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quader_p.pdf - 5 views

shared by bpedegani on 26 Jan 17 - No Cached
  • Quaderni
  • I
    • bpedegani
      Cosa sono i quaderni?
  • è
    • bpedegani
      Leggere questo capitolo introduttivo
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • ridotto l'umanità in tale stato di follia, che presto proromperà frenetica a sconvolgere e a distruggere tutto
  • Io non opero nulla.
    • bpedegani
      ricorda qualche altro testo letto quest'anno?
  • u
  • Che giova all'uomo non contentarsi di ripeter sempre le stesse operazioni? Già, quelle che sono fondamentali e indispensabili alla vita, deve pur compierle e ripeterle anch'egli quotidianamente, come i bruti, se non vuol morire. Tutte le altre, mutate e rimutate di continuo smaniosamente, è assai difficile non gli si scoprano, presto o tardi, illusioni o vanità, frutto come sono di quel tal superfluo, di cui non si vede su la terra né il fine né la ragione. E chi ha detto al mio amico Simone Pau, che il bruto non sa? Sa quello che gli è necessario e non s'impaccia d'altro, perché il bruto non ha in sé alcun superfluo. L'uomo che l'ha, appunto perché l'ha, si pone il tormento di certi problemi, destinati su la terra a rimanere insolubili. Ed ecco in che consiste la sua superiorità! Forse quel tormento è segno e prova (speriamo, non anche caparra!) di un'altra vita oltre la terrena; ma, stando così le cose su la terra, mi par proprio d'aver ragione quando dico ch'essa è fatta più pe' bruti che per gli uomini.
    • bpedegani
      quale idea emerge del lavoro "artisico"'?
  • l'impassibilità
  • Ma che cosa poi farà l'uomo quando tutte le macchinette gireranno da sé, questo, caro signore, resta ancora da vedere
  • Ma che cosa poi farà l'uomo quando tutte le macchinette gireranno da sé, questo, caro signore, resta ancora da vedere
  • Simone Pau,
  • Conosco anch'io il congegno esterno, vorrei dir meccanico della vita che fragorosamente e vertiginosamente ci affaccenda senza requie
  • Scusa, e come so io del monte, dell'albero, del mare? Il monte è monte, perché io dico: Quello è un monte. Il che significa: io sono il monte. Che siamo noi? Siamo quello di cui a volta a volta ci accorgiamo. Io sono il monte, io l'albero, io il mare. Io sono anche la stella, che ignora se stessa! Restai sbalordito. Ma per poco. Ho anch'io - inestirpabilmente radicata nel più profondo del mio essere - la stessa malattia dell'amico mio.
  • V
    • bpedegani
      rapporto uomo-natura
  • V
    • bpedegani
      uomo con violino
  • monco
    • bpedegani
  • come un monco vergognoso può mostrare il suo moncherino.
  • Ti dico una vera bestia, un pachiderma, che si ruguma quieto quieto il suo lungo nastro di carta traforata. “Fa tutto da sé - dice il proto al mio amico. - Tu non hai che a darle da mangiare di tanto in tanto i suoi pani di piombo, e starla a guardare.”
  • Nestoroff...
  • Un violino, nelle mani d'un uomo, accompagnare un rotolo di carta traforata introdotto nella pancia di quell'altra macchina l
  • Impassibile.
  • II
Todd Campion

