Fwd: The Physics of Productivity: Newton's Laws of Getting Stuff Done - 6 views
12Selon la cha ne MSNBC, citant aussi des responsables am ricains, "des responsables isra liens ont reconnu vendredi soir avoir lanc un raid a rien qui a touch l'int rieur de la Syrie".Isra l n'aur...
Mot d'origine grecque comme notre démocratie.Avec Tartuffe, comme avec tout démocrate, on aura toujours du mal à démêler le vrai du faux... l'un comme l'autre, ne sont ni vrais, ni faux, mais une s...
<form class="editTopicCommentForm" method="post" onsubmit="return(postEditTComment('0', '1', 'entry_p...
The wording was changed. Sorry for the mistake.
Thanks for the heads up Maggie. It's at least refreshing to hear that Diigo feedback wasn't being totally abandoned. Maggie Tsai wrote: > Sorry, we've been busy preparing for an upcoming feature...
I've discovered that this bug happens when I have active an addon for firefox called 'AirSet Connector'. This addon comes from www.airset.com, my personal organizer. I'll contact also with them fo...
I didn't have idea that a chrome extension exists