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Using Mobile and Social Technologies in Schools - 51 views

  • n recent years, there has been explosive growth in students creating, manipulating, and sharing content online (National School Boards Association, 2007). Recognizing the educational value of encouraging such behaviors, many school leaders have shifted their energies from limiting the use of these technologies to limiting their abuse. As with any other behavior, when schools teach and set expectations for appropriate technology use, students rise to meet the expectations. Such conditions allow educators to focus on, in the words of social technology guru Howard Rheingold (n.d.), educating “children about the necessity for critical thinking and [encouraging] them to exercise their own knowledge of how to make moral choices." One process for creating the necessary conditions is reported in From Fear to Facebook, the first-person account of one California principal who endured a series of false starts to finally arrive at a place where students in his school were maximizing their use of laptops and participatory technologies without the constant distractions of misuse (Levinson, 2010). Other similar processes and programs are emerging, and they all share a common theme: an education that fails to account for the use of social media tools prepares students well for the past, but not for their future.
Maria José Vitorino

To Share or Not to Share: Is That the Question? (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE - 28 views

  • Open digital faculty do more than just share and participate in open resources; they transfer their approaches to the teaching space. Learning becomes a shared activity in which the students also collaborate and participate in shaping the course activities. Student participation takes place in open environments where students might tweet what they learn, share insights on a group blog, create their own website of resources, or participate in a class wiki.
  • The difference is that today's sharing facilitators leverage technology to reach a much wider audience.
  • Although the natural inclination toward sharing cannot be altered, the moral responsibility to share can be influenced by the surrounding culture. The sense of obligation to share or not to share may be similar to the decision to be a vegetarian. For some, it is a lifestyle choice that may form slowly over a long period of time after many conversations with friends and colleagues. For others, the change can be sudden: a paradigm shift caused by participation in an unusual event. If an institution places value on faculty participation in open academic communities and social media activities (e.g., academic blogging), that culture can slowly influence faculty to be more open.
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  • These digital activities should not be the sole measure of tenure, but they should be counted in the tenure formula. The irony today is that if the open activity is analog (e.g., participation on a committee), it likely counts toward tenure, but if the open activity is digital (e.g., writing an academic blog), it probably does not.
  • They will push at (and leak out of) the boundaries of whatever learning management system (or other enterprise systems) the institution wants them to use. This is not because they are uncooperative; it's simply that these enterprise systems tend to be locked down, allowing only employees and students to share within these environments
  • For me, an interesting side effect of sharing on the open web is that I've learned to be more careful about what I say and write.
  • Looking for indicators of open digital faculty is easier than coming up with a strict definition. The presence of several of the following characteristics should be taken as an indication of open digital faculty: Writing a public blog or maintaining a public wiki to share academic interests Freely sharing what might otherwise be guarded intellectual property (e.g., textbooks, research-in-progress, computer programs, course materials, artwork) Participating in a learning community in a social networking platform (e.g., Twitter or LinkedIn discussion groups) Participating in a social network that includes students, both current and past (e.g., Facebook) Encouraging students to participate in class-related projects that employ web-based media (e.g., student blogs, group wikis) Creating or participating in open courses Sharing video or audio content created for a course (e.g., podcasts) Sharing information and ideas from conference talks on the web (e.g., recordings, tweets, presentation links)
    Open digital faculty do more than just share and participate in open resources; they transfer their approaches to the teaching space. Learning becomes a shared activity in which the students also collaborate and participate in shaping the course activities. Student participation takes place in open environments where students might tweet what they learn, share insights on a group blog, create their own website of resources, or participate in a class wiki.
    University context for open sources, sharingand digital trends era
Marge Runkle

Collecta - 0 views

    Collecta monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, so we can show you results as they happen, including Twitter

The Innovative Educator: Listen to a Principal Who Knows Banning is the Easy Way Out - 66 views

  • Sheninger understands that while banning students from technology and social media is certainly easier, his job is not to do what is most convenient, but rather what is right for our students.  As a result, Sheninger publicly embraces the use of social media for himself and for his students.  
  • Sheninger, considered to be one of the most innovative principals in the country, will be joined by several of his teachers, students, board trustees and members of his community to discuss how New Milford High School uses technology as a student, parent, and community engagement tool.
    Great video!

