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kurt stavenhagen

steindl-rast | zen writ - 12 views

  • combine our intellect with will and our emotions, only than can we truly understand the meaning of gratefulness.
    • kurt stavenhagen
      Sometimes I think that he tries too hard to separate the intellect from the will. I wonder on a physiological level what this looks like in the brain: are their separate components in the brain for recognition and judgment. Perhaps there are. If so, should those be the terms rather than intellect and will?
  • its not giving up.
  • back to bed again”
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • haven’t reached them yet
  • Just to be living on this earth in this solar system in this galaxy in this universe is immensely rare and lucky.
  • to recognize is to accept something as true, but to acknowledge is to have a perspective, or how you choose to view that recognizable truth.
  • Some people feel the rain, and others just get wet
  • acknowledgement is perspective.
  • uses the word surprise as a way of saying be mindful and appreciate the little things in life that go on around you
  • ollowing this quote the author goes on to
  • because many of use feel a moral obligation to return our benefactor the favor thus making the seemingly “gratuitous act” a debt that we must repay by giving our own gift.
  • the bonds of interdependence set us free
  • once you can acknowledge a gift for a gift and acknowledge dependence then you’re free to go forward into full gratefulness.
  • yesterday morning my friend, knowing that I’m not an early bird, brought an extra granola bar to class just to give it to me which was a surprise that I had not expected. This was merely a simple surprise that I felt then, but after I thought it over again, this surprise made me realize how grateful I felt for having a such friend
  • By allowing ourselves to be helped in life and understanding that receiving help is not a show of weakness but in fact a show of mindfulness, we open ourselves up to the surprises and pleasures of communicating with people on a regular day basis
  • independent vs dependent. Being considered “legally” independent I have truly learned how dependent I am for others.
  • I always thought why would I hassle someone else for my incompetency
  • that weak need to feel weak in order to grow. We need to put everything out there and grow and learn from our experiences.
  • Letting weakness show is one of the strongest things we can do in order to know ourselves at a deeper level
  • Helping someone, whether it is a friend, neighbor or family member is something one should do out of the goodness of our heart. Everything comes full circle,
  • it is a personal choice to help others, and my way of reminding myself that I am grateful to be here,
  • I know what a horse looks like, feels like and moves like, but every time I go visit, I am still surprised and amused just by watching the horses out in the field.
  • The more grateful you become the more you appreciate life, which in a sense does make you younger because you are embracing living life
  • When my dad and hundreds of others died on 9/11/01 you could notice something different in the air.
    "teindl-Rast inspired me to start working on a project that I have been putting off. (ironically when I chose to read this passage I was procrastinating) There is never an ideal or perfect time for any person to start any task. Instead of taking this moment right now, we co"
Javier E

Getting Into the Ivies - - 0 views

  • For American teenagers, it really is harder to get into Harvard — or Yale, Stanford, Brown, Boston College or many other elite colleges — than it was when today’s 40-year-olds or 50-year-olds were applying. The number of spots filled by American students at Harvard, after adjusting for the size of the teenage population nationwide, has dropped 27 percent since 1994.
  • The share for any individual college is minuscule, of course. In 2012, about 33 out of every 100,000 American 18- to 21-year-olds were attending Harvard, down from 45 per 100,000 in 1994. These changes in the share tell you how much harder, or easier, admission has become for American teenagers on average. Between 1984 and 1994, it became easier at many colleges. The college-age population in this country fell during that time to 14.1 million in 1994 from 16.5 million in 1984, and the number of foreign students was relatively stable.
  • Over the last 20 years, several large colleges, like N.Y.U. and the University of Southern California, have improved markedly, effectively increasing the number of seats on elite campuses
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • For students from the Northeast applying to elite colleges in the region, college admissions have probably become even more difficult in recent decades than these statistics suggest. Not only have colleges globalized, they have also become less regional, admitting more students from states like North Carolina, Texas and Washington.
  • On average, about 15 percent of students at elite colleges receive Pell grants, which as a rule of thumb go to students in the bottom half of the income distribution.
  • Low-income applicants are left to compete for the remaining slots with applicants who have the highest test scores, most impressive extracurricular activities and most eloquent essays.
    After reading this i felt I could assuage the parents group at my daughter's school who were heartbroken that their siblings were not accepted into the school as well.
Steven Anderson