Great Expectations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Miss Havisham and her family Miss Havisham, wealthy spinster who takes Pip on as a companion and whom Pip suspects is his benefactor. Miss Havisham does not discourage this as it fits into her own spiteful plans. She later apologizes to him as she's overtaken by guilt. He accepts her apology and she is badly burnt when her dress catches aflame from a spark which leapt from the fire. Pip saves her, but she later dies from her injuries. Estella (Havisham), Miss Havisham's adopted daughter, whom Pip pursues romantically throughout the novel. She is secretly the daughter of Molly, Jaggers' housekeeper, and Abel Magwitch, Pip's convict, but was given up to Miss Havisham after a murder trial. Estella represents the life of wealth and culture for which Pip strives. Since her ability to love has been ruined by Miss Havisham, she is unable to return Pip's passion. She warns Pip of this repeatedly, but he is unwilling or unable to believe her. At one point, Estella is walking up some iron stairs representing how she is of a higher class than Pip when in fact she is of the same class. Arthur (Havisham), Miss Havisham's half-brother, who felt he was shortchanged in his inheritance by their father's preference for his daughter. He joined with Compeyson in the scheme to cheat Miss Havisham of large sums of money by gaining Miss Havisham's trust through promise of marriage to Compeyson. Arthur is haunted by the memory of the scheme and sickens and dies in a delirium, imagining that the still-living Miss Havisham is in his room, coming to kill him. Arthur has died before the beginning of the novel and gambled heavily, being drunk quite often. Matthew Pocket, a cousin of Miss Havisham's. He is the patriarch of the Pocket family, but unlike others of her relatives he is not greedy for Havisham's wealth. Matthew Pocket has a family of nine children, two nurses, a housekeeper, a cook, and a pretty but useless wife (named Belinda). He also tutors young gentlemen, such as Bentley Drummle, Startop, Pip, and his own son Herbert, who live on his estate. Herbert Pocket, a member of the Pocket family, Miss Havisham's presumed heirs, whom Pip first meets as a "pale young gentleman" who challenges Pip to a fist fight at Miss Havisham's house when both are children. He is the son of Matthew Pocket, Pip's tutor in the "gentlemanly" arts, and shares his apartment with Pip in London, becoming Pip's fast friend who is there to share Pip's happiness as well as his troubles. He is in love with a girl called Clara. Herbert keeps it secret because he knows his mother would say she is below his "station". Camilla, an ageing, talkative relative of Miss Havisham who does not care much for Miss Havisham and only wants her money. She is one of the many relatives who hang around Miss Havisham "like flies" for her wealth. Cousin Raymond, another ageing relative of Miss Havisham who is only interested in her money. He is married to Camilla. Georgiana, an ageing relative of Miss Havisham who is only interested in her money. Sarah Pocket, "a dry, brown corrugated old woman, with a small face that might have been made out of walnut shells, and a large mouth like a cat's without the whiskers." Another ageing relative of Miss Havisham who is only interested in her money
  • Characters from Pip's youth The Convict, an escapee from a prison ship, whom Pip treats kindly, and who turns out to be his benefactor, at which time his real name is revealed to be Abel Magwitch, but who is also known as Provis and Mr. Campbell in parts of the story to protect his identity. Pip also covers him as his uncle in order that no one recognizes him as a convict sent to Australia years before. Abel Magwitch, the convict's given name, who is also Pip's benefactor. Provis, a name that Abel Magwitch uses when he returns to London, to conceal his identity. Pip also says that "Provis" is his uncle visiting from out of town. Mr. Campbell, a name that Abel Magwitch uses after he is discovered in London by his enemy. Mr. and Mrs. Hubble, simple folk who think they are more important than they really are. They live in Pip's village. Mr. Wopsle, the clerk of the church in Pip's village. He later gives up the church work and moves to London to pursue his ambition to be an actor, even though he is not very good. Mr. Waldengarver, the stage name that Mr. Wopsle adopts as an actor in London. Biddy, Mr. Wopsle's second cousin; she runs an evening school from her home in Pip's village and becomes Pip's teacher. A kind and intelligent but poor young woman, she is, like Pip and Estella, an orphan. She is the opposite of Estella. Pip ignores her obvious love for him as he fruitlessly pursues Estella. After he realizes the error of his life choices, he returns to claim Biddy as his bride, only to find out she has married Joe Gargery. Biddy and Joe later have two children, one named after Pip whom Estella mistakes as Pip's child in the original ending. Orlick was attracted to her, but his affection was unreciprocated

Memofon: Convert the text notes in mind maps - 42 views

    "Memofon: Convertire gli appunti di testo in mappe mentali"
BTerres - 0 views

    Euler y el teorema fundamental del Álgebra
Jennifer Diaz

Ivan the gorilla inspired animal lovers on 2 coasts | - Local news - 23 views

    Ivan the Gorilla has died at the age of 50 in Zoo Atlanta. We are reading The One and Only Ivan for the Global Read Aloud this year.
H DeWaard

Far from bust: five ways MOOCs are helping people get on in life - World leading higher... - 21 views

    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) - free, short courses made available to everybody online - were expected to herald the end of higher education as we knew it when they began. But the hype soon died away and critics bemoaned the fact that learners quickly lost enthusiasm and dropped out in large numbers.
Glenn Hervieux

Church shooting victims identified: Track coach and librarian among those killed - Yaho... - 7 views

    Learn about the people who died needlessly in the Charleston church shooting. There is a face and story to each victim.
Tuan Nguyen

Merce Cunningham, Influential Choreographer, Dies - Obituary (Obit) - - 0 views

  • Merce Cunningham, the American choreographer who was among a handful of 20th-century figures to make dance a major art and a major form of theater, died Sunday night at his home in Manhattan.
  • Mr. Cunningham ranks with Isadora Duncan, Serge Diaghilev, Martha Graham and George Balanchine in making people rethink the essence of dance and choreography, posing a series of “But” and “What if?” questions over a career of nearly seven decades.
    about dance genius.
Dr. Sorin Adam Matei