Vote: Is technology a boon or burden in the classroom? - The Globe and Mail - 62 views

  • Back to article Apple vows iBooks 2 will ‘reinvent’ school textbooks Enlarge this image Vote: Is technology a boon or burden in the classroom? Published Monday, Nov. 28, 2011 12:00AM EST Last updated Monday, Nov. 28, 2011 2:29PM EST
    Globe and Mail visual graph: Is technology a boon or burden in the classroom? As the world becomes increasingly digital, school boards are trying to negotiate technology's role in the classroom. Some have embraced digital tools, enhancing their classrooms with Smartboards, cell phones and social media. Others have favoured tradition, claiming technology is a distraction and a nuisance. Where do Globe readers stand? Each dot on this graph represents one person's response colour-coded by age group.
Tonya Thomas

The Top Seven Trends in Workplace Learning - 43 views

  • Trainers and facilitators need to remember these numbers: 90, 20, 8, 6. 90 minutes is the ideal chunk of time for participants can learn and understand 20 minutes is how long participants can listen and retain information 8 minutes is the length of time you can talk for before before they stop listening. We are trained to focus for just eight minutes due to decades of TV watching, where ad breaks occur approximately every eight to ten minutes. 6 is the ideal number of times to present information to make sure a learner remembers the content.
  • the challenge for facilitators is to keep things changing so that learners’ RAS keep firing so they stay alert to the learning
  • short attention span
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  • It’s essential that trainers and facilitators keep learning themselves, to acquire new tools that will help them keep ensuring the training sticks!
  • And if you’ve been ignoring social media, now’s the time to reconsider because it’s clearly here to stay.
  • Blended learning is about mixing up face-to-face learning with webinars, blogging, emails, forums, video, online learning and social media.
  • trainers must move away from doing things in the same old way, must reach out to learners in new ways, personalise their learning campaigns, and help people connect to each other around issues they care about!
  • From planning phase to project end, things have to change – become familiar with new styles of presenting using multimedia, and carefully choose visuals to tell your story!
  • are you trapped in DDD – Dinosaur design and development?
  • Activity Based Curriculum Design
  • 70% of learning happens on the job 20% of learning happens through coaching and mentoring 10% of learning happens in training room and formal learning
  • BCF principle – better cheaper faster
  • no more plan-plan-do, its plan-do plan-do plan-do
  • Get used to bigger groups
  • Our community must start the shift by preparing learners for this new way of learning!
Roland Gesthuizen

PLN = Perplexing Linguistic Notion | Graham Wegner - Open Educator - 54 views

    PLN. Stands for Personal Learning Network. Gets bandied around a lot by educators using social media tools. Myself included. We all think we know what we are talking about when we refer to our PLN. Well, I do, at least. Not too sure about some of you others out there. Here's what I personally think my PLN is:
Carol Mortensen

Symbaloo-The Fun Continues - 7 views

    Symbaloo has grown to become one of my most used tools. I am continuously blown away by its capabilities. My daughters and my husband are all now avid Symbaloo users. We've explored the Symbaloo main function as well as its Firefox Add-on that makes adding bookmarks to Symbaloo very easy but now it is time for us to explore the Social Media component to Symbaloo.
Steve Ransom

Would Gandhi Use Social Media?, by Nipun Mehta - 26 views

  • but with a conscious mindfulness of their strengths and weaknesses.
  • More than half of the world’s population is now on a social networks, and it's increasing everyday
  • The Internet, then, is great for spreading awareness and it can be quite powerful in terms of its impact as well.  Where it lacks, though, is the third element -- transformation.
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  • FaceBook's organizing principle is to retain the online attention of its users and monetize it by displaying ads
  • What transformation does is shift the pattern of addiction altogether; changing the habits of your heart was the true genius of these social change giants.
  • If we are to have sustainable revolutions that last for generations, our modern day technologies have to be designed for this element of inner transformation.
  • Each of those legendary service heroes started with changing themselves at the root level, and despite leading vast revolutions, always kept that front and center.
  • When organized, such inner-transformation driven designs work at the intersection of three big circles: outer change, systemic change and personal change.
  • Giftivism: the practice of radically generous acts that change the world.  It works by transforming the heart of the change maker, even more than the impact on its external beneficiaries.  A key metric of giftivism is that it works to uplift the 100%.  It has no enemies.  It is unconditionally kind to everyone.
    Why change/impact is so hard... it must begin or move to the inner self. Passion-driven action... no tools, policies, initiatives, services,... are ever enough if we don't address the deep-seated ideas and behaviors that need to change.
Roland Gesthuizen

Thursdays with ICTEV Webinar Series: Building Communities of Practice using social medi... - 16 views

    "This webinar will examine the social networks that have become established by educators. It will examine their scope, audience and the different tools that can be used to connect with these online learning communities. It will look at how teachers can connect to these communities with mobile phones, tablet devices and computers, online behaviour, how information is shared, how to control your content, how to find material and how to leverage this to best advantage. It will also consider some of the ethical issues and dilemmas that must be considered."
Tonya Thomas

New era of Workplace Learning | Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies - 0 views

  • 1 – Encourage and support individuals’ and teams’ self-sufficiency to address their own learning and performance problems.
  • So here are 5 ways that L&D can become involved:
  • 2 – Help develop autonomous workers
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  • 3 – Provide performance consulting services, where individuals and teams need help in addressing their own learning and performance problems
  • 4 – Rethink the use of learning tools and system
  • 5 – Help to develop an open, enabling culture for working and learning
  • It is clear that formal training is not going disappear overnight, but it is also becoming apparent that we are at the beginning of a fundamental shift in the way that both learning and working is happening in organisations. This should not be seen as a threat to the L&D profession, but as an opportunity to evolve the profession to take on the new challenges it offers. The first step on the path will be to become immersed in the new social media tools that are underpinning this change. Social Learning is not something you just talk or read about; it’s something you do!
Smith Shots

EdTech Toolbox: Web 2 Tools by Task - 33 views

    One of the most comprehensive lists by categories of Web 2.0 tools that I have seen, with links to each. Tremendous resource!
    WOWZA! That's an incredible list!! Thank you so much for sharing this.

Education Week: Teachers Report Mixed Impact of Digital Media - 66 views

  • Educators say digital tools used both inside classrooms and outside schools in students' personal lives are having a mixed impact on students' academic and social development, according to two surveys released last week.
Mark Trerotola

Voicethread - 1 views

    Voicethread is a grouped conversation that is collected and shared in one place from anywhere in the world. Say you upload a picture, document, or video - anyone you share it with will be able to communicate with you and comment on the media you've shared. There are five different ways someone can comment/communicate with you on Voicethread - Record (mic or telephone), text, audio file, or video (webcam).
Tricia Hunt

How to Use New-Media Tools in Your Classroom (Video Playlist) | Edutopia - 1 views

    • Tricia Hunt
      Not really finding this video as helpful.  Twitter has been a round for a while and I am very acquainted with its uses.  Note - video was created in 2009...four years ago!
    • Tricia Hunt
      There is NO WAY it is acceptable to friend our students on facebook.  I agree that we should not make social media the elephant in the room.  I just do not see how it is appropriate to be friends with a student on facebook.
    • Tricia Hunt
      I would challenge kids to use their OWN digital devices (iPhones, etc) and see if they can make connections with what they see to what they are learning in school!
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    • Tricia Hunt
     around forever!  I already know to use it all the time in the classroom.
    • Tricia Hunt
      Globe on Wii for Geography is obviously a HUGE engagement for kids!  Internet what...they can do that on a computer.  Wii Sports....of course the kids enjoy it, but who has time for it?

Profile Publisher - ReadWriteThink - 6 views

    Profile publisher - practice setting up profiles for social media sites
Roland Gesthuizen

A Principal's Reflections: Common Misconceptions of Educators Who Fear Technology - 1 views

  • as there are many creative ways to cut costs, as well as to free resources that can be used with existing infrastructures.  Schools can utilize cost-effective lease purchase programs for computers, investigate the implementation of a Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) program, or promote the use of a plethora of free Web 2.0 tools.
  • Schools and classrooms do not, and will not, spiral out of control when we allow teachers the flexibility to take calculated risks to innovate with technology or permit students to learn using social media or their own devices.
  • One of the most powerful means of professional development is through the use of social media where educators can create their own Personal Learning Network (PLN) based entirely on their unique needs and passions.
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  • Don’t let fear based on misconception prevent you from creating a more student-centered, innovative learning culture
    "Even as we are seeing more schools and educators transform the way they teach and learn with technology, many more are not. .. Opinions vary on the merits of educational technology, but common themes seem to have emerged.  Some of the reasons for not embracing technology have to do with several misconceptions revolving around fear."
Lisa Francine

Tagboard - 26 views

    streaming/searching hashtags across multiple social media outlets
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