't even begin to htink about the number of people selling Rodan and Fields, 31, etc... - My negihbor works n the prison and she still can't have a cell phone - You have ti be careful what you ike and don't like because that could look bad to potential employrs. You have tore realize that your posts are seen by everyone. Ha! Line 23 just said wthe same thing! - Why can't stuents, exmployees, have personel lives and live them on facebook. How you are in a social speace does not define you as an employee, students, etc... Okay- this background- checking service that takes pictures and keeps themfor 7 years is skechy! - It is scary to think that anything we post can be used by anyone for any purpose.
    • mmdenne
      Really? We are monitored if we type in a cerain term? Pork seems abit scary in that a certain group is clearly being targeted here. - I do like the advanteages soical media can bring to horrific siutation: missing children. thefts, etc... It can really help people find who they are looking for: parents looking for birth children, etc... -- Streaming in our own state on facebook of cop shooting F"Facebook holds the cards , and its citizens have little recourse- other than to leave the service entirely." ( ) scary! page 9 - ads on facebook r targeted to us for what we search which is unsettling. Facebook knows alot about me! - Where do companies like Spokeo get all of our information??? Ahh- okay I see. But because they claim they are out there for entertainment that do not have to be accurate and can post that stuff??

Looking in the Wrong Places | - 5 views

  • We should be very careful in thinking about whether we’re working on the right problems. If we don’t, that ties into the problem that we don’t have experimental evidence that could move us forward. We're trying to develop theories that we use to find out which are good experiments to make, and these are the experiments that we build.   We build particle detectors and try to find dark matter; we build larger colliders in the hope of producing new particles; we shoot satellites into orbit and try to look back into the early universe, and we do that because we hope there’s something new to find there. We think there is because we have some idea from the theories that we’ve been working on that this would be something good to probe. If we are working with the wrong theories, we are making the wrong extrapolations, we have the wrong expectations, we make the wrong experiments, and then we don’t get any new data. We have no guidance to develop these theories. So, it’s a chicken and egg problem. We have to break the cycle. I don’t have a miracle cure to these problems. These are hard problems. It’s not clear what a good theory is to develop. I’m not any wiser than all the other 20,000 people in the field.
  • I’m still asking myself the same question that I asked myself ten years ago: "What is going on in my community?" I work in the foundations of physics, and I see a lot of strange things happening there. When I look at the papers that are being published, many of them seem to be produced simply because papers have to be produced. They don’t move us forward in any significant way. I get the impression that people are working on them not so much because it’s what they’re interested in but because they have to produce outcomes in a short amount of time. They sit on short-term positions and have short-term contracts, and papers must be produced.
  • The field that I mostly work in is the foundations of physics, which is, roughly speaking, composed of cosmology, the foundations of quantum mechanics, high-energy particle physics, and quantum gravity. It’s a peculiar field because there hasn’t been new data for almost four decades, since we established the Standard Model of particle physics. There has been, of course, the Higgs particle that was discovered at the LHC in 2012, and there have been some additions to the Standard Model, but there has not been a great new paradigm change, as Kuhn would have put it. We’re still using the same techniques, and we’re still working with the same theories as we did in the 1970s.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • That makes this field of science rather peculiar and probably explains why there hasn’t been much progress. But it’s not like we don’t have any questions that need to be answered. There are a lot of questions that have been around for decades. For example, what is dark energy? What is dark matter? What are the masses of the Standard Model particles? And what’s up with the foundation of quantum mechanics? Is a theory that's fundamentally not deterministic, where we cannot predict outcomes, the last word that we have, or is there something more to it? Is there maybe another underlying structure to reality?
  • but we haven't reached the fundamental level. Maybe we will never reach it. Certainly, the theories that we have right now are not all there is. The question is, of course, if we don’t have any guidance by experiment, how do we make progress? And are we doing the right thing?