Irish student's Wikipedia hoax dupes newspapers - 0 views

    An Irish student's fake quote on the Wikipedia online encyclopaedia has been used in newspaper obituaries around the world, the Irish Times reported. The quote was attributed to French composer Maurice Jarre who died in March. Shane Fitzgerald, 22, a final-year student studying sociology and economics at University College Dublin, told the newspaper he placed the quote on the website as an experiment when doing research on globalisation.
Candy Boyer

Tom Wolfe, Author and Satirist of America, Dies at 88 | Time - 4 views

  • American maverick who insisted that the only way to tell a great story was to go out and report it.
  • journalism could offer the kinds of literary pleasure found in books.
  • Wolfe scorned the reluctance of American writers to confront social issues and warned that self-absorption and master’s programs would kill the novel. “So the doors close and the walls go up!” he wrote in his 1989 literary manifesto, “Stalking the Billion-Footed Beast.” He was astonished that no author of his generation had written a sweeping, 19th century style novel about contemporary New York City, and ended up writing one himself, “The Bonfire of the Vanities.”
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • “My contention is that status is on everybody’s mind all of the time, whether they’re conscious of it or not,”
  • “new journalism” combined the emotional impact of a novel, the analysis of the best essays, and the factual foundation of hard reporting. He mingled it all in an over-the-top style that made life itself seem like one spectacular headline.
  • pointed look at fund-raising for the Black Panther Party by Leonard Bernstein and other wealthy whites.
  • And no one more memorably captured the beauty-and-the-beast divide between the Beatles and the Rolling Stones: “The Beatles want to hold your hand,” he wrote, “but the Rolling Stones want to burn down your town!”
  • s a child, he did rewrites of the Authurian legends and penned biographies of his heroes.
  • unsuccessful pitching tryout with the New York Giants before
  • The Washington Post, where he won Washington Newspaper Guild awards in 1960 for his coverage of U.S.-Cuban affairs and a satiric account of that year’s Senate civil rights filibuster.
  • The next year, Wolfe was assigned to cover a “Hot Rod & Custom Car” show. He completed a story, the kind “any of the somnambulistic totem newspapers in America would have come up with.” But he knew there was a much richer, and longer story to tell, one about a thriving subculture that captured the post-World War II economic boom and the new freedom to “build monuments” to one’s own style. No newspaper could contain what Wolfe had in mind, so he turned to Esquire magazine, wrote up 49 pages and helped give birth to a new kind of reporter. “For the who-what-where-when-why of traditional journalism, he has substituted what he calls ‘the wowie!'” according to a 1965 Newsweek story.
  • “A Man in Full” turned Wolfe’s smirk to Atlanta society. His 2004 novel, “I Am Charlotte Simmons,” looked at life on a fictional elite college campus rife with drinking, status obsession and sex.
    includes short VIDEO "Wolfe scorned the reluctance of American writers to confront social issues and warned that self-absorption and master's programs would kill the novel."
Martin Burrett

Time parents spend with children key to academic success - 12 views

    "The time parents spend with their children has a powerful effect on their educational achievement, according to a large study with a novel approach. Researchers analysed data on children in Israel who lost a parent through death or divorce. They found that when it came to one measure of a child's academic success, the educational attainment of the surviving or custodial parent had more impact than the educational level of the parent who died or left the home."
k moses

The Saudi explanation for Jamal Khashoggi's death is a fable. Still Trump plays along. ... - 2 views

  • As Mr. Trump surely knows, the new Saudi cover story is contradicted not just by evidence collected by Turkish authorities and by journalists but also by the reporting of the U.S. intelligence community. All point to Mohammed bin Salman as the instigator of a premeditated, cold-blooded and brutal murder, followed by the dismemberment of Mr. Khashoggi’s body. As The Post’s Shane Harris reported, CIA officials have listened to an audio recording in the possession of Turkish officials they say backs up their account that Mr. Khashoggi was murdered minutes after entering the consulate by a team of 15 men. The Post has identified five of those men as probable members of the crown prince’s personal security detail.
    • k moses
      Again ... Its sort of excellent that Trump has dropped all subtlety on dealing with the relationship of the USA and The House of Saud, ... I sure hope it revives the questions that were raised about 15 of the 19 plane hijackers were Saudis and their origins and funding were not subjected to scrutiny,

Mental skills for musicians: Managing music performance anxiety and enhancing performance. - 1 views