Differentiated Instruction ; Educational resources that help classroom teachers adjust ... - 5 views

    Differentiated Instruction lessons and ideas to help classroom teachers individualize instruction for different learning styles
Gerald Aungst

Differentiated Instruction in Wilmette - 2 views

    Excellent collection of resources for differentiation and professional development.
Kathleen N

A Snapshot of Differentiated Instruction - Lesson Plans | Show and Tell - 6 views

    "Activities for Differentiated Instruction Addressing All Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy and Eight Multiple Intelligences." This title, by Audrey C. Rule and Linda Hurley Lord sounds too good to be true. This document is an 83-page gold mine. In the first eight pages, the introduction reviews the basics of both Bloom's and Gardner's work. Then it explains the qualities of differentiated instruction, referring to Tomlinson, as well as making the connections to Bloom and Gardner.
Robert Wells

The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343-1400) [Chaucer Biography] - 42 views

  • Chaucer went to the war in France.
    • Robert Wells
      What prompted Edward III to pay ransom for Chaucer's release? Did someone have the King's ear or was he a valued servant of the court?
  •   In the grant of his pension Chaucer is called "dilectus vallectus noster," our beloved yeoman; before the end of 1368 he had risen to be one of the king's esquires.
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • Michaelmas,
    • Robert Wells
      Michaelmas = the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel.
  • In the second quarter of 1374 Chaucer lived in a whirl of prosperity.
  • During the next twelve or fifteen years there is no question that Chaucer was constantly engaged in literary work,
  • bundant f
  • In October 1385 Chaucer was made a justice of the peace for Kent.
  • Philippa Chaucer
  • In August 1386 he was elected one of the two knights of the shire for Kent, and with this dignity, though it was one not much appreciated in those days, his good fortune reached its climax.
  • While on the king's business, in September 1390, Chaucer was twice robbed by highwaymen,
  • In 1397 he received from King Richard a grant of a butt of wine yearly. For this he appears to have asked in terms that suggest poverty, and in May 1398 he o
  • btained letters of protection against his creditors, a step perhaps rendered necessary by an action for debt taken against him earlier in the year.
  • he died, on the 25th of the following October. He was buried in Westminster Abbey, and his tomb became the nucleus of what is now known as Poets' Corner.
  • the king granted him a pitcher of wine daily,
    • Robert Wells
      His literary period.
  • The development of his genius has been attractively summed up as comprised in three stages, French, Italian and English,
  • Boccaccio's
  • Petrarch's sonnets,
  • occaccio's Decamerone, a book which there is no proof of his having seen.
  • avour was shown him by the new king
  • On the 8th of June he was appointed Comptroller of the Custom and Subsidy of Wools, Hides and Woodfells and also of the Petty Customs of Wine in the Port of London.
  • ars old, and that he was still unma
Scott Walters

On Campus, Vampires Are Besting the Beats - - 0 views

  • Here we have a generation of young adults away from home for the first time, free to enjoy the most experimental period of their lives, yet they're choosing books like 13-year-old girls -- or their parents. The only specter haunting the groves of American academe seems to be suburban contentment.
  • two-thirds of freshmen identify themselves as "middle of the road" or "conservative." Such people aren't likely to stay up late at night arguing about Mary Daly's "Gyn/Ecology" or even Robert Pirsig's "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance."
  • "I have stood before classes," he tells me, "and seen the students snicker when I said that Melville died poor because he couldn't sell books. 'Then why are we reading him if he wasn't popular?' "
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • a notable uptick in superficiality and a notable uptick in the anesthetizing of that native curiosity that was once a prominent feature of the adolescent mind."
  • maybe young people's reading choices reflect our desire to keep them young
  • "People don't necessarily read their politics nowadays. They get it through YouTube and blogs and social networks. I don't know that there is a fiction writer out there right now who speaks to this generation's political ambitions. We're still waiting for our Kerouac."
  • "Don't trust anyone over 140 characters."
Kim Drain

