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Carl Bogardu

10 Best Paint.NET Tutorials | Mitchelaneous - 1 views

    tutorials for

How urbanization affects the epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases | Neiderud | ... - 17 views

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Virginia Meadow

eChalk: Teaching resources for interactive whiteboards and data projectors - 2 views

    Powerful interactive resources designed for whole-class teaching. Online educational games, classroom resources and lesson activities for interactive whiteboards and data projectors. Put some fun into your lessons with our exceptional science, maths, English language, literature, history, music physical education and modern foreign languages software." />/css/resourceList.css
Dan Robinson

What Facebook Users Share: Lower Grades - TIME - 4 views

  • What Facebook Users Share: Lower Grades By Anita Hamilton Tuesday, Apr. 14, 2009 Print var artId= "1891111"; var chn = "bizTech"; var contType = "article"; Email Reprints Digg Facebook time:,8599,1891111,00.html Twitter MORE Add to my: Technorati reddit Google Bookmarks Mixx StumbleUpon Blog this on: TypePad LiveJournal Blogger WordPress MySpace var ad = adFactory.getAd(88, 31); ad.setPosition(8) ad.write(); Forget the widely unloved redesign. Facebook has committed a greater offense. According to a new study by doctoral candidate Aryn Karpinski of Ohio State University and her co-author Adam Duberstein of Ohio Dominican University
    Finally someone has admitted it, Facebook makes you dumber.

Host to Host through a Router - Practical Networking .net - 7 views

    • acarraro
      Why shouldn't the router use some kind of Default Route in this case?
Marc Patton

Teaching Jobs, School Jobs,Teacher Resources,Positions in Education, Education Message ... - 0 views

  • is a community organization and website portal dedicated to the sharing of resources and information about the field of education and teaching.

50 Best Education Technology Blogs You Aren't Reading Yet - 173 views

  • Early EFL: Leahn is located in Spain, where she works as a freelance language assistant teacher and as a teacher trainer in workshops for primary and secondary school teachers.
  • Box of Chocolates: Join this EFL teacher from Recife, Brazil, who is very passionate about teaching
  • Neslihan Durmusoglu: This blog reflects on the world of EFL and about being a 21st-century learner and teacher.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Reflections of a Teacher and Learner: David teaches kids at a private college in Turkey and he also is a distance student on the University of Manchester’s MA in EdTech & TESOL programme
  • An A-Z of ELT: This blog is managed by the man who wrote An A-Z of ELT in 2006, Scott Thornbury.
  • Authentic Teaching: This blogger has taught EFL in Brazil, and taught ELT for several years as well. He now is earning an MA in Education in London
  • Jeremy Harmer’s Blog: Jeremy is a writer and teacher/teacher-trainer for English to speakers of other languages, and he blogs about presentation.
  • Marisa Constantinides — TEFL Matters: This blogger runs CELT Athens, a teacher development center based in Greece.
  • Shaun Wilden’s Blog: Shaun has been involved in English language teaching for almost twenty years. He also maintains several online teaching sites including
  • So this is English… This blog is filled with ideas, thoughts, discoveries, feedback and more about the teaching and learning of English.
  • Teaching Village: Barbara is an English teacher currently living in Kitakyushu, Japan, and using Web 2.0 tools and virtual worlds.
    Technology and teaching - two words that seem to fit together perfectly today for most teachers and learners. So much so that a slew of new blogs have come on board to talk about education technology - or, edTech. This list of the 50 best education technology blogs are not inclusive, as there are so many new blogs available; however, if you look at links provided by many of these blogs to other edTech blogs, you may learn about even more blog that you aren't reading yet.
Nancy Boyle

the edWeb - Exploring eBooks for K-12 - 48 views

    ebooks in classroom
Steven Engravalle

Physics Games - online physics-based games - 11 views

    A great collection of free online physics games. You can even embed them directly into your website, wiki or blog.
    Physics, as the name implies, is a website of games based on simple physics concepts. Physic Games offers dozens of games based on a physics concept or two. Each game can be played directly on the Physics Games website or embedded into your blog or website. The one downfall of the site is that before each game starts there is a short commercial. I checked out a few different games, and I did not see any advertising that would be unacceptable in a public school classroom. 
Deborah Elzie

Is there a way to confirm what students post before it goes up online? - 91 views

David, I think is the only one that has email/blogging/discussion boards and allows the administrator to filter. Have you used it with success? I am looking for a wiki that does the sam...

alyssa_calhoun - interactive charts online! - 7 views

  • tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.
Marty Daniel

Grow a Moodle - 0 views

    I have been thinking about and scouring the net for 'best' models of trying to get teachers to use Moodle for some time. I have tried a few things myself with mixed success until the most obvious thing hit me.
    I have been thinking about and scouring the net for 'best' models of trying to get teachers to use Moodle for some time. I have tried a few things myself
Virginia Meadow

NETS lesson plan templates - 2 views

    Useful planning tools for technology based lessons.
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