  • In asurvey of 2,212 classical musicians, 40% re-ported that anxiety interfered with their perfor-mances (Kirchner, Bloom, & Skutnick–Henley,
  • , see Kenny (2005) andMcGinnis and Milling (2005
  • Few studies have investigated whether a cog-nitive intervention can reduce anxiety and en-hance performance in musicians (Lehrer, 1987;Steptoe & Fidler, 1987)
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • did notreturn any recent studies investigating the effec-tiveness of a purely cognitive intervention in thetreatment of MPA; consequently, research inthis particular area is needed
  • Past re-search has focused on combined interventions;however, often these programs run for over 6weeks and it is unknown which aspects of theintervention are most effective (e.g., Nagel,Himle, & Papsdorf, 1989)
  • State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).The STAI is widely used in anxiety researchand is considered to be a valid and reliable scale(Kenny, 2006).
  • The PAI (Nagel, Himle, & Papsdorf, 1981) isbased on the STAI and is a music inventoryassessing the three-systems model of anxiety
  • heart rate at 10 min, 5
  • Signs of anxiety included trem-bling knees, lifting shoulders, stiff back and/orneck, trembling hands, stiff arms, face deadpan,shaking head, moistening and/or biting lips, dis-tressed facial expressions, and sweating.
  • Nagel et al.reported that the average preintervention scorewas 55 and the average postintervention scorewas 38, with a score of 39 or less indicating a
  • person has few problems with performance anx-iety
  • Researchers have found that MPA af-fects instrumentalists and vocalists of all agesand abilities, including students, professionals,amateurs, and children (Brotons, 1994; Kenny,2006; Liston, Frost, & Mohr, 2003)
  • Few studies have investigated whether a cog-nitive intervention can reduce anxiety and en-hance performance in musicians (Lehrer, 1987;Steptoe & Fidler, 1987)
  • Few studies have investigated whether a cog-nitive intervention can reduce anxiety and en-hance performance in musicians (Lehrer, 1987;Steptoe & Fidler, 1987
  • The cognitive intervention had no significanteffect on anxiety levels. Sweeney and Horan’s(1982) study indicated that a cognitive restruc-turing program may be helpful in the treatmentof MPA; their program, featuring cognitive re-structuring, significantly reduced anxiety.
  • d it is unknown which aspects of theintervention are most effective (e.g., Nagel,Himle, & Papsdorf, 1989)
  • The STAI is widely used in anxiety researchand is considered to be a valid and reliable scale
  • Performance Anxiety Inventory (PAI)
  • cognitive, behavioral, and physiological fac
  • and has beenwidely used in treatment outcome research
  • Behavioral Anxiety Index (BAI)
  • igns of anxiety included trem-bling knees, lifting shoulders, stiff back and/orneck, trembling hands, stiff arms, face deadpan,shaking head, moistening and/or biting lips, dis-tressed facial expressions, and sweating
  • Participants were then taught howthoughts, behaviors, and feelings interact andinfluence performance
  • practical exercise, how people waste their en-ergy trying to control uncontrollable factors,thereby impairing performance
  • This exercise wasdesigned to demonstrate how thoughts cansometimes be irrational and can be changed inlight of new evidence
  • how to use self-talk effectively and how touse cues
  • Participants practiced how to identify negativethoughts, stop the thoughts, and use cues to helpthem overcome the negative thoughts.
  • Imagery is a mentalexercise that can help athletes maintain concen-tration, decrease anxiety, and improve confi-dence; thus, it may also be helpful for somemusicians (Gregg & Clark, 2007).
  • Participants in the wait-list controlgroup waited 3 weeks until their second perfor-mance, which was on the same night as theirfirst worksho
  • MPA is a pervasive problem affecting musi-cians of all ages and abilities. As compared withthe research on mental skills training in athletes,relatively little is known about the assessment,treatment, and theoretical underpinnings ofMPA
  • Kenny (2006) suggested that improving perfor-mance quality will have a positive, self-reinforcing effect on the musician and enhanceconfidence in future performances.
  • We predicted that anxiety levels would de-crease in the treatment group from pre- to post-test. This hypothesis was partially supported.Specifically, there was a significant reductionon the PAI in the treatment group. Although theparticipants improved after the intervention,they were still not within the optimal rangeaccording to Nagel et al. (1981
  • Although the decrease in anxiety was notas large in our study, our participants droppedfrom the high performance anxiety category tothe moderate performance anxiety category
Brenda Dunn

The Alamo - 3 views

  • By March 1839, Santa Anna was president once again, an office he held six more times before finally being driven from Mexican politics in 1854. He died in Mexico City in 1876 a pauper.
  • Gentleman on entering the Alamo will please remove their hats, and all visitors will speak in low tones, in recognition of the sacredness of this shrine.
    Questions & Answers

Adobe After Effects CS5 e CS5.5 * Utilizzo di Adobe After Effects - 3 views

    Adobe After Effects CS5 e CS5.5

Total Photoshop - Il primo sito di Video tutorial in Italiano su Photoshop, D... - 1 views

    total photoshop tutorial after effect
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