Stanford Copyright & Fair Use - Welcome to the Public Domain - 106 views

  • The public owns these works, not an individual author or artist. Anyone can use a public domain work without obtaining permission, but no one can ever own it.
  • Copyright has expired for all works published in the United States before 1923.
  • For works published after 1977, if the work was written by a single author, the copyright will not expire until 70 years after the author’s death. If a work was written by several authors and published after 1977, it will not expire until 70 years after the last surviving author dies.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Thousands of works published in the United States before 1964 fell into the public domain because the copyright was not renewed in time under the law in effect then.
  • Copyright law does not protect ideas; it only protects the particular way an idea is expressed.
  • Sometimes an author deliberately chooses not to protect a work and dedicates the work to the public. This type of dedication is rare, and unless there is express authorization placing the work in the public domain, do not assume that the work is free to use.
  • Copyright law does not protect the titles of books or movies, nor does it protect short phrases such as, “Make my day.” Copyright protection also doesn’t cover facts, ideas, or theories.
  • Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization designed to foster the public domain, helps copyright owners dedicate their works to the public domain.
  • Works published in the U.S. before 1923 In the
  • In the U.S., any work created by a federal government employee or officer is in the public domain, provided that the work was created in that person’s official capacity.
    This chapter of Stanford's Copyright and Fair Use Overview defines public domain and explains the main ways in which works become public domain. "Dear Rich" letters provide scenarios to illustrate many of these.
Daniel Spielmann

"Zum Frühstück lese ich die Posts meiner Kollegen" Interview mit Dr. Mareike ... - 0 views

  • In diesem Zusammenhang wäre es auch wichtig, die Ausbildung der Studierenden im Umgang mit den sozialen Medien zu fördern und dies curricular in den Studienablauf einzubinden.
    • Daniel Spielmann
      And of course the rules and methods of citation have to be adjusted. How can Web 2.0-sources be quoted in scientific publications? Finding an answer to this question is crucial for motivating people to contribute.
  • Sehgewohnheiten, die sich gerade in Richtung „Listen“ verschieben, weil das die häufigste Präsentationsform von Information in den sozialen Medien ist.
    • Daniel Spielmann
      Interesting point. What does that mean for students' ability to come up with a coherent string of scientific text? Or: will these changing recepion habits make coherent text superfluous?
  • mehr Forschung über unsere gegenwärtige Internetkultur und eine größere Reflektion über unser Tun im Netz notwendig sind.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Datenschutzfragen
  • Das scheint Wissenschaftler sehr viel weniger umzutreiben als Privatpersonen.
    • Daniel Spielmann
      I'm not yet sure if that should surprise me or not.
  • Außerdem wird viele Wissenschaftler die fehlende Anerkennung davon abhalten, Zeit und Energie in die Veröffentlichung von Blogbeiträgen zu stecken.
  • Geisteswissenschaftler eben mit dem fragmentarischen, mit dem Äußern von noch nicht fertigen und mit vielen Fußnoten abgesicherten Meinungen schwer tun
    • Daniel Spielmann
      And because today's quotation habits don't really allow to integrate Web 2.0 sources slick enough.
  • Hier ist ein Umdenken erforderlich, weg von der Konkurrenz hin zur Zusammenarbeit
    • Daniel Spielmann
      cf Tacke, Oliver (2010): "(T)he principle of 'publish or perish' pushes scientists to keep their ideas secret until they are published; secrecy and taciturnity have become the primary directives."
  • social citation wie bei Zotero
  • Twittern bei Tagungen
  • zweite Diskussionsebene
  • als ob es zum gesprochenen Wort eine Fußnote gäbe
  • Bei den sozialen Medien stehen wie gesagt Kommunikation, Diskussion und Austausch einerseits, sowie gemeinsame Wissensgenerierung und kollaboratives Arbeiten andererseits im Vordergrund.