  • We’ve reached this point where we have to carefully rethink if the criteria that we’re using to select our theories are promising at all. If one looks at the history of this field in the foundations of physics, progress has usually been made by looking at questions that, at least in hindsight, were well posed, where there was an actual mathematical contradiction. For example, special relativity is incompatible with Newtonian gravity. If you try to resolve this incompatibility, you get general relativity.
  • There are various similar examples where such breakthroughs have happened because there was a real problem. There was an inconsistency and people had to resolve it. It had nothing to do with beauty. Maybe beauty was, in some cases, the personal motivation of the people to work on it. There’s certainly some truth to this, but I don’t think it’s good to turn this story around and say that if we only pay attention to this motivation that comes from ideals of beauty it will lead to progress.
  • If we are working with the wrong theories, we are making the wrong extrapolations, we have the wrong expectations, we make the wrong experiments, and then we don’t get any new data. We have no guidance to develop these theories. So, it’s a chicken and egg problem. We have to break the cycle. I don’t have a miracle cure to these problems. These are hard problems. It’s not clear what a good theory is to develop. I’m not any wiser than all the other 20,000 people in the field.
  • The way that research is funded in foundations of physics and in many other fields just puts a lot of things at a disadvantage that are not pursued anymore. Typically, everything that takes longer than three years to complete, no one will start it because they can’t afford it. They can literally not afford it.
  • Who makes the decisions about the funding? Superficially, people say that it's a funding agency, so it’s the university who get to hire people. But that puts the blame on the wrong party. In the end it’s the community itself who makes the decisions. What do the funding agencies do if they get a proposal? They send it to reviewers. And who are the reviewers? They're people from the same community. If you look at how hiring decisions are being made, there’s some committee and they are people from the same community. They have some advisory boards or something, which contains people from the same community.
  • Even if that wasn’t so, what the people in these committees would be doing is looking at easy measures for scientific success. Presently, the most popular of these measures are the number of publications and the number of citations. And maybe also whether the person has published in high-impact journals. So, these are the typical measures that are presently being used. But what do they measure? They primarily measure popularity. They indicate whether somebody’s research is well received by a lot of people in the same community. And that’s why once a research area grows beyond a certain critical mass, you have sufficiently many people who tell each other that what they’re doing is the good thing to do. They review each other’s papers and say that that’s great and it's what we should continue to do. It’s a problem in all communities that grow beyond a certain size.
  • I later came to the United States and then Canada, and that gave me the opportunity to learn a lot about quantum gravity. I also figured out that much of what goes on in quantum gravity is very detached from reality. It’s pretty much only mathematics. Yes, the mathematics is there, but I still don’t know if it’s the mathematics that describes reality.
  • That’s the very reason why we don’t normally think of gravity as a weak force. It’s the only force that is left over on long distances, and the reason for this is that it adds up. It gets stronger the more mass you pile up. More precisely, we should say that the reason we find it so hard to measure quantum gravitational effects is that we either have a particle that has very pronounced quantum properties, like, say, a single electron or something like that, but then it’s so light that we cannot measure the gravitational field. Or we have some object that is so heavy that we can measure the gravitational field, but then it doesn’t have quantum properties. Okay, so that’s the actual problem.

What Artificial Intelligence Could Mean For Education : NPR Ed : NPR - 15 views

  • , in a world where computers are taking more and more of the jobs, what is it that humans most need to learn? It probably isn't primarily memorizing facts or figures, or simple rules for problem solving.
  • An immediate answer is that more of us need to get better at building and interacting with software tools.
  • the growing movement in education to focus on building social and emotional competencies.
7More | brainstorm and mind map online - 152 views

    Very simple graphic builder and easy to use
  • ...2 more comments...
    brainstorm and mind map online
    Great for creating bubble charts for brainstorming, note-taking, or categorizing.
    Concept mapping tool
    Brainstorm online with Easily create colorful mind maps to print or share with others. Almost no learning curve. Businesses, universities, and other schools are using worldwide to generate ideas, map out processes and create presentations.

Peer Wise - 47 views

started by mdeschamps67 on 20 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
kscharaldi liked it

Guideline on Some Questions and Answers about Grammar - 36 views

  • Grammar names the types of words and word groups that make up sentences not only in English but in any language
  • sentence structure
  • conventions and style of language.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation)"
  • language use, patterns, and dialects
  • Students benefit much more from learning a few grammar keys thoroughly than from trying to remember many terms and rules.
  • Experiment with different approaches
  • show students how to apply it not only to their writing but also to their reading and to their other language arts activities.
  • If they know how to find the main verb and the subject, they have a better chance of figuring out a difficult sentenc
  • Traditional drill and practice will be the most meaningful to students when they are anchored in the context of writing assignments or the study of literary models
  • apply it to authentic texts.
  • Try using texts of different kinds, such as newspapers and the students' own writing, as sources for grammar examples and exercises.
  • entence combining: students start with simple exercises in inserting phrases and combining sentences and progress towards exercises in embedding one clause in another.
  • practice using certain subordinate constructions that enrich sentences.
  • All native speakers of a language have more grammar in their heads than any grammar book
  • If a word can be made plural or possessive, or if it fits in the sentence "The _______ went there," it is a noun. If a word can be made past, or can take an -ing ending, it is a verb
  • whole sentence or a fragment
  • verb phrase
  • subject
  • pronoun f
  • Students can circle the sentence subjects in a published paragraph, observe this pattern at work, and then apply it to their own writing.  
  • Most sentences start with information that is already familiar to the reader, such as a pronoun or a subject noun that was mentioned earlier.
  • end focus.

Ms. Kelly's Music Class - 1 views

  • Google Classroom page
  • Google Classroom page
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • March 30-April 3
  • For example (to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody)Is this the real life?Maybe just allergies?Caught in a lockdownNo escape from the familyDon't touch your eyes, Just hand sanitize quickly!
  • Is this the real life?Maybe just allergies?Caught in a lockdownNo escape from the familyDon't touch your eyes, Just hand sanitize quickly!
  • For example (to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody)
  • Each week I will post a fun activity to try if you would like.  Anyone in the school can complete the task! Send your final product to Ms. Kelly: and a winner will be chosen and featured on my website!YOUR TASK: Create a "Parody" of a song that describes what is happening right now in the world. Take a song and re-write the words to talk about social-distancing/ staying at home/however you are feeling. Make a video of you singing, dancing, and send the words and video to Ms. Kelly. One winner will be chosen. Good luck!
  • No escape from th
  • family
  • Maybe just allergies?
  • aught in a lockdown

1:1 Programs and Expectations - Bionic Teaching - 28 views

  • So here’s how our 1:1 has helped students in our school- everyone now has a computer no matter their economic circumstances students have the ability to create all kinds of digital media to express themselves and their ideas music webpages graphics students have the chance to work on this media outside of school hours (that’s key for me- the school day just isn’t enough time) students are learning (sometimes the hard way) how to be responsible for both their digital actions and their computers students are taking part in as well as learning from the participatory web

Have you taught online? Your opinion is needed! - 16 views

  • Please consider taking my survey. It is anonymous, so I won't be able to send a proper thank you. Please know that I will pay your kindness forward to another doctoral student in need and will send warm thoughts out into the universe for you. Thank you for your consideration and for passing this on to eLearning faculty!

Education World: Are You a Techno-Constructivist? - 33 views

  • not only complements instruction but redefines it.
    • missboess
      This statement encompasses what I am trying to achieve in this resource design assessment. It also clearly links to the SMAR model of best ICT use in education, by implementing learning experience with technology that 'redefines' the activity. Meaning the activity is something that could not be done without the technology used.
  • help children build on their own experiences, construct their own meanings, create products, and solve problems successfully.
    • missboess
      Encompasses the constructivist theory I am using in the resource design and furthermore links to the method of inquiry.
  • long-term problem-solving and product-generating tasks
    • missboess
      In my resource design students will take part in a long term water sustainability project. A website will assist them in attaining access to multiple resources, communication with the outerworld (blogging) and creating products such as videos, visuals etc.
    • oconnortammy
      How are you helping your students to connect to the outside world? Are they having dialogues with others?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • See The Webquest Page or for endless materials.)
    • missboess
      Webquest was used as an inspiration for my resource design, as it provides a useful platform for inquiry units to be created. There are endless examples on there. I really recommend you have a look at them. I decided to create my own website on weebly, as it provided more options and interactivity.
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