21st Century HowTo Guide For Teaching-People - 128 views
Top Tips: How To Take Great Photos With Your Smartphone - 4 views
While phone cameras still can’t replace good SLRs, they’re a very good match for the compact cameras, and since your phone comes everywhere with you anyway, it also becomes your go-to camera
Just because your phone is your default camera, however, doesn’t mean you need to be taking bad photos
Diigo - Editing Tags - YouTube - 22 views
How to Use Diigo for Education - YouTube - 71 views
19 handy Google tricks that you weren't aware of - The Next Web - 363 views
Mirror Mirror on the Wall - 36 views
"One of the new features of the iPad 2 is "mirroring". This provides the ability for the iPad to mirror (i.e duplicate) it's output to an external display device such as a monitor, a projector or TV. The image below shows my iPad 2 connected to a 23″ monitor. The iPad's Home Screen is displayed on the monitor as well as the iPad itself. "
TeachThought100 Twitter Tips For Teachers - 69 views
180 Technology Tips - HOME PAGE - 6 views
180TechTips.com offers 15 hours of free computer training in 180 easy to follow 5 minute lessons. This isn't a boring 15 hour lecture. We aren't going to lock you in a computer lab for 2 days of ineffective staff development training that leaves you more confused than you were when you started. This is the kind of relevant and uncomplicated computer training everyone needs.
How to Keep Up with Homework Assignments: 12 Steps - 63 views
"For real?!?!? It's due tomorrow?" Are you this kind of student? The kind that procrastinates or "forgets" their assignments. Well now is the time where you will stop! Procrastinating and "forgetting" won't be a hassle anymore. You'll be a better student and won't have to "ask for help" from your friends the morning the assignment is due.