Howard Community College Course Information - 9 views

  • Out of State Tuition:   Fees:   30.00
  • evelop an understanding of themselves as readers and writers of world cultures who participate with others in responsible public discourse and have moral and ehtical responsibilities in that dis
Troy Cherry

St. Peter's Basilica - Rome, Italy - 16 views

  • History In the 1st century AD, the site of St. Peter's Basilica hosted the Circus of Nero and a cemetery. According to ancient tradition, St. Peter was martyred in the Circus and buried nearby. His simple grave was remembered and visited by the faithful, and in 324, Emperor Constantine began construction on a great basilica over the tomb. The shrine of St. Peter is still the central focus of the church today. Skip the Lines! Book a top-rated guided tour of St. Peter's, the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums before you leave home. Learn more In the mid-15th century it was decided that the old basilica should be rebuilt. Pope Nicholas V asked architect Bernardo Rossellino to start adding to the old church. This was abandoned after a short while, but in the late 15th century Pope Sixtus IV had the Sistine Chapel started nearby. Construction on the current building began under Pope Julius II in 1506 and was completed in 1615 under Pope Paul V. Donato Bramante was to be the first chief architect. Many famous artists worked on the "Fabbrica di San Pietro" (as the complex of building operations were officially called). Michelangelo, who served as main architect for a while, designed the dome, and Bernini designed the great St. Peter's Square.
    • Troy Cherry
      St Peter's in Rome. I love the good stuff
Melissa Wert

Benoit Mandelbrot - Telegraph - 17 views

  • Benoit Mandelbrot, who died on October 14 aged 85, was largely responsible for developing the discipline of fractal geometry – the study of rough or fragmented geometric shapes or processes that have similar properties at all levels of magnification or across all times.

6 free tools for the creation of podcasts - 94 views

    Thank you for sharing this! If I may add one a student shared with me:

Intrinsic Locks and Synchronization (The Java™ Tutorials > Essential Classes ... - 3 views

  • When a thread releases an intrinsic lock, a happens-before relationship is established between that action and any subsequent acquisition of the same lock.
    • acarraro
      Come un commit di una transazione
  • When a thread invokes a synchronized method, it automatically acquires the intrinsic lock for that method's object and releases it when the method returns. The lock release occurs even if the return was caused by an uncaught exception.
  • what happens when a static synchronized method is invoked
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • public void addName(String name) { synchronized(this) { lastName = name; nameCount++; } nameList.add(name); }
  • Allowing a thread to acquire the same lock more than once enables reentrant synchronization.

Media and Technology Resources for Educators | Common Sense Media - 15 views

  • gital driver's license
  • with complete confidence. Our online trainings show you how. More about parent professional development Research Credentials Check out our DNA. Our programs are built on respected digital ethics research. More about parent research credentials Turn wired students into great digital citizens Get all the tools you need with our FREE Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum and Parent Media Education Program. The relevant, ready-to-use instruction helps you guide students to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world where they live, study and play. Every day, your students are tested with each post, search, chat, text message, file download, and profile update. Will they connect with like minds or spill ... read more Get started Browse our classroom lessons and parent education resources by grade level or topical area. select gradeK123456789101112 select topicCell phones & digital communicationCyberbullying & online relationshipsDigital creation, plagiarism & piracyFamily media managementGaming & online worldsInternet safetyMedia's influence on kidsOnline privacy and securityOnline research & learningSocial networking & communityViolence in media Get Started Educator Updates Common Sense announces di gital driver's license Common Sense Media announced plans to create a digital driver’s license, an interactive online game that will teach kids the basics of how to be safe and responsible in a digital world. Read more about our plans for interactive curriculum modules
    Digital citizenship curriculum targets 4th, 5th graders
    Lesson plans, articles, and tools to teach Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety
    Internet safety FREE curriculum and implementation guides. The site has admin, teacher, and student resources. Digital Passport is one of the Internet Safety programs available